English 9

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Marianne Childhood Education Center, Inc.

722 Tres De Abril St., Labangon Cebu City Tel. No. (032) 261-3402

Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________________________

Subject Teacher : Teacher Johlia Score : ________________________

I. DIRECTIONS: Underline the adverbial phrase in each sentence.

1. It was hot in the waiting room.

2. She answered the question without hesitation.

3. Despite his size, he ate like a bird.

4. She chased the cat out from under the bed.

5. The children went to the county fair.

6. She bought candy often enough.

7. John laid the envelopes on the counter.

8. Those are my pens in the mug.

9. The man stood up all afternoon.

10. That woman doesn’t take these decisions lightly.

11. Jim and Fiona played tic tac toe at the dinner table.

12. Eli can run faster than half the track team.

13. Pearl tried to find her necklace in the ocean.

14. First thing in the morning it is still cool outside.

15. Our grandmother will pick us up after practice.

Understanding Story Sequence

II. In the story below, pay particular attention to the order of events within the

passage. There are many signal words that can indicate the order of events.

Read the following entry and then order the events which is based on sequence

of events that took place.

Cameron the Relay Machine

Cameron was a star swimmer at Eldred Middle School. He had been swimming

competitively since he was five years old. He was to swim in three events and one

relay at the meet on Tuesday. As always, Cameron had his signature bowl of spaghetti

and meatballs before preparing for the meet. He also always has a Rice Krispies bar

immediately following his warm up routine. When he prepares for a meet, the first thing

that he does is stretch his muscles and warm-up by running in place, immediately after

stretching. Then, he does ten push-ups followed by a run up and down the middle

school bleachers. Cameron swam well. He placed first twice and got a third place in

the 500 meter butterfly stroke. He truly dominated the relay getting his team a two lap

lead by the time he got out of the water.

Place the events in order (1 being first) by using 1-6:

____ Cameron ate a Rice Krispies bar.

____ Cameron ran up and down the bleachers.

____ He did pushups.

____ Cameron won his first swimming event.

____ Cameron ate meatballs and spaghetti.

____ He stretched his muscles.

How to Make Pancakes

It was breakfast time. “I want to make the pancakes!” Ellie said. “No problem,” her

mother said. “I will show you how.” First they mixed together flour, an egg, milk, a

teaspoon of baking soda, and a pinch of salt in a big blue bowl. Next, they selected a

skillet. They poured some oil in the skillet, and set it on the stove to heat up. “When the

oil is hot,” Ellie’s mother said, “We will pour in the batter.” When the oil was hot, Ellie

used a measuring cup to pour batter into the skillet. It made a hissing sound, and soon

the batter began to bubble. “It is time to turn the pancake,” Ellie’s mother said. Ellie

used a spatula to turn the pancake. The pancake was a beautiful golden brown. When

it was done, Ellie lifted the pancake out of the skillet and slid it onto a plate. “Who

wants the first pancake?” Ellie called, as her mother poured more batter into the skillet.

Ellie and her mother made ten pancakes. When they finally joined the rest of the family

at the breakfast table, Ellie covered her pancakes with syrup and dug in. They were the

best pancakes that she had ever eaten!

Place the events in order (1 being first) by using 1-10:

____ They make the batter.

____ Ellie’s mother says she will show her how.

____ They pour in the batter.

____ They select a skillet.

____ Ellie wants to make pancakes.

____ Ellie flips the pancake.

____ Ellie slides the finished pancake onto a plate.

____ Ellie enjoys her pancakes.

____ They heat oil in the skillet.

____ The batter begins to bubbles.

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