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Dr. Evg. Yongho Louis, is an Evangelist with the DR. EVG. YONGHO LOUIS
Victory Oureach Ministries Cameroon. A teacher with some
Bible Schools like Dylet Bible Instutite, RIBS. He is currently
a lecturer with some universities in Cameroon and abroad
in Computer Science engineering and research. He is an
Endowed Proclaimer of the Gospel. He is a prolific preacher
of the Word of God, many works undergoing publication .


The purpose of this book is to enlighten

Christians about the purpose of faith and
the values which must be cultivated to be
fruitful faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

The Ladder Of Faith

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6. Being faithful makes others respect you. When
you stand your ground and tell off those trying to lure
you from the one you are committed to, when you
publicly show loyalty, the public will respect you, people
will admire you..
7. A drama-free love life. Being faithful makes your
relationship/marriage last. The quickest and easiest way
to end your relationship/marriage is by cheating This book is dedicated to God Almighty, the Body
of Christ worldwide and especially to my Christians of
8. Faithfulness sets the right example for your
Victory Outreach Ministries, who have taken up the
children to follow. Children learn from our actions and
commission of our Lord Jesus to preach to all.

9. Being faithful has a positive effect on your

character. That way, you are able to live out your
greatness with confidence. Integrity is important, and it
starts by how you live your private life, it gives moral

10. Unexplainable and uncontainable success.

There is no benefit in being unfaithful, no fruit,

reward or advantage; just pain, regret and destruction.
Unfaithfulness feeds on your selfish side and blinds you.

39 i
of eternal life in Heaven.

Our faithful allegiance to Almighty God is the only

thing that we can really count on; He is our hope in a
fallen world. His provision of forgiveness and salvation
through Jesus is the greatest benefit of all if we are
We want to express our appreciation and thanks
faithful believers.
to the authors whose works wehave used to build up
these messages, a collection from the teachings of The results of faithfulness therefore are the following:
Victory Outreach Ministries Cameroon Bible Study
1. A peace beyond my understanding. Being faithful
gives you peace of mind, you don’t have to watch your
Thank you very much. tracks, you are not paranoid, trying to remember every
lie you say.

2. Chronic happiness.

3. An uncontrollable sense of pride. Being faithful

gives you peace of mind, you don’t have to watch your
tracks, you are not paranoid, trying to remember every
lie you say.

4. A strong confidence.

5. Love that feels like a fairy tale

ii 38
prolong your life many years and bring your TABLE OF CONTENT

 Proverbs 16:6-7 - “Through love and faithfulness sin

is atoned for; through the fear of the LORD a man
avoids evil. When a man’s ways are pleasing to the
LORD, he makes even his enemies live at peace with
28:20 - “A faithful man will be richly
blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go

 Revelation 2:10 - (NKJV) “Do not fear any of

those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the
devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that
you may be tested and will have tribulation ten days.
Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown
of life.”

The most significant element in our Christian life

is faithfulness to God. In the days we now live in, we
are unsure of what will happen next across the globe.
There are wars, famines, economic collapse, and
many natural disasters. Being faithful to God gives us
great peace and assurance that we will be brought
through by His promises of blessings and the reward
37 iii
below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them;
for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God...” These
are the words given directly from God to Moses for all
people, for all time.

In the first chapter of Peter’s second epistle, he Since God assumes a covenant relationship with
makes a bold promise, an astonishing guarantee. He says, His people, He is declaring that He will not tolerate
in effect, “If you make an effort to add certain qualities unfaithfulness and competition with anything else. An
to your life, and develop these qualities increasingly over idol can be in the form of anything that you might place
a period of time, I guarantee that you will be productive in a higher priority over God. This includes false images
and effective for the glory of God.” He’s not saying that of worship or placing anything in our lives that has
these qualities will merely improve your chances for preeminence over God.
fulfillment in life, he’s guaranteeing it. And look what
he guarantees: not just happiness, not just success, but
What are the benefits of faithfulness to God?
effectiveness and productivity. In other words, you will
accomplish something great. To some, perhaps the most beneficial aspect of
faithfulness to God would include the fact that the
faithful will not suffer God’s judgment. Until our
judgment day, there are many other benefits while we
are here on earth.

 Psalm 37:28 - “For the LORD loves the just and will
not forsake his faithful ones.”

 Proverbs 3:12 - “My son, do not forget my teaching,

but keep my commands in your heart, for they will
1 36


Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful

person who can find?” Proverbs 20:6

We live in a society of constant progression. Every

day we see a new release of something: the next best
phone, the next best car and the next best shoes. We
desire the latest and greatest in every aspect of life. Sadly,
it’s becoming that way in our relationships too.
Building on the foundaton of Faith
Without faithfulness to God there can be no Christian
life. Christianity is based first on faith that God is, and
then that through Christ Jesus we can be forgiven and
are saved. Our faithfulness is a commitment to adhere 2 Peter 1:5-11 Spiritual Growth
to the One God who is true and supreme and to keep
His commandments. Here Peter begins by stating: adding to your
faith. The Greek word for adding is epichoregeo and
In fact, the first two of the Ten Commandments it is the source for the English word “chorus” and
(Exodus 20), deal directly with our being faithful to God. “choreography.” It literally means “to gather a
“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not
chorus.” In this chorus that Peter is gathering together,
make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in
there are seven graces. If all seven graces are followed
heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters
through, it will result in the harmony of the soul,
35 2
which is what a good chorus always reaches: 8. Selfless
Galatians 5:13 For, brethren, ye have been
Let’s look at spiritual growth as a set of stages, called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an
with which ingredients are added to make the spirit occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
grow. One could compare this to a person who gets A faithful Christian servant does not put his
ingredients, nutrients, into their system will grow. needs above the needs of others. Jesus was selfless
These are spiritual nutrients made up of different in that He came to serve, not be served (Matthew
20:28). He never put His needs above others, in fact,
ingredients which we need for growth.
He gave the ultimate self-sacrifice when He went to
This list is similar to the list of fruits in the cross to pay the penalty of sin for the whole world.
Galatians 5 and James 3:17. When one compares all Like Him, we should serve without concern for our
three, it is clear that these are qualities which should need, but for the needs of others (Philippians 2:3-4).
be in every Christian. James shows the result of wise
or right living. Galatians shows us the result of Spirit- Final Thoughts
living. 2 Peter reveals the results of holy living. The
Holy Spirit guides us to right living. Therefore, the There are so many more characteristics of a
Holy Spirit leads us to right living. faithful Christian leader that I could list here. For
example, he is a good listener, he has a great sense of
awareness and even when he has not experienced the
same life event as someone that he serves, he
empathizes and accepts them for who they are.

3 34
A faithful Christian servant must not only give CHAPTER TWO
at the offering plate; he must be willing to give of his
gifts and talents. Giving of your talent shows your SEVEN INGREDIENTS TO SPIRITUAL
commitment to serve others. It shows that we are GROWTH
willing to serve others out of a heart of gratitude for
the grace that we have been given. It is the least we
“For this very reason, make every effort to
can do (Romans 12:1-2).
supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with
knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control
7. Foresight
with endurance, endurance with godliness, godliness
James 1:2–3 My brethren, count it all joy when with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with
ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that love.” (2 Peter 1:5–7, NIV)
the trying of your faith worketh patience.
In the first chapter of Peter’s second epistle, he
A faithful Christian servant learns from his
makes a bold promise, an astonishing guarantee. He says,
experience and applies that to situations in which he
in effect, “If you make an effort to add certain qualities
may serve. He understands that trials and tribulations
to your life, and develop these qualities increasingly over
build patience and with patience comes experience.
a period of time, I guarantee that you will be productive
Finally, he knows that experience produces hope
and effective for the glory of God.” He’s not saying that
(Romans 5:1-5). Sometimes people in hopeless
these qualities will merely improve your chances for
situations need to just be served.
fulfillment in life, he’s guaranteeing it. And look what
he guarantees: not just happiness, not just success, but
effectiveness and productivity. In other words, you will
accomplish something great. Listen to how Peter’s words
are rendered in the Message.
33 4
(v. 8) With these qualities active and growing in your according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). There is
lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will purpose in serving others!
pass without its reward...[the Message]

What are the qualities? This list that we find in 2 Peter 5. Forbearing
becomes your new top priority. So let’s take a look at Ephesians 6:9 And, ye masters, do the same
the list. things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing
(v. 5) For this very reason, make every effort to add that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there
to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; respect of persons with him.
and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, A faithful Christian servant is careful not to
perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and impose his calling onto others. We cannot make
to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly someone volunteer. We cannot make someone serve.
kindness, love. We can be a master at serving others however, we
There are seven qualities we need to develop. must be careful to avoid causing someone else to
Today we’ll look more closely at each one. We’ll define serve in a capacity that they were not called to do.
it, and I’ll suggest one step that will help you in the When we do this we risk placing someone into a
process of building each quality into your life. Peter position that is not the desire of their heart, nor
said... glorifies God.

(v. 8) For if you possess these qualities in increasing

measure, they will keep you from being ineffective 6. Good Steward
and unproductive... 1 Peter 4:10 As every man hath received the
gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good
In increasing measure. That’s a key phrase. This
stewards of the manifold grace of God.
is not an easy task Peter has given us; these qualities
Most have heard that to be meek does not mean take time to develop. It won’t happen overnight. If you’re
that you are weak. On the contrary! I have heard a follower of Jesus, then you’re in it for the long haul—
meekness defined as controlled strength. You are and in 50 years your objective will still be to see these
meek when you are gentle, quiet and submissive. A qualities developing in your life in increasing measure.
faithful Christian servant knows when it is necessary
Now, no matter where you are in your walk with
to be meek and serves in a way that displays this
Jesus Christ, you possess some amount of these seven
Christ-like characteristic. As the Psalmist says “The
qualities. Maybe some more than others, but however
meek will guide in judgment: and the meek will he
much you possess, I can guarantee you that it’s not
teach his way.” (Psalm 25:9)
enough. You need more. God’s plan for your holiness is
that you add these characteristics to your life day-by-
4. Longsuffering day—in increasing measure. If you could rate yourself
on each one, you might give yourself a 2 here, a 4 there,
Psalm 86:15 But thou, O Lord, art a God full
maybe a 6 or 7 there — or maybe (and I suspect there
of compassion, and gracious, Longsuffering, and
are more than a few of us in this group) you would give
plenteous in mercy and truth.
yourself ones and twos all the way down. That’s fine,
A faithful Christian servant is patient to serve because at issue today is not your past, but your future.
everyone, even when they are not ready to be served. If you don’t have these qualities at work in your life
Sometimes we need to wait for the perfect time to be right now, that’s not a problem, because today they are
a servant to a fellow brother or sister in Christ. A becoming your top priority. Here’s the challenge. Let
faithful servant will jump on the chance to offer a this list define the person you want to be, and make every
helping hand or take on an additional workload. He effort to add these qualities to your life in increasing
needs to remember that “all things work together for measure, day-by-day, throughout the rest of your life.
good to them that love God, to them who are the called

I’ll called this series “Transformed by Truth: 2. Humble
Creating Change Through Confronting Reality.” Part Mark 10:42–45 But Jesus called them to him,
of the reality that we must confront is the reality of who and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are
Jesus Christ is. He is, according to verse 2, our “God accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship
and Savior.” Yes, Peter calls him God. He’s the King of over them; and their great ones exercise authority
Kings and the Lord of Lords, and he died for our sins. upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but
We must also confront the reality of our own lives. We whosoever will be great among you, shall be your
were lost in sin, we had no chance of saving ourselves, minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest,
and our only hope is in his grace and mercy. We must shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came
confront the reality of where we are now in our journey not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give
to holiness if we ever hope to make it to the next level his life a ransom for many.
in our walk. So today as we go through this list, I want
A faithful Christian servant does not act in a
you to rate yourself (I said rate yourself, not berate
way that is superior over others. He will be humble
yourself) — and make an honest acknowledgement of
and not proud (Colossians 3:12). He will remember
how much you possess of each quality. Even if you give
that he is first a servant and a minister. He will
yourself a one, remember that the idea is to develop this
remember why Jesus came to earth — to humbly give
quality in increasing measure over the remainder of your
his life for all.
3. Meek

FAITH (“pistis”) Eph.4:2–3 With all lowliness and meekness,

with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
All Bible-believing Christians have to start here Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the
with faith: believing God and his Word. It is bond of peace.
fundamental to Christian life (see Eph. 2:8–9). But
5 30
CHAPTER FOUR do not stop there, for Christians are also to be like
mathematicians and add to their faith.
CHRISTIAN SERVANT The first ingredient is to have faith. Our journey with
Christ begins with faith. It ends with faith.
Most Christians know what it means to be a
servant. But do you know what it means to be a “For in it God’s righteousness is revealed from
faithful servant? Let’s see what guidance the Bible faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will
can give us regarding at least 8 characteristics of a live by faith.” (Romans 1:17, NIV)
faithful Christian servant.
Without faith we can’t please God.
1. A Follower and a Leader “Now without faith it is impossible to please
John 12:26,” If any man serve me, let him follow God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe
me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.”
if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.. (Hebrews 11:6, NIV)
A faithful Christian servant loves his Heavenly
Faith is essential for spiritual growth.
Father and strives to follow Jesus. This means that
Everything else is added to faith.
when he makes choices of what to do in his life, he
chooses what Jesus would choose and goes where All Bible-believing Christians have to start here
Jesus would go. A faithful Christian servant will be with the first step of faith: believing God and his
available to teach others how to follow Jesus too. Word. It is fundamental to Christian life (see Eph.
2:8–9). But do not stop there, for Christians are also
to be like mathematicians and add to their faith.

29 6
Again, the items on the list are: goodness, Jesus Christ will be richly supplied to you.” (2 Peter
knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, 1:10–11, NIV)
brotherly kindness, and love. Now, let’s take a couple
of minutes to look at each one. First of all...To faith, we If you walk around with your eyes closed, you
have to add the first ingredient: will stumble! But the growing Christian walks with
confidence because he knows he is secure in Christ.
INGREDIENT 1: GOODNESS It is not our profession of faith that guarantees that
we are saved; it is our progression in the faith that
(Also known as virtue, or moral excellence) gives us that assurance. The person who claims to be
(“arete”) a child of God but whose character and conduct give
no evidence of spiritual growth is deceiving himself
Faith which is honoring to God is to have the
and heading for judgment.
character of goodness and moral excellence. Faith
must be accompanied by an excellent character. In
order for my faith to be believed, I have to be morally
sincere and real. I have to follow my faith by my

The King James Version translates the word

virtue. New American Standard is moral excellence. The
Message translates it good character. The Greek word
is arête (aratay), and William Barclay tells us that it refers
to excellence in an operative or practical sense. In other
words, it’s about behavior.

7 28
2. Vision Many times you hear someone described as being
a “good person” in spite of their many faults: “I know
“The person who lacks these things is blind and he likes to drink and fight and steal and gamble and
shortsighted and has forgotten the cleansing from cheat on his wife, but he’s really a good person.” Have
his past sins.” (2 Peter 1:9, NIV) you ever heard someone say something like that?

We stop short-sightedness. We see further into

Peter is not talking about us being content with
the future of what God has planned for us. If we forget merely having a good heart or good intentions or sincere
what God has done for us, we will not be excited to motives—he’s talking about behavior. Now, your good
share Christ with others. Through the blood of Jesus works won’t get you into heaven, let’s be clear about
Christ we have been purged and forgiven! God has that. But the Bible says (Ephesians 2:10) that you were
opened our eyes! Let’s not forget what He has done! saved for the purpose of doing good works. This is God’s
Rather, let’s cultivate gratitude in our hearts and plan for you. So Peter says we need to add these good
sharpen our spiritual vision. Life is too brief and the works to our faith.
needs of the world too great for God’s people to be Again, I want to emphasize that this goodness,
walking around with their eyes closed! this virtue, this moral excellence, this arete, is not a
feeling. It’s an action, halleluyah!!.

The first quality that you add to your faith is

3. Security
goodness—good actions. How do you develop this
“Therefore, brothers, make every effort to quality? You’ve heard people jokingly say, “I’ve done
confirm your calling and election, because if you do my good deed for the day.” Well, the idea is not to stop
these things you will never stumble. For in this way, with one, but the idea is to start with one. You want to
entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior get to the point where you’re doing hundreds and

27 8
hundreds good deeds a day. You start with one. Look CHAPTER THREE
for something good to do.
We need to get in the habit of looking around and GROWTH
asking, “What’s the next good thing I can do?”
To goodness, I have to add the second 1. Fruitfulness
“For if these qualities are yours and are
increasing, they will keep you from being useless or
INGREDIENT 2: KNOWLEDGE (“GNOSIS”) unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
(2 Peter 1:8, NIV)
Barclay tells us that this Greek word refers to
practical knowledge. This isn’t “philosophical theory” The first benefit is fruitfulness. Learning in school
type of knowledge. This is the type of knowledge that is teaches the student to be like the teacher. Jesus said:
put to use. He defines it as “that knowledge which
“Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch is
enables a man to decide rightly and to act honorably
unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on
and efficiently in the day-to-day circumstances of life.”
Peter is saying, “add this type of practical knowledge to
the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.
your faith.” “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who
remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit,
Why are we to add virtue before knowledge? I because you can do nothing without Me.” (John
believe it’s because if my mind is cluttered with 15:4–5, NIV)
bitterness, anger, greed, pornography and violence, I
won’t be able to extract knowledge about life from
the Word because I’ve filled my spirit with the junk
9 26
and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord food of the world. Moral excellence is that which
Jesus Christ. makes room for us to take in the Word and gain
Regardless of where you are today, I challenge knowledge of the Lord.
you to make it your priority to develop these qualities.
If faith is to be active obedience to God, then
Memorize this list, pray about each one, and look for
we must have “knowledge” (epýìgnōsis) of God and
ways to add them to your life.
of His will for us. This knowledge is everything I
There are three benefits to learning these skills have learned, what I have discovered. This knowledge
in the school of Christ which we shall examine in the is in stark contrast to our former ignorance which
next chapter. led us to live former lusts.

I’ve known university graduates who made good

grades and earned degrees from excellent schools, but
who couldn’t get a job simply because they didn’t know
how to conduct themselves in a job interview. In addition
to learning all about their chosen field, they should have
added the practical knowledge of how to present oneself
to a prospective employer. That’s knowledge you can
put to use.

Similarly, I meet people from time to time who

are just beginning to get interested in the Bible, just
beginning to learn a little bit about it. Too often they
allow themselves to get side-tracked into speculations
that aren’t really crucial to living the Christian life—
25 10
such as where did Cain get his wife, or who were the CONCLUSION
Nehpilim, and so on. These discussions may have their
Peter has given us a list of qualities to develop.
place, but it’s much more important to focus on how
They’ve been compared to stair-steps, as if each quality
you apply the truths of scripture to your life. Instead of
progresses to the next. In reality, they’re more like parts
chasing down some obscure point in Genesis, read the
of an engine, or various instruments in a band—they all
Sermon on the Mount and put it to work in your life.
work together and they all build on one another. But it
Peter says add to your faith knowledge—practical may help you to see that they fall into three categories
knowledge that you can use. Here’s how you develop that we need to give attention to. Here they are.
that quality: Read. First, read the Bible. Every day.
• We need to develop good practical knowledge, and we
Before you look at the newspaper, before you check your
need to put it into practice with good actions. (Goodness,
email, before you read anything else, spend time in the
Word. Also, it’s a good idea to read books about Christian
living. You should always have a book in progress—a • We need to develop self-discipline, and we need to keep
book about living the Christian life. Doing this will help trying till we get it right. (Self-control, perseverance.)
you grow in practical knowledge.
• We need to develop love, strengthening our
“As obedient children, do not be conformed to relationships with others and giving God the worship
the desires of your former ignorance.” (1 Peter 1:14, he deserves. (Godliness, brotherly kindness, love.)
These seven characteristics are crucial for living
To knowledge we add the third ingredient: an effective Christian life. Peter’s guarantee is this:

(v. 8) If you possess these qualities in increasing

measure, they will keep you from being ineffective

11 24
have spiritual growth. Agápē is also a part of the fruit INGREDIENT 3. SELF-CONTROL
of the Spirit. (“ENKRATEIA”)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, The NIV uses the word self-control. In the
patience, kindness, goodness, faith,” (Galatians 5:22, Message it is translated alert discipline. The KJV uses
NIV) temperance. I like Barclay’s description of this word
best: self-mastery. Theologian Douglas Moo defines it
Peter believes in the priority of love. In his first as “the ability of the human being to act entirely of one’s
letter he wrote, “And above all things have fervent own free will without being subject to the whims and
love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude pressures of other people, competing philosophies, or
of sins.’” one’s own emotions.” (The NIV Application
Commentary, Zondervan, by Douglas Moo, p.45) Many
“Hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all
people think this is the most difficult quality to add, but
offenses.” (Proverbs 10:12, NIV) it’s really not. It’s mainly a matter of being able to say
“Above all, maintain an intense love for each “no”.
other, since love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter To know is vitally important, but it is not
4:8, NIV) enough. We are to do what we know we should do.
In many of our lives, there is a great gulf between
The best way to express love and the best way to our knowledge and our conduct. It was to this
develop the quality of love is to practice the Golden problem James spoke when he wrote, “to him who
Rule. knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin”
(James 4:17).

23 12
Why is temperance, or self-control, to be added INGREDIENT 7. LOVE (“agape”)
to knowledge? Because as I gain knowledge, if I’m
not very, very careful, I will begin to say, “Now that Of course, Peter’s list ends with love, because love
I have knowledge about this, I can handle it.” is the ultimate Christian priority. This is at the top of the
list. As Paul wrote...
A dear pastor friend of mine who had been
Over all these virtues put on love, which binds
mightily used by the Lord began to say, “My studies
them together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:14)
have convinced me that Jesus drank alcohol.” And
he went on to develop an extensive argument for why Jesus said...
Christians should be able to drink. This led him and By this all men will know that you are my
his wife to wine-tasting events, which led to disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)
nightclubs, which led to dancing with other people,
Love is the ultimate expression of Christian
which led to divorce. In the name of knowledge, this
holiness. How do we express love? How do we develop
dear brother sacrificed temperance—and lost his
this quality? I think it can be found in the words of
family and ministry as a result.
Peter warns us that as we add knowledge, we So in everything, do to others what you would
must be sure we don’t get caught up in a pharisaical have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and
pseudo-intellectualism that makes us feel that, the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12)
because we’re a cut above others, we can indulge
Love for the lost is the capstone of our Christian
ourselves in ways that will destroy us.
faith. When I can show love not just for people in the
The Greek word for “self-control” is enkráteia, church, but also the lost, then I have shown that I
which is sometimes translated as temperance. It is
13 22
Paul teaches us to be kindly, affectionate to one one element of the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in
another in brotherly love; “Show family affection to Galatians 5:23. In the real sense of the term, it means
one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another more than self being in control. A more descriptive
in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10, NIV) and accurate term would be “God-control.” Only
when we are under the control of the Holy Spirit can
This is one of the amazing qualities of the
we be self-controlled.
church of Jesus Christ. We are to love one another as
brothers and sisters in Christ—and are members one You have a budget to live by, right? You could, if
to another you let yourself go a little crazy, run up some big bills in
a very short time. All day long the opportunity to spend
“Now you are the body of Christ, and
presents itself to you. And all day long you have to say
individual members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV) “no”. “No thank you, I don’t want your magazines. No
We must live out our faith by having love for thank you, drinks, I won’t spend the weekend outside,
even if the memories will be priceless. No thank you,
our brothers and sisters in Christ.
John, I won’t buy a new truck today. No thank you, I’m
“By this all people will know that you are My just looking.” And on and on.
disciples, if you have love for one another.”” (John Now, in this area, some people can’t say no very
13:35, NIV) well, and they suffer the consequences, don’t they? I
have noticed this: a major difference between those who
Once we have done that, then we can share love
are always struggling to get by financially and those
with others who need Jesus. This is the seventh
who are comfortably affluent is that the affluent have
ingredient to spiritual growth: love. Love for the lost
the ability to say no. I’ve known people who have made
is the capstone of our Christian faith. purchases—big purchases—because they were afraid of

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what the salesman would think if they didn’t spend the to build stronger friendships into our lives. You need
money. Isn’t that amazing? people outside your immediate family that you love, that
you trust, that you can confide in, and who give you the
Just as there is a connection between financial
freedom to be yourself. Peter is referring to more than
stability and the ability to say no, there is a connection
just our being friendly and kind with others. He’s talking
between holiness and the ability to say no. Throughout
about building relationships of brotherly love, of mutual
the day you have countless opportunities to compromise
your priorities—to think what you shouldn’t think, to
say what you shouldn’t say, to spend money you don’t Here’s how to develop this quality. Strengthen
have, to golf when you should be at home with your your friendships. You’ve got friends, no doubt—people
kids, to watch TV when you should be in the Word, and with whom you talk about sports or cooking or movies
on and on and on. Your ability to say “no” to these or kids and so on. I want to encourage you to move
various compromises are crucial in your journey into some of those friendships to the next level. Spend some
holiness. Do you want to develop self-mastery? Practice time with one or two of your friends, making an effort
saying no. Practice saying no to those opportunities that to open up just a little bit, to share a little more of your
entice you to compromise your priorities. To self-control heart with them, to listen a little more closely to what
we add the fourth ingredient: they have to say about their own struggles in life. The
idea of this brotherly love, this mutual affection, is that
you can provide strength to one another. So, strengthen
your friendships.
(“hupomonen”) “By obedience to the truth, having purified
yourselves for sincere love of the brothers, love one
One of my favorite writers, called this the “queen another earnestly from a pure heart,” (1 Peter 1:22,
of the virtues.” The Greek word is hupomone (hoopoh- NIV)
moanay), and it is often translated patience but it means,
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INGREDITN 6. BROTHERLY AFFECTION literally, to remain under — in other words, to persevere.
(“philadelphia”) To stick with it.
Both James and Peter write a great deal about
The New Revised Standard translates it mutual the virtue of “perseverance” (hupomonéì). This word
affection. The Message says, warm friendliness. Peter
means “enduring, continuance or patience” and
is talking about having a relational connection with
comes from the root word hupoménō which can mean
“to bear trials, to have fortitude, to abide or to endure.”
We have to show our love for the brothers first. In our vernacular, we would say perseverance means
Jesus said that the world would know us by how we “hanging in there.” There are only seconds which
love one another. separate those who fail from those who succeed in
running most races. Too many people drop out of the
“Brotherly kindness” or “brotherly love” is a
race just before it is to be won. Those who persevere
special kind of love. The Greek word is familiar to
by “hanging in there” are those who win the prize.
us today. It is philadelphia.
In developing this quality, you not only have to
Here’s a problem I have seen in the church as learn to endure external opposition—you must learn to
well as outside the church, especially among men. It’s endure your own mistakes and failures. I’ve known only
called social isolation. We don’t have friends. Too many a handful of Christians who gave up on their faith due
of us live our lives completely alone, with no one to talk to peer pressure, criticism or persecution. But I’ve known
to, no one with whom we can share our deepest hurts many who gave up after becoming discouraged at their
and needs, no one to offer encouragement during tough own inability to measure up to the standard. Face it: the
times. Instead, we just bear it alone. Men aren’t the only road to Christian maturity is rough and rocky. You’ll
ones who do it, but we may be the worst. However, all fall many times along the way. You will never reach the
of us—both men and women—need to make an effort destination unless you develop the quality of
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perseverance. How do you develop it? Try again. Have Him and the more His character will be revealed in
you tried a thousand times to control your temper? Try our lives.
again. Have you tried a thousand times to build a better
relationship with your children? Try again. Have you When many hear these words—godliness and
tried a thousand times to develop a consistent devotional piety—they get an image of sour-faced, condescending,
life? Try again. holier-than-thou religion. We’ve all known people who
are like that, but that’s not what Peter is talking about.
The book of Proverbs says, “for though a
Actually, in Greek literature this word is used to describe
righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.”
a person who is in a right relationship with both God
(Proverbs 24:16). Try again.
(or “the gods”) and others—a person who gives God
To perseverance, we add a fifth ingredient: the worship he deserves, and who treats others with the
respect and dignity they deserve. This is what godliness
is all about. Jesus made it clear that we can’t be rightly
INGREDIENT 5. GODLINESS (“eusebeian”) related to God and continue to be wrongly related to
people. [Mt. 5:23-24] The apostle John wrote...
The Greek word for godliness, eusébeia, means
He has given us this command: Whoever loves
“godly, pious, or devout.” Godliness cannot be
God must also love his brother. (1 John 4:21) This is
fabricated. We cannot merely pretend to be godly. godliness. Do you want to develop this quality? Jesus
The quality of godliness comes from God Himself. told us how: Treat others as you would treat him.
He must give that quality of life to us. We receive it
To godliness, we add two special ingredients.
as we are dead to self and alive to God and as we
The sixth ingredient:
allow the Spirit to live within us. The fruits of the
Spirit are attributes of the character of God. The more
we are possessed by God, the more we will act like
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