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I- Agricultural Arts in Perspective

a. Importance, Meaning and Components of Agriculture

b. Agricultural Opportunities

c. The Farm Business

d. Urban Farming

II. Areas of Specialization

2.1 Basic Principles and Strategies of Crop Production

a. Factors affecting the production of vegetables and

b. field crops Seed and Plant Selection

c. Farm Tools, Implements and Structure

d. Method of Planting Seeds and Seedlings

e. Land Preparations and types of Planting Methods

f. Application of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer

g. Weeds and Weeding

h. Pest and Diseases

i. Harvesting and Marketing Farm Crop Products

2.2 House Gardening

a. Importance of House Gardening

b. Steps of Faith Garden

2.3 Farm Plan and Drawings

a. Interpret Farm Plan and Lay-out

b. Design of Irrigation Systems

2.4 Safety Measures in Farm Operation

III- Landscape Gardening or Indoor Gardening

a. Indoor Gardening
b. Plant Containers and Watering

c. Potting and Repotting

d. Dish Garden

e. Terrarium

IV. Fish Culture

1. Fish Morphology

2. Classification of Fish Culture

3. Major Areas of Fish Culture

4. Species of Fish that commonly Cultured in Ponds

5. Common Enemies of Fish

6. Important factors to consider in fish culture

7. Characteristics of fish that are suitable for food culture

8. Other fish culture facilities

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