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A.Some might make quite extravagant claims for it as being, in its highest form, a source of
truth, and, in its practice, an art. Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims,
might despise the interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow
diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a photographic
portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person’s soul.
1. What is the most likely reason some people consider the practice of interviews to be an art?
This could be because it requires A fluency of words. B sensitive and careful handling. C
creativity and imagination. D probing and focusing on details.
2. Rewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with its inference. Celebrities feel that
an interview diminishes them.
3. On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two statements
given below.
(1) Celebrities don’t consent to be interviewed.
(2) Interviews intrude on the privacy of celebrities.
A (1) Can be inferred from the extract but (2) cannot. B (1) cannot be inferred from the extract
but (2) can. C (1) is true but (2) is false. D (2) is the reason for (1).
4.Replace the underlined word with its antonym from the extract. Some celebrities hate the idea
of having to give an interview because it makes them feel like supporters.
5.The author’s views on the interview, in the extract, can best be described as statements based
on __________. A facts B hypothesis C beliefs D superstitions
B.Q1 Danny had a freckled nose and the colour of his eyes was ______
Q2 Outside the pub, Sophie saw something. It was A her dad’s bicycle B her brother’s car C her
mother’s motorcycle D Derek’s tricycle
Q3 According to Sophie, the place she had chosen to meet Danny was A a hidden alley B a
perfect place C behind the walls D near the trees
Q4 Sophie told Jansie that her father if he got to know about her meeting with Danny would
A agree to their marriage B murder her C ask her to call him over for dinner D ask to be
introduced to him
Q5 The match on Saturday was witnessed by A the whole family B only father and Sophie
C Geoff alone D Sophie, father, Derek and Geoff
C. I watched my chance, and when no one noticed, I disappeared. I crept up the stairs as quietly
as I could in my squeaking shoes, my moccasins had been exchanged for shoes. Along the hall I
passed, without knowing whether I was going. Turning aside to an open door, I found a large
room with three white beds in it. The windows were covered with dark green curtains, which
made the room very dim. Thankful that no one was there, I directed my steps toward the corner
farthest from the door. On my hands and knees I crawled under the bed, and huddled myself in
the dark corner.
1. Why did the narrator hide herself? A in order to protect her hair B in order to avert the
punishment C in order to complete the homework D None of these
2. Who was looking for the narrator? A Paleface woman B Girls of her school C Both A and B D
Neither A and B
3. Where did Zitkala-Sa hide herself? A In her hostel B Under the bed C In washroom D In her
4. Which literary device has been used in ‘squeaky shoes’? A Simile B Personification C
Alliteration D Repetition
5 “We have to submit because they are strong.” The speaker of these words was _____.
D. Annan told me all these things. And he added, “Because we are born into this community, we
are never given any honour or dignity or respect, we are stripped of all that. But if we study and
make progress, we can throw away these indignities. So study with care, learn all you can. If you
are always ahead in your lessons, people will come to you of their own accord and attach
themselves to you. Work hard and learn. The words that Annan spoke to me that day made a very
deep impression on me. And I studied hard, with all my breath and being.
1. Which caste did Bama hail from? A Upper Caste B Lower Caste C Middle Class D None of
2. How could they throw away those indignities according to Annan? A By studying B By
progressing C By educating the upcoming generations D All of these
3. How did Bama take her brother’s words? A She started ignoring him B She stopped going to
school C Took his words positively D None of these
4. Name the chapter.
5. Q2 Bama was a very rebellious person, and the idea of being oppressed by upper classes
_____. A infuriated her B provoked her to slap someone C made her abusive D made her want to
murder someone
E. Aunt Jennifer’s plight is best explained by her hands, they hold both her freedom and the
instrument of her imprisonment.
1.Choose the option that best explains the above statement, as per the extract.
A) Aunt Jennifer’s hands are terrified, but when she is dead, her tigers will roam free. B) Aunt
Jennifer knits her desires, but is overpowered by the wedding ring she wears. C) Aunt Jennifer’s
tigers are proud and unafraid, but she is mastered by ringed ordeals. D) Aunt Jennifer makes
panels of tigers when she has time from her responsibilities.
2.Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the given extract? A) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers
will keep her alive in everyone’s memory. B) Aunt Jennifer feels oppressed and constricted in
her marriage. C) Even in death, Aunt Jennifer cannot escape patriarchal subjugation. D) Aunt
Jennifer’s tigers prance as a lasting symbol of her desires
3.What makes the tigers “proud and unafraid”? A) They embody the grandeur and supremacy of
animals in the wild. B) They symbolize authority and are ‘topaz denizens of green’. C) They
represent Aunt’s repressed desires for freedom and power. D) They are a product of Aunt’s
imagination and colonial experience.
4.Choose the option that DOES NOT reflect the movement implied by ‘prancing’. A) bounding
B) frolicking C) strutting D) shuffling
5.Where do aunt’s tigers belong? A) to a cage B) zoo C) mountains D) world of green forests

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