Bucket Lists British English Student

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1 Warm up
In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. Do you feel that you have enough free time these days?

2. If you could travel to any country in the world, where would you go? Why?

3. If you could try any type of food in the world, what would it be? Why?

4. Do you ever think about what you will do when you retire? Do you think you will have more free
time when you are older?

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2 Focus on vocabulary
Match the following vocabulary to the definitions.

1. evolved (v) a. make something available to the public

2. starring (v) b. in a way that is important enough to have an impact on

3. matters (n) c. the state of being aware of something

4. precious (adj.) d. playing the main part in a movie, TV show etc.

5. consciousness (n) e. subjects or situations that need to be dealt with

6. release (v) f. word or phrase used as the name of something

7. significantly (adv.) g. a variety of things of a specific type

8. term (n) h. rare and to be valued

9. range (n) i. changed and developed over time

3 Listen for predictions

Read the sentences from the script and think about which words from the vocabulary section would
go in the gaps. You only need to use four of the words. Then listen to the podcast and check your

1. Before being used in its present context the had popped up in conversations.

2. The event that really brought the term into public ...

3. ...the 2007 film Bucket List Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman...

4. ...information on a of different bucket lists...

5. ...you’ll be able to make the most of your time...

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4 Listen for details

Listen to the podcast one more time and try to answer the following questions.

1. In which two places can you often see the term bucket list these days?

2. The term "bucket list" had been used in conversations about which topic?

3. What do the two main characters in the movie, The Bucket List, find out?

4. What different types of bucket lists are mentioned in the podcast?

5 Let’s chat

Read through the questions, then talk about them with your partner.

1. Were you aware of the term "bucket list" before you listened to this podcast?

2. Have you seen the movie that is mentioned in the podcast? Did you like it?

3. Why do you think the term "bucket list" has become so popular? Do you have a similar term in
your language?

6 Vocabulary quiz: natural expressions

The podcast included a number of natural expressions; with your partner match them to the correct
definition below and then make some sentences using the expressions.

1. ...it hasn’t really been in circulation for all that long...

a. passed from person to person

b. made a circle shape

c. used by educated people

2. ...the term had popped up in conversations...

a. jumped higher than others

b. appeared suddenly

c. disappeared quickly

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3. ...those items were no longer open for consideration...

a. available for discussion

b. limited for a time

c. hidden from the public

4. ...and decide that they want to make the best of their final days before they kick the "bucket"...

a. hurt your foot

b. damage your leg

c. die

5. So, have a look at what is out there...

a. what is available

b. what is free

c. what is in the wild

Write a sentence about your life using each of the expressions.

e.g., I want to buy a new phone, but I need to see what is out there first.






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7 Focus on vocabulary
Part A: Match the following vocabulary to the definitions.

Group 1

1. monument (n) a. shows something in a place that is easy for people to see
2. marble (n) b. precious or expensive stones e.g., diamonds, rubies, emeralds
3. sprinkling (n) c. a building, statue etc. built to remind people of someone or
something special
4. jewels (n) d. type of hard stone that is usually white and can be polished
5. displays (v) e. a small amount of something, dropped and spread out somewhere

Group 2

1. sample (v) a. a living thing that is similar to a plant but without leaves e.g.,
2. fungus (n) b. continuing to be strong and healthy
3. glimpse (v) c. try a small amount of something to see if you like it
4. thriving (adj.) d. an experienced person who helps someone with less experience
5. mentor (n) e. see somebody or something but just for a very short period of time

Part B: Put the vocabulary from Part A into the correct gaps in the following sentences. You may need
to change the form of the word.

1. When I went inside the palace, I was amazed to see everything was made of .
2. I took a trip to Hollywood, and I was so excited when I got a of Angelina Jolie.
3. The weather forecast said there would be a of snow in the morning.
4. When I started at this company my boss nominated a for me, and they really
helped me get used to everything.
5. They always the new products at the front of the shop.
6. Since the government had provided some funding the local community centre had been
7. The had been built to remind people of the lives lost in World War I.
8. At the end of the movie, they finally found a chest that was full of .
9. There was such a great selection that she really wanted to all the beers in the pub.
10. We hardly ever cleaned our fridge and we had started to notice some growing at
the back.

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Now with your partner, discuss the following questions.

1. Are there any special monuments in your hometown?

2. Have you ever worked or studied somewhere that had a mentor program? Do you think they are
a good idea?
3. Why do you think that certain types of jewels are so expensive?
4. If you could catch a glimpse of a celebrity in real life, who would it be?

8 Skimming for general understanding

You are going to read about four types of bucket lists, predict what kind of amazing thing you could
try for each list, then read and check your prediction.

Bucket list Your ideas From the article




Personal development

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A bucket list just for you

Before you kick it, try out some of these things

Structuring your life around a try to sample as many amazing activities and get a chance
specific bucket list idea can be dishes as you possibly can. to visit conversation sites that
the perfect way to make the keep the world-famous giant
If you are lucky and money
most of your time, while also Galapagos tortoises thriving and
isn’t an issue, then how about
having an experience that will healthy, should not be missed.
starting off with some truffles?
last forever. There are hundreds
An underground fungus which is Personal development bucket
of bucket list ideas out there
known for its delicate flavour, list
and all you have to do is choose
the black truffle can make any
which one is right for you. While many bucket lists focus on
dish taste amazing but just to
things that you can experience
Travel bucket list warn you, it won’t come cheap.
on the outside, this type of
With the world being home On the riskier side of the menu, list focuses on your internal
to seemingly endless amazing you might come across an development which may prove
places, it can seem almost interesting fish that calls itself to be more worthwhile in the
impossible to choose where to fugu. Mainly found in Japan, long run.
go to next. However, these two fugu is a pufferfish which comes
A great way to work on your
places seem to come out on top with quite a bite as if it is not
own development is to volunteer
of a lot of lists. The Taj Mahal prepared correctly, there is a
to be a mentor to someone with
in India is a place that many of chance that you might be kicking
less experience. The opportunity
us want to visit. It is a gorgeous the bucket a little quicker than
to pass on knowledge can help
monument that took over ten you expected.
somebody else improve but
years to build and is constructed Retirement bucket list also build a feeling of personal
out of perfect marble with a
For some people, they see the satisfaction within yourself.
sprinkling of precious jewels.
word retirement and suddenly Another thing to do would be
The heartbreaking story behind
the word cruise pops into their to join a charity or take part
the construction is another
mind and why not? Chilling on in a peaceful protest. Working
reason why a visit there will be
the deck of a beautiful ship can towards what you believe is
be a great way to see the world. good and true can leave a lasting
If nature is more of your thing, effect inside of you which will
One of the cooler cruises to try
then the Grand Canyon in lead to your own development
out is a summer cruise in Alaska
Arizona is likely to take your and help to build confidence.
as it offers an opportunity to
breath away. A stunning
experience some of the most The three examples above are
example of natural beauty,
gorgeous landscapes on Earth. just a thin slice of the bucket lists
the Grand Canyon stands ten
The cruise also brings with it the that are out there, and if after a
miles long, one mile deep and
chance to glimpse unbelievable bit of searching you can’t find the
displays millions of years of
wildlife that is native to the area right one for you, then why don’t
geological history within one
like grizzly bears and bald eagles. you just go for it and create your
awesome location.
own bucket list and see where
For lots of variety, then a
Food bucket list that leads you?
Galapagos Islands cruise has
For some people, life is food and to be on your list. The chance Sources: joincake.com,
if you are one of them, then to visit so many islands, try all.accor.com, vejapan.com,
it makes sense that you should out an amazing range of cruisecritic.com.au

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9 Reading comprehension
Read the following statements and decide if they are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG).

1. The inspiration for building the Taj Mahal came from a happy story.

2. The depth of the Grand Canyon is more than half a mile.

3. The black truffle can improve any meal.

4. Fugu is a type of shark mostly found in Japan.

5. On an Alaskan cruise, there is a chance to see animals that don’t usually live there.

6. The cruises around the Galapagos Islands are only available in the spring.

7. Being a mentor is only satisfying for the person you are helping.

8. If you work on something that you think is good, then it can help you with your confidence.

10 Talking point
Look at the questions and discuss them with your partner.

1. What did you think of the article? What was the most interesting thing?
2. Which of the bucket lists would suit you the best? Why do you think that?
3. Can you think of another type of bucket list that could be created?
4. Why do you think websites like to post so many articles about bucket lists?

11 Natural language: guessing from context

Look at the examples of natural language from the article, with your partner try and guess the meaning
from the context below.

• ...If you are lucky and money isn’t an issue...

• ...you might come across an interesting fish that calls itself fugu...
• ...focuses on your internal development which may prove to be more worthwhile in the long run...
• ...Working towards what you believe is good and true can leave a lasting effect inside of you...

Personalise the vocabulary and share your opinions using these questions:

1. What type of house would you buy if money wasn’t an issue?

2. Have you ever come across anything interesting when you’ve been travelling?
3. Do you think that studying English is worth it in the long run?
4. Do you think that there are any lasting effects of eating too much junk food?

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