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_____1. Paintings were most commonly found in vases, panels, and tombs.

a. Gothic b. Romanesque c. Greek Era d. Egyptian Art

_____2. Emphasizes the importance of life after death and the preservation of the knowledge of the past.
a. Greek art b. Egyptian Art c. Byzantine Art d. Pre-historic
_____3. Used by Greek ship builders, who used to hot wax to fill the crack of the ship.
a. Fresco b. Encaustic c. Based Paint d. Stained Glass
_____4. Windows were created to transform the vast stone interiors with warm and glowing colors.
a. Stained Glass b. Mosaic c. Vase Design d. Drawing
_____5. Water based pigments on freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surface.
a. Mosaic b. Fresco c. Encaustics d. Pigments
_____6. Paintings on flat panels or wood.
a. Fresco b. encaustics c. Panel Painting d. Vase Painting
_____7. Largely placed mosaics on the walls of the churches that follow a strict frontal pose.
a. Romanesque Painting b. Byzantine Painting
c. Gothic Painting d. Pre-historic
_____8. Illumination of manuscript pages and the painting of frescoes on the walls of churches in cosmopolitan
style, elegant, mannered, and sophisticated.
a. Byzantine b. Egyptian Art c. Romanesque d. Gothic
_____9. An art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of glass, stones, or other
a. Paintings b. Mosaic c. Stained Glass d. Drawing
_____10. Dominant features in the painting were large animals are drawn.
a. Cave of Lascaux b. Pyramid c. Mona lisa d. Tutankhamen

_____11. This era was copied or imitated from Hellenic Greek paintings.
a. Gothic b. Romantic Era c. Byzantine d. Romanesque

Read and identify the following terms according to the Era they are presented.
B______________1. It emphasizes the importance of life after death.
A ______________2. In this Era, paintings were found inside the caves.
A______________3. Animals were the dominant features in this Era.
B______________4. Paintings were stylized and symbolic.
______________5. Paintings were used as way of communicaton.
G ______________6. Most of their paintings were commonly found in vases, panels, and tomb.
______________7. They have lively styles of paintings.
______________8. This Era is known for remarkable variety of artistic tradition.
______________9. Wall painting disappeared during this period.
D______________10. Paintings could be seen on the interiors of churches.
B______________11. Paintings were more on artifact than a true picture of humans’ created art.
G ______________12. In this Era, Fresco technique was used.
F ______________13. Paintings have been confirmed in illumination of manuscript pages.
G______________14. Paintings depicts from natural figures with dynamic composition.
D______________15. This Era largely placed mosaics on the walls of the churches that follows a strict frontal pose.
A. Pre- historic B. Byzantine
B. Egyptian D. Romanesque

E. Roman Era F. Gothic

G. Greek Era

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