Modal Verbs Role Play

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The students work in pairs. Choose one situation (1 to 9). Each member of the pair must
assume one of the two roles (a or b) to prepare a conversation using, of course, as many
modals as possible. The aim is to get the objective (in bold).

1a. It’s your birthday and you’re having a party. Someone you hate is going to phone you, he wants to
come to your party. You don’t want to invite him! Be polite but try to convince him not to come.

1b. It’s your best friend’s birthday but he has forgotten to invite you. You phone him to tell him that
you’re going to his party. You’ve bought a nice present for him and you will bring some friends with

2a. It’s 10 o’clock at night. You’re very tired and you want to go to bed, someone you know but you
don’t like is going to phone you to invite you to go out for a drink. You don’t want to go, DON’T GO
but try to convince him politely that you are NOT going.

2b. It’s 10 o’clock at night. It’s one of your best friend’s birthday and you have been charged by our
other friends to phone him and invite him for a drink. A surprise has been prepared secretly for him.
Convince him to join you. Remember it’s a secret!

3a. You are very much in love with a girl. Many people told you that she is really in love with you.
Phone her to invite her to go to the cinema, try to convince her. She MUST go with you to see the
film. Remember she is in love with you!

3b. You have a date with your boyfriend and a very stupid boy you hate is going to invite you to go to
the cinema to watch a stupid film. You DON’T want to go! You can’t go! Be polite and try to
convince him that you cannot go.

4a. You are on holidays in London and someone stole your money, so you can’t go to a hotel. But you
remember that you have a very good friend in London, phone him, explain him your situation and try
to convince him to put you up for a few days.

4b. You live in London and someone you don’t know very well is going to ask you to spend a few days
in your house. Be polite, but don’t accept, he is dirty and he will stay for a long time. He might even
ask you for some Money! You know he is a liar.

5a. You have a money problem: you need 50 dollars to buy some medicine for your sick brother.
Phone a very good rich friend and convince him to lend you the money. Explain him politely your

5b. Someone you don’t know very well is going to phone you to borrow you some money. You cannot
tell him but many people have told you that he always does that and never pays the money back. Be
polite and explain him you CAN’T lend him that money.

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6a. You have lost your job and you have a very important interview for a new one, but your car has
broken-down. Phone a good friend and convince him to lend you one of his cars. You will be very
careful with it.

6b. Someone you don’t know very well is going to phone you to see if you can lend him your car.
Don’t do it. He has had many accidents and he has also stolen other people’s cars. Be polite but try
to convince that you will not lend him your car.

7a. Tomorrow is your brother’s birthday and you promised him you would be at his party, but a friend
invited you to the last concert of your favourite group who is going to split up. It is your last chance to
listen to them live. Tell your brother you will not go to the party.

7b. Tomorrow is your birthday, and you will need help. Your brother is the only person you know who
can help you. He promised he would be there so, convince him that he will have to come earlier to
help you with the preparations.

8a. It’s 11 o’clock at night and you have lost the keys of your house. Phone a very good friend to see
if you can stay at his place. He has got a very big House with many bedrooms and he lives alone.
Explain him the situation. He is your last chance.

8b. Someone you don’t know very well is going to phone you to tell you if he can spend the night in
your House. You know he is a liar and a thief. You cannot let him enter your house! Be polite and
explain you can’t help him; you have a very small House and you’re married with three children.

9a. You’re going to get married in a few weeks. You are very excited about it. Phone your
boyfriend/girlfriend to make the last preparations for the wedding (guests, restaurant, music,
honeymoon...). You’re so happy to get married!

9b. You were going to get married in a few weeks, but yesterday you met someone and you felt madly
in love with him/her. Your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to phone you. You must explain the situation:
you don’t want to get married any longer.

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