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Correlation Between TikTok Engagement and Students' Sleep Quality


Presented to the Faculty of

Sibugay’s Matthew Jackson School Inc.

Magsaysay Street, Poblaci on, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

In Fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research II

Al-thawadi, Abdilla Hasim

Bernabe, Celine Marilet T.

Albiso, Franky

Undag, Louie Jhay B.

Silao, Precious Hannah T.

Jamilon, Zahra Camero

January 2024

Social media platforms like TikTok have become a part of the lives of adolescents,
influencing daily routines and habits. This study investigates the potential impact of TikTok
usage on sleep quality among Grade 12 students at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc.
Good sleep is crucial for adolescents, fostering cognitive performance, emotional regulation,
and physical health. However, social media engagement, particularly excessive screen time
before sleep, has been linked to sleep disturbances. TikTok's short-form, visually engaging
nature poses a specific concern, potentially disrupting circadian rhythms and melatonin
production. Using a quantitative approach, questionnaires assessed both TikTok engagement
and sleep quality among a sample of Grade 12 students section healthy. Students spend an
average of 3 hours daily on TikTok. Most students achieve 6 hours of sleep on average,
falling short of the recommended 8-10 hours for teenagers. A moderate positive correlation
exists between TikTok engagement and sleep quality. Despite average sleep, students who
engage more with TikTok tend to have shorter sleep durations compared to those with lower

While the study revealed a positive correlation between TikTok usage and sleep
quality, the impact does not significantly affect students' sleep duration or performance.
However, the recommended amount of sleep for teenagers remains unachieved by most
students. Therefore, managing screen time, particularly TikTok usage before bedtime, is
crucial for promoting better sleep hygiene and optimizing overall well-being.

This study contributes to the understanding of the impact of social media on sleep
quality in a specific adolescent population. The findings can inform educators, parents, and
students themselves to make informed decisions and implement strategies for promoting
better sleep and overall well-being among teenagers.

Keywords: TikTok, social media, sleep quality, adolescents, well-being.


This research study is dedicated to the readers especially to the parents, teachers,
students to acknowledge and understand the potential correlation between TikTok
engagement and their sleep quality.

First and foremost, the researchers heartily express their gratitude to the Lord our God
for the Job well done in this study. As he granted us wisdom, understanding and compassion
in the process of conducting the research.

We also want to express our sincere gratitude to other individuals who've been part of
this research. Without their encouragement, motivation, assistance and support.

Mr. Franklin Galido, for approving to let us conduct this study in the institution;

Ms. Julia Bacon, Practical Research Teacher for sharing her knowledge and extending
her guidance in moments of confusion;

Mr. Raymar Languban, for letting us gather data to his advisory class;

To the grade 12-Healthy students, for their support by responding to our questionnaire
distributed to them honestly and clearly;

Lastly to the relatives, parents, siblings, classmates and friends, for their heartfelt
support, encouragement and help in moments of confusion. Upon with them cheerful times of
hardships encountered in this research study what makes it successful and memorable

And again, the researchers want to extend their gratitude to the Lord our God whom is
the source and answer for everything. Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with
God all things are possible.”

To all of you, Thank you so much.



Title Page I

Abstract II

Dedication III

Acknowledgement IV

List of Table V

List of Figures VI

List of Appendices VII



1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 2

Research Questions

1.3 Significance of the Study 3

1.4 Theoretical Framework 4

1.5 Conceptual Framework 5

1.6 Scope and Limitations 6

1.7 Definition of Terms 7





1.8 Research Design 8

1.9 Sampling Procedure 9

2.0 Locale of the Study 10

2.1 Data Gathering Procedure 11

2.2 Ethical Considerations 12

2.3 Data Analysis Tools 13





2.4 Summary 14

2.5 Conclusion 15

2.6 Recommendation 16

A. Tabulation of data I
B. Calculated form data II
C. Finding the critical value for the t-test III
D. T-test value from the t-table IV
E. Decision making V

Figure. 1 Conceptual Framework I

Figure 1. Location where the study is conducted II

Figure 2. Daily Length of Time Students Engage on TikTok III

Figure 3. Length of Time Students Sleep Quality IV



A. Letter of approval I

B. Validation of research instrument II

C. Letter of request III

D. Permission letter IV

E. Documentation V

F. Curriculum Vitae VI


1.1 Background of the Study

In recent years, the rise of social media platforms has reshaped the daily routines and
habits of adolescents and young adults. One such platform that has gained immense
popularity, particularly among the youth, is TikTok. TikTok, a short-form video-sharing app,
has provided users with a constant stream of engaging content, ranging from humorous skits
to informative tutorials. As a result, it has become a common part of the lives of many
teenagers, including Grade 12 students at Sibugay’s Matthew Jackson School, Inc.

The relationship between social media usage, particularly platforms like TikTok, and
various aspects of mental and physical health has gathered significant attention from
researchers in recent years. Among the various dimensions of well-being, sleep quality stands
out as a critical component, especially for adolescents who are undergoing a period of growth
and academic stress. Sleep is crucial for cognitive functioning, emotional regulation, and
overall physical health. Consequently, any factor that disrupts sleep quality can have far-
reaching consequences on the well-being of individuals.

Several theories in psychology and communication studies provide a basis for

understanding the potential influence of TikTok usage on sleep quality. One relevant theory
is the Uses and Gratifications Theory, which suggests that individuals actively choose media
content based on their needs and desires. It suggests that adolescents may use TikTok as a
form of entertainment, relaxation, or social connection, and these motivations may impact
their sleep habits. Additionally, the Social Comparison Theory suggests that individuals
engage in social comparison with others on social media, which can lead to feelings of
inadequacy and potentially impact sleep patterns.

Furthermore, prolonged engagement, specifically through TikTok, unlike any other

general terms like smartphones and computers, has the potential to disrupt circadian rhythms
and hinder melatonin production, a crucial hormone for sleep regulation. Given that TikTok
is a predominantly visual platform viewed on screens, it is essential to investigate whether
excessive usage, particularly before bedtime, contributes to sleep disturbances among Grade
12 students.
This study aims to bridge the gap in the existing literature by specifically examining the
impact of TikTok usage on the sleep quality of Grade 12 students at Sibugay’s Matthew
Jackson School, Inc. The focus on this particular demographic group is crucial, as adolescents
are more susceptible to changes in their sleep patterns, and the academic demands of Grade
12 can be particularly taxing. The quantitative approach, utilizing questionnaires, will provide
valuable insights into the extent and nature of this potential influence.

By conducting this study, we hope to contribute to the understanding of how TikTok, as a

prevalent social media platform, may affect the sleep quality of adolescents. The findings will
not only be beneficial for educators and parents but also for the students themselves, as they
can make informed decisions about their media consumption habits and sleep hygiene
practices. Ultimately, this research may pave the way for interventions and strategies to
promote better sleep quality and overall well-being among Grade 12 students in similar
educational settings.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The surging popularity of TikTok among Grade 12 students raises concerns about
how it potentially disrupts their sleep quality. Adolescents with poor sleep quality impairs
cognitive performance, jeopardizes health, and undermines overall well-being, and the
demands of Grade 12 academics make this issue even more pertinent. Therefore, it is
essential to investigate the potential impact of TikTok usage on the sleep quality of these
students. The following research questions will guide this study in gathering crucial

Q1: What is the average daily length of time that students spend engaging on TikTok?

Q2: What is the average length of time of students having quality sleep?

Q3: Is there a correlation between TikTok engagement and students' sleep quality?
1.3. Significance of the Study

The findings of this research hold significant implications for educators, parents, and
Grade 12 students, shedding light on the potential consequences of excessive TikTok usage
on sleep quality within this demographic. By uncovering these effects, the study aims to
contribute valuable insights that can inform future interventions and strategies aimed at
promoting better sleep quality and overall well-being among Grade 12 students. Furthermore,
this research creates a foundation for potential future studies, encouraging researchers to
explore related aspects such as mental health, and social relationships within the context of
high school students. Investigating these areas could further deepen our understanding and
guide the development of targeted interventions for the benefit of student well-being."

1.3.1. Students:

1.3.2. Parents:

1.3.3. Teacher:

1.3.4. School:

1.3.5. Future Researchers:

1.4 Theoretical Framework

The Uses and Gratification Theory, proposed by Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1970)
serves as the theoretical foundation for this research. This theory suggests that individuals
actively choose media content based on their needs and desires. In the context of TikTok,
Grade 12 students actively select content based on motivations such as entertainment,
relaxation, and social connection. These motivations play a crucial role in shaping their
TikTok usage patterns and may ultimately impact their sleep habits.

In the context of this study, the prevalence of social media platforms has
revolutionized the daily routines of adolescents and young adults. According to the Uses and
Gratification Theory, students turn to TikTok for pleasure and entertainment, satisfying their
immediate desires. This choice of indulging in TikTok before bedtime can lead to a distorted
sense of time, where they lose track of hours, almost like being in a hypnotic state. Such
extended TikTok usage affects their sleep cycle the most, disrupting both its quality and

Research from Sleep Junkie (2023), a sleep science and review platform, reinforces
this observation. Watching TikTok before bed indeed disturbs the sleep cycle, compromising
the quality of sleep. The consequences of delayed bedtime and compromised sleep include
stress, anxiety, and even the potential development of insomnia.

In summary, established theories, notably the Uses and Gratification Theory, support
the correlation between TikTok engagement and students' sleep quality among students.
While TikTok provides happiness and satisfaction to its users, its use before bedtime can
disturb the sleep cycle, leading to adverse effects on overall human health. This research aims
to uncover the variation of this relationship and inform strategies for promoting better sleep
quality among adolescents.

1.5 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the correlation between the independent variable and the
dependent variable. The correlation between TikTok engagement and students' sleep quality
has been supported by ideas already in existence. By watching TikTok it affects the sleep
quality of the students, with the reduction of hours and days of proper sleep countless times,
there is tendency they will develop mental symptoms such as anxiety, stress and insomnia
that will overall affect the person’s well-being and its daily performance. It is important to
have quality sleep to avoid any health issues and possibly problems. Therefore, it is
confirmed and clearly presented the factors and data of watching TikTok and the frequency
of quality sleep as shown above.

1.5. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the following terms are operationally and
contextually defined as they are used in the study:

1. Cognitive Functioning. According to “Springer-Link” (2014) Cognitive function is a broad

term that refers to mental processes involved in the acquisition of knowledge, manipulation
of information, and reasoning. Cognitive functions include the domains of perception,
memory, learning, attention, decision making, and language abilities.

In the context of this research, will be operationalized as the capacity of students to

engage in mental processes such as memory, learning, attention, decision making, and
language abilities.

2. Emotional Regulation. According to “Springer-Link’’ (2020) Emotion regulation refers to

the conscious or unconscious processes of monitoring, evaluating, modulating, and managing
emotional experiences and expression of emotion in terms of intensity, form, and duration of
feelings, emotion-related physiological states and behaviors.

In the context of this research, the ability of individuals to recognize, understand, and
effectively manage their emotional responses.

3. Interventions. According to ‘‘” (2024) the action of becoming intentionally

involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse:

In the context of this study, it refers to specific actions or strategies aimed at

improving sleep quality among Grade 12 students. These interventions may include
recommendations for adjusting TikTok usage, promoting sleep hygiene practices, or
providing educational materials to raise awareness about the potential impact of social media
on sleep.

4. Circadian Rhythms. According to ‘‘” (2023) Circadian rhythms are

24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry
out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian
rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle.
In the context of this study, the natural or the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that
regulates sleep-wake cycle, alertness and other bodily functions by responding to light
changes in our environment.
5. TikTok.

6. Sleep Quality.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to assess the influence of TikTok engagement on
the sleep quality of Grade 12 students at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc. during the
academic year 2023-2024. The research will be conducted exclusively among Grade 12
Section Healthy.

To achieve this goal, the study will employ a quantitative approach, utilizing printed
questionnaires to collect data from the selected respondents. The focus will be on
understanding the impact of TikTok usage on the frequency of sleep quality issues among
these students.

The study is limited to Grade 12 students in Section Healthy at Sibugay's Matthew

Jackson School, Inc. Other grade levels and sections are not included in the research. The
research will specifically target students at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc., and its
findings may not be generalized to students in other schools or regions.


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, the researchers will
present the topics that are related to the effects of watching TikTok on the frequency of
quality sleep on the grade 12- Healthy.

2.1. Act of Watching TikTok Among Students

TikTok was first released in September 2016 (as Douyin) and internationally in 2017
(as TikTok). It is a popular social media app that allows users to create, watch, and share 15-
second video shot on mobile devices or webcam (Investopedia). With its personalized feeds
of quirky short videos set to music and sound effects, the app is notable for its addictive
quality and high levels of engagement. There are several types of contents that students watch
on TikTok such as dancing, makeover videos, calming and satisfying videos, inspirational
content, cute animal videos, share tips and tricks, share your day videos, social media
challenge, Tutorials and Art and Music.

2.1.1. Dancing

While there are plenty of TikTok’s on the platform that are memes, jokes and even
more serious content, music and dancing are still the most popular content type. Dancing
TikTok has become so popular that you could even say there's a TikTok style. TikTok dances
are mostly an amateur pursuit and that's why they're popular; TikTok dances are for everyone
(, 2023). The second is the dancing.

2.1.2. Makeover
Also make-over, "change of a person's appearance," especially by hairstyling and
cosmetics, by 1981, from phrase make over in sense "to refashion, reconstruct" (1690s). As a
way to improve, enhance, or alter the appearance of the actors and influencer. an overall
beauty treatment (involving a person's hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to
change or improve a person's appearance. An extreme makeover includes cosmetic surgery.
(Internet Market Hub, 2023). The third is the, share inspirational Videos.

2.1.3. Share Inspirational Videos

An inspirational video lights a fire under you. It makes you, the viewer, want to go
out and do something, even if you don’t consider yourself a fan of inspirational videos, their
effectiveness as a motivational tool should make you reconsider their value for you as a
creator. As an added bonus, they can be inexpensive and easy to make — they can often
come together with just stock footage and voiceover. With the right approach to your next
inspirational video, you might just change someone’s day. ability to appeal to the viewer’s
emotions. The best inspirational videos get at a universal sensibility: the hard road to success,
overcoming adversity, or the power of a big dream. That’s why viral motivational videos are
so common. They express something that speaks to you (Descript, 2023). The fourth is the
calming and satisfying videos.

2.1.4. Calming and Satisfying Videos

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response which is a brain message
that gives you a relaxing feeling. The founder of ASMR University, Professor Craig Richard
concluded from his observation that from the colors to the hand movement of such videos
sends a ticklish sensation from our head to the spine. This causes the experience of positive
emotions, changing our mood. (Calm Sage,2023) Viewers may watch oddly satisfying videos
as a form of escapism (Wikipedia, 2023). ASMR is a type of video that focuses on creating a
soothing and satisfying experience for viewers. It is a feeling of tingles and relaxation,
usually triggered by certain sounds or visuals. Satisfying videos are ones that give viewers a
sense of calm, peace, and tranquility. (Social Champ, 2022). The fifth is the cute animal
2.1.5. Cute Animal video

Research shows that when we see something cute, such as a fluffy kitten or a playful
puppy, our brains release a surge of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated
with pleasure and reward, and it plays a crucial role in our brain’s pleasure and motivation
center (Medium). If you find yourself scrolling through social media and stumbling upon a
cute animal video, go ahead and watch it. Not only will it bring a smile to your face, but it
will also have some positive effects on your brain and mental health. can also lower our
levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Research suggests that cortisol levels decrease when
we’re exposed to positive and enjoyable stimuli, such as laughter and cute animals. have a
positive impact on our mental health. (,2022). The sixth is the, share tips and

2.1.6. Share Tips and Tricks

What if you want to use TikTok for more than just entertainment? You can use it to
create quick tips and tricks that can help people with everyday tasks. Whether it’s a cooking
tip, a DIY project, or a life hack, you can quickly create a TikTok video that will help others
out. With the right combination of visuals and audio, you can create something that will wow
your followers and get them coming back for more. (,2022) which is helpful
for the students to able to learn small or big things that they may use later. The seventh is the,
show your day or better known as get ready with me (GRWM).

2.1.7. Show your day/GRWM.

With vloggers or creators uploading a slice of their daily routine, usually putting on
makeup or getting ready to go out for the day. The hashtags #GRWM on TikTok have
amassed billions of views, letting scrollers peek in on creators’ everyday lives. Aside from
allowing followers to feel closer to the people behind the accounts they love, GRWM videos
on TikTok give off more organic, honest vibes, compared to the heavily filtered, edited
version of themselves influencers often share online. (quostodio,2022). The eighth is the
Social Media Challenge.
2.1.8. Social media challenge

One of the best ways to incite engagement on TikTok is by issuing challenges. Not
only are they effective, but challenges are the original method of interacting with other
creators on TikTok. Challenges are the main way in which TikTok creators encourage people
to join a discussion or interact with their content. In other words, they challenge people to
create videos performing a specific action or task. It’s a kind of trend that is accompanied by
relevant hashtags that give them visibility and sometimes virality. (,2023) it
is helpful for the people to keep their social and emotional matter steady by interacting and
create memories with somebody. Last content will be arts and music.

2.1.9. Arts and Music

Songs can rise up organically on the app even if they've been outside the
mainstream for decades. Marketers can also hire influencers to help a song take off, sparking
a wave of user-generated posts from their fans (business insider August 23, 2023). Just record
a video of yourself making an art piece, increase the speed, and post the video. This works for
all types of arts, crafts, and DIY projects.

2.2. Students Sleep Quality

It is essential in learning and practice as well as physical and mental health. Studies
have indicated that inadequate sleep, increased regularity of short-term sleep, and sleeping
late and waking up early impact the learning capacity, academic performance, and
neurobehavioral functions. (National Library of Medicine,2020).

2.2.1. Frequency of Sleep

You will surely be surprised to learn that 12.99% of users use TikTok to watch
random videos before bed. And another striking fact is that more than 52% of the users
continue using it for more than 30 to 40 minutes, which ultimately disturbs the sleep cycle
leading to insomnia and other sleep issues. Moreover, your function during the day is affected
by sleepless nights. And 67% agreed that using TikTok has affected their sleep cycle and
quality (ShutEye,2022). The physical, mental, and behavioral consequences of chronic sleep
deprivation are profound, with studies showing that 60 to 70% of teens That haze, (Dr.
Carskadon,2002) says, can negatively affect teenager’s mood, ability to think, to react, to
regulate their emotions, to learn and to get along with adults (Child Mind Institute 2023).

Some 67% of teens say they ever use TikTok, with 16% of all teens saying they use it
almost constantly (National Institute of Health; Philstar,2021). 95% of the used electronic
media within the hour before bed. (JSCM, 2015). Teenagers spend only four to six hours of
sleep at night. 34.5% sleep at 3 a.m. or past. 32.7% sleep at 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. while the rest
turn in from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Sleeping habits have been healthy, 85.5% said no. Meanwhile,
only 14.5% said they maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. The study found 54.5% of the
teenagers spend only four to six hours of sleep every night. Meanwhile only 41.8% in seven
to nine hours of sleep. Teens need more sleep than little kids. Experts say teens need over
nine hours a night to be healthy. But over a third of teens get only five to six hours a night.
The major reasons for sleep deprivation in teens are biology, screen time and unreasonable
expectations. Electronics emit a glow called blue light that has a particular frequency. When
it hits receptors in the eye, says Dr. Van Gilder, “those receptors send a signal to the brain
which suppresses the production of melatonin and keeps kids from feeling tired. (turnto23,

2.3. Watching TikTok and Students Sleep Quality

Among these studies, there is a relevant connection between watching TikTok and
student's sleep quality that strongly support the idea as it is shown by the data above that
watching TikTok affects the sleep quality of the students in G12- Healthy at SMJSI to show
its affects and reason for the students and other individuals benefited to this research to give
knowledge of its importance and how it is strongly link the watching TikTok and sleep
quality strongly that mostly everyone can feel its impact to its health.

In conclusion, from the studies presented above, it is clear that there is a relationship
between watching TikTok and sleep quality of the students as they watch TikTok for hours
and eventually sleep late and have to wake up early for their Studies greatly affects them as it
will degrade their energy and performance for the day. Thus, it is confirmed that there is a
connection between watching TikTok and students sleep quality.



3.1 Research Design

This study used Quantitative Correlational Research Design, to utilize the connection
between the variables: Correlation Between TikTok Engagement and Students' Sleep Quality.
This is a design of research which observe statistical relationship between two variables in
their natural phenomenon. We used this research design as it is a suitable method to use to
come up to a result without conflict.

3.2 Sampling Procedure

The sample size of this study consists of 38 respondents comprised of 19 males and
19 female senior high school students from Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School Inc. The
sampling method used is non-probability sampling wherein the respondents are selected
based on convenience or other criteria, allowing for easier data collection (Scribbr, 2019).
Furthermore, the sampling technique used is purposive sampling wherein the respondents
chosen are based on the criteria that they must be engaging on TikTok to acquire information
that will be most useful for the purpose of the study.

The population size of this study is 38 respondents comprised of 19 males and 19

female students of Grade 12 - Healthy from Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School Inc. This
population was selected as they are most conveniently accessible for the researchers.
Furthermore, the selected respondents fit the criteria of engaging on TikTok to which is
coherent to the required information of the study.
3.3 Locale of the Study

Figure 1. Location of Sibugay’s Matthew Jackson School Inc.

The research has been conducted at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School Inc. (SMJSI)
located at Purok Magsaysay, Poblacion Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province. The respondents
of our research are the students of Grade 12-Healthy of school year 2023-2024, under the
advisory of Sir Raymar Languban. We choose these students as our respondents, because as
we know and observed that this section is using TikTok which is suitable for our research

3.4 Research Instrument

The research instrument used to this study is composed of 10 items that contains
questions related to the statement of the problem of our research. This question is necessary
to collect data for our research to use to investigate a result. For the respondents to answer the
questionnaire, the answers are provided in a multiple-choice form.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather data, we first have to get an approval letter and get the teachers
involve signed it. The first teacher to sign is Ma'am Julia Bacon, our Practical Research II
teacher, to approve our study for data gathering. Next to sign is Ma'am Jandin Rose Guigue,
an English-major teacher, for the approval of our test questionnaire. Followed by the Senior
High School Principal, Sir Franklin Galido, for the awareness and permission to let us
conduct research in the institution. Then lastly, by Sir Raymar Languban, as an adviser of our
respondents which are the Grade 12- Healthy for the approval to gather data from his

3.6 Ethical Considerations

This study ensures the confidentiality of the students as they answer the questionnaire.
We explained to them the importance of their anonymous identities to protect their privacy
and prevent potential bias in the study. This allows the students to speak openly and truthfully
without fear of judgment or potential harm to their identities. We are committed to
maintaining the fairness and validity of our study through the careful safeguarding of our
respondents’ identities.

3.7 Data Analysis Tools

As we analyzed the data obtained from our study, we used Pearson’s correlation
coefficient ® as our analytical tool. This is a commonly used metric in correlation analysis
and is used to determine the correlation between average daily length of time students engage
on TikTok and average length of time students sleep quality. Pearson’s correlation coefficient
measures the strength and direction of the correlation between two variables which is the
independent and dependent variable, in this case, average daily length of time students
engage on TikTok and average length of time students sleep quality. With this tool, we were
able to gain valuable insights from our analysis and draw solid conclusions.


This chapter presents the data relevant to the issues focused on this paper including
the correlation between TikTok engagement and students' sleep quality. The information
gathered is presented in a tabular form and analyzed statistically.

4.1. Average Daily Length of Time Students Engage on TikTok

The chart below presents the data collected regarding the question:

Q1. What is the average daily length of time students engage on TikTok?

Average Daily Length of Time Students Engage on TikTok




4.2. Students’ attendance rate 1-2 3-4 4-5

Figure 2. Daily Length of Time Students Engage on TikTok

In the pie chart above, the data shows that 63% of the respondents engage on TikTok
between 1-2 hours. 21% of the respondents engage on TikTok between 3-4 hours. 16% of the
respondents have engage on TikTok between 4-5 hours. This data indicates that majority of
the students have engage on TikTok.

4.2. Average Length of Time Students Sleep Quality

The chart below presents the data collected regarding the question:

Q2. What is the average length of time students sleep quality?

Average Length of Time Students Sleep Quality

8-9 1-2
3% 8%

6-7 11%


1-2 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Figure 3. Length of Time Students Sleep Quality

According to the pie chart above, 8% of respondents have an average sleep duration
of 1-2 hours. 16% of respondents have an average sleep duration of 3-4 hours. 11% of
respondents have an average sleep duration of 4-5 hours. 26% of respondents have an
average sleep duration of 5-6 hours. 18% of respondents have an average sleep duration of 6-
7 hours. 18% of respondents have an average sleep duration of 7-8 hours. 3% of respondents
have an average sleep duration of 8-9. 0% of respondents have an average sleep duration of
This data suggests that students who spend more time on TikTok tend to report decent
sleep quality.

4.3. Correlation Between Tiktok Engagement and Students’ Sleep Quality

The data below is presented in tabular form and analyzed statistically through the
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient or r-test. This provides the data for the question:

Q3. Is there a Correlation Between TikTok Engagement and Students' Sleep Quality?

4.3.1. Tabulation of Data

x y x̄ - x ȳ - y (x̄ - x) (ȳ - y) (x̄ - x)2 (ȳ - y)2

2 6 -1 0 0 1 0
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
2 6 -1 0 0 1 0
2 6 -1 0 0 1 0
2 7 -1 1 1 1 1
4 7 1 1 1 1 1
2 7 -1 1 1 1 1
2 6 -1 0 0 1 0
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
2 5 -1 -1 1 1 1
2 7 -1 1 1 1 1
2 4 -1 -2 2 1 4
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
4 6 1 0 0 1 0
2 6 -1 0 0 1 0
2 9 -1 3 3 1 9
2 4 -1 -2 2 1 4
2 4 -1 -2 2 1 4
2 5 -1 -1 1 1 1
4 7 1 1 1 1 1
5 4 2 -2 4 1 4
5 2 2 -4 8 4 16
2 5 -1 -1 1 4 1
4 2 1 -4 4 1 16
2 6 -1 0 0 1 0
5 6 2 0 0 1 0
4 7 1 1 1 4 1
4 4 1 -2 2 1 4
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
5 4 2 -2 4 1 4
5 2 2 -4 8 4 16
5 6 2 0 0 4 0
4 7 1 1 1 4 1
2 6 -2 0 0 1 0
4 5 1 -1 1 4 1
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
2 8 -1 2 2 1 4
x̄ =3 ȳ=6 SP=64 SSx=60 SSY=120
Table 1. Calculated Form Data

As calculated from the table, the x̄ is 3, the ȳ is 6, the SP is 64, the SSX is 60, and the
SSY is 120. The following values will be used to calculate the r-value of the independent
variable and dependent variable through the Pearson r-test. The formula utilized is r = SP / √
SSX SSY. The solution for this problem is as follows:

r= SP


r= 64

√ (60) (120)
r= 64

√ 7200

r= 64


r= .75

Through the statistical analysis, the r-value calculated is .75. It means that the
correlation between TikTok Engagement and Students Sleep Quality is Moderate Positive
Correlation. Furthermore, the decision-making of this study had undergone the t-test to prove
whether the H0 should be accepted or rejected.

4.3.1. Finding the Critical Value for the t-test

The formula for getting the critical value is df = N – 2. The result of this calculation
will lead to the r-value from the t-test table. The values of the Pearson-r test and t-test will be
compared to prove whether the H0 should be accepted or rejected.

df = N – 2

df = 38 – 2

df = 36
Table 2. T-test Value from the T-table.

Through the critical value formula, the result for the df is 36. With a constant value
of .05 for the α, the value determined from the t-table is .320 as highlighted in the table

4.3.1. Decision-making

After the comparison between the calculated r-value and t-value from the t-table, the
table r with a value of .75 is higher than the calculated t-value with a value of .320.
Therefore, the hypothesis to be accepted is the H 0. Hence, there is a correlation between
TikTok engagement and students' sleep quality.


This chapter summarizes the study’s findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

The study’s aims are the sole focus of the conclusions and findings, while the
recommendations identify potential areas for future research.

5.1. Summary of Findings

After the tabulation and analysis of the data, the following findings were summarized
in alignment with the given objectives of the study.

5.1.1. Average Daily Length of Time Students Engage on TikTok

The findings of the study show that the students’ average daily length of time spend
watching TikTok is 3 hours. This indicates that students are aware of how they spend their
time on a daily basis. These concludes that the students indulge in TikTok before bedtime can
lead to a distorted sense of time, where they lose track of hours, almost like being in a
hypnotic state.

5.1.2. Average Length of Time That Students Have Quality Sleep

The data gathered indicate that most of the students have 6 average length of sleep. It
indicated that it can lead to issues with cognitive performance, physical health, and mental
and emotional wellbeing. While 6 hours may seem like enough sleep on the surface, it's
crucial for students to prioritize sufficient sleep (ideally 8-10 hours for teenagers) to optimize
their performance, health, and well-being.

5.1.3. Correlation Between TikTok Engagement and Students' Sleep Quality

The t-test results show that watching TikTok has moderate positive correlation to the
students sleep quality. Most of the students have the average of 6 hours of sleep regardless of
their 3 hours of screen time. As such, it can be surmised that students are still able to perform
well academically despite of their average sleep quality.

5.2. Conclusion

The most common reason for TikTok engagement for the students who are actively
chooses media content based on their needs and desires, that is why they select content based
on motivations such as entertainment, relaxation, and social connection as provided by the
students, with 1-2 hours of engagement is 63% percent rate. This illustrates that students who
tend to engage on TikTok it might seem normal, but it can also disrupt their sleep quality.
However, this factor of TikTok engagement does not heavily affect their sleep quality as
observed with the tabulation of data.

During the tabulation of the data, 26% of the respondents answered having an average
of 5-6 hours of sleep quality. Such line of TikTok engagement that students having a
sufficient sleep quality. This shows that most of the students are engage on TikTok despite of
having an enough of sleep quality.

Lastly, after thorough statistical analysis of the data, the findings of the study indicate
that the r-value is .75 which higher than t-value of .320. This means that TikTok engagement
has a moderate positive correlation to their sleep quality. However, the t-test and decision-
making results concluded that the hypothesis to be accepted is H0. This supports the
implications of the data gathered, in which, TikTok has positive significant influence over the
students’ sleep quality. Even so, the probability for a better sleep quality would, perhaps, be
achieved if TikTok is not practiced among students. As such, it is still advisable to encourage
students to manage their daily time in order to have a better sleep quality. This study will
greatly benefit the school and its stakeholders as it recognizes the correlation between TikTok
engagement and students' sleep quality.

5.3. Recommendation

Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions the researchers came up with the
following recommendations:

5.3.1. Students:

It is advisable for students to acknowledge and understand the potential correlation

between TikTok engagement and their sleep quality, as highlighted by the findings of this
study. By recognizing these factors, students can proactively assess and manage their media
consumption habits, ensuring a more conducive environment for improved sleep quality. This
awareness may lead to the development of personalized strategies, such as setting reasonable
limits on TikTok usage or establishing a bedtime routine, ultimately contributing to better
overall well-being and academic performance.

5.3.2. Parents:

This study is recommended for parents to have awareness of the correlation between
TikTok engagement and students' sleep quality as this concerns children's well-being and
thus provide data and information regarding this matter.

5.3.3. Teacher:
It is to provide knowledge for teachers to be aware of such factor and causes that may
affect the students, such as we could find out or we could provide solutions to take actions for
the students.

5.3.4. School:

this research can provide knowledge and can be spread using education that may
contain new ideas, findings, and methods. It can be used to come up with ways on how to
handle and teach students.

5.3.3. Future Researchers:

It is for future researchers to use as reference for future research study that they may
conduct that is related to this study.


Breanna Polk. (2022, May 31). Kern County school districts prepare for new school start

Calming and Satisfying Videos. (n.d.).


Calming and Satisfying Videos. (n.d.).

Cute Animal Video. (n.d.).


D’Souza, Deborah. “TikTok: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It’s Popular.” Investopedia,
5 July 2022, Accessed 17
October 2022.

Emily Lawrenson. (2023, February 7). Show your day/GRWM.

Filipino teenagers losing sleep during pandemic, student thesis shows. (2021, September 18).
Francisco Rogel. (2023, April 14). Counterpoint: TikTok’s Effect on the Music Industry: Bad
or Good?

Jason. (2023, March 30). Why Dancing on TikTok is so Popular.

Juliann Garey. (2023, November 6). Teens and Sleep: The Cost of Sleep Deprivation. Child
Mind Institute.

Makeover. (n.d.).

Neal Schaffer. (2023, December 1). Try These 15 TikTok Challenges to Generate Engagement
in 2024!

Share inspirational videos. (n.d.).


Republic of the Philippines

Magsaysay Str., Poblacion, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

November 20-24, 2023


School Principal
Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc.

Greetings of peace!

We would like to request permission from your office to allow us to administer our
research study entitled “The Connection Between Watching TikTok and Students’ Sleep
Quality”. The participants will be asked to give their written or verbal consent prior to the
Rest assured that the responses of the students to the research instrument and other significant
data gathered from them would be handled carefully and in full confidentiality, following the
ethical standards in conducting the research. Lastly, individual privacy will be maintained in
all published and written data resulting from the study.

Sincerely yours,

Noted by:

Abdilla Hasim Al-thawadi

Celine Marilet T. Bernabe
Franky Albiso
Louie Jhay B. Undag
Precious Hannah T. Silao
Zahra Camero Jamilon
Recommending Approval:

Approved by:


Republic of the Philippines

Magsaysay Str., Poblacion, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

November 20-24, 2023

Jandin Rose Guigue

English Teacher

Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc.

Greetings of peace!

Please be informed that you are the chosen expert validator of our study, The
Connection Between Watching TikTok and Students’ Sleep Quality.
It would also be a better help for the researchers if you can provide comments, suggestions,
and recommendations that will help improve the above-mentioned test questionnaires. We
believe that your valuable observation and experiences will help along the way in the
improvement of knowledge in the academe.
Thank you very much for your consideration and valuable contribution in this respect.

Sincerely yours,

Noted by:
Abdilla Hasim Al-thawadi
Celine Marilet T. Bernabe
Franky Albiso
Louie Jhay B. Undag
Precious Hannah T. Silao
Zahra Camero Jamilon

Validated by:


Republic of the Philippines

Magsaysay Str., Poblacion, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

November 20-24, 2023

Dear Ma’am/Sir:

Greetings of peace!

We would like to request your permission and cooperation to administer our research study
entitled “The Connection Between Watching TikTok and Students’ Sleep Quality” with your
student/s as our participant/s here at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc. Rest assured
that your students will be asked to give their written or verbal consent prior to the survey.
We are confident that the responses of the students to the research instrument and other
significant data gathered from them would be handled carefully and in full confidentiality,
following the ethical standards in conducting the research. Lastly, individual privacy will be
maintained in all published and written data resulting from the study.

Sincerely yours,

Noted by:

Abdilla Hasim Al-thawadi

Celine Marilet T. Bernabe
Franky Albiso
Louie Jhay B. Undag
Precious Hannah T. Silao
Zahra Camero Jamilon
Recommending Approval:

Approved by:


Republic of the Philippines

Magsaysay Str., Poblacion, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

November 20-24, 2023

Greetings of peace!

We would like to request your permission and cooperation to administer our research study
entitled “The Connection Between Watching TikTok and Students’ Sleep Quality” with you
as our participant here at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc. We will also coordinate
with your class adviser to ensure an organized and proper acknowledgement of your
participation in this study.
We are confident that your responses to the research instrument and other significant data
gathered from you will be handled carefully and in full confidentiality, following the ethical
standards in conducting the research. Lastly, individual privacy will be maintained in all
published and written data resulting from the study.

Sincerely yours,

Noted by:

Abdilla Hasim Al-thawadi

Celine Marilet T. Bernabe
Franky Albiso
Louie Jhay B. Undag
Precious Hannah T. Silao
Zahra Camero Jamilon
Recommending Approval:

Approved by:

Republic of the Philippines

Magsaysay Str., Poblacion, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Grade&Section: __________________

Overall Instruction: Encircle your answers to the questions given below.


1. Do you regularly watch TikTok videos during weekdays?

A. Yes
B. No

2. Have you experienced difficulty in reducing the time you spend on TikTok?
A. Yes
B. No

3. How many hours do you usually watch TikTok videos before going to bed?
A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 4-5

4. Do you believe that watching TikTok has an influence on your overall sleep quality?
A. Yes
B. No


5. Rate your overall sleep quality on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.

Answer: ____________

6. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get on a typical weeknight?

A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 4-5
D. 5-6
E. 6-7
F. 7-8
G. 8-9
H. 9-10

7. Do you experience difficulties falling asleep at night?

A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
8. How often do you wake up during the night?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely

9. Is there a statistically significant relationship between the amount of time spent on TikTok
and the reported sleep quality among students?
A. Yes
B. No

10. What type of content do you usually watch on TikTok? (Select all that apply)
A. Dancing
B. Makeover videos
C. Inspirational content
D. Calming and satisfying videos
E. Cute animal videos
F. Tips and tricks
G. Show your day/GRWM
H. Social media challenges
I. Arts and music

Date: November 23, 2023


Name: Abdilla Hasim Al-thawadi

Birthdate: November 20, 2005

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Sex: male

Current address: Purok Venus, Bangkerohan Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Religion: Islam

Cellphone Number:09857859533


Abdilla is a member of our research study, he is a supportive member to his fellow members
that can help to conduct the study

Name: Celine Marilet T. Bernabe

Birthdate: December 9, 2005

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Current address: Purok Bagong Silang, Sanito Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Religion: Roman Catholic

Cellphone Number: 09565629613


Celine is a member of our research study; she extends help and supports her fellow members
that can help to conduct the study faster and accurate.

Name: Franky Albiso

Birthdate: September 16, 2006

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Sex: male

Current address: Purok African Daisy, Suclema, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Religion: Catholic

Cellphone Number:09351080512


Franky is a member of our research study he is an information provider of suggested

information that can help to the research.

Name: Louie Jhay B. Undag

Birthdate: September 28, 2006

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Current address: Topmars 2 Veterans Village, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Religion: Jehova

Cellphone Number: 09632347230


Louie is a member of our research study; he is an encoder and provide new information that
can benefit to the research.

Name: Precious Hannah T. Silao

Birthdate: April 16, 2006

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Current address: Purok Cadena De Amor, Libertad, Tungawan Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion: Islam

Cellphone Number: 09383662043


Precious is a leader of our research study, who is in charge in conducting the research
properly by offering guidance on strategy, sharing techniques, and helping them analyze the
gathered data.

Name: Zahra Camero Jamilon

Birthdate: 10/12/2005


Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Current address: Poblacion Muslim, Titay Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion: Islam

Cellphone Number: 09606441345


Zahra is a member of our research study who assist with various research elements to
understand data collection context.

Name: Christian G. Moralde

Birthdate: January 5, 2005


Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Current address: Pangi Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion: Roman Catholic

Cellphone Number: 09853200184


Moralde is a member of our research study who assist the encoder and provide new

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