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PHINMA-Union College of Laguna

A.Mabini St,. Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Philippines

Lesson Plan in
Technology for
Teaching and
Learning 1

Submitted by: Nathaniel E. Adan


Submitted to: Ma’am Aibee Maravilla

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define the digital citizenship
2. Value the importance of digital citizenship in teaching
3. The students can make digital citizenship slogan in real life situation

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Digital Citizenship
b. Reference: Technology in Teaching and Learning 1
c. Materials: Laptop, TV

III. Procedure

a. Preliminary Activity

i. Greetings
The teacher will greet his students.

ii. Prayer
The teacher will ask his students to stand up for the prayer.

iii. Classroom Management

The teacher will ask his students to pick-up the pieces of paper that will be found
under their chair, and to arrange their chairs properly before sitting.
iv. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will ask one student if there is any absent for his class.
b. Motivation
The teacher will explain the game called “Pass the message” that will be played by the
class. The teacher will divide the classroom into two groups and he will get four
representatives in each group. The first student will answer the question and then turn
to the next player in line and whisper the answer exactly as they heard it. That person
will then turn and whisper it to the next person. This pattern continues until the last
person receives the answer in question to write on the blackboard.

c. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the meaning of digital citizenship in the class
The teacher will discuss the 9 elements of digital citizenship and explain each type of
element in the class.
The teacher will let his students know the 7 key concepts of digital citizenship.

d. Generalization
The teacher will ask a student to define the meaning of digital citizenship.
The teacher will ask a student to enumerate the 9 elements of digital citizenship.

e. Application
The teacher will ask his students to group themselves into 4 groups.
The teacher will ask each group to make a slogan about digital citizenship and present
their works in the class.
Relevance to the theme - 30%
Originality - 30%
Creativity - 25%
Impact and Presentation - 15%
Total - 100%

Iv. Evaluation.
The teacher will ask his students to get a ¼ sheet of paper for the quiz and he will flash
the questions on the TV.

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