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White, E. G. (1911). Education. Mountain View,
California: Pacific Press Publishing Association
White, E. G. (1943). Counsels to parents, teachers
and students. Mountain View CA: Pacific Press
Publishing Association
White E. G. (1946). The desire of ages. Nashville, Appreciation
Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association.
White E. G. (1946). The desire of ages. Nashville,
Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association. I want to express my appreciation to
collections from the teachings of Victory
Zulueta, F.M. & Costales. N. Jr. (2003). Methods of
research: Thesis–writing and applied statistics. Outreach Ministries Cameroon Bible Study
Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. Services and thanks to the authors whose works
I have used to build up this book.
Zvandasara, N. Z. (1997). Leading the leader. Berrien
Springs, Michigan: Legal Books.
----Thank you very much.-----

Teesdale, H. W. (1945). Youth problems. Washington
D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association.
The National Sunday Law. (1992) San Diego
California: Pacific Institute.
Dedication The Unger’s Bible Dictionary. (1988). Chicago,
Illinois: Moody Press of Chicago.
Thompson, F, C. (1984). Chain reference study Bible.
This book is dedicated to God Almighty,
London: Hodder & Stoughton,
the Body of Christ worldwide and especially to
Treadwell, W. C. (1981). Conflict ministry. Nashville:
Christians of Victory Outreach Ministries, who Broadman Press.
have taken up the commission of our Lord Turner, H. A. (Jr.). (1971). The reformation in
Jesus to preach to all. medieval perspective. Chicago:
Ovadrangle Books.
Wagner, P. C. (1994). Your spiritual gifts. Ventura,
California, USA: Legal Books,,
Walker, W., Norris, R. A., Lotz, D. W. & Handy, R.T.
(1986). A history of the Christian Church. (4th ed.).
Edinburgh: T
Warren, L. J. (1976). Dateline Sunday USA. Omaha,
Nebraska: Pacific Press Publishing Association.

i 205
Nelson, T. (1982). The New King James Version-
Containing The Old and New Acknowledgements
Testaments. (Written seminar ed.). New York:
Thomas Nelson Publishers.
I wish to acknowledge the great Christian
Nichol, F.D. (ed.). (1980). Seventh-day Adventist
families of Victory Outreach Ministries
Bible commentary. The Holy Bible with exegetical
and expository comment .Washington, D.C.: Review
and Herald Publishing Association,
I am very grateful to God for His people. I thank
Norris, L. (1996). Paul’s charter of Christian freedom.
Downers Grove: Illinois You sincerely.

Intervarsity Press.
I give Special Thanks my Spiritual father, Apostle
Oberman, H. A. (1994). The impact of the Talla Georges for his patience and great spiritual
reformation. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Ww. B.
outpouring. Your love has proven true. I can’t
Erdmann Publishing Company.
forget my Spiritual mother of blesseth memory,
1000 great lives. (1975). London: Hamlyn Publishing
Pastor Talla Linda.
Hanks, P. (ed.). (1982). Collins Dictionary of the I am grateful for my wife Vera for her full
English Language. Glasgow: Rand McNally &
Pipim, S. K. (1996). Receiving the Word. Berrien
Springs, Michigan: Andrews
University Press.

204 ii
TABLE OF CONTENT Marjie, L. L. (1981). Why the back swings.
Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald
Dedication......................................................................i Publishing Association.
Acknowledgement.........................................................ii Marvision, M. (1979). Television and the Christian
Table of Content...........................................................iii home. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing
Chapter One: Introduction............................................1

Chapter Two: Biblical Warnings against Apostasy.,,,,..5 Mbiti, J. S. (1982). African religions and philosophy.
London: Heinemann.
Chapter Three: Symptoms of Apostasy..............,,,......18
McGauran, D. A. (1990). Understanding church
Chapter Four: Take Heed Lest You Fall..................... 30
growth. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B.
Chapter Five: The Church: Yesterday And Today...,,.49 Erdmann Publishing Company.
Chapter Six: What Causes Apostasy?.....................,,...63 McKenna, D. L. (1986). Renewing our ministry.
Chapter Seven: Today Church Apostasy.....................73 Waco, Texas: Word Books.
Chapter Eight: Warning Signs of Personal Apostasy..77 McSwan, L.L. & Treadwell, W.C. (1981). Conflict
Chapter Nine: There’s A Wolf in the House - Signs of ministry. Nashville: Broadman Press.

Apostasy.......................................................................82 Miravalle, M. (1991). Helping families to live the

message. Steubenville: Franciscan University Press.
Chapter Ten: The Dangers of Apostasy.......................97
Mittleider, K. J. (1979). Your church and you.
Chapter Eleven: How to Survive and Thrive In the
Nashville, Tennessee: South Publishing Association.
Morneau, R. J. (1997). Beware of angels - Deception
Chapter Twelve: Apostasy and Church in the last days. Washingtone: Review & Herald
Prostitution................................................................149 Publishing Association.

iii 203
Knight, G.R. (1999). A brief history of Seventh-day Chapter Thirteen: Good Reasons for Leaving
Adventists. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald
Publishing Association..
Chapter Fourteen: Apostasy and
Knight, G.R. (2006). Organizing for missions and
growth: The development of Adventist Church Disloyalty...........................................................167
structures. Hagerstown: Review and Herald Chapter Fifteen: Final Warning and Judgment
Publishing Association.
against Apostasy.................................................172
Knight, R, K. (2005). Exploring Galatians and
Ephesians. A devotional commentary. Hagerstown:
Review & Herald Publishing Association.
Lall, B. M. & Lall, G.R. (1979). Dynamic leadership.
Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing
Leas, S. & Kittlaus, P. (1937). Church fights:
Managing conflicts in the local church. Philadelphia:
The Westminster Press.
Louw, J. P. & Nida, E. A. (1993). Greek – English
lexicon of the New Testament, vol. 2: Based on
semantic domains. Cape Town: United Bible
Societies, South Africa.
Luther, M. (1953). A commentary on St. Paul’s
Epistle to the Galatians. London: James Clarke.
Luther, M. (1995) Three treatises. Philadelphia:
Fortress Press.
202 iv
Hartness, J. & Neil E. (1993). The 24 hour
turnaround. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, Baker
Book House Company.
Hiebert, P. G. (1994). Anthropological reflections on
missiological issues. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker
Book House Company..
Holbrook, F, B (n.d.). Faith amid apostasy. Boise,
Idaho: Pacific Press Publishing
Then you will know
Hopewell, J. F. (1987). Congregation: Stories and
the truth, and the structures. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Nida, E.A. & Louw, J.P. (eds). 1988. Greek English
truth will set you
lexicon of the New Testament (Based on semantic
free.” Jn.8:32 domains) Volume 2. Cape Town: United Bible
Societies South Africa.
Kauffman, D. T. (1985). Baker’s concise dictionary
of religion. Michigan, Grand Rapids: Baker Book
Kellerfeld, A. I. (1952). Morning star of Wittenberg.
Washington: Review and Herald Publishing

Publishing Company. CHAPTER ONE
Gelder, C. V. (2000). The essence of the Church. INTRODUCTION
Grand Rapids. Michigan: Baker Book House.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that
Hadaway, K. C. (1990). Creative leadership series:
day shall not come, except there come a falling away
What can we do about church
first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of
dropouts? Nashville: Abingdon Press. Hamilton, P.
perdition;” - 2 Thessalonians 2:3
& Shopes. L. (2008). Oral history and public
memories. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. What is Apostasy?
Hanks, P. (ed.). (1982). Collins dictionary of the The word “apostasy” is not found in the
English language. Glasgow: and McNally &
Bible (KJV). So you may ask the question, “what
Company for William Collins Sons.
is apostasy in the church?” The definition of
Hanks, P. (ed.). 1979. Collins English dictionary
apostasy according to is ”Turning
Glasgow: Harper Collins
or falling away from true gospel
Hansen, G, W. (1994). Galatians. The IVP New teachings as individuals or as a
Testament Commentary Series. Illinois: Downers
people”…the definition according to
Grove, Illinois Intervarsity. is ”Abandonment of
Hanson, W. & McNeill D. (ed). (2002). Making
one’s religious faith, a political party,
ethical decisions. Los Angeles:
one’s principles, or a cause.”
Josephson Institute of ethics, CA.
Apostasy in churches can be found from the
Hartley, R. (1972). Growing pains: First aid for
mega-churches that you see on television to the
teenagers. Hamilton, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell
small local church. One can visit many of these
churches on any given Sunday and find things
200 1
being taught and acted out that are not of God. Donko, K. (ed). (2011). The Church, culture and
Now I must say that not all churches have fallen spirit- Adventism in Africa. Hagerstown: Review and
Herald Publishing Association.
into apostasy. The Bible makes it clear that there
will be some faithful Christians that will endure Dudley, R. L. (1980). Why teenagers reject religion
until the end. But the Bible does warn that an and what to do about it. Washington D.C.: Review &
Herald Publishing Association.
epidemic of false doctrines will invade the church
as the return of Christ draws nearer and Dudley, R. L. (1986). Passing on the torch.
Washington D.C.: Review & Herald
nearer. And it is becoming more and more
commonplace today which signifies the end is Publishing Association.
near. Dwight, M. P. (1996). International Standard Bible
Encyclopaedia. Grand Rapids: Michigan, Eerdmans.
Apostasy is the old, vigorous word to
describe this abandonment of Christ. The New Elwell, A. W. & Robert, W. Y. (1997). Encountering
the New Testament: A historical and theological
Testament church was familiar with it. It was a survey. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House Company
major concern of the author of Hebrews. That is
Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS.
why he wrote the often-discussed words
(2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications.
of Hebrews 6:4–6: Those once enlightened, who
Findly, G, G. (1902). The epistle to the Galatians: The
have tasted the heavenly gift, become partakers
expositor’s Bible. New York: A.C. Armstrong & Sons.
of the Holy Spirit, tasted the good Word of God
and the powers of the coming age—if they fall Frank, B. (1994). Faith amid apostasy. Boise: Pacific
Press Publishing Association.
away cannot be renewed again to repentance.
Gay. L. R. (1981). Educational research. (2nd ed.).
Some in the early church thought that the Columbus: Charles E. Merrill
phrase “cannot be renewed” meant that those
2 199
Chapman, R.L. (1988). Roget’s international who stumbled could not be received back into
thesaurus. (4th ed).. New York: Harper Collins fellowship. But our author does not have the
penitent in mind. Rather, he is thinking of those
Cleveland, E. E. (2006). Evangelist extraordinary. whose hardness of heart blocks the way to the
Lincoln, Nebraska: Centre for cross and proves irreversible.
Creative Ministry.
It has been said that there is no more
Cohen, L. & Manion, L. (2005). Research methods powerful or detailed description of the true
in education. New York: Macmillan Publishing
Christian in the New Testament than in the words
of Hebrews 6:4–6. That is surely a breathtaking
Copley, T. (2005). Indoctrination, education and statement in the light of what is said about the
God: The struggle for the mind. London: Society for
first readers a few verses later. The author is
Promoting Christian Knowledge.
confident of something “better” in them—the very
Dancan, G. S. (1934). The epistle of Paul to the
things that accompany salvation (6:9). The
Galatians. The Moffatt New Testament Commentary.
implication is that, however powerful the
New York: Harper & Brothers.
experiences described in 6:4–6 may be, these are
Dave Hunt, “Revival or Apostasy,” The Berean Call,
not the definitive marks of a Christian. They may
October 1997, p. 2.
be present when genuine faith is absent. In fact,
Denis, P. & Ntsimane, R. (2008). Oral history –
Hebrews is telling us that which is possible to
History in a wounded country. Natal: University of
experience without actually being a Christian.
KwaZulu Natal. Natal Press, South Africa.
Dobson, J. (1970). Dare to discipline. Wheaton, Something must be missing therefore from
Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers. this list of influences and experiences. What
Hebrews has already said about an earlier
198 3
generation brings it to light: “the gospel was Barker, K. (ed.). (1985). The New International
preached … to them; but the word which they Version Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Bible
heard did not profit them, not being mixed with
faith” (Heb. 4:2 NKJV). There was no real trust Best, J.W. & Kahn, J. (1993). Research in
in Christ, the crucified, risen, and reigning Savior. education.(7th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Bigner, J. J. (1997). Parent – child relationship. New
The truth and the power of the gospel were
York: Macmillan Publishing
experienced. But “experience” in itself is not
regeneration unless gospel grace penetrates into
the heart. Hebrews 6:4–6 makes no mention of Bradford, C. E. (1999). Sabbath roots- The African
the crucified One being trusted and sin being connection.Vermont: L. Brown & Sons,

rejected. Rather, despite rich spiritual Burton, B. B., Grant, R. O. & Philip W. C. (1994).
experiences, heart unbelief and rejection of Galatians. Life application Bible commentary.
Wheaton Illinois: Tyndale House.
Christ, crucifying Him ourselves, are
grimly possible. Callahan, K. L. (1983). Twelve keys to an effective
church.San Francisco: Harper & Row Publishers.
Cantor, N. F. (1969). Medieval history. New York:
McMillan Publishing..
Cassimy, S. D., Jules, A. J. & Satelmajer, N. (eds).
(2009). A guide to effective pastoral ministry.
Nampo, Idaho: Pacific Press Publishing Association,

4 197

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture

references are from the various Versions. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of
many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12

Abram, L. (2011). Oral history theory. London:

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that
Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
day shall not come, except there come a falling
Adams, J. E. (1979). A theology of Christian away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the
counselling. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan
son of perdition; 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Publishing House.
Arrais, J. (2011). Wanted: A good pastor. Silver
Hebrews 6:4-8
Spring General Conference Ministerial Association,
For in the case of those who have once been
Maryland, USA.
enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift
Awoniyi, S.A. & Alege, B.A (eds). (2007). General
and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
education studies for prospective teachers series 5.
Ilorin, Nigeria: Fat Yusuf Prtg. Productions. and have tasted the good word of God and the
powers of the age to come, and then have fallen
Awoniyi, S. S., Aderanti, R.A. & Tayo, A.S. (2011).
away, it is impossible to renew them again to
Introduction to research methods Sango Ibadan:
Ababa Press. repentance, since they again crucify to themselves
the Son of God and put Him to open shame.
Balstor, R. H. (1950). Here I stand. New York:
Abingdon Press.
196 5
Matthew 13:20-21 power and authority through Jesus Christ our
“The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky Lord before all ages now and forevermore.
places, this is the man who hears the word and Amen.”
immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no
firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and
when affliction or persecution arises because of
the word, immediately he falls away.
Mark 4:16-17
“In a similar way these are the ones on whom
seed was sown on the rocky places, who, when
they hear the word, immediately receive it with
joy; and they have no firm root in themselves,
but are only temporary; then, when affliction or
persecution arises because of the word,
immediately they fall away.
Luke 8:13
“Those on the rocky soil are those who, when they
hear, receive the word with joy; and these have
no firm root; they believe for a while, and in time
of temptation fall away.
Matthew 26:14-16

6 195
this night. Enter the ark of God’s salvation, run Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot,
to the city of refuge, and be safe forever. If not, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you
you shall fall into his hands, and no mountain willing to give me to betray Him to you?” And
can hide you from the fearsome wrath of the they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him.
From then on he began looking for a good
Sovereign Judge.
opportunity to betray Jesus.
It is a frightening thing to be cast into the Mark 14:10-11
lake of fire on the day when he judges all who Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve,
treated him with contempt. Jesus himself said, went off to the chief priests in order to betray Him
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but to them. They were glad when they heard this,
cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One and promised to give him money. And he began
who can kill the soul and body in hell” (Matt. seeking how to betray Him at an opportune time.
10:28). As John Newton wrote, “It is grace that Matthew 24:10-12
taught my heart to fear and grace my fears
“At that time many will fall away and will betray
one another and hate one another.”Many false
prophets will arise and will mislead many.
If you are a child of God, if you have trusted
“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s
in Christ and are walking carefully, fear not. He
love will grow cold.
shall keep you from falling (cf. John 6:39-40;
Hebrews 10:26-31
10:27-29). Consider Jude 24: “To him who is able
to keep you from falling and to present you before For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving
his glorious presence without fault and with great the knowledge of the truth, there no longer
remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying
joy, to the only God our Savior, be glory, majesty,
194 7
expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A HOW TO AVOID APOSTASY
What must we do in light of this teaching,
ADVERSARIES. Anyone who has set aside the
Law of Moses dies without mercy on the especially if we have been falling away? I would
testimony of two or three witnesses. say that we should be like David. Although he
sinned terribly, he chose to cast himself upon the
Lord, saying, “I am in deep distress. Let us fall
Galatians 1:6
into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great”
I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting (2 Sam. 24:14). Let us repent truly and believe in
Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a Jesus the Son of God. Trust in his blood that
different gospel; cleanses us from all sins and justifies and
Luke 22:3-6 sanctifies us. He will save us and help us to live a
And Satan entered into Judas who was called holy life to the end.
Iscariot, belonging to the number of the twelve.
And he went away and discussed with the chief Brothers and sisters, beware of Korah and
priests and officers how he might betray Him to company, of Achan and Saul, of Judas and Demas
them. They were glad and agreed to give him and others, who would entice you to join in their
money. apostasy. Above all, take heed of God’s word that
speaks about the coming apostasy (Matt. 24:10-
Matthew 10:33 13; 1 Tim. 4:1-8; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 1 John 2:19).
Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and
“But whoever denies Me before men, I will also
do so now, not tomorrow. Your life is not under
deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
your control; God may demand your soul even
Luke 13:26-27
8 193
Scripture speaks, that is the end of all argument, “Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in
because the author of Scripture is God himself. Your presence, and You taught in our streets’; and
In Hebrews 10:30 he writes, “For we know him He will say, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you
who said, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ and are from; DEPART FROM ME, ALL YOU
again, ‘The Lord will judge his people,’” citing
Deuteronomy 32:35-36. 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not
Then he concludes, “It is a dreadful thing come unless the apostasy comes first, and the
to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of
10:31). It is terrifying, scary, dreadful to fall into destruction,
the hands of the living God. The eternal God is
Mark 8:38
not an idol of human creation. As Creator of all,
he is necessarily the Judge of all. “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in
this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of
No one can run away from the living God. Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes
in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
We all must face him; there is no escape. Not even
suicide will solve our sin problem. Pagans and 2 Timothy 4:3-4
apostates go to hell the moment they die to For the time will come when they will not endure
experience torment and agony there waiting for sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears
greater judgment. tickled, they will accumulate for themselves
teachers in accordance to their own desires, and
will turn away their ears from the truth and will
turn aside to myths.

192 9
Luke 12:9 “into the fiery furnace, where there will be
but he who denies Me before men will be denied weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matt. 13:42).
before the angels of God. Revelation 20 tells us that anyone whose name
is not found in the book of life will be cast into
1 Timothy 4:1
the lake of fire.
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times
some will fall away from the faith, paying Referring to Deuteronomy 17, the author
attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of says, “Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died
without mercy on the testimony of two or three
John 15:6 witnesses” (Heb. 10:28). The author then argues
“If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown from the lesser to the greater: If that was so about
away as a branch and dries up; and they gather the one who defied the Mosaic law, how much
them, and cast them into the fire and they are worse punishment will those get who received
burned. fullness of the revelation of the gospel? In other
1 John 2:19 words, they received physical death, but
apostates will get eternal death. He used this
They went out from us, but they were not really
argument already: “For if the message spoken by
of us; for if they had been of us, they would have
angels was binding and every violation and
remained with us; but they went out, so that it
would be shown that they all are not of us. disobedience received its just punishment, how
shall we escape if we neglect a such great
2 Timothy 2:12
salvation?” (Heb. 2:2-3). Finally, he gives proof
If we endure, we will also reign with Him; If we for the utter judgment of the apostate. The habit
deny Him, He also will deny us; of this author is to cite Scripture, and when
10 191
blazed with fire . . . You saw no form of any kind Hebrews 3:12
the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one
fire . . . For the Lord your God is a consuming of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away
fire, a jealous God . . . Has any other people heard from the living God.
the voice of God speaking out of fire as you have
2 Peter 3:17
and lived? . . From heaven he made you hear his
You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand,
voice to discipline you; on earth, he showed you
be on your guard so that you are not carried away
his great fire and you heard his words from out
by the error of unprincipled men and fall from
of the fire” (vv. 11, 15, 24, 33, 36).
your own steadfastness,

Do we see God as consuming fire? Exodus Deuteronomy 13:1-11

20:20 says the fear of God will keep us from “If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises
sinning. A sinning person has no fear of God. It among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and
is that simple. the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning
which he spoke to you, saying, ‘Let us go after
Few churches today speak about sin and other gods (whom you have not known) and let
judgment. But consider this picture of hell that us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words
we find in the last chapter of Isaiah: God’s people of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for
“will go out and look upon the dead bodies of the LORD your God is testing you to find out if
those who rebelled against [God]; their worm will you love the LORD your God with all your heart
and with all your soul.
not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they
will be loathsome to all mankind” (Is. 66:24).
Jesus himself spoke of unbelievers being thrown
190 11
2 Samuel 7:15 terrifying that Moses said, ‘I am trembling with
but My lovingkindness shall not depart from him, fear’” (Heb. 12:21). We do not fear God because
as I took it away from Saul, whom I removed from our eyes are blinded by Satan so that we do not
before you. see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Chronicles 26:16-21
Brothers and sisters, it is important that
But when he became strong, his heart was so God’s people know the terror of the Lord. Paul
proud that he acted corruptly, and he was says, “Knowing the terror of the Lord, we
unfaithful to the LORD his God, for he entered
persuade men” (2 Cor. 5:11, KJV). God is a raging
the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the
fire who consumes his enemies (Heb. 10:27).
altar of incense. Then Azariah the priest entered
Leviticus 10 describes how Nadab and Abihu
after him and with him eighty priests of the
were consumed by fire that came out from God.
LORD, valiant men. They opposed Uzziah the
king and said to him, “It is not for you, Uzziah, to The holiness of God came and ate up the priests
burn incense to the LORD, but for the priests, of the Lord, as it later ate up the 250 friends of
the sons of Aaron who are consecrated to burn Korah (Num. 16:35). It is time for us to adjust
incense. Get out of the sanctuary, for you have our view of God and worship him in the beauty
been unfaithful and will have no honor from the of his holiness. “Raging fire” means God is
LORD God.” essentially holy. Surrender to him and be saved,
John 6:66 or oppose him and be consumed by his holiness.

As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew

In Deuteronomy 4 Moses refers to the fire
and were not walking with Him anymore.
of God’s holiness several times: “You came near
and stood at the foot of the mountain while it
12 189
a miserable death and enter hell to await an even Acts 5:1-11
more horrible eternal punishment. But a man named Ananias, with his wife
Sapphira, sold a piece of property, and kept back
“Such a person has a fearful expectation of some of the price for himself, with his wife’s full
judgment” (Heb. 10:27). Deep within every knowledge, and bringing a portion of it, he laid it
unbeliever is a fearful expectation of judgment at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, “Ananias, why
coming, because there is a God-consciousness in has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit
everyone. Everyone knows he must eventually and to keep back some of the price of the land?
face God.

God himself is the Judge of all men (Heb. 1 Timothy 1:19-20

12:23). Jonathan Edwards spoke from keeping faith and a good conscience, which some
Deuteronomy 32:35 about sinners in the hands have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard
of an angry God. He said in due time their foot to their faith. Among these are Hymenaeus and
shall slip and they shall fall into God’s hands. The Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan,
living God is not a postulate of human minds. He so that they will be taught not to blaspheme.
is not made of clay, that we can fashion him as a
God of love and not of wrath. He is love and he is Titus 1:16
holy. He is Savior, but he is also Judge.
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they
When God came upon Mount Horeb, the deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and
worthless for any good deed.
mountain itself was quaking and set ablaze. The
people were frightened, and “the sight was so

188 13
2 Timothy 4:10 We find several references to eternal judgment
for Demas, having loved this present world, has throughout this epistle: “instruction about
deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection
has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. of the dead, and eternal judgment. . . Just as man
is destined to die once and after that to
2 Peter 2:1-3
face judgment . . . But only a fearful expectation
But false prophets also arose among the people,
of judgment . . . It is mine to avenge; I will repay .
just as there will also be false teachers among you,
. . Marriage should be honored by all and the
who will secretly introduce destructive heresies,
marriage bed kept pure, for God willjudge the
even denying the Master who bought them,
bringing swift destruction upon themselves. adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Heb. 6:2;
Many will follow their sensuality, and because of 9:27; 10:27, 30; 13:4, italics added).
them the way of the truth will be maligned; and
in their greed they will exploit you with false Verse 26 says that for such apostates, no
words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, sacrifice for sins remains because they have
and their destruction is not asleep. rejected the only sacrifice God would accept on
our behalf. The wages of sin is death, but God’s
2 Peter 2:10-15
Son became incarnate so that he could die in our
and especially those who indulge the flesh in its
place and make atonement for our sins (Rom.
corrupt desires and despise authority Daring,
self-willed, they do not tremble when they revile 6:23, Heb. 2:17). When we reject his atonement,
angelic majesties, whereas angels who are greater no more sacrifice is left for us. The one who rejects
in might and power do not bring a reviling Jesus, is doomed forever; it is impossible to
judgment against them before the Lord. But redeem such an apostate. He will eventually die
these, like unreasoning animals, born as
14 187
to watch our home and livestock. One Sunday creatures of instinct to be captured and killed,
when it was my turn, a neighbor came and started reviling where they have no knowledge, will in
the destruction of those creatures also be
singing in a mocking manner a song about the
Holy Spirit: “O Divine God, set me on fire by the
divine Spirit of God.” As he was singing, I looked
up and noticed that his house on fire. When he 2 Peter 2:20-22
saw it, this man stopped mocking and ran, but it For if, after they have escaped the defilements of
was too late. His house was totally consumed. the world by the knowledge of the Lord and
Though we may not experience such immediate Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in
consequences, we must be careful not to insult them and are overcome, the last state has become
the Spirit of grace, for God will judge apostates. worse for them than the first. For it would be
better for them not to have known the way of
GOD’S JUDGMENT OF APOSTATES righteousness, than having known it, to turn away
from the holy commandment handed on to them.
The second point, then, is God’s judgment It has happened to them according to the true
of apostates. The greater our knowledge, the proverb, “A DOG RETURNS TO ITS OWN
greater our responsibility; therefore, the greater VOMIT,” and, “A sow, after washing, returns to
the judgment God will mete out on those who wallowing in the mire.”
fall away. The cross of Christ declares both God’s Jude 1:4
love and God’s holiness. God must necessarily
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed,
judge sin, and he does so, either in Jesus Christ
those who were long beforehand marked out for
or in those who defy him. The one who neglects
this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn
the gospel will be judged by Christ.

186 15
the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny ( Hebrews 2:4, 7; 6:4; 9:14; and 10:15). Such
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. grieving of the Third Person of the Trinity is the
Jude 1:8-16 sin that cannot be forgiven, as Jesus himself says:
“Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of
Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, Man will be forgiven. But anyone who speaks
defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either
angelic majesties. But Michael the archangel, in this age or in the age to come” (Matt. 12:32).
when he disputed with the devil and argued about The apostle John calls this the sin that leads to
the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce eternal death. The church is told not to pray for
against him a railing judgment, but said, “The such a person because he is doomed to
Lord rebuke you!” But these men revile the things destruction. His repentance is impossible (1 John
which they do not understand; and the things 5:16).
which they know by instinct, like unreasoning
animals, by these things they are destroyed. Apostates show contempt for all three
Persons of the Godhead. They trample underfoot
their work of salvation, despising the living God
1 Samuel 15:11 and his saving work. They are known for their
“I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has insolent self-assertion against the eternal,
turned back from following Me and has not almighty God.
carried out My commands “ And Samuel was
distressed and cried out to the LORD all night. What will happen to such people? Let me
illustrate with a story from my own childhood.
Revelation 2:20-22
When I was a boy growing up in South India, one
‘But I have this against you, that you tolerate the of us would always have to stay home on Sundays
woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess,
16 185
Anyone who hears the gospel and refuses to and she teaches and leads My bond-servants
believe is trampling down the only Savior. astray so that they commit acts of immorality and
eat things sacrificed to idols. ‘I gave her time to
Verse 29 also says such people consider repent, and she does not want to repent of her
Christ’s blood to be filthy. The heaven-sent blood immorality. ‘Behold, I will throw her on a bed of
that justifies and sanctifies us and brings about sickness, and those who commit adultery with
forgiveness of all our sins; the blood that cleanses her into great tribulation, unless they repent of
our consciences and secures us admittance to the her deeds.
presence of God; the blood that is the only divine
provision to cleanse us is seen as unclean. This is
utter contempt for the work of Christ. Apostates
consider the blood of Jesus to be the same as that
of common men and reject its eternal efficacy to
save sinners. They are sophisticated people who
reject the cross and the doctrine of
substitutionary atonement, although it was the
blood of Christ that ushered in the new covenant
blessings of a new heart, knowledge of God, and
total forgiveness of sins..

In verse 29 we also read that they insult

the Spirit of grace, whose responsibility it is to
apply Christ’s redemption to sinners by granting
them grace. They insult the Holy Spirit who
dwells in the church and blesses Christians
184 17
CHAPTER THREE first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to
us by those who heard him. God also testified to
SYMPTOMS OF APOSTASY it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and
gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to
The solemn fact is that none of us can tell his will. . . . It is impossible for those who have
the difference between the beginning of once been enlightened, who have tasted the
backsliding and the beginning of apostasy. Both heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit,
look the same. So what are the tell-tale signs of who have tasted the goodness of the word of God
this sickness unto death? Are there early and the power of the coming age, if they fall away,
symptoms that might alert us to our to be brought back to repentance” (Heb. 2:1-4;
spiritual danger? 6:4-6b).

1. Compromise What else characterizes apostates? “Such

“Now by this we know that we know Him, if we people trample underfoot the Son of God” (Heb.
keep His commandments. He who says, “I know 10:29). Apostates treat Jesus Christ with
Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is extreme disgust and contempt. They reject
a liar, and the truth is not in him.” - 1 John 2:3- his deity and sinless humanity. They grind him
4 underfoot-this One who is greater than angels,
One way in which the “falling away” occurs greater than Moses, greater than Aaron, greater
is through compromise. End time prophecy than Melchizedek, greater than Solomon, greater
reveals the antichrist will come to power by than the temple. We are told not to throw pearls
focusing on the economic trouble and creating a before swine, but here we see the pearl of Christ
one-world system. A classic trick of satan is to and his gospel being despised and trampled.
18 183
brothers, apostates, and unregenerate. They are get people focused on things other than morality.
historically but not eternally chosen. They are The Bible states that before Christ returns people
children of the devil. will view good as evil and evil as good. We see
pastors fulfilling that prophecy today. God did
Note the phrase in Hebrews 10:26: “after
warn in 2 Timothy 4:3 that people would not
receiving the knowledge of the truth,” meaning
endure sound doctrine so we should not be
after receiving the full revelation of the gospel,
which Jesus Christ disclosed to us: “In the past
God spoke to our forefathers through the
One of the greatest areas of compromise is
prophets at many times and in various ways, but
the marriage between the church and politics. We
in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son”
have a responsibility for who we choose to be in
(Heb. 1:1-2). Christian apostates have received
leadership and God is not pleased when we
God’s final revelation in Jesus Christ and clearly
choose those who go against His word. How can
know his person and work. They hear the full
you say you are a Christian but walk into a voting
gospel, yet they reject God’s power unto salvation.
booth and select an individual who you know will
Throughout this epistle, the author warns against
pass laws that support abortion, same-sex
ignoring such knowledge: “We must pay more
marriage, and embryonic stem cell research?
careful attention, therefore, to what we have
Many Christians did just that and many pastors
heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the
led the way in voting for a president who will
message spoken by angels was binding, and every
bring a curse upon our nation. This is a clear
violation and disobedience received its just
example of the falling away that Apostle Paul
punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore
stated in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
such a great salvation? This salvation, which was
182 19
2. Entertainment Apostates sin deliberately,
Another example of apostasy in the church defiantly, and daily. They walk out of light
into pitch darkness, and love it. John’s gospel
is found in entertainment. Many pastors promote
gives us the anatomy of such apostasy in the
singing and praising with very little, if any,
example of Judas. An apostle who believed in
teaching in between. The singing and praising
Jesus and experienced the Holy Spirit in some
often contains styles that have been borrowed
measure, Judas preached the gospel, healed the
from secular entertainment. Pastors continually sick, and cast out demons. But John 13:2 tells us
disgrace God’s house by mixing secular that while the evening meal was being served,
entertainment with gospel. “the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot,”
meaning he had come under the devil’s influence.
I heard a minister once say, ”there is Verse 27 says the devil entered Judas, taking
worldliness in what the kids [step team] are complete control. In verse 30 we are told Judas
doing but at least they are in church and getting went out, leaving the holy communion, and John
the word”. That is one of the oldest tricks of satan. writes, “And it was night.” Judas turned away
from the brightness of walking with Christ and
Sin entered the world because he convinced Eve
chose to walk with the devil.
to compromise. The Bible teaches that we are to
come out of the world when we join the body of John writes of such apostates, “They went
Christ, not merge worldly practices so as to draw out from among us, but they did not really belong
people in. God is the standard and He never to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would
changes, if anyone comes to Him, it is that person have remained with us. But their going showed
who must change. that none of them belonged to us” (1 John 2:19).
Such people can be leaders, teachers, and fellow
church members. But in reality, they are false
20 181
the present tense: “If we deliberately keep on One of the things that is destroying our
sinning.” Sin becomes one’s habit. We must society is fornication. People are completely
pause here to acknowledge that the Bible does throwing their futures away through fornication
not teach sinless perfection in this life. True but I rarely hear pastors preach about it and
Christians sin, but they do not do so defiantly and stress all the harm that results from fornication.
continually. John writes, “If we claim to be How do I know so much fornication is going on
without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth in the church? In some churches today, during
is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he is services, just count the number of kids present
faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and that were born to unmarried parents…the
purify us from all unrighteousness . . . My dear numbers are disturbing. And that count does not
children, I write this to you so that you will not even include the acts of fornication that produced
sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who no children. It is destroying our lives but most
speaks to the Father in our defense, Jesus Christ, pastors don’t see the need to talk about it. Instead
the righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for they choose to entertain.
our sins” (1 John 1:8-9; 2:1-2). Paul declares,
“Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who Much of this entertainment is doing
are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch nothing but playing on people’s emotions. People
yourself, or you also may be tempted” (Gal. 6:1). sing, shout, dance, and cry as they ride the
We oppose the Novatianism of the third century emotional high during church service. But when
that said God does not forgive post-baptismal they return home and come crashing down from
sins. their “high”, they have no foundation to stand on.
As soon as temptation comes in the way of

180 21
fornication, drunkenness, violence, etc they fall author is giving his logic for what he intimated
because they have not been taught anything at in verse 25. He was warning those who were
church. So they drag through the week miserable habitually neglecting the means of grace of public
from sin and return to church the next Sunday. worship and fellowship: “For if we deliberately
They come to the altar with all emotions showing keep on sinning after we have received the
due to their sins from the week and they are knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is
looking for another “high” to make them feel left.” In the Greek text, the first word is hekousiôs,
good. The same thing happens and it just “deliberately.” The apostle is emphasizing that
becomes a continuous cycle. these people were not sinning out of ignorance,
but defiantly, deliberately, knowingly, willingly,
and highhandedly.
3. “Feel Good” Sermons (Fun Gospel)

For the time will come when they will not Numbers 15 condemns deliberate
endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts sinning: “But anyone who sins defiantly,
shall they heap to themselves teachers, having whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the
itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears Lord, and that person must be cut off from his
from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” - people. Because he has despised the Lord’s word
2 Timothy 4:3-4 and broken his commands, that person must
surely be cut off; his guilt remains on him (vv.
There is an epidemic of pastors preaching
about your harvest season, prosperity,
overcoming, and abundant life. These are all the
Not only does such a person sin defiantly,
“feel good” things that many like to hear and
but he also sins daily. The Greek expression is in
22 179
Professor John Frame’s view on apostasy pastors keep pushing the message. Of course God
can be summarized as follows: Those who can bless His people with these things but Jesus
are eternally chosen shall be historically chosen, also taught that we must be prepared to face
meaning they will be part of the church on earth. much persecution and hatred, ”Blessed are ye,
Such people shall persevere to the end. But those when men shall hate you, and when they shall
who are only historically chosen, including separate you from their company, and shall
children brought up in the church, shall not reproach you, and cast out your name as evil,
persevere. Many in Israel were not eternally for the Son of man’s sake” - Luke 6:22. You may
chosen, and so they perished. This is also true in never become earthly rich in this world but if you
the church age. Romans 8:29 declares: “For those seek Jesus and His saving grace, you can attain
God foreknew he also predestined to be the greatest spiritual riches that are stored in His
conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he kingdom. And you can enjoy those spiritual riches
might be the firstborn among many brothers. while on this earth. The Christian walk is not an
And those he predestined, he also called; those easy one and as we get closer and closer to the
he called, he also justified; those he justified, he return of Jesus, things will become harder and
also glorified” (Rom. 8:29-30). In view of this, harder. That’s why Jesus said, ”But he that shall
let us examine two points from Hebrews 10:26- endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” -
31: apostasy and judgment. Matthew 24:13. If your pastor is constantly
teaching “feel good” messages, you should really
ANATOMY OF APOSTASY question his/her motives. Just like a parent that
The first word of verse 26 in the English truly loves their child will chastise them to make
translation should be “for,” not “if,” because the them better in the long run, a pastor that truly

178 23
loves his flock will chastise his congregation from together as some are in the habit of doing” (Heb.
time to time to assure they are on the right path 10:25). When we do not feel like going to church,
to heaven. we have a very serious problem and may be on
the verge of apostasy.
4. Lack of Sacredness
There was a time when people dressed with Clinging to mindless traditions can
decency to attend church. This was done in also lead to apostasy. No matter what our
reverence to God’s holy temple. Many people still religious background, when we hear the gospel,
dress appropriately when entering God’s house we must reject traditions that do not lead to
but many do not. I look around in church and I salvation, and we must commit ourselves to
see women wearing all types of revealing clothes. following Christ. New wine cannot be contained
They wear dresses, pants, and shirts that are the in the old wineskins of mindless traditionalism.
norm on the night club scene. What has
How do we know if we are falling away?
happened to the church to cause women to want
Professor Gerald Hawthorne writes, “There is no
to dress that way and think it is acceptable? There
objective evidence that one who has made his
was a time when if a woman was found that way
Christian confession and has been baptized is
in church, some of the elders would pull her to
indeed a Christian, other than the daily
the side and explain why she should not dress
perseverance in love and good works, that is, a
that way. But most churches just accept it and
persistence in the very essence of what his
move on even though this way of dress can cause
confession implies”
many distractions in service and hinder an
individual from receiving a message from God.

24 177
Father but from the world. The world and its And the men are not excluded from this
desires pass away, but the man who does the will either. I see guys come in with baggy jeans 4 sizes
of God lives forever” (1 John 2:15-17). too big hanging down, wearing sunglasses, do-
rags, etc. The state of the church is deteriorating
Another reason for apostasy is false and many pastors do not express the need to
teachers in the church. Jesus said, “Many correct these things. God’s house is sacred and
false prophets will appear and deceive many should always be approached that way.
people” (Matt. 24:11). Paul wrote, “For the time
will come when men will not put up with sound 5. Lack of Prophecy Teaching
doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they A HUGE void in the church today is lack of
will gather around them a great number of end time prophecy teaching. This void was
teachers to say what their itching ears want to actually my inspiration to start this book. So
hear” (2 Tim. 4:3). How many church people many prophecies have been fulfilled that indicate
today want only to hear pleasant things and be the return of Christ is very near but many
entertained! But false teaching leads to apostasy. churches do not teach them. Therefore, many
people will be caught off-guard when Jesus
A fourth reason is neglect of the
returns. I cannot recall ever hearing a sermon
means of grace. The Hebrews writer asks,
preached from the book of Revelation at any
“How shall we escape if we neglect such a great
service in which I was physically present.
salvation?” (Heb. 2:3). Neglect of the means of
Whether pastors do not understand prophecy or
grace means neglect of God’s word, prayer,
think they will scare people, this void needs to be
fellowship, and worship. In the same epistle, the
filled. Jesus told the apostles that an indication
author cautions, “Let us not neglect meeting
176 25
of his soon return would be when you see the ”fig to be persecuted and put to death, and you will
tree blossom”. The blossoming fig tree was be hated by all nations because of me. At that
the parable used to represent the Jewish return time, many will turn away from the faith and will
to their promised land and regain control of betray and hate each other” (Matt. 24:9-10).
Jerusalem. Israel officially became a nation again Jesus calls such people “rocky soil,” because they
in 1948, ”This is what the Sovereign LORD says: turn away from the gospel when trouble comes
When I gather the people of Israel from the (Matt. 13:20-21).
nations where they have been scattered, I will
show myself holy among them in the sight of the The second reason for apostasy is
nations. Then they will live in their own land, worldliness. Paul writes, “Demas, because he
which I gave to my servant Jacob” - Ezekiel loved this world, has deserted me” (2 Tim. 4:10).
28:25. ”Verily I say unto you, This generation Jesus speaks about “thorny soil” Christians, who
shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled” - become apostate because of the worries of life,
Matthew 24:34. Since the nation of Israel was the pleasures of sin, and the deceitfulness of
re-established in 1948 and the Jews reclaimed riches (Matt. 13:22). Worldliness can creep into
Jerusalem in 1967, we are the generation that us, especially in a society such as ours, where we
shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled. Jesus are constantly faced with the idea that more is
gave a clear warning of what to look for but sadly always better. The apostle John warns, “Do not
these things are not taught in many churches and love the world or anything in the world. If anyone
many are walking blindly. loves the world, the love of the Father is not in
him. For everything in the world-the cravings of
sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting
of what he has and does-comes not from the
26 175
covenant curse of everlasting destruction. The Conclusion
bottom of hell is reserved, not for pagans, but for
In concluding, the Bible warns there will
those professing Christians who abandoned the
be apostasy in the church in the end therefore
gospel and became enemies of Christ and his
Christians should not get discouraged. We find
hope and joy in the soon return of our Savior
God judges us according to the knowledge Jesus Christ. Until then, we pray for the Peace of
we have. The greater our knowledge, the greater Jerusalem, Blessings to the great nation of Israel
our responsibility and the greater our and to the only wise God, be glory through Jesus
punishment if we apostasize. Jesus himself laid Christ forever. Amen.
down this principle in Luke 12:47-48: “That
servant who knows his master’s will and does not Hebrews 6:8–12 suggests three things we
get ready or does not do what his master wants should look out for. First, we should look for the
will be beaten with many blows. But the one who presence of “thorns and briars” (v. 8). Here
does not know and does things deserving Hebrews echoes the words of our Lord in the
punishment will be beaten with few blows.” Parable of the Soils. In some soils (hearts) the
good seed of the Word is planted and seems to
REASONS FOR APOSTASY take root. But in fact the soil is infested with
weeds that strangle the fruit of the good seed.
The Bible gives us a number of reasons for
“The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of
this deliberate turning away from the living God.
riches, and the desires for other things entering
The first is persecution, as Jesus in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful”
himself warned: “Then you will be handed over (Mark 4:19 NKJV).
174 27
Second, we should look for the absence two concentric circles: those who are eternally
of “things that [always] accompany salvation” (v. chosen and truly regenerate, and those who may
9). What are these “things”? They are, surely, the have made credible confessions of faith, but are
fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22–24). Paul not true believers. In due time, the feet of those
interestingly contrasts verbally the fruit of the in the latter group shall slip and they shall prove
Spirit with the works of the flesh. These marks of themselves to be unregenerate apostates.
grace are the natural outcome of regeneration.
We find examples of apostates in both the
Furthermore, the cross has a central place in such
Old and New Testaments. Saul, the first king of
a life, for “those who are Christ’s have crucified
Israel, became an apostate, as did Judas, one of
the flesh with its passions” (Gal. 5:24 NKJV).
the twelve apostles. Hebrews 3 and 4 describes
the apostasy of the Israelites in the wilderness.
The third thing is perhaps the most
Though God had promised them rest, the
alarming: The failure to show “diligence” and a
majority of them did not enter into it “because of
tendency to become “sluggish” (vv. 11–12).
their unbelief.” The author warns, “See to it,
Earlier the writer had warned how easy it is just
brothers, that none of you has a sinful and
to “drift away” (Heb. 2:1). But this drifting
unbelieving heart that turns away from the living
happens slowly, and it often goes unnoticed.
God” (Heb. 3:12). In Hebrews 6:4-6 the author
declares about such people, “It is impossible, if
Yes, apostasy happens. Sometimes the
they fall away, to be brought back to repentance
catalyst is flagrant sin. The pain of conviction and
because, to their loss, they are crucifying the Son
repentance is refused, and the only alternative
of God all over again and subjecting him to public
to it is wholesale rejection of Christ. But
disgrace.” Apostates must experience the
28 173
CHAPTER FIFTEEN sometimes the catalyst is a thorn growing quietly
in the heart, an indifference to the way of the
cross, a drifting that is not reversed by the
knowledge of biblical warnings.

Hebrews 10:26-31 speaks about apostasy.

So perhaps a personal health check is in
It is a warning, not to pagans, but to those in the
order. And today would be the wisest time to do it.
church. In one sense, only those who claim to be
God’s people can become apostate. Aposteinai in
Greek means to “stand away from.” Apostasy,
therefore, means to stand away from Christ and
his gospel and to stand opposed to the living God.

An apostate is one who may have heard and
believed the gospel and even experienced the
power of the Holy Spirit in his life in a non-
regenerative way. Yet, in due time, he turns
against the gospel and becomes an enemy of
Jesus Christ.

There is the potential for apostasy in every

church of God. We can picture church people as

172 29
CHAPTER FOUR others to you will speak negatively about
you to somebody!”
21. A leader/Christian who does not respect
the vision, philosophy, standards and
Many sincere religious people have been procedures of your ministry. 1 Chron 15:13
mistakenly led to believe that it is 22. A leader/Christian with a “Jezebelic”
utterly impossible for a child of God to fall from spouse. 1 Kings 21:7
the grace of God.
23. A leader/Christian who is against
The Swiss reformer, John Calvin, spending money on head. John 12:5. When
popularized this notion. It has found its way into it is time to appreciate their head they do
numerous theological creeds of today’s world. not participate.
The Bible, however, does not teach this
24. Leader/Christian who is unduly quiet,
dangerous doctrine. In fact, Holy Scripture
reserved, detached from others. That
contradicts it repeatedly. silence speaks volumes
Both Old and New Testaments speak of
25. A leader/Christian who constantly is in
potential and actual apostasy among the people
meetings with your opposing forces.
of God. To the northern kingdom of Israel, Hosea,
on behalf of Jehovah, exclaimed: “My people are
bent on turning away from me, and though CHRISTIANS AND LEADERS: Be as
they call out to the Most High, he shall not raise harmless as a dove BUT be as wise as a
them up at all” (Hos. 11:7; ESV). Moses had serpent.
warned Israel of the possibility of their forgetting

30 171
13. Leaders/Christians who have been long in the Lord and the wonderful signs he had
the ministry and feel they have seen it all. performed in the wilderness (Dt. 8:11-14; 4:9).
The noble prophet Ezekiel declared:
14. Leaders/Christians with persistently
“When a righteous person turns
stormy marriage 1 Tim 3:4
away from his righteousness and does injustice,
15. Leaders/Christians who take offense when he shall die for it; for the injustice that he has
they are corrected. They are irritated,
done he shall die” (Ezek. 18:26).
reactionary, very defensive, give excuses
The Old Testament record is literally filled
and continually justify themselves all the
with examples of apostasy on the part of
time. Ecc 4:13
God’s covenant people. In First Corinthians 10,
16. Lies and makes false promises Psalm 15:4. Paul catalogs a number of these instances.
17.A leader/Christian who does not enjoy The New Testament also contains an
when you minister, does not take notes Jer abundance of evidence on the possibility of
1:8, Rev 21:5 apostasy. Observe the following.
18. A leader/Christian who does not tithe or It is possible to fall a robber. Mal 3:8
Jesus taught there some would receive the
19. A leader/Christian who supports those word with joy and believe for a while, but in a
making wrong moves in church and rebels
time of testing would fall away (Lk. 8:13). He
1 Kgs 1:7
announced that some branches — disciples —
20. A leader/Christian who comes to you with would be pruned from Him — as the vine — and
negative news ONLY about others. be burned (Jn. 15:1-6).
“Someone who speaks negatively about

170 31
Some did fall 6. Leaders/Christians who are proud,
Judas certainly did fall (Acts 1:25) and he thinking they can do what you do better 2
was lost (Jn. 17:12). Many other disciples Sam 15:4
abandoned the Lord as well (Jn. 6:66).
7. Leaders/Christians prepared to attack their
Hymenaeus and Philetus erred concerning the
own father/mother or senior leader. 2 Sam
truth, and by their error, overthrew the
faith of others (2 Tim. 2:16-18). Some forsook
Christianity, reverted to Judaism, and in so 8. Leaders/Christians who do not respect
doing fell away (Heb. 6:4-6). your spouse. They say that you, not your
spouse is called.
The church in Ephesus, which had been
saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9; cf. Acts 9. Wounded leaders/Christians who never
19:1-7), left its first love, and so fell, and was in worked their way out of bitterness 2 Sam
danger of being wholly disowned by Christ (Rev. 13:22
2:4-5; 1:20). It was prophesied, in fact, that before 10. Leaders/Christians who feel they know it
the return of Christ to judge the world, a great all hence do not show up for training or
apostasy from the faith would occur (2 Thes. 2:1- retraining. “What more does he have to say,
12; cf. 1 Tim. 4:1ff; 2 Tim. 4:1). I know what he teaches!”
It is possible to prevent falling 11. Leaders/Christians not prepared to do
We must be aware that we can fall (i.e.: menial jobs Luke 22:27, Matthew 18:3
“take heed” — 1 Cor. 10:12; Heb. 3:12; Col. 2:8).
12. Leaders/Christians who aim at positions
But there is a way to prevent such from
more than that the work is done. 1 Kings
happening. We must apply the divine remedy to
32 169
1. A leader/Christian who disappoints you in keep ourselves in the most holy faith and from
times of pressure, disgrace or crisis. Crisis apostasy.
brings out a person’s real character. Acts Note Peter’s admonition regarding the
15:38 adding of the Christian graces and his
conclusions: “for if you do these things, you
2. Leaders/christians who disappoint you
shall never stumble” (2 Pet. 1:5-11). So also
when they are under pressure. Pastors
Jude’s warning in Jude 20-21. Spiritual security
preach every Sunday yet many times they
is conditional.
are under pressure. Prov 25:19

3. Leaders/Christians with moral One can be restored from apostasy

weaknesses. These wait for the day you When Simon committed the sin of
discipline them and they attack you for attempting to buy the gift of God with money and
having “more girlfriend” than them! was in danger of perishing, Peter urged him
4. Leaders/Christians with financial to repent and pray for forgiveness (Acts
weaknesses. Remember Judas had a 8:20-22). James speaks to this point:
weakness in money. Some rebel for “My brethren, if any among you err from the
money’s sake. John 12:6 truth, and one convert him; let him know, that
he who converts a sinner from the error of his
5. Leaders/Christians who are worldly like
way shall save a soul from death, and shall
Demas. All their sources of inspiration are
cover a multitude of sins” (Jas. 5:19-20).
from outside Godly things and church. 2
Tim 4:10

168 33
Why Saints Depart from the Faith CHAPTER FOURTEEN

Yes, a Christian can apostatize. We know this is APOSTASY AND DISLOYALTY

true because of what the scriptures teach. We
In a true church today, one virtue that is a
know of this danger because we have seen
binding factor for members as well as leaders is
children of God fall.
loyalty. But this is rare to find today even in the
In the balance of this article, we will explore most Bible believing of churches worldwide.
a few of the reasons why some saints depart While many may not see it, disloyal Christians
from the faith. are apostate. Quite often they manifest character
Some Fall Away Because of Persecution pertaining to both vices.

In the parable of the sower, Christ spoke

“While all prove beneficial,” attests world-
of the rocky soil. This was a thin layer of earth
renowned pastor, author and evangelist Dag
with a bedrock underneath. When the seed [the
Heward-Mills, “the sometimes surprising, yet
word of God] was sown in such soil, it sprang up
critical component is loyalty”—that permeating
quickly. But because it had no depth, when the
attitude of faithfulness and authenticity which
sun came out, the seed soon died.
stands as “the very foundation of discipleship.”
The Lord, in explaining the story, revealed From the above assertion, we can see that
that the shallow soil represents the one who disloyalty is a very serious problem even for the
“endures for a while; and when tribulation and best of ministries. Apostasy and disloyalty have
persecution arise because of the word, common symptoms. Here are some of the
straightway he stumbles” (Mt. 13:21). manifestations;
Unfortunately, when some people obey the
34 167
ability. That journey may take us to different gospel they have an improper view of
cities, states, countries, and sometimes different Christianity.
churches. The difficulty is discerning God’s will
Perhaps they see only its more pleasant
in these circumstances versus our own. If the
elements. Maybe they have not been taught to
Spirit’s leading is the reason for transitioning to
count the cost (Lk. 14:28). They have not really
a new church, seek the counsel of other believers
recognized that “all that would live godly in Christ
as a way of testing. When the Spirit of God set
Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12).
apart Paul and Barnabas to leave Antioch on a
church planting journey, the whole church And so, when the hardships of the Christian
affirmed that this was, in fact, God’s leading. life come, they do not endure.

For some, persecutions provide the testing

by which character is made (Jas. 1:2-4; 1 Pet. 1:6-
7). In others, tribulations expose a weakness
which becomes the downfall of that person.

Some Fall When They Experience Natural

We live in a world that has been cursed by
the evil effects of sin (Gen. 3:16ff; Rom. 5:12;
8:20ff). Earthquakes, violent storms, and floods
frequently occur. The ravages of cancer, heart
disease, etc., invade our homes. Death steals our

166 35
parents, spouses, and children. The Christian is it may be time to look for another church. If your
no less a victim of these misfortunes than anyone church leadership, however, humbly commits
else. themselves to the teaching of the Bible and they
Yet, occasionally one encounters a child of meet the Biblical qualifications, there is still much
God who feels that if the Lord were really caring hope for the future of the church.
for his interests, such disasters would never
#3 The Spirit’s Leading for Great
Commission Fulfillment
This, of course, reveals an inadequate and
unbalanced view of life. One of the great lessons In my own quiet time this morning, I read Acts
of the book of Job is that Jehovah does not 16:7 where the Spirit of Jesus would not allow
necessarily shield us from life’s calamities. In fact, Paul to go to a particular place, and then
Paul was not exempt from natural disaster (cf. redirected his path to fulfill the great commission
Acts 27; 2 Cor. 11:25-27). in a different region entirely. We cannot rule out
And so, natural hardships will occur. We the real and active role of the Holy Spirit’s
are not in heaven yet! We must never allow such leadership for the fulfillment of the Great
difficulties to turn us from the faith. Instead, we Commission in our lives. There may be occasions
must use all trials to fortify our heavenward where God leads, prompts, stirs, and guides his
journey. people to leave their current church family to go
Many Apostatize Out of Neglect do the work of disciple-making in another region
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that with another church family. We have one life to
we simply cannot escape the wrath of God if live and we are to spend it glorifying God by
making disciples of all nations to the best of our

36 165
commitment to God’s word can often lead to we neglect the great salvation that has been so
church health in other areas, but if the word is richly provided for us (Heb. 2:3).
not taught, all is lost. Some apparently enter the church under
the delusion that they have a ticket to heaven
#2 Disqualified Leadership
which can never be canceled. They do not realize
Pastors must meet particular qualifications that they are but babes in Christ and thus in need
in order to serve in that role. (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus of much growth and maturity (1 Pet. 2:2; 2 Pet.
1:5-9) These qualifications do not mean that 3:18).
pastors must be perfect men, but they do suggest To assist such people, the following
that they should be characterized by Christ- principles must be taught constantly:
likeness. A church that affirms and supports Church worship services must be faithfully
Biblically unqualified leaders is a church that will attended in order that warm encouragement and
always struggle to fulfill God’s will. The Bible competent instruction be regularly received
commands us in Hebrews 13:17 “Obey your (Heb. 10:24-25).
leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping Harmful entanglements with the world
watch over your souls, as those who will have must be severed (1 Cor. 15:33; Eph. 5:11; 2 Tim.
to give an account. Let them do this with joy and 2:4).
not with groaning, for that would be of no Personal habits of study, meditation, and
advantage to you.” If it is impossible for you to prayer must be cultivated (2 Tim. 2:15; Psa. 1:2;
obey this Biblical command because of the sin of 1 Thes. 5:17).
your leaders, and those leaders are Active involvement in the salvation of
unapproachable with the apparent issues, then others is commanded (Jn. 15:1ff; Rom. 7:4).

164 37
Many who would never neglect their physical deny, corrupt, or neglect any core Christian
health (i.e., they diet, jog, etc.), or the welfare of doctrines (the gospel, inspiration of Scripture,
their families (i.e., house, food, medical person and work of Jesus, repentance of sin,
treatment, insurance) are, nonetheless, woefully etc.)? Is the obvious goal of regular teaching in
neglectful of their salvation. And so, they
the church to expose the truth of Scripture? Is
frequently they drift away from the faith
the Bible the obvious source of truth or could it
completely. How very tragic!
be argued that the opinion, perspective, and
Cares, Riches, and Pleasure Are the creativity of the leadership is the real authority?
Downfall of Many Do you leave the public teaching time having just
Again, in his sower parable, the Lord spoke studied the word of God in the Bible, or do you
of those who were fruitless because their leave with general principles of morality and
productivity was choked out by the thorns of the world news grounded only in the opinion of the
“cares of the world,” the “deceitfulness of riches,” preacher?
and the “pleasures of this life” (Mt. 13:22; Lk.
8:14). Paul warns Timothy, ”For the time is
The cares of the world is the inordinate coming when people will not endure sound
anxiety that Christians sometimes have teaching, but having itching ears they will
concerning the daily needs of human existence. accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their
Even poverty can be a temptation (cf. Prov. 30:8). own passions, and will turn away from listening
If one’s possessions are extremely meager, he still to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Tim.
must trust God and never allow worry about 4:3-4) This is the inevitable wandering of sinful
material things to draw him away from Christ humanity without an unwavering commitment
(see Mt. 6:25-34). to the Bible taught each week. The righ
38 163
CHAPTER THIRTEEN On the other hand, some, who have plenty
already, are ever greedy for more. Bigger barns
GOOD REASONS FOR LEAVING A CHURCH must be built (Lk. 12:16-21). A love of money
leads many from the faith (1 Tim. 6:10). The
#1 Unbiblical Preaching destruction of others is a lust for the world.
Some members of the church are never
It is through the living word of God that
weaned from the defilement of an evil society.
we are born again. (1 Pt. 1:23) Faith comes from
Their minds are never transformed (Rom. 12:2).
hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Accordingly, the lure of the wild side of life entices
(Rom. 10:17) Christians are taught, reproved,
them away from the Lord and back into the filth
corrected, trained, completed, and equipped only
of a degrading existence (2 Pet. 2:20-22).
through the teaching of the Scriptures (2 Tim.
Demas is a classic example of one who
3:16) and pastors have been commanded by God
abandoned the noble life in exchange for this
to teach the word. (Acts 20:28-32; 1 Tim. 3:2;
world (Philem. 24; Col. 4:14; 2 Tim. 4:10).
4:11-16; 5:17; 2 Tim. 1:13-14; 2:2, 15-16; 4:1-5; Tit.
1:9; 2:1) If the word of God is not taught in a Some Are Seduced Away from the Faith
church, then it may be time to leave that by False Teaching
church. The tricky part is discerning what counts Paul foretold that in the latter times some
for the word being taught. We are not talking would fall away from the faith, giving heed
about communication style or gifting. We are to seducing spirits (i.e., false teachers — 1 Jn.
talking about the goal and content of teaching. 4:1). They would turn away from the truth unto
fables (1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 4:1).
Perhaps a couple of questions would help
clarify. Does the teaching ministry of the church
162 39
Why do men become involved in the propagation You need us. We need each other. Take Heed less
of religious error? you fall.

Honest people are sometimes ignorantly

caught up in it. That is why Christians must take
heed how they hear (Lk 8:18) and compare what
they hear with the Scriptures (Acts 17:11). The
Lord charged that the errors of the Sadducees
were attributed to their ignorance of the word of
God (Mt. 22:29).

Others adopt false doctrines for baser

reasons. Perhaps they are anxious for a following
(Acts 20:30). Maybe they feel that godliness is a
way of gain (1 Tim. 6:5; cf. 2 Pet. 2:1). Some
preachers are declaring that the church of the
Lord is not distinctive and unique — just another
denomination among many. They no longer
proclaim the biblical truth of the one body (Eph.
4:4), the church (Col. 1:18).

As a consequence of pulpit perversion,

numerous deceived souls are being led into the
entrapments of sectarianism. Faithful Christians
must attempt to inoculate against this great evil.
40 161
church is the change you need in yourself. I Some Have an Unrealistic View of
know. It’s happened to me more than once. After Conversion
all, the Gospel is about change. From darkness
to light, from death to life, from sin to salvation. When one obeys the Gospel of God (1 Pet.
And sometimes, from stubborn to teachable. This 4:17), he enters the Christian life as a spiritual
may not be your time to change churches. It may newborn — an infant in the Lord (1 Pet. 2:2). He
be your time to let Jesus use your church to must endeavor to grow in the grace and
change you. knowledge of Christ (2 Pet. 3:18), and thus
progress towards maturity (Eph. 4:13).
#10 You’re Giving Up On Church Entirely
Occasionally, however, one encounters new
If you’re planning to leave your current church Christians who have mistakenly believe that
to stop attending church altogether, please conversion virtually eliminates the capacity to
reconsider this very dangerous step. further make mistakes. Accordingly, when they
again make some bad mistakes, they are deeply
Very few decisions are more likely to cause long-
term spiritual damage than leaving the church. crushed. They may be unable to cope with the
Even for a little while. Because a little while situation, hence throw up their hands in despair
almost always becomes a very long time. and abandon the faith altogether.

Even deciding to ‘see what’s out there’ in other Such souls must be taught a realistic view
churches can be a dangerous practice. Church- of the Christian life! They must learn that even
shopping can become church-hopping, which great Bible characters sometimes made serious
easily leads to church-stopping. Christianity was errors (Mt. 26:70; Rom. 7:15; Gal. 2:11-14). But
never meant to be lived in isolation. We need you. through repentance and learning, great growth
can be achieved.
160 41
Some Fall Due to the Lack of Christian and more. Buildings need to be upgraded, new
Association songs should be introduced, clothing styles
fluctuate, demographics shift. And more. Some
Conversion to the Son of God frequently
people hit the brakes on every change, good or
extracts a high price in terms of human
bad. If you have that tendency, you need to resist
friendships. Jesus said that it would be so (Mt.
the temptation to assume that a change is bad
10:34; Phil. 5:7-8).
just because it’s uncomfortable for you. If the
Since it is true that the Christian must have leadership of your church is changing things
no fellowship with the evil works of darkness before you think they should, they’re probably
(Eph. 5:11), and as it is further the case that being proactive instead of reactive. That’s good
intimate companionships with unspiritual leadership. Society is changing around us. Fast.
companions can be a detriment to the Lord’s If your church leaders are trying new ways to
servant (1 Cor. 15:33), many times friendship with meet the needs of a shifting society, don’t fight
the ungodly will be broken at the point of them. Help out.
#9 You’re Hindering the Health, Unity or
Now here is a blunt question. Are
Growth of the Church
Christians careful to speedily replace, with warm
fellowship, those worldly associations that have I know this was listed above as a good reason to
been severed? leave the church. But not always. Before you
change churches, ask yourself if what really needs
Sometimes we are seriously neglectful of
changing is you. Before you change churches, ask
this responsibility. We bring the lost to Christ and yourself if what really needs changing is you. You
then freeze them to death! Undoubtedly this is may discover that the change you feared in the
42 159
you to be involved, but hasn‘t found the right fit one of the major reasons for the high mortality
yet, keep trying. rate among new converts.

I’ve known people to stay at our church for years Some Apostatize Due to Harsh Treatment
before we finally found the right fit at just the by Crude Brethren
right time. They were always glad they waited. No one, who is remotely acquainted with
New Testament doctrine, would deny for a
#7 Someone Hurt Your Feelings
moment that false teaching, together with
If you leave your current church over hurt rebellious, hypocritical brethren, ought to be
feelings, you’ll leave your next church for the vigorously opposed (Rom. 16:17; Tit. 3:10; 2 Tim.
same reason. People are people. Feelings get hurt. 4:1ff; etc.). The Lord’s treatment of His brethren
Sometimes we’re too sensitive, sometimes the (the Jewish leaders) in Matthew 23 was blistering
hurts are real. Either way, the solution isn’t — the situation demanded it.
leaving, it’s reconciliation. Or growing thicker
This certainly does not indicate, however,
that all spiritual weakness is to be dealt with in
Leaving a good church because one or two people such a manner.
offended you, only to go to another church where Some brethren have apparently concluded,
one or two people will offend you is not a though, (compare Diotrephes, 3 Jn. 9-10) that
solution. they have been deputized by the Lord to billy-
#8 The Church Is Changing club all immature children of God into perfection!

Every church needs to change. Not core theology. A new Christian may, through ignorance
But methods, demographics, leadership styles or weakness commit a tragic sin, and yet before
they can be lovingly and patiently restored (Gal. If you’re a mature believer who isn’t being
6:1), they are bludgeoned to spiritual death by fed, don’t look for another church. Pick up a spoon
some insensitive zealot. They did not anticipate and feed yourself. If you’re a mature believer who
this type of “brotherly” treatment and hence isn’t being fed, don’t look for another church. Pick
cannot survive it. Child abuse is not just up a spoon and feed yourself. Then start serving
a physical phenomenon! and feeding others. The church is not a
marketplace where we pick the spiritual products
Some Never Learn to Receive Considerate we like. The church is a community that worships
Correction Jesus together. A family that cares for each other.
As was pointed out above, all children of God are And a team that goes out to bless others in Jesus’
bound to make mistakes. At times, we all need name. People don’t become giants of the faith by
loving correction. hearing better sermons. They do so by drawing
closer to Jesus and living better lives as a result.
There is that type of person, however, who simply
cannot abide rebuke, no matter how #6 You Haven’t Found the Right Place to
compassionately it may be offered. Serve
Doubtless, pride is a chief weakness in such an
One of the good reasons to leave your
church (see above) was if the only thing they want
Solomon noted that “a rebuke enters deeper into from you is a warm body and an offering.
one that hath understanding than a hundred
But before you do that, be sure that’s really
stripes into a fool” (Prov. 17:10). Correction is a
what’s going on. If the church leadership wants
natural expression of love (Prov. 3:11-12), and

44 157
As we grow spiritually, the amount we can take when it is well received, it produces peaceable
in from others – even from great sermons and fruit (Heb. 12:11).
programs – diminishes until we do one thing:
Some Never Learn to Deal with Church
start serving.
Expecting to grow spiritually by attending When some enter the church, they labor under
church but not participating is like expecting to the delusion that they are in heaven already!
get physically healthy by eating better but not
It is a tremendous shock when these tender saints
getting off the couch. In both 1 Corinthians 3 and
learn that not everyone in the Lord’s church is
Hebrews 5 we read about immature believers
honest and good. They are not prepared for the
who wanted more “milk”, even though they
reality that, as one preacher put it, some of the
should have been ready for “solid food” (some
people in our fellowship ought to be in the
translations use the word “meat”). Often, church
members will leave a church because they want penitentiary!
meatier sermons. But, while sermons can always When they observe conflict in the church — or if
be better, I don’t believe we can ever get spiritual they are treated in an unbecoming way by
meat from sermons. Just milk. What makes brethren — rather than attempting to assist the
something milk is that it’s been through the cow. situation for the sake of righteousness,
Someone else has eaten it, chewed it, processed occasionally a sense of smugness sets in. An aura
it and fed it to you. Meat is something we have to of self-righteousness may develop.
chew on. It requires our work and participation.
It is sometimes the case that church members,
such as these described, will withdraw from the
church in general and establish their own little
156 45
antiseptic fellowships — usually a so-called address those reasons. But if the only issue you
“house church” — wherein they can from afar have with the church is its small size, that’s not a
crucify the church for her shortcomings or reason to leave.
imagine that they are the last faithful people on
earth. On the opposite side of the church size coin
are people who leave because the church is
But our Lord knew that there would be
getting ‘too big’ for them. I may be a small church
difficulties in the kingdom. Consider the parable
guy, but I don’t believe a church can get too big.
of the tares (Mt. 13). Paul had his enemies, even
Yes, some churches do unhealthy things to get
within the church (2 Cor. 11:26), yet he did not
big. But other churches do unhealthy things that
sour on the entire brotherhood.
keep them small. Either way, the problem is ill-
Faithful children of God will look for ways health, not size. The path to Heaven is narrow
to help their brethren in times of confusion. They not big. It might be small but it’s the Apple of
will not bury their heads. The old proverb about God’s eye amongst churches. Let size not be a
lighting a candle instead of merely cursing the factor of apostasy.
darkness still contains a lot of truth.
The size of the church is never a valid
Some Fall Because of Misplaced reason to leave a good church.
#5 You’re Not Being Fed
A proverb says: “Confidence in an
unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken There’s only so much growth we can receive
tooth, and a foot out of joint” (Prov. 25:19). as passive church consumers.

46 155
playground kind of children’s ministry is not It is never easy when we are disappointed by
always and automatically better for a family’s those we love and in whom we have great
discipleship. It is primarily the family’s confidence.
responsibility to disciple their children and
Perhaps some are so cynical that they will
teenagers and to teach them the importance of
not allow themselves to trust anyone. An opposite
the local church beyond the once a week program.
inclination, equally extreme, is to see everyone,
Transferring to another church so that
especially those in the church, as virtually angelic.
discipleship of children and teenagers can be
more fully outsourced to the paid professionals Often Christians will make a superhero of
of the larger church should not be the primary some prominent leader, elder, or preacher. They
consideration for leaving one place and joining will idealize that person to the point of near
another. perfection. If the hero falls, it can destroy the faith
of the one who so admired him.
#4 Because It’s Small (Or Getting ‘Too
I know of a number of situations in which
weak brethren have fallen from the faith because
Many of us have bought into the myth that, a favorite preacher was discovered in adultery or
if a church is not growing numerically, it must be perhaps a respected elder was exposed as a
broken. If the ‘problem’ with your church is that crooked businessman.
it’s not getting bigger, I have good news for you.
It certainly is not sinful to have great
Small is not a problem. Is it possible that the
respect and confidence in good brethren. But in
church’s lack of growth is a sign of deeper
the final analysis, one’s trust must be in God
problems? Of course. If so, the church needs to
Almighty and in His Son, Jesus Christ! They will
154 47
never do wrong. They will never disappoint us not saying by any means to stay at a church where
(Heb. 13:5). unrepentant sin is approved of, ignored, or
celebrated. But, if you are noticing spiritual
apathy, lovelessness, and faithlessness
Surely, it is to the advantage of all of us to learn surrounding you on a Sunday morning, don’t let
those areas of weakness which can precipitate your first thought be to jump ship. Let your first
apostasy. thought be – I’ve got to make disciples. Pour
None of us is beyond the possibility of falling (1 yourself out for the spiritual growth of those
Cor. 10:12). We must be diligent to fortify our around you. ”Let us not grow weary of doing
souls against failing the grace of God. And we good, for in due season we will reap, if we do
must learn to reciprocate in assisting each other not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let
on the road to heaven. us do good to everyone, and especially to those
who are of the household of faith.” (Gal. 6:9-10)

#3 Better Programming

One of the newer developments in our

cultural and historical context is the expectation
on churches to perform certain programmatic
services. This is especially true with regard to
children and youth. Parents should, of course,
consider their families in choosing what church
to join, but the bigger, more colorful, indoor-

48 153
in America must especially be aware of our CHAPTER FIVE
cultural conditioning. We can find ourselves
looking at the church through a consumeristic THE CHURCH: YESTERDAY AND TODAY
lens rather than a Biblical one. Choosing church THE CHURCH
membership has to be different than choosing a
The Christian Church is the assembly or
gym membership. We shouldn’t choose to leave
association of followers of Jesus Christ. In the
or join another church based off of best services
New Testament the church is referred to as
provided for the least monthly cost.
“church” basically meaning “assembly”. It
#2 Spiritual Immaturity in the Church appears in two verses of the canonical Gospel of
Members Matthew, 24 verses of the Acts of Apostles, 58
verses of the letters of Paul the Apostle, 2 of
Every church has at least one thing in
the Letter of the Hebrews, 1 of the Epistle of
common – people are involved. Since every
James, 3 of the Third Epistle of John and 19 of
church has people involved, it follows that every
the Book of Revelation.
church will have sinners involved. No matter
what church you go to there will be a variety of There are four traditional notes of the
spiritual maturity among the members. There Christian Church and they include unity,
will always be potential for relational conflict and holiness, catholicity and apostolicity. (McKim,
disagreement. The church is, in fact, a communal 1996) In the phenomenological sense, there
participation in one another’s sanctification are many associations that call themselves
process. If you run at the first sign of human Christian churches. In New Testament the term
sinfulness, you will always be on the run. I am is used for local communities and in a universal
sense to mean all believers. Traditionally, only
152 49
orthodox believers are considered part of the true Bad Reasons for Church Prostitution:
Church, but convictions of what is orthodox vary.
(Harper, 2001) #1 Entertainment Value

Few people say outright that they are

Church Yesterday leaving their church based off of entertainment
The early Church originated in Roman value. They usually say something more like, “the
Judea in the first century AD, founded on the Sunday worship is dead” or “I am just not getting
teachings of Jesus, Son of God and Christ the fed.” These phrases can represent legitimate
Messiah. It is usually thought of as beginning concerns which we will address in a moment, but
with Jesus’ Apostles. According to scripture, they can also stand for a me-centeredness (self-
Jesus commanded them to spread his teachings centredness) that we want to avoid. When
to the entire world. Springing out of the first someone says they are not being fed they might
century Jewish faith, from Christianity’s earliest mean, “I want a church with a more dynamic and
days, Christians accepted non-Jews (Gentiles) entertaining communicator, but my pastor is just
without requiring them to fully adopt Jewish an average public speaker.” By “dead worship”,
customs (such as circumcision) the parallels in they might simply mean an older style of worship.
the Jewish faith are the Proselytes, God fearers, It is a stylistic preference judged by personal
and Noahide Law. Some think that conflict with enjoyment more than it is a spiritual assessment
Jewish religious authorities quickly led to the of God’s enjoyment of the worship. If God is only
expulsion of the Christians from the synagogues pleased with stage lights and electric guitars then
in Jerusalem. he has been awaiting truly alive worshippers for
thousands of years up until the modern era. We
50 151
another, and fulfill the great commission The Church of Yesterday” was overflowing
together. Choosing to transition to a new church, with strength and dedication to serve God. Then,
therefore, affects an entire community, not just there seemed to be a better desire for the word
an individual. I don’t encourage or entice of God, and a better desire for The Lord. The
Christians to transfer their commitment to our apostles preached about Jesus in a way that will
church, unless there is Biblical reasoning. As make an unbeliever believe that indeed Jesus is
pastors, it should not be our aim to attract more truly the son of God and then there preaching
Christians to move to our church as if our church changed the lives of so many people. Souls were
is the only church “doing things right.” I praise been worn for God and people preached not out
God that we are not the only Gospel believing, of the doctorate degree in divinity but out of the
Bible preaching, corporate witness of the Lord spirit of God. There were chosen to preach, not
Jesus in our city. Sheep swapping is not great forced to preach. They simply preached JESUS
commission progress. But there are scenarios and allowed the Holy Spirit to convict the heart
where transitioning to a new church may be good, of the hearer of sin whereby they repented and
right, and honoring to the Lord. Here is a simple accepted the gift of salvation through their
and non-exhaustive list of a few good and bad acceptance of Him. The church yesterday
reasons for transitioning to a new church. showed love by word and by deed. Genuine
miracles happened. We say water turning into
wine but today, preachers and prophet fake
miracles, some are paid to stay in wheel chair
and rise and stand during church services as sign
of miracle. The church yesterday was best with

150 51
spiritual wealth but what we see today is CHAPTER TWELVE
different. They seek after ungodly wealth, they
are not concerned about there spiritual growth APOSTASY AND CHURCH PROSTITUTION
any more as long as they can buy themselves a
Bad Reasons for Moving Churches
private jet.
The church yesterday was lead by Christ, No church is perfect. Your church is
today who leads the church? Most churches are imperfect because it is full of imperfect people –
led by the devil himself with gays standing on you and I included. Every church member,
the pulpits preaching, church worker stealing therefore, must endure difficulties and persevere
money from offering bag, married pastors through problems. But, when is it time to leave?
having sexual relationship with a brethren For what reason is it appropriate to end your
sister. Some pastors even support abortion. commitment to one church and make a
Recently in Nigeria, a well-known church joined commitment to another? Pastor, what is your
a man who is still married with his wife in counsel when someone comes to you wrestling
holy matrimony with another woman who with whether they should leave their current
apparently is a local actress in Nigeria. The church to join yours? These are questions we all
church was a united body yesterday. Today, face at some point in our life together as God’s
pastors in the same church fight over power and people.
money. Christians worshiped God in godly
Firstly, we must agree that commitment to
manners but today people worship God half
a local body of believers is a serious thing.
naked. You go to church and in your presence, a
Churches are spiritual families covenanted
brethren sister wants to share your husband with
together to serve one another, care for one
you. Today’s church has failed to teach the truth
52 149
This is how to survive and thrive in the and that is why all sort of sin is seen in the church
apostasy. The joy of the Lord and the hope of today. It’s so sad to note that some of the worst
eternity are able to keep one from becoming and cruel being like secret cult members call
spiritually satisfied. In the Old Testament, when themselves Christians and go to church.
the children of Israel came into Egypt, they were
placed in the land of Goshen. When the plagues Church Today
came in Egypt in the time of Moses there was
Today’s church is now scattered and
prosperity in Goshen. There was darkness in
disorganized. I have wondered if the true church
Egypt that could be felt, but in Goshen there was
Christ actually created still exit in this recent
light. There was death in Egypt, but in Goshen
times. Teachings have fallen apart and in general
there was life. Today Christians are living in an
old Egypt culture, but it is possible to be Goshen today’s church is in a bad shape. The question is
Christians in the midst of an Egypt culture. “Is God in today’s church? Are the preachers
telling the truth or are they telling the people
The solution to apostasy is not isolation. exactly what they want to hear? (2 Timothy
The solution to live in an apostate culture is not 4:3-4). Most things taught by Christ are not
isolation. The solution is insulation from culture taught in today’s church. It is evident in our
for the purpose of infiltration in culture. The churches today as divorce has reached its peak.
apostates are not the only ones infiltrating. The divorce rate within the church has not only
Believers are doing some infiltrating of our own. equaled but surpassed that of the world. It seems
We are going over there into an Egypt culture to to me that every little thing that goes wrong is a
capture some people for the gospel and we are reason for divorce in our modern society.
bringing them into the land of Goshen.
148 53
Nude churches now exit in our presence exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or
just as we have ongoing nude clubs and bars. It think.” The Lord is able to keep us from
is unbelievable when I find women going to stumbling before a fall.
church almost completely naked in the name of
fashion. In Nigeria, where there exist the most The Lord is able “to present you faultless
churches as well as other African countries, it’s no before the presence of his glory with exceeding
news for a man to step into church with his four joy” (vs. 24). In this verse there is a Greek word
wives and as long as he donates money regularly, loaded with meaning. Some have translated it,
he will be used as good examples to other church “He will present you before the presence of the
member. Sometimes they are given roles in Lord with mighty shouts of joy.”[3] When I get to
church like counselor, chairman, etc. Now tell heaven Jesus is never going to hear the last of it.
me, what’s this kind of person going to teach I am going to spend eternity praising Jesus. The
couples? Where’s the truth? All these are done next verse follows with a great doxological
all in the name of liberty, however, it seems like statement, “To the only wise God our Saviour, be
Christians of nowadays has failed to remember glory and majesty, dominion and power, both
that in his word, God gave us liberty, but then now and ever. Amen.” Here Jude mentions God’s
He added, “Do not allow your liberty to cause splendor, greatness, sovereignty, and authority.
you to sin.” Finally, look to what A.T. Robertson claims is “as
complete a statement of eternity as can be made
In today’s church, we have so-called
in human language.”[4] The praise offered to the
churches of God that are sanctifying and
Lord is past, present, and future. This is praising
performing same sex marriages; queer to queer,
him forever and forever.
lesbian to lesbian. Many of the Church are
54 147
The ultimate solution to apostasy is proximity a) Christianity without Christ
to him. Stay close to him and keep preaching him. b) Forgiveness without repentance
We do this also knowing that he is able. The text c) Salvation without regeneration
presents this in the present tense. It does not say d) Heaven without Hell
he was able, nor is it in the future tense. Jude is
Did Jesus the founder of Christianity ever
saying, “He is able.” Whatever the need is today,
think us this way? I have never read in the Bible
God is able.
were it is said that men can now marry men and
What needs exist today? Some say, “Well, women marry women. To show the extent of
I need grace.” Second Corinthians 9:8 says, “God deformity in Churches, not only do member turn
is able to make all grace abound toward you.” homosexual but the preachers and prophets. The
Some say, “Well, I am going through some teachings of yesterday are no longer valued in
temptation.” Look to Hebrews 2:18: “He is able some churches today. It’s sad to say the majority
to aid those who are tempted.” Still others say, of churches have now deviated from the truth.
“Well, I need salvation.” Consider Hebrews 7:25:
Let me give you example of the church
“He is also able to save to the uttermost those
today. In African, the church has now become a
who come to God through Him.” Some may say
limited liability company. This is no joke. Almost
they need confidence in the faith, 2 Timothy 1:12
all churches now own their own nursery,
says, “I know whom I have believed and am
primary, secondary and university institutions.
persuaded that He is able to keep what I have
You may be thinking this no big deal but it is
committed to Him until that Day.” Then there is
because even their members pay through their
a passage that seems to cover everything,
nose to attend their schools. In a country were
Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him who is able to do
146 55
poverty has ruined the lives of millions of people, became attached to the place and called himself
the average school fees of a primary school child a chaplain, but in coming so close to the
in these church school is three thousand dollars defilement in the ministry around him he soon
per term. Why can’t these schools do? There, became defiled himself.
members are favoured by reducing the fees to
the minimum after all, the schools are build out There is a teaching today that says that the
of the offerings of this same members? way to win the world is to be like the world. The
truth is that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ
has had the most influence on the world when it
Conclusion was the least like the world. Win some who are
There is clear difference between the in defilement, “hating even the garment spotted
church of yesterday and the church of today. The by the flesh.” So, what Jude is saying is, Do not
church of yesterday was based on truth, purity let the apostasy surprise you; the Bible said it was
and holiness; this is now hard to find in today’s coming. Do not let the apostasy stop you. Keep
church. Over in Cameroon or elsewhere, there on loving the Lord; keep on loving the lost.
are far more people behind the pulpit that have
no right to be there than there are those who have
Do Not Let the Apostasy Stifle You
truly been called by God and do have the right
to be there. The pulpits of our churches are filled Finally, do not let apostasy stifle you. The
with men and women who are involved in all end of Jude provides relief from the previous
manner of immorality and perversity; those who content in perhaps the most beautiful doxology
are involved in adultery, those who defraud their in all of the pages of the New Testament, “Now
congregations, stealing money from their own unto him that is able to keep you from falling.”
56 145
by the flesh,” literally means human excrement. church, and those who are preaching false and
It is as if Jude is saying, “Some people you have demonic doctrines. In all honesty, most so-called
mercy on, you m, but they are m defilement. Their ‘Christians’ have never fulfilled the scriptures as
inner life is so corrupt and filthy that it has it was taught yesterday.
corrupted their outer life and it is dangerous to
Today’s church needs to go back and read
touch them.”
the scriptures and act according to the biblical
In response to the Ebola outbreak people scripture, they should learn the right things. You
would wrap themselves up and insulate can’t teach what you don’t know. Let them
themselves in such a way to not be infected or embrace the vitality and commitment of
defiled by the virus. The same thing is true in the spreading the words of the lord. Most
spiritual realm. There are some people who are especially, pastors should allow the spirit to lead
in defilement and they need to be witnessed to, them into the profession rather than studying
and need to be won to Christ, but there needs to for it. The doctrine of Christ should be strictly
be great caution to avoid personal defilement. adhered to in churches so that God can be
present in there mist. Twisting what’s in the
When I was at New Orleans Baptist bible to benefit your own interest will invite
Theological Seminary, there was a student who Satan into the house of God. The government
was an evangelist. He used to give his report in and society has a role to play in how today
chapel of the great crusades he was having and church can be amended to be like the church of
the hundreds of people who were coming to know yesterday. Churches reported to be into criminal
Christ as Savior. He began to minister in the acts like surrendering all your properties before
French Quarter around Bourbon Street. He gaining salvation, should be dealt with under the

144 57
criminal law. Society should stop looking for On Sunday mornings when I was a little
churches with miracles, prophesies and magic boy, one of the things I would do is get up and
rather they should seek a church that preaches run out in the front yard to get the Sunday
the truth, a church that care about the welfare newspaper. I would run back into the house to
of its members. read through the sports and comics. On one
particular day, a picture on the front page of that
paper caught my attention. It was the picture of
Apostasy at the inception of the
people leaping out of windows. The front page
Christian church.
had a picture of the burning of the Winecoff Hotel
The Christian Church is universal, cutting in Atlanta on Peachtree Street, it was the worst
across all the regions of the earth and racial fire we had ever known in history in a hotel.
barriers in keeping with Christ’s directives (Acts Grown men came to windows and jumped to their
1:8). At the end of His (Christ’s) earthly ministry, death. Mothers took their babies and tossed them
Jesus commissioned His apostles to lead the out of windows in an attempt to get them out of
Church (Matt. 20:18-20; John 20: 21-22; the fire. God has a message that will get people
17:18-19).The apostles affirmed all the out of the fire. Stay in love with love with Jesus.
principles left to them by Christ to the last of Stay in love with those who are lost and nearest
Christ’s disciple, John (the beloved). We can see to hell.
how the apostles resisted apostasy, many times
to the point of sacrificing their lives: Simon Peter Jude uses the pronoun a third time, “and
was crucified in Rome; James (the elder) was to others have mercy . . . hating even the garment
beheaded by Herod in A.D. (Acts 12:1-2); spotted by the flesh.” “Garment” refers to the
Andrew was crucified on St. Andrews cross; inner garment, the ÷éôùìá. The word for “spotted
58 143
mercy making a difference”). There are precious Matthew and Mathias were martyred in
souls in the world that are just in doubt. They Ethiopia; Saul (Paul) was beheaded in Rome and
are weak and perhaps have been influenced by many others (Thompson 1984:1565). These
apostate teaching. They do not know true men stood firm against all forms of apostasy
doctrine because no one has explained it to them. in the Christian Church and yet, in their
This passage helps believers see that there is an ministry, evidence abounds that apostasy was
opportunity in the world to witness to those who not an uncommon phenomenon.
are in doubt.
Towards the end of the apostolic era, the
apostles foresaw the impending apostasy in the
There are a lot of lost people who could be
Christian Church and warned against it.
won like that. We are to love those who are in
Accordingly, Paul warns Timothy, “guard what
has been entrusted to your care, turn away from
godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what
Second, we are to love those that are in
is falsely called knowledge, which some have
danger. In verse 23 we find the same relative
professed and in so doing have wondered
pronoun, “and others save with fear, pulling them
(apostatised) away from the faith” (1Tim. 6:20-
out of the fir.” There are many who are in danger.
I used to listen to the evangelist, Oliver B. Green,
every day to close his show he would say, “Lord, Furthermore, he warns the Ephesian
save the soul that is nearest hell.” Hell is real and elders that apostasy would arise from within the
there are people who do not know Jesus Christ Church (Acts 20:29-30) and also reminded the
whose feet are almost in the fire. It is the job of Thessalonians of the pending apostasy before
Christians to pull them out of the fire. the second coming of Christ (2Thess. 2:3-4).
142 59
Apostasy during the Ministry f Paul to I’mma looking for him to come tomorrow.” If you
the churches in Galatians want to stay in love with Jesus, just keep your
The way Paul deals with the Churches in mind and heart on the fact that one of these days
Galatia explains how apostasy, if not recognised soon, and very soon, Jesus Christ is going to come
and dealt with quickly, can spread throughout again.
the whole Christian Church. Within two or three
years of Paul’s mission to Asia Minor, many What Jude is saying here is, if you want to
professed Christians had renounced the gospel survive and thrive in the apostasy, first, do not
(Gal. 1:6-12; 3:1-5). Paul informs Timothy that let the apostasy surprise you, and second, do not
“everyone in the province of Asia has deserted let the apostasy stop you. We must keep on loving
me” (2 Tim. 1:15). Although one may not find the Lord. However, there is something else he
evidence that everyone in Galatia deserted Paul, tells you to keep on doing, notice verses 22-23.
it is the view of the researcher that the majority In those verses there is a relative pronoun
of the church members had or were in the translated as “some” and is translated “others.”
process of apostatising. In this regard, six of the The word ïõò is a plural pronoun that is a
seven Churches in Asia were also warned by John structure word providing the flow and logic of the
against apostasy (Rev. 2-3) language. Jude is saying, “Do not stop loving the
Lord,” but he is also saying, “Do not stop loving
Galatians, Bereans and today’s church
the lost.” In this he provides three categories of
The Galatians were also not like the lost people that Christians are to seek to win.
“Bereans who were of a more noble character
Notice, first, verse 22, “and of some have
than the Thessalonians, for they received the
compassion” (a better translation would be “have

60 141
building ourselves up, studying the Bible, and by message with great eagerness and examined the
praying. scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was
true” (Acts 17:11). White (in, Acts of the Apostles
Then, the third participle in verse 21, 1970:150) maintains that the minds of the
“looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Bereans were not narrowed by prejudice. They
unto eternal life.” The best way in the world to studied the Bible, not out of curiosity, but, in
stay in love with Jesus is to be looking for Jesus order that they might learn what had been
to come any day. We must expect that Jesus will written concerning the promised Messiah. If
return any day. I believe in the return of the Lord church members are not well informed with
Jesus Christ. One of the things that really gets regard to the Church doctrines and do not check
me excited when I recognize that we are in the if what is practised in the Church is in line with
days of the apostasy is that the Bible is clear that the Biblical doctrine, they can fall prey to the
apostasy will occur right before the re- turn of wrong teaching. It is to be established whether
the Lord Jesus Christ. “Lift up your heads. Your or not the present church members experience
redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28). Some similar causes of apostasy in churches in Africa.
golden daybreak Jesus will come. I had an old
The views of the Judaizers may be
step-grandmother, my real grandmother
indications that even today many churches may
Johnson died before I was born, my grandfather,
fall prey to some ideologies, traditions and
a country evangelist/preacher, married Aunt
customs, which some people believe are still
Callie. Aunt Callie was an uneducated woman,
binding for their salvation. The situation of the
but she had a real walk with the Lord. Aunt Cal-
Galatians is a difficult one and is shared by many
lie used to put it this way, “l’mma looking for
new Christians today. There are some converts
Jesus to come today, but if he doesn’t come today,
140 61
who cannot remain firm to their faith when us. To help us stay in the love of God, we must
internal church conflicts break out, such as that constantly be building ourselves up in the
of the Judaizers and Paul. Both parties had Scriptures.
extensive knowledge of scripture and the
functions of the Church, but the Galatians did The second participle is, “praying in the
not search the scriptures to defend their faith. Holy Spirit” (vs. 20). Bible reading and prayer
However, Paul was surprised by the sudden complement each other. When we read the Bible,
change of the Galatians from what he had God talks to us; when we pray, we talk to God.
taught them to supporting another gospel, which Some might think this means the gift of tongues,
Paul asserts is really no gospel at all (Gal. 1:7). but it does not have a thing to do with tongues.
The conflict in the Galatians Church reflects Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise the Spirit also helps
another cause of apostasy, the one that takes our infirmities: for we know not what we should
advantage of new converts who have not pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes
grounded themselves in the doctrines. intercession for us with groanings which cannot
be uttered.” That literally means groanings which
you cannot put into words. Have you ever been
there? Have you ever had a burden on your heart,
a need in your life so great that when you got to
your prayer altar all you could do is just groan
and say, “Oh Holy Spirit groan over me?” It takes
a lot of prayer in days of apostasy. We need to
keep ourselves in the love of God and we do it by

62 139
the faith and build ourselves up in our most holy CHAPTER SIX
faith. It is imperative for believers to read and

In today’s churches, just as in the Judean

The Bible is a love letter. Imagine a girl or Galatian era, facies serious apostasy. Some of
receiving a love letter from her boyfriend. She the causes which involve internal as well external
goes to the mailbox and immediately notices the or doctrinal are the reasons Christianity is slowly
handwriting and the scent of an envelope that it falling to meet the standards laid by the Prophets,
was from her boyfriend. She would not return to Jesus and the Apostles. These include;
the house and say, “Mom, I got a love letter from
my boyfriend and I am going to put it up here on Internal causes of apostasy
the mantle, and on Christmas Eve we are going - Personal clashes between members often
to get down the letter and we are all going to results in one or both parties apostatizing.
gather around and I am going to read it.” This is - Failure to be elected to positions aspired
rather unlikely. What probably would happen is for by members in church sometimes leads
that the girl would run back into the house, to apostasy.
saying, “Oooh, mama mama mama, I got a love - Electing people to positions for which they
letter.” Then she would run to her room, fall are not competent to perform, results in
across the bed, and tear open the envelope to read disappointment, causing people to give up
it, perhaps even placing it later under her pillow their faith.
to be read again. God has written a love letter to
us. Every day we ought to read that love letter. - Resentment regarding disciplinary action
God wants us to know how very much he loves meted in terms of church policy, due to the
138 63
poor and unprofessional approach towards imperative, “keep yourselves.” He says first of all,
the offenders, causes apostasy. “building up yourselves on your most holy
faith…keep yourselves in the love of God.” This
- Failure to have one’s expectations met, for
means that in days of apostasy, keep in love with
example, not being assisted materially or
Jesus Christ. One of the ways to accomplish this
financially and getting no sympathy from
is to keep studying the Bible. One of the major
members in desperate times of need,
reasons people fall into false doctrine is an
causes apostasy.
ignorance of the Bible. Paul said in Acts 20:32,
- Too much gossiping and criticism among “Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the
church members reduces the spirit of word of his grace, which is able to build you up.”
fellowship; hence this causes apostasy. Bible study and daily Bible reading is spiritual
- Intense dislike of those elected to positions weight lifting and spiritual food. I read some time
of local church leadership creates ago that there are some dogs who can do without
unnecessary conflict, which often leads to food for nine days. I read that there are some
apostasy. birds that can do without food for twenty days. I
read that there were turtles that could without
- Delays in resolving disciplinary cases often
food for five hundred days. I read that there were
lead to apostasy.
some snakes that could do without food for eight
- The absence of church counselling leaves hundred days. I read that there were even some
a lot to be desired, many cases leading to fish that could do without food for one thousand
apostasy could have been prevented by the days. But we cannot do without the Word of God
provision of such a service. for a solid week if we are going to stay strong in

64 137
There is also a kind of keeping that - Offenders receive little or no tolerance; very
believers do that is mentioned in verse 21: “Keep few if any offenders are forgiven by the
yourselves in the love of God.” Now putting this church, hence, some members think trying
in a Georgia-country English, what he is saying to put matters right is a waste of time as a
is “Scrooch up real close and stay in love with result of such feelings, apostasy becomes
Jesus,” or “Keep yourselves in the love of God.” the only alternative.
Whether you stay close to the Lord or not, his
- New members are not given enough time
love remains and never changes. His love is like
to adjust to a new Christian lifestyle, some
the sun; it is constantly shining. Whether you are
fail to adjust and apostatize.
directly in the atmosphere and warmth of the sun
or not the sun continues to shine. When the - Choice of a church and apostasy:
prodigal son left his father’s house, his father did Many people choose to belong to a church
not stop loving him (Luke 15:11-24). When the without studying its doctrines and cannot
son removed himself he also moved from the tell if the church is scripturally based or not.
warmth, affection, and the love of his father. The Christians today need to read the scriptures
good news is that we can do what the prodigal as did the Bereans (Acts 17:10, 11) in order
did. The prodigal said, “I will arise and go to my that they support or defend their faith when
father” (vs. 18). Christians, we ought to keep conflicts affect the Church. Martin Luther)
ourselves in the love of God. states, “I have seen Satan tear apart
Churches with conflict too many times. I
How do you keep yourself in the love of have seen him (Satan) bring strife and
God? Jude answers this question by using three dissension into the most peaceful
present tense participles in relation to this aorist Churches.”
136 65
External causes of apostasy then act as the spiritual surgeon protecting the
health of the body of Christ by removing the
- Associating with unbelievers in activities
infiltrated cancer with the surgical tool of the
that do not enhance spirituality causes
Word of God. Slowly and carefully the intrusion
into the body of Christ will be cut out. This task,
- Associating with members of other however, is not the main concern; pastors and
denominations or church sectors whose moral their congregations must continue obeying what
behaviour is not an important factor in their God has commanded.
churches, lead to apostasy.

- Adhering to cultures with beliefs and The leading verb in this section of Jude is
practices that are not in harmony with those found at the beginning of verse 21: “Keep
of the Bible believing churches causes yourselves in the love of God.” That is the second
apostasy. imperative in Jude. Jude liked the word “keep.”
He uses it five times with one synonym. There is
- Continually breaking the Sabbath and not
a two part keeping in Jude: one that God does
frequently attending Church services due to
and one that believers do. Verse 1 states we are
social attractions often lead to apostasy.
“preserved in Jesus Christ.” This is the same word
- Involvement in worldly politics to a point as in verse 21, we are kept in Jesus Christ.
where church principles are compromised Believers do not have to keep themselves saved,
causes apostasy. for God is the one who keeps them. Also notice
verse 24, “Now unto him that is able to keep you
- Premarital sex and cohabitation
from falling.” It is God who does that kind of
66 135
Jude also uses the word “sensual,” (øõ÷éêïé) Doctrinal causes of apostasy
denoting that they live on a worldly level. The
- Baptizing people before they are taught all
apostates believe that they live on a level above
the doctrines and policies of the Church,
what the ordinary experience and thus the
causes some people to lose their faith when
normal rules do not apply to them. Jude further
they discover that they accepted baptism
defines them as those “having not the Spirit,”
ignorant of the expectations of the Church. For
which makes it very clear that the apostates are
example, one may accept Christ after listening
not believers. So the first encouragement Jude
to two or few more sermons and is baptised.
provides is, “Do not let apostasy surprise you.”
The Church may later learn that his/her
private life is contrary to the Church doctrines
Do Not Let the Apostasy Stop You and policies, following which the person is
then removed from the church membership
In the concern for apostasy and the
record and is considered an apostate, yet the
departure of the faith it is easy to become hostile
two sermons may not have covered all the
and bitter. Jude begins with an appeal to contend
doctrines and policies to help the new converts
earnestly for the faith. However, contending for
make good decisions regarding their baptism.
the faith does not mean to be contentious in
defending the faith. Apostasy should not stall the - Inconsistence in upholding the Ten
work of the church. Commandments causes apostasy. For
example, most emphasis is on only three of
For those who are pastors, Jude presents the Ten Commandments, namely, the keeping
the pastoral task clearly as spiritual surgeons. of the Sabbath day (Saturday) holy; not
Pastors will biopsy a problem when it occurs and
134 67
committing adultery and not stealing, thereby That Word of God has been canonized in the
causing apostasy. pages of the Bible. This is the only Bible that there
will ever be and any talk of “a new revelation,” or
- Adherence to church polices and laws more
“a special word from the Lord “should be ignored.
than the scriptures, leading some members
If it is new it is not true; if it is true it is not new.
to apostasy.

Jude says remember. “Remember I told

Other causes linked to the internal or external
you so when these things hap-pen, you and I
as well as doctrinal involve;
should not be surprised about it.” Christians
1) There is serious competition between the should be aware of the fact that the Bible
different denominations regarding predicted that those days would come. Jude
membership, because churches have mentions them in verse 19, “they . . . separate
become commercial enterprises. It has themselves.” Literally, apostates draw boundary
become evident that church owners or lines. They come in under the radar in a local
organisations depend financially on church church and begin to draw lines developing what
contributions as their sources of income. they call a spiritual elite. The elite are a group of
2) A lack of love and care in times of need individuals who are the only ones in the
causes apostasy. A high percentage of congregation who really are intelligent enough
people in Africa are poor and come to to understand their teaching. As a result,
church with the hope of receiving comfort apostates split churches, separate believers, and
and material help particularly in times of sometimes even separate family members.
need, such as illness, or when death occurs “They…separate themselves.”

68 133
would come, “and many false prophets shall rise in a family. Accordingly, people who move
and shall deceive any”(Matt 24:11). The Apostle from one church to another, do so in search
Paul predicted apostasy (Acts 20:30). “Also of of churches that usually provide a lot of
your own selves shall men arise, speaking material assistance to their members.
perverse things, to draw away disciples after
3) The failure of ministers to live according
them.” Peter mentions the apostasy as well, “But
to what they preach causes apostasy.
there were false prophets also among the people,
Accordingly, there are two problems,
even as there shall be false teachers among you,
namely dishonesty in financial matters and
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even
the immorality of many ministers that
denying the Lord that bought them, and bring
cause many members to lose their faith in
upon themselves swift destruction” (2 Pet 2:1).
So Jude says, “Do not let it surprise you; it has
already been predicted.” 4) Ministers who betray the values underlying
the doctrine they preach cause apostasy.
This section presents an interesting insight For example, a minister who preaches good
into the written Word of God, briefly notice that Christian family behaviour and values and
it is the Apostles who have spoken. These yet destroys the marriages of the members
Apostles gave oral testimony before their causes apostasy.
testimony was recorded. In the conclusion of
5) Doctrinal differences cause apostasy. The
Jude a reference is made back to verse 2; the faith
Orthodox and the Pentecostal churches
delivered is the full final, and finished revelation
differ in terms of their emphasis on
of God. The prophets have already spoken. The
doctrines yet, both use the same Bible,
Apostles have already given the Word of God.
132 69
some people end up doubting the Bible apostasy. In the second sermon he uses three Old
itself, hence, they lose their faith in Jesus Testament Bible characters to illustrate that God
Christ. not only judges apostasy nationally, but he also
judges apostate individually. These two sermons
6) Corruption causes apostasy. The
are some of the most withering, devastating
conditions leading to the struggle for
descnpt1ons to be read in literature concerning
human survival in Africa make it difficult
the terrible detrimental effects of apostasy and
for many Christians to live a faithful life;
apostates on the local church. thee was no final
hence, some give up their faith for a corrupt
section to Jude, if verse 16 was where he put his
and immoral life.
amen and 1t was all over, the letter may be
7) Most apostates lacked a doctrinal depressing. However, the seventeenth verse says,
understanding of God. They put God in “But, beloved, remember,” and presents the first
court and judged Him in terms of their imperative in the entire book of Jude. So what I
successes and failures, that is, if they failed want to do is to discuss how to survive and thrive
where they thought God should have in days of apostasy.
helped them to succeed, God was judged
as a failure and replaced by another power Do Not Let the Apostasy Surprise You
of their choice or they just gave up their
faith. Notice again verse 17, he said, “Beloved,
remember.” Jude has said all these things have
8) Another cause of apostasy was that some
been spoken before by the Apostles. Not only by
Christians saw God through the lives of
the Apostles, but also spoken by the Lord Jesus
other people, if their heroes of faith
Christ. Jesus predicted that a time of apostasy
70 131
heterosexual marriage) is a “gift to the world.” deviated (apostatized) from their faith, they
Oprah responded, “Well, when is the church also lost their faith (apostatized).
going to get that?” The preacher then said, “We
9) The minister who criticized other ministers
think it’s inevitable and we’re moments away. I
when preaching also caused apostasy.
think our culture is already there and the church
will continue to be even more irrelevant when it 10) The differences between the Christian

quotes letters from 2000 years ago as their best Churches cause apostasy. For example,
defense.”[2] Notice what this preacher has done. Christians who wish to change from one
He has not only departed from the faith morally, Christian denomination to another are
but he has also departed from the faith rebaptised as a sign that their former faith
doctrinally. He is claiming that the Word of God is void, yet continue to worship the same
Jesus Christ.
is not applicable, nor sufficient, for the day in
which we live. This is a classic indication, or
From the above causes, The
picture, of apostasy.
Implications of Apostasy include the
After the introduction of Jude, the second following but are not limited to them;
division describes apostasy. In doing so we see i) Apostasy reduces church membership.
that Jude is an excellent preacher. Those who say ii) Apostasy creates discomfort and
that the New Testament authors did not expound disappointment among friends and family
the Scriptures only reveal their ignorance. In the members of the apostate.
middle section of his letter Jude preaches two iii) The criticisms of those who have
sermons. In the first sermon he uses three apostatized, compromise the Church’s
historical events to illustrate how God judges ability to recruit new converts.
130 71
iv) Apostasy reflects a poor image of the faith that was literally once-for-all delivered to
Church to the unbelievers or non- church the saints. This admonition is offered because of
apostasy, which is defined in verse 4. He says that
these certain men who slip in through the side
v) Apostasy has a significant implication door, who worm their way in, will turn the grace
regarding tithing and the offerings made of God into lasciviousness, and they will deny our
Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. There you
by members.
have the two components of apostasy. Some
people misunderstand and think that apostasy
only has to do with false doctrine. But if you will
notice Jude’s words, there is not only a doctrinal
component but also a moral component. Lifestyle
changes that do not conform to the teachings of
the Bible will result in doctrinal changes. The
opposite is true as well, doctrinal changes will
lead to lifestyle changes.

Jude did not mention the current apostates

in his day by name. The only apostates he
mentioned were those who were already dead. I
will do the same and follow Jude’s example.
Recently a preacher at the Church of Oprah said
that marriage (referring to both homosexual and
72 129
Lord Jesus Christ in our day than the book of CHAPTER SEVEN
There are three great divisions in the book
of Jude. First of all, verses 1-4 provide words of Apostasy has taken over the church
exhortation and define apostasy. Second, verses and Christians today.
5-16 present words of exposition and a Apostasy is a rebellion against God because it is
description of apostasy. Finally, verses 17- 24 a rebellion against truth.
provide more exhortation and a plan to defeat
apostasy. Types of Apostasy
Apostasy includes two types;
Notice in the opening words of
1. Those who have knowingly turned
introduction, “there are certain men crept in
completely from Jesus Christ and no longer
unawares” (Jude 4). The particular word used
even pretend to be Christians; and
literally means to slip in through the side door.
It is the picture of an alligator stealthily slipping 2. Those who still claim to be Christians but
into the water almost unnoticed. It is the picture have departed from the faith (the great
of an exiled criminal who slips back into the faith).
country from which he is exiled. Jude says that The latter (2) can be divided in to several areas;
there will be certain individuals who will slip in
unawares. He says they are ungodly men who will a. Those Christians who have taken the world
depart from the faith. In the previous verse Jude and mixed it with the church resulting to weak
states that we are to contend earnestly for the (little) or no faith in Jesus Christ.
128 73
b. Those who have deliberately twisted the problems to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
scriptures perverting the word of God to Around us there is a culture which is filled with
fit their circumstances and pursue what anarchy, but the problem is not so much the
they want to. This include the Christians, anarchy in the culture, rather it is that which
the teachers, the pastors and all men of God occurs inside the church.
who are searching for share of power, fame
and money; scoffers preaching what people One of those problems is apathy. The Lord
want to hear so not to offend any one. Jesus Christ said “Because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many will wax cold” (Matt 24:12). I
c. The naive, who are genuinely deceived by heard about two church members who were
false men of Satan dressed in sheep clothes. talking one day and one of them said to the other,
Paul was dealing much on the apostasy in the “Have you heard that they say that the two big
early church; the correction of false doctrine and problems in the church today are ignorance and
practice that was already in the early church in apathy?” And the other said “I did not know and
I do not care.” There are problems of apathy.
the days of the apostles.

The other problem that the churches are

Apostasy End Time sign dealing with internally is apostasy. It is a Trojan
Horse that makes its way into the body of Christ.
The bible points at the apostasy in (2)
The Spirit of God led Jude to write his letter as a
above to be a sign of the last days, the End Time.
survival manual for those who would be living in
And yes, here we are.
days of apostasy. I do not know of a book that is
more applicable and relevant to the church of the
74 127
apostasy in the body of Christ. This is terrorism When Jesus was asked by His
in the physical body. disciples, ‘What shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world (Mt 24:3)‘. The first
Christianity, however, is dealing with a words were apostasy.
terrorism that is more serious than the one I have
In His response, He emphasized religious
mentioned. The Bible talks about spiritual
deception three times and He specified what it
terrorism: the infiltration of false doctrine and
would involve:
false teachers into the body of the Lord Jesus
Christ. It is referred to as apostasy. The word Take heed that no man deceive you. For
“apostasy” does not occur in the Bible, but rather many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;
it is a transliteration from a few verses. In 1 and shall deceive many. And many false prophets
Timothy 4:1, it says in the latter times, some shall shall rise, and shall deceive many. For there shall
depart from the faith.”[1] The verb is the word arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
from which apostasy is transliterated. In 2 show great signs and wonders; insomuch that if
Thessalonians 2:3 the text says that the coming it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
of the Lord will not happen “except there be a (Mt 24:4-5, 11, 24)
falling away first,” Apostasy is departure from the Jude puts it straight and clear.
teachings of the Bible and an apostate is a person
The first reason we must ‘earnestly contend
who believes and teaches the doctrine of
for the faith which was once delivered to the
saints‘ was the fact that ‘there are certain men
We are dealing today with a world that is crept in [inside the church] unawares ungodly
changing, a world that is introducing new men turning the grace of our God into
126 75
lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, CHAPTER ELEVEN
and our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Jude 1:3-4)
These ungodly men are inside the church
today, perverting and twisting each and every THE APOSTASY
doctrine of Christianity and deceiving many. We
One of the most-watched and most-
have to be careful and expose them so that our
popular shows on television in recent years has
faith and the faith of others might not be swayed.
been 24. This is a show concerned with terrorist
If there is indeed an apostasy occurring in infiltration into virtually every area of the U. S.
the Christian Church, we would not know it Government. The show’s protagonist is Jack
unless we first examined the Bible (the truth) and Bauer, an anti-terrorist agent, who is constantly
then compared the Church to the Word of God. thwarting the efforts of all in his path. One of the
It is only after truth is established that we would reasons this program has so gripped the psyche
have a measuring rod by which apostasy can be of the American people is because it is dealing
detected. with things that are all-together possible. The
infiltration of terrorism is a great concern.

Personally, I have encountered an

infiltration of a different kind. ly, Like a cancerous
cell in one’s body,medical doctors called it an
infiltrative cell, which means that it had
infiltrated my skin to a deeper level so to is

76 125
They produce holiness, with which you will be CHAPTER EIGHT
able to see him on that day. Straighten out your
drooping hands and weak knees. Receive the
grace that comes to you. Run the race, finish the
race, be holy, and you shall see the Lord! I. Loss of Appetite for God’s Word

a. like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of

the word… 1Pe 2:2

b. So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by

the word of Christ. Rom 10:17

c. No PERSONAL Bible study, only spoon feed

by SS teacher or Preacher.

i. You are NOT going to grow spiritually by ONLY

being fed by others

ii. Bothered by Biblical challenges to live

according to the Word

iii. Feel you know all you need to know

II. Loss of Desire for Prayer

a. Pray without ceasing 1Th 5:17

124 77
i. Doesn’t mean “24/7” but to have attitude of Like Demas, they abandon Paul and Jesus for the
prayer good things of this present world. Jesus asked,
“What does it profit if you gain the whole world
b. Prayer is more than cries in time of distress
and lose your soul?” The rich young ruler was
and “thank you’s” before meals
miserable, yet he chose his wealth instead of
c. In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus and the eternal life he came to give.
Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a
secluded place, and was praying there. Mark 1:35 Watch out, therefore, for secularists like
Esau and do not be like them. They reject God
d. Real Prayer Life Is Hard Work! “The effective
and are rejected by God. Incapable of true,
prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”
authentic repentance, they are pigs who trample
Jas 5:16
underfoot the pearl of the gospel. They are to be
III. Loss of Desire to Assemble with the put out of the church before they destroy it.
Be vigilant, brothers and sisters. Be full of
a. “Going to church because I have to” the holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Do not
b. Day by day continuing with one mind in the become apostate; rather, imitate Moses, who
temple, and breaking bread from house to house, rejected all his treasures in Egypt for Christ.
they were taking their meals together with Above all, look to Jesus, who refused the devil’s
gladness and sincerity of heart, (Acts 2:46) offer of all the glories of the kingdoms of this
world. He endured the cross for the joy that was
c. One of the most visible signs (to others) of set before him. So fix your eyes on Jesus and
falling away know the benefits of your present sufferings.
78 123
manifest themselves as irreligious, secular IV. Lack of Love or Concern for Others
hedonists who live to satisfy their bodily desires (but an obsession with self)
rather than pleasing God. They are like Esau, who
a. “The second is like it, ’YOU SHALL LOVE
rejected his firstborn rights to covenant blessings.
He looked at spiritual blessings, and he looked
at the delicious cup of soup, and happily made
the trade. b. “A new commandment I give to you, that you
love one another, even as I have loved you, that
Not only was Esau the firstborn, but he was you also love one another. (John 13:34)
also circumcised, which was the sign of the
c. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,
covenant. Yet this covenant child became an
but with humility of mind regard one another as
apostate. Therefore, keep an eye on those who
more important than yourselves; (Philippians
are hedonists and secularists. Such people are
fools, for they affirm the temporal world and deny
God. They are materialists who have no interest V. Lack of Involvement with Kingdom
in God and his word, but only live to indulge their Work
bodily appetites. That is why fasting is a good
a. Most churches struggle to get its members
thing, especially in American churches. Such
hedonists despise all discipline. They seek
pleasure and avoid pain. They leave Jesus for b. One of the loudest complaints of Christians “I
Moses and live a life governed by lust. Like Judas, don’t feel a part of church, I don’t feel involved.”
they sell Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Like
Achan, they break covenant for gold and silver.
122 79
i. It’s hard to feel involved when you only come do this wicked thing and sin against God?” (Gen.
on Sunday mornings or only once in a while 39:9). Flee all sexual immorality. There is coming
c. Since we have gifts that differ according to the a day the Lord will judge the secrets of men’s
grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them hearts. “Marriage should be honored by all and
accordingly: if prophecy, according to the the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge
proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; the adulterer and the sexually immoral” (Heb.
or he who teaches, in his teaching; or he who 13:4). William Barclay, a liberal theologian,
exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with states, “If a young man loses his purity or a girl
liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who her virginity, nothing can ever bring it back. The
shows mercy, with cheerfulness. (Romans 12:6- choice was made and the choice stands.” Young
8) people, keep in mind that our choices have
eternal consequences.
d. As each one has received a special gift, employ
it in serving one another as good stewards of the It is our job as shepherds to keep the church
manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10) pure of sexual immorality. The unrepentant
sexually immoral person must be put out of the
VI. Lack of Regard for the Truth (out-of-
church. Discipline, the third mark of the church,
control Pride)
should be vigorously practiced, especially today,
a. “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. when it is deliberately neglected out of fear.
(John 17:17)
b. Are we willing to allow God’s Word to tell us Finally, the writer warns us to watch out
we’re wrong? If not, we have a lack of regard for for any profane, godless people like Esau. Bitter-
the truth. root people are always in the church. They soon

80 121
Jesus Christ and I am with you in spirit, and the VII. A Critical, Bitter Spirit
power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man a. “Why do you look at the speck that is in your
over to Satan, so that the flesh may be destroyed brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in
and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord” (1 your own eye? “Or how can you say to your
Cor. 5:1, 4-5). Then he warns, “Don’t you know brother, ’Let me take the speck out of your eye,’
that a little yeast works through the whole batch and behold, the log is in your own eye? “You
of dough?” (1 Cor. 5:6). We must be careful and hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye,
observant. To Timothy he writes, “Avoid godless and then you will see clearly to take the speck
chatter because those who indulge in it will out of your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:3-5)
become more and more ungodly. Their teaching
b. But if you bite and devour one another, take
will spread like gangrene. Among them are
care that you are not consumed by one another.
Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have wandered
(Galatians 5:15)
away from the truth. They say that the
resurrection has already taken place, and they
destroy the faith of some” (2 Tim. 2:16-17). Watch Invitation: An isolated, short-term
out for such people. They are troublemakers and manifestation of one of these symptoms does not
idolaters who have no interest in the word of God,
mean you have fallen away from Christ.
peace, or holiness. They are heretics who practice
their immorality in the church itself. Today Persistence of the problem over a period of time,
immorality and fornication is like eating ice however, is serious!
cream-even in the church. May God raise up
young people like Joseph who said, “How can I

120 81
CHAPTER NINE Such people are like Korah, who influenced
many to oppose Moses. They are like the ten spies
THERE’S A WOLF IN THE HOUSE - SIGNS OF who brought an evil report and defiled many,
APOSTASY causing many to rebel and be killed. Such people
There is a danger that has come into the can cause great trouble in the church, destroying
sheepfold; apostates have come in and they its peace and holiness and staining many. That
probably have always been here. However, with is what the Greek text says. They spread their
the prevalence of social media, their influence has apostasy like a contagious disease. They are like
spread and it is more important than ever before the second and third soils in the Lord’s parable
to recognize the marks of an apostate, a person of the soils. They bear no good fruit, and the fruit
who at one time knew and maybe even taught they bear is bitter and poisonous. They go after
the truths of the Bible but walked away or a the idols of pleasure and wealth. Always
person who consistently teaches false doctrines murmuring and complaining, they are like the
to the Church. Jude, the Lord’s youngest human majority of the Israelites in the wilderness who,
brother, points out several signs of an apostate because of unbelief, did not enter into God’s rest.
and I want to draw your attention to them.
Be shepherds of God’s people. Keep your
In the Book of Jude, we find the clear eyes open for bitter roots of idolaters and
picture of what apostasy is; troublemakers in the church. Paul exhorted the
Corinthian church: “It is actually reported that
1 Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of
there is sexual immorality among you, and of a
James: To those who are the called, loved by God
kind that does not occur even among pagans. . . .
the Father and kept by Jesus Christ. 2 May
When you are assembled in the name of our Lord
mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.
82 119
listening carefully to the preached word. God 3 Dear friends, although I was eager to write
gives us grace through all of these means. God you about the salvation we share, I found it
gives grace to the humble, that we may grow in necessary to write and exhort you to contend for
grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Each the faith that was delivered to the saints once
one, therefore, is to watch over the others, that for all. 4 For some men, who were designated
everyone may have grace and no one becomes for this judgment long ago, have come in by
apostate. Are you watching, or are you sleeping, stealth; they are ungodly, turning the grace of
our God into promiscuity and denying Jesus
like the blind watchmen of Israel (Is. 56:9-12)?
Christ, our only Master and Lord.

SEE TO IT THAT NO BITTER ROOT SPRINGS UP Right away we begin to see the
characteristics of the Apostates that Jude warns
We are also told to watch that no bitter root
spring up and cause trouble, defiling many (Heb.
12:15). The author is quoting Deuteronomy 29:18. 1.) Apostates are ungodly (v. 4)
A bitter root refers to a false brother, an idol
When the New Testament writers say that
worshiper, who lives among God’s people and
a person is ungodly, it does not simply mean that
pretends to be a Christian. Such a person may
the person does not know God, it also means that
appear to be very charming and charismatic, but
he does not have a character that is consistent
his true intentions are hidden, as a root is hidden.
with the revealed Person and Nature of God.
But sooner or later the root will spring up and
manifest itself, and his true colors will be 2.) They are morally perverted (v. 4)
In the NIV, promiscuity is translated as

118 83
“license to commit immorality.” Among other 6:1). Elsewhere he speaks about falling away from
things, these apostates teach that there is no need grace (Gal. 5:4).
to struggle to overcome sin. The Greek word
rendered as contend, or contend earnestly (NKV, Without grace, we become apostates. We
NASB) is agonizomai from which we derive the need more grace, and, thankfully, more grace is
word agonize. Because our sinful nature will not available. We have the Spirit of grace, the Spirit
easily be transformed into Christlikeness, it can who gives us grace (Heb. 10:29). We have the
seem agonizing, at times to give up that sin in word of God’s grace (Acts 20:32). We can come
order to be more like Christ. to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find
grace for all our needs (Heb. 4:16). Hebrews 13:9
Many, many apostates teach instead that
tells us, “Do not be carried away by all kinds of
God will give you all the things you want: health,
strange teaching. It is good for our hearts to be
wealth, possessions, influence, etc and all you
strengthened by grace.”
have to do is “sow the best offering that you can”
without any call to true repentance or humility.
We need the strength of God’s grace to run
Examples of such teachers include but are not
the race of the Christian life. Paul said that though
limited to Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland,
he was given a thorn in the flesh, God told him,
Kenneth Hagin, Jesse Duplantis, Rod Parsley,
“My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor. 12:9).
Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Mark Chironna and scads
Grace comes to us in many ways from God to
of others. One has even gone so far as to say that
meet our every need. Such means include reading
anyone who tells you to deny yourself is from
the word of God daily, praying daily, worshiping
Satan. These ignore the command of Jesus to
regularly, fellowshipping with the people of God
deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him
frequently, receiving the Lord’s Supper often, and
(Matthew 16:24).
84 117
When I have problems, please do not leave Consider helping us continue to fight the
me alone; rather, counsel me and help me to good fight by donating.
pursue peace and holiness. We need each other
In truth, you do not even have to teach
to be made holy through Jesus Christ.
grace as a license to sin however you please to
turn grace into license, all you have to do is refuse
We are exhorted to see to it that not even
to teach the truth of God’s grace, that it saves you
one fails to experience the grace of God, that not
from sin and its power not simply that it saves
even one becomes an apostate, that not even one
you from hell. And just in case you were going to
turns away from Jesus to Moses, meaning from
object and say that such things are not perverted,
the new covenant to the old covenant, from life
the definition of perverse is something that is
to death, from reality to shadow. We must
contrary to the generally accepted standard or
exercise our responsibility to others. “Therefore
practice. Since the Bible is our standard, anything
since the promise of entering his rest still stands,
contradicting the Bible or anything taught in the
let us be careful that no one of you be found to
pulpit that does not match Scripture is, by
have fallen short of it. . . .Let us, therefore, make
definition, perverted.
every effort to enter that rest so that no one will
fall by following their example of disobedience . . 3.) Apostates Deny Christ (v. 4)
. .We want each of you to show the same diligence
to the very end in order to make your hope sure” Ultimately, this leads to a denial of Christ;
(Heb. 4:1, 11; 6:11). To come short of the grace of the Jesus taught and embraced by the apostates
God means to come short of the rest of salvation. simply is not the Jesus of the Bible.
Paul writes, “As God’s fellow workers, we urge Apostates: Past and Present
you not to receive God’s grace in vain” (2 Cor.
116 85
5 Now I want to remind you, though you know pure in their own eyes, and yet are not cleansed
all these things: The Lord first saved a people of their filth” (Prov. 30:12).
out of Egypt and later destroyed those who did
not believe; 6 and He has kept, with eternal When we sin, we need other people to tell
chains in darkness for the judgment of the great us to get rid of that sin so that we can go to heaven.
day, the angels who did not keep their own Listen to the language of Jesus himself as he
position but deserted their proper dwelling. 7 In
spoke to the church of Laodicea: “You say, ‘I am
the same way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the
rich, I have acquired wealth and do not need a
cities around them committed sexual immorality
thing.’ But you do not realize that you are
and practiced perversions, just as angels did,
and serve as an example by undergoing the wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” (Rev.
punishment of eternal fire. 8 Nevertheless, these 3:17). Paul writes of such people, “For this reason
dreamers likewise defile their flesh, reject God sends them a powerful delusion so that they
authority, and blaspheme glorious ones. will believe the lie and so that all will be
condemned who have not believed the truth but
4.) They defile the flesh (v.7& 8) have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thess. 2:11-12).
As we are seeing today, apostates defile the
We should not tell those who counsel us to
flesh in ungodly and unbiblical ways. Some of my
live a holy life to leave us alone and mind their
evangelical brethren will immediately point to
own business. As fellow members of the body of
homosexuality but what about other sins:
Christ and the family of God, we cannot mind our
drunkenness, gluttony (I think I have only heard
own business when it comes to our brothers’
one sermon on gluttony in 25 years), fornication,
problems. Individualism may be as American as
domestic violence (yes the Bible actually
apple pie, but it is not biblical.
86 115
with the Spirit . . . [and] submit to one another addresses this topic which I have never in my life
out of reverence for Christ. . . . Do nothing out of heard addressed in the pulpit).
selfish ambition or vain conceit. But in humility,
Defiling the flesh refers primarily to sexual
consider others better than yourselves. Each of
sin (1 Corinthians 6:18) which is a sin against
you should look not only to your own interests,
one’s own body, but this is not exclusive.
but also to the interests of others” (Eph. 5:18, 21;
Remember that Jude’s oldest half-brother, the
Phil. 2:3-4).
Lord Jesus Himself, even went so far as to equate
Each person must make sure the contemplating the sin with the actual sin itself
community is biblically healthy, that there is no (Matthew 5:27-28). When is the last time you
division, that there is peace, and that there is no heard a sermon about sexual lust (lust of the
heresy or evil in the midst. Cain was wrong when flesh), greed (lust of the eyes), or counteracting
he said he was not his brother’s keeper. In the the boastful pride of life by being poor in spirit?
church, we are our brothers’ keepers, and we 5.) Apostates are Rebellious (v. 8)
ourselves need the pastoral care of others to keep
By not teaching what the Bible actually
us from self-deception. “There is a way that seems
says, these apostates live in and encourage
right to a man, but in the end it leads to death”
rebellion in others. A pastor once told me that
(Prov. 14:12). How many people are self-
1% out of submission is equal to being 100% in
deceived, insisting that their ways are right! But
rebellion against God. To deny a doctrine, the
they do not know that the end thereof is the way
reality of hell for example (Rob Bell) and to teach
of death: “There are those who curse their fathers
that denial to others is absolute rebellion against
and do not bless their mothers, those who are
God. To refuse to yield to the Authority of

114 87
Scripture is to refuse to yield to the Author. They We are responsible for their peace and holiness
go hand in hand; authority entails submission. as well as ours.

6.) Apostates Revile holy angels (v. 8) True, the Lord has appointed apostles,
This is a mark against Pentecostals if I ever prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to
saw one. Growing up Pentecostal, I cannot tell prepare God’s people for works of service so that
you how many times I have seen pastors “bind” the body of Christ may be built up and brought
satan or command him to do this or that; both of to maturity (Eph. 4:11-13). We thank God for
which are patently absurd. If Michael, the highest godly shepherds he has granted to the church.
angel (archangel means chief angel) dares not to The Hebrews writer exhorts us: “Obey your
speak against the devil, what in the world leaders and submit to your authority. They keep
possesses a “Christian” to do so? There is no watch over you as men who must give an account.
biblical justification to think you can command Obey them, so that their work will be a joy, not a
an angel to do anything. Even fallen angels serve burden, for that would be of no advantage to you”
at the pleasure of God Almighty and Him alone. (Heb. 13:17).
They advance His agenda and they fulfill His
sovereign decrees and so, not matter how much Yet Hebrews 12:15 is telling us that each
your favorite teacher might tell you otherwise, believer also has a responsibility of watching over
you cannot command them to do anything and it both himself and others, a responsibility of
is ridiculous to think the opposite. functioning as anepiskopos. In one sense, then,
each person in the body of Christ is a pastor and
7.) Essentially, Apostates are ignorant (v. a watchman for the welfare of the entire
8) community. Paul speaks of this also: “Be filled
88 113
immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and The behavior we have discussed so far
everyone who loves and practices falsehood. But demonstrates and absolute willful ignorance of
blessed are those who wash their robes, that they both the Things of God and of His Person. To
may have the right to the tree of life, and may go know Him as He is demands that one is to submit
through the gates into the city of God” (Rev. to Him. Look to Revelation chapter one and see
21:27; 22:15). the reaction of John when he saw just a picture
of the Resurrected Christ and you will see what
SEE TO IT THAT NO ONE MISSES THE GRACE OF kind of response a true knowledge of God the Son
results in.

“See to it that no one misses the grace of 9 Yet Michael the archangel, when he was
God and that no bitter root grows up to cause disputing with the Devil in a debate about Moses’
trouble and defile many” (Heb. 12:15). Here we body, did not dare bring an abusive
find an interesting Greek word, episkopountes, condemnation against him but said, “The Lord
which is translated, “See to it.” This is a present rebuke you!” 10 But these people blaspheme
participle declaring that all people of God are to anything they don’t understand. What they
function as overseers. We are to run the Christian know by instinct like unreasoning animals—they
race, pursuing peace and holiness, but we are not destroy themselves with these things.
to run alone. We are running the race together
8.) Apostates are continually having vain
with others as God’s dear children. There is no
ideas (vs. 8-10)
Jesus and me. It is Jesus and us, the church, the
body of Christ, the family of God. Therefore, we Continuing with the idea of ignorance,
have a responsibility to the rest of God’s children. apostates have vain/foolish ideas. Word of Faith
112 89
teachers, for example, tell you that you can name the more as you see the Day [of Christ’s second
and claim your promise from Scripture and coming] approaching” (Heb. 10:25).
activate a response from God based on your faith.
This is hubris and is no different than the idea of God warns us, “But my righteous one will
“binding satan.” I have heard them justify this live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be
nonsense by saying all the promises of God are pleased with him” (Heb. 10:38). Shrinking back
yea and amen. That is only half the truth and is is becoming apostate and living an unholy life.
therefore not the truth. All of God’s promises are Jesus promises, “Blessed are the pure in heart,
yea and amen but only in so far as to the person(s) for they will see God” (Matt. 5:8). There is no
they apply to. I will bless them that bless you and salvation for those without sanctification and are
curse them that curse you is a very true promise unholy. Antinomians shall not see God. On that
but it only applies to the Nation of Israel for that day the Lord will tell them, “I never knew you.
is whom God made the promise to. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matt. 7:23).

It is utter vanity and foolishness to presume Throughout the Old Testament God
anything upon Him Who sits upon the Throne. commands his people, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.”
Do not allow yourself to mistake God’s patience This same requirement of holiness is found in
for tolerance. Every person living will have their John’s description of the new Jerusalem:
appointed time before the Throne; the Righteous “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will
will see the Bema (the Judgment Seat for anyone who does what is shameful and deceitful,
rewards) and the wicked and apostates will see but only those whose names are written in the
the Great White Throne as Heaven’s court Lamb’s book of life . . . . Outside are the dogs,
dispenses eternal justice. those who practice magic arts, the sexually
90 111
to be impure, but to live a holy life” (1 Thess. 4:3, 9.) Apostasy leads to self-destruction (v.
7). John states, “Everyone who has this hope in 10)
him purifies himself, just as he is pure” (1 John
What is the natural end result of apostasy?
3:3). Peter says the same thing: “Since everything
Self-destruction. God does not have to directly
will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people
do anything to these, all He has to do is say to
ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly
them, “thy will be done” and step aside. How
lives as you look forward to the day of God and
many ministries have been damaged and even
speed its coming” (2 Pet. 3:11-12).
destroyed by ministers who thought they could
Holiness is not optional. It is the essential get away with this or that? I would list names but
condition of seeing God both now and in eternity: that is impractical.
“Without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb. I can say from personal experience, getting
12:14). In speaking about the second coming, the your own way can be deadly, to your soul as well
Hebrews writer says, “So Christ was sacrificed as your body. After all, there is a way which
once to take away the sins of many people. And seemeth right unto a man and the end thereof is
he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but destruction. (Proverbs 14:12 & 16:25)
to bring salvation to those who are waiting for
11 Woe to them! For they have traveled in
him” (Heb. 9:28). But without holiness no one
the way of Cain, have abandoned themselves to
shall see God, because such a man is an apostate.
the error of Balaam for profit, and have perished
(PGM) Thus, the writer exhorts, “Let us not give
in Korah’s rebellion.
up meeting together as some are in the habit of
doing. But let us encourage one another, and all The Apostates’ Doom

110 91
12 These are the ones who are like dangerous unregenerate. They are still dead in their
reefs[e] at your love feasts. They feast with you, trespasses and sins.
nurturing only themselves without fear. They
are waterless clouds carried along by winds; Unlike justification or regeneration,
trees in late autumn—fruitless, twice dead, sanctification is a process in which we strive and
pulled out by the roots; 13 wild waves of the sea, cooperate with God, who sanctifies us. Our
foaming up their shameful deeds; wandering
sanctification will not reach perfection in this life.
stars for whom the blackness of darkness is
Yet progressively we shall increase in holiness
reserved forever! 14 And Enoch, in the seventh
and become more like Jesus.
generation from Adam, prophesied about them:
Look! The Lord comes[f] with thousands of His
In the previous passage we learned that
holy ones 15 to execute judgment on all and to
God’s painful discipline brings about holiness.
convict them[g] of all their ungodly acts that
they have done in an ungodly way, and of all Holiness is inextricably linked to God’s discipline.
the harsh things ungodly sinners have said Without discipline we will not experience
against Him. 16 These people are discontented holiness. Let us, therefore, make the pursuit of
grumblers, walking according to their desires; holiness our great quest instead of the American
their mouths utter arrogant words, flattering dream of money and the happiness that money
people for their own advantage. can buy.
Apostates are…
Paul writes, “It is God’s will that you should
10.) Grumblers (v. 16) be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual
immorality; that each of you should learn to
11.) Fault finders (v. 16)
control his own body . . . For God did not call us

92 109
the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3). May there be peace 12.) Self-seeking (v. 16)
in our families, in the church, and in ourselves.
13.) Arrogant speakers (v. 16)
Let us do everything to enjoy peace, though not
at the expense of the gospel. 14.) Flatterers (v. 16)

I will deal with all of these together: they are

MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO BE HOLY person centric and reflect the oldest sin in the
The Hebrews writer next admonishes us to book, pride. Pride is that sin which caused Lucifer
pursue holiness in all of life. It is another to lose his place in heaven and it will do you the
continuous command. Louis Berkhof defines same favor. Pride looks at another, finds his/her
sanctification as “that gracious and continuous deficiency and then exalts self because you don’t
operation of the Holy Spirit, by which He delivers have that particular deficiency. It causes one to
the justified sinner from the pollution of sin, puff up and think of oneself more than he/she
renews his whole nature in the image of God, and really is. Pride, the oldest known sin, is the truest
enables him to perform good works.” In and surest mark of the apostate. No matter what
justification, God declares us righteous. In other signs you see, the Christian that
sanctification, God makes us righteous. demonstrates pride is on treacherous ground and
in real danger of going where one does not want
The justified shall be sanctified and
to be, apostasy.
glorified. In other words, he whom God
regenerates he justifies, and he whom God 17 But you, dear friends, remember what was
justifies he sanctifies. Sanctification is the proof predicted by the apostles of our Lord Jesus
of justification and regeneration. Unholy Christ; 18 they told you, “In the end time there
Christians are unjustified and therefore
108 93
will be scoffers walking according to their own fighting. David says, “How good and pleasant it
ungodly desires.” is when brothers live together in unity! . . For
15.) In a sense, apostates are mockers (v. there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life
18) forevermore” (Ps. 133:1, 3). From this we can
understand that when there is division, there is
2 Peter 3:4, They will say where is the promise of curse and death.
His coming. I would add to that, they will say
things like no serious Christian believes in Hell Paul speaks of the same thing: “If it is
or, no loving, tolerant Christian rejects gays, or possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace
they will dismiss the creation account as a myth/ with everyone” (Rom. 12:18). Do not be a source
a metaphor. of trouble in a family or in God’s church. Paul
also writes, “Let us therefore make every effort
Mark it out, every single apostate has some
to do what leads to peace and to mutual
passage or doctrine that he does not like and by
edification” (Rom. 14:19).
dismissing it, they make a mockery of God…for
now. These people create divisions and are
Sin destroys peace. Sin is self-seeking at the
unbelievers, not having the Spirit.
expense of the welfare of the community. But love
16.) Cause division (v. 19) sacrifices for the welfare of others. How can we
look at the cross of Christ and not be at peace
17.) Worldly-minded
with one another! As Christians, let us be filled
18.) Without the Spirit(v. 19) with the Spirit, who produces in us the fruit of
the Spirit known as peace. Paul exhorts, “Make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through
94 107
peace with all men and to be holy; without Apostates cause division in the church
holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14). because they are worldly minded and they are
Again, it is a present imperative. All our lives we worldly minded because they do not have the
are to make every effort to seek peace and live in Holy Spirit and they do not have the Holy Spirit
peace, especially with members of the Christian because they are worldly minded. It’s a vicious
community. When Paul heard that there were cycle once you walk away from the truth of
divisions in the Corinthian church, he urged them Scripture and only the Holy Spirit can bring you
to agree with each other and be united in heart back.
and mind. The reason he gave is that Christ is
Exhortation and Benediction
not divided, implying Christ’s church should not
be either (1 Cor. 1:10-13). 20 But you, dear friends, as you build yourselves
up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy
Our God is called the God of peace (Heb. Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God,
13:20), the God who gives peace and established expecting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ for
peace by the cross of Christ between God and eternal life. 22 Have mercy on those who doubt;
man, as well as between men: “Therefore, since 23 save others by snatching them from the fire;
have mercy on others but with fear, hating even
we have been justified through faith, we have
the garment defiled by the flesh. 24 Now to Him
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”
who is able to protect you from stumbling and
(Rom. 5:1). Jesus Christ is called the Prince of
to make you stand in the presence of His glory,
peace, and his gospel is the gospel of peace. blameless and with great joy, 25 to the only God
Believers are blessed by God for being our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be
peacemakers. How, then, can God’s children fight glory, majesty, power, and authority before all
with each other? It is ugly to go a church that is time, now and forever. Amen.
106 95
Beloved, you may be reading this and say in the way of a godly father’s wise instruction
that you have seen some of these signs in your (Prov. 4). We must walk in the highway of
own life. That is both good and bad news. It is holiness that Isaiah speaks about: “And a
bad in that a propensity toward apostasy may highway will be there; it will be called the Way of
exist but it is good in that the Holy Spirit is doing Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it
His work of convicting sin. What should you do will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked
if you see signs of apostasy in your life or if you fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there,
are following a False Teacher? Repent right away. nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will
If the Holy Spirit is convicting you, agree with not be found there. But only the redeemed will
Him immediately and confess that sin. He will walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord will
restore to communion with Him and you can return. They will enter Zion with singing;
continue to grow in grace. everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness
and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and
sighing will flee away” (Is. 35:8-9). Do not turn
to the right or to the left, lest you become an
apostate. Follow Jesus, who opened up for us a
new and living way to the Father.


If we want to avoid the danger of apostasy,

we must pursue, strive, make every effort, and
be very diligent: “Make every effort to live in

96 105
level, firm paths, not crooked paths that stray to CHAPTER TEN
the right or to the left. Such twisted ways would
dislocate our ankles and prevent us from running
the race. That would be apostasy.
Hebrews 12:12-17 warns us about the
The psalmist warns, “But those who turn
danger of apostasy. Apostasy means to stand
to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the
away from something-in this case, to stand away
evildoers” (Ps. 125:5). Isaiah says about the
from God, from life, from light, from wisdom,
wicked, “The way of peace they do not know;
from hope, and from all that is good. An apostate
there is no justice in their paths. They have turned
person is the most miserable person in the world.
them into crooked roads; no one who walks in
Hell is full of apostates.
them will know peace” (Is. 59:8). Here, then, we
are told to make level paths for our feet and In some ways we are all tempted to become
continuously walk on these paths that lead to apostates. Five minutes into my regular treadmill
eternal life. We must travel all our lives on the exercise, I get discouraged and want to stand
well-traveled ancient paths, which is the straight away from it. But I persevere for the full forty
and narrow way of the word of God. minutes. Some married people decide after a few
years that they want to stand away from
The Lord spoke through Jeremiah, “Stand
marriage. They divorce, which is a form of
at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient
apostasy. Others may have jobs they want to
paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
stand away from, and they find all sorts of reasons
and you will find rest for your souls. But you said,
not to go to work. That is also apostasy. Some
‘We will not walk in it’” (Jer. 6:16). We must walk
104 97
people join churches, only to stand away from spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
them later on. May God help us to learn from this Let us not give up meeting together, as some are
passage how to avoid this serious danger of in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one
apostasy. another-and all the more as you see the Day is
approaching.” Paul similarly speaks of the
In our previous studies we learned that the responsibility of the strong to the weak: “We who
Lord pours out wrath on those who reject his Son are strong ought to bear with the failings of the
and the salvation he accomplished on the cross. weak and not please ourselves” (Rom. 15:1). He
But God does not pour his wrath out upon those also says, “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin,
who believe in his Son. Our heavenly Father does you who are spiritual should restore him gently.
not discipline unbelievers, but he disciplines his But watch yourselves or you also may be
children, that they may share in his holiness and tempted” (Gal. 6:1). James, the brother of the
become like him. God from all eternity purposed Lord, teaches, “My brothers, if one of you should
that his adopted children be holy and blameless, wander from the truth and someone should bring
so that they may dwell with him forever. Divine him back, remember this: whoever turns a sinner
discipline is proof of our heavenly Father’s love from the error of his way will save him from
and relationship to us. Therefore we must by death,” that is, eternal damnation, “and cover
grace endure our Father’s discipline, though it is over a multitude of sin” (James 5:19-20).
painful for the moment. As I said, when I exercise,
I often want to quit. But I endure and later rejoice After we are told to strengthen our
that I did so, and am able to work more drooping hands and weak knees, the author says
productively. Likewise, the author of Hebrews to “make level paths for your feet.” As we go on
tells us that we must endure God’s painful in our Christian lives, we must choose straight,
98 103
are told to keep our eyes on the finish line, discipline in view of the future blessings it will
straighten out our hands and knees, and keep yield in our lives.
The Christian life is like a footrace. In view
In the Greek, the word for “straighten up” of the good design of God’s loving discipline, the
is a present imperative, something God Hebrews author now exhorts God’s children to
commands us to do continuously. God is strengthen their feeble hands and palsied,
commanding us to run this race every day of our paralyzed knees and run the race until they reach
lives. If we quit, we are not children of God, for the finish line. He is giving us the practical
the elect of God will run the race to the finish. application of the doctrine of discipline.
We must not become weary and faint; God will
help us. We are to compare our sufferings with STRENGTHEN YOUR FEEBLE ARMS AND WEAK
those of Christ, and realize that ours are but
The first exhortation is to strengthen
There is also the suggestion here that the ourselves: “Therefore, strengthen your feeble
strong believers must help the weak ones, that arms and weak knees. ‘Make level paths for your
they also may finish the race. The author spoke feet,’ so that the lame may not be disabled, but
about this idea earlier: “But encourage one rather healed” (vv. 12-13). In the Greek it means,
another daily as long as it is called Today, so that “Straighten up the drooping hands and weak
no one of you may be hardened by sin’s knees.” In Luke 6 Jesus on a Sabbath day
deceitfulness” (Heb. 3:13). In Hebrews 10:24-25 commanded a man with a shriveled hand to
he also exhorts, “And let us consider how we may stretch out his hand. He did so, and his hand was

102 99
completely restored. In fact, Paul tells us that one who are about to quit a race. Eliphaz used similar
purpose of Scripture is to correct us (2 Tim. 3:16). language when he spoke to Job: “Think how you
Many people do not like rebuke and correction. have instructed many, how you have
But God gives us his word for that very purpose, strengthened feeble hands. Your words have
so that we may be straightened up from our supported those who stumbled; you have
crookedness and restored. strengthened faltering knees” (Job 4:3-4). Philo
uses this expression also to refer to those who
The believers in this Hebrew church were rebelled against Moses in the wilderness because
discouraged, despondent, and exhausted because they wanted to quit and return to Egypt. The
of their trials and persecutions. They wanted to Hebrews author is exhorting the Jewish believers
quit before finishing the race. They were in to receive strength from the teaching on God’s
danger of becoming apostates. Therefore, the discipline and keep running the Christian race.
author exhorts them, “Consider [Jesus] . . . so
that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Heb. We all are tempted to quit at times. Here
12:3). Then he encourages them from the book we are exhorted to keep on running and enduring
of Proverbs, “My son, do not make light of the God’s discipline. We are told to look to the cloud
Lord’s discipline and do not lose heart when he of God’s saints who have already run the race and
rebukes you” (Heb. 12:5). He then says, are with the Lord. Above all, we must look to
“Strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees” Jesus, who endured the shameful death of the
(v. 12). cross. We must learn the purpose of divine
discipline and endure it so that we may enjoy its
The phrase “feeble [or drooping] hands and spiritual benefits later on. We must resist self-
weak knees” is an idiom used to describe people pity, sulking, dismay, and discouragement. We
100 101

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