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Short answer questions:

1. Define atomic and molecular orbital.
Ans: atomic orbital: Atomic orbital is the region having the

highest probability of finding an electron in

an atom
molecular orbital: Molecular orbital is the region having the
highest probability of finding an electron of
a molecule
2. Write two differences between bonding and anti bonding molecular orbital.
1 Bonding Molecular orbitals Anti Bonding Molecular orbitals formed
formed by the addition of wave by the subtraction of wave functions of
functions of atomic orbitals atomic orbitals
= ΨA – ΨB
2 Energy of bonding molecular is Energy of anti bonding molecular is
lower than the combing atomic higher than the combing atomic orbitals

3. What is the magnetic behaviour and bond order of N 2 molecule?

Ans: Bond order = Bonding electrons – Anti bonding electrons / 2

Bond order = 10 – 4 / 2 = 3

Therefore, the order of N2 is 3.

N2 does not have unpaired electrons, hence it is diamagnetic.

4. Write molecular orbital electronic configuration for O2 molecule.

Ans:Electronic configuration of oxygen molecule;

ó1s² < *ó1s² < ó2s² < *ó2s² , [ π2px² = π2py²] < ó 2pz² < [*π2px¹ =*π2py¹] < *ó2pz
5,Give reason for the splitting of d-orbitals in metal complex.
Ans:When ligand approaches a transition metal ion, the orbitals split into two sets, one with lower
energy and the other with higher energy. The difference of energy between the two sets of orbitals is
know as crystal field splitting energy.

6. Define conductor, insulator & Semiconductor on the basis of band theory

Ans: With the help of Band theory, materials are classified into three categories viz.
Conductors, insulators and semi-conductors, depending on the energy gap between the
valence and conduction bands.
In conductors (metallic), the valence and conduction bands overlap.
In Insulators (non-metallic elements), there is large band gap between the filled valence
band and empty conduction band as in diamond.

In Semiconductors, there is medium energy gap between the filled valence band (VB) and
empty conduction band (CB).
7. What are n-type and p-type semiconductors?
N-type semiconductor When a pentavalent impurity is added to an intrinsic
semiconductor, the obtained semiconductor is known as N-type semiconductor.

P-type semiconductor When a trivalent impurity is added to an intrinsic

semiconductor, the obtained semiconductor is known as P-type semiconductor.

8. Compare bond orders of O2, O2+, O2- ions.

According to MOT bond order is given by the formula:

B.O.=NB−NA2 where NA,NB are the number of electrons in antibonding and
bonding molecular orbital respectively,
Bond order for O2=10−6/2=2
Bond order for O2+ =10−5/2=2.5
Bond order for O2- =10−7/2=1.5
9. Write any two factors affecting the CFT.
This splitting is affected by the following factors:

• the nature of the metal ion.

• the metal's oxidation state. A higher oxidation state leads to a larger splitting relative to the spherical
• the nature of the ligands surrounding the metal ion. The stronger the effect of the ligands then the
greater the difference between the high and low energy d groups.

10. Write the conditions for LCAO.

conditions that are required for a linear combination of atomic orbitals are as follows:
same Energy of combining orbitals
Same symmetry about the molecular axis

Proper Overlap between the atomic orbitals


Short answer questions:

1. Differentiate hard and soft water.

Ans: The water which either does not produce lather or produces slowly with soap is
called hard water.
The water which easily produces lather with soap is called soft water
2. Convert 125 ppm in terms of degree Clark and degree French.
125×0.1=12.5 degree French
125×0.07=8.75 degree Clark
3. Write an equation for Calgon conditioning of water.
In calgon Conditioning, the added calgon forms soluble complex compound with CaSo4,
thereby it prevents the scale and sludge formation in water.
Na₂[Na₄(PO₃)₆]⇄ 2Na⁺ + [Na4(PO₃]₆²⁻
2CaSO4 + [Na₄(PO3)₆]²⁻ ---> [Ca₂(PO₃)₆²⁻ + 2 Na₂SO4
4. Differentiate temporary and permanent hardness of water.

Temporary hardness is caused by the carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium and

magnesium. It can be easily removed by boiling of water. Permanent hardness is due to
presence of sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium in water. . It cannot be
easily removed by boiling of water
5. Define break point chlorination.

Ans: Breakpoint chlorination is defined as the point where enough chlorine has been
added to a quantity of water to satisfy its disinfecting demand. At breakpoint chlorination,
all the added chlorine is consumed by chemical reactions with the contaminants, resulting
in no free available chlorine in the water.
6. How are scales different from sludges?
Ans: Scale is a hard, insoluble deposit that forms on the inner walls of the
boiler,Scales are formed by substances like Ca (HCO3)2, CaSO4 and Mg (OH) 2.

Sludge is a soft and slimy deposit formed in the colder portions of the boiler and
collects in areas where the flow rate is slow. Sludges are formed by substances like
MgCl2, MgCO3, MgSO4 and CaCl2.
7. What is colloidal conditioning of water?
Ans: Colloidal conditioning: In low-pressure boilers, scale formation can be avoided by
adding organic substances like kerosene, tannin, agar-agar (a gel), etc., which get coated
hover the scale forming precipitates, thereby yielding non-sticky and loose deposits, which
can easily be removed by pre-determined blow-down
8. Write the full form & draw the structure of EDTA.
Ans: Ethylene di amine tetra acetic acid

9. List out the WHO standards of drinking water.

Ans: 1. WHO has recommended maximum permissible limit of pH from 6.5 to 8.5.
2. Concentration of chloride should not exceed 250 mg/l.
3. The permissible range of fluoride of drinking water is 0.5–1 ppm.
4. The permissible range of magnesium in water should be 50 mg/l.
5. The maximum permissible limit of nitrate is 5 mg/l.
6. The TDS level recommended is 300 ppm.
7. The permissible drinking water standard for total hardness is 200 mg/L.
10. List out various units of hardness.
Parts per million (ppm),

Milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Degree French (0fr)

Degree Clark (0cl)


Short answer questions:

1. What is pilling bed worth rule?
Ans: it explains the resistance of metal to oxidation and extent of protection given by
oxide layer to the metal .it depends upon the ratio of the volume of oxide layer and the
volume of metal
R= volume of oxide layer/ volume of metal
2. Define sacrificial anode. Give examples.
Ans: The more active metal used to protect another metal from corrosion is called
sacrificial anode. The metals commonly used as sacrificial anodes are Mg,
Zn, Al &amp; their alloys.

3. Differentiate primary and secondary battery.

Ans: Primary cells are the batteries which cannot be recharged and have to be discarded
after the expiration of the lifetime. Ex: Dry cell. Secondary cells can be recharged and
reused. Ex: Lead acid cell.
4. What is electrochemical corrosion?
Ans: This type of corrosion takes place in aqueous medium in the presence of oxygen
And forms an electrochemical cell which consists of anode and cathode immersed
in an electrolyte. The chemical in the environment or humidity acts as an
5. Mention any two applications of lithium ion battery
Ans: Lithium-Ion batteries are rechargeable and are used in many personal electronics such
as cell phones, tablets, and laptops,
Also used in E-Bikes, electric, hover boards, scooters.
6. Distinguish battery and fuel cell.
Ans: The single most essential difference between fuel cells and batteries is simple: a battery
stores energy which it then uses, whereas a fuel cell generates energy by converting available
7. Write applications of solar cells.
Ans: Solar energy is used in automobiles, calculators, street lighting, to heat water for
use in homes, in satellites and space stations.
8. What is galvanic corrosion?
Ans: Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which one metal corrodes,
when it is in electrical contact with a different type of metal, and both metals are
immersed in an electrolyte such as water.
9. What are reserve batteries?
Ans: A reserve battery, also called stand-by battery, is a primary battery where part is
isolated until the battery needs to be used. Ex: Aluminium battery, Silver-zinc battery.
These batteries are used in radios, missiles, projectile and bomb fuzzes, and various
weapon systems.
10. Define corrosion. What are its causes?
Ans: corrosion is defined as the decay of metal by chemical or electrochemical attack by
its surrounding environment
Metal corrodes when it reacts with another substance such as oxygen, hydrogen, an electrical
current or even dirt and bacteria.


Short answer questions:

1. Write Dulongs formula.
Ans: HCV = 1/100[8080C + 34500(H-O/8) + 22400S], here the C, S, O, H are the
percentages of carbon, sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen.
2. Discuss Octane and Cetane rating.
Ans: the anti knocking characteristics of petrol is known as octane number or octane rating
:the anti knocking characteristics of diesel is known as Cetane number or Cetane rating
3. Distinguish HCV & LCV.
Ans: Higher calorific value (HCV) is the amount of heat released by unit mass or volume of
given fuel after combustion and the products are allowed to cool.
A lower calorific value (LCV) is the quantity of heat released after burning a unit mass or
volume of fuel and products are allowed to escape.
4. Define Calorific value of a fuel.
Ans: Calorific value is defined as the amount of heat generated when a unit amount of fuel is
Completely burnt or oxidized in air. it is expressed in cal/gm
5. What is biodiesel? List out its applications.
Ans: Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel that is manufactured from vegetable
oils, and animal fats
Applications. Biodegradable and Renewable Fuel
Lower exhaust emission rate than normal diesel fuel.
6. List out the characteristics of a fuel.
Ans: It should have high calorific value, Low moisture content, It should have a low ignition
temperature; It should be easily available,
7. Write the composition of CNG & LPG.
Ans: the main constituent of CNG is methane gas, whereas the main constituents of LPG are
propane, butane and other light hydrocarbon gases
8. Define Cracking.
Ans: Cracking is defined as a process, wherein heavier
Hydrocarbons are broken down into smaller hydrocarbons. It is of two
Types: Thermal cracking & Catalytic cracking.
9. Define Knocking.
Ans; knocking is the sound produced by internal combustions of fuel. it is caused by pre
ignition or ignition lag of fuel
10. What is the role of TEL in gasoline?
Ans: Tetra ethyl lead (TEL) are added to gasoline to prevent the premature and spontaneous
explosion of the air/gasoline mixture in the engine.


Short answer questions:
1. Write the composition of Portland cement.
Port land cement consists of raw materials mainly compounds of lime mixed with
silica and alumina.
2. Define setting and hardening of cement.
Ans: when cement is mixed with water, it changes to a plastic mass called cement paste
.which slowly loses its plasticity and become a stiff rocky mass is obtained this process
is known as setting and hardening of cement
3. What are smart materials? What are the uses of shape memory materials?
Ans: materials that have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a
controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress,
moisture, electric or magnetic fields, light, temperature, pH,
Shape memory materials (SMMs) are featured by the ability to recover their original
shape from a significant plastic deformation when a particular stimulus is applied.
4. What are Thermo response material.
Ans: These are intelligent or smart materials that can respond to temperature deviations,
making them valuable materials in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and gene delivery
5. Write any two applications of biodegradable polymers.
Ans: 1. Biodegradable polymers can be used in different areas of medicine, unlike
conventional Plastic polymers. Examples of some applications are implants, bone
fixations or sutures.
2. They are used in the manufacture of containers and packaging in the food industry
6. Define lubricant. Write the classification.
Ans: Substances which apply between two moving and sliding surface to reduce friction between
them are known as Lubricants .lubricants can be broadly classified, on the basis of their physical state,
as follows: (1) Liquid lubricants or lubricating oils; (2) Semi-solid lubricants or greases, and (3) Solid

7.Differentiate Cloud & pour point of a Lubricant.

Ans: When the lubricant oil is cooled slowly, the temperature at which it becomes cloudy or
hazy in appearance, is called its cloud point; while the temperature at which the lubricant oil
cease to flow or pour, is called its pour point. Cloud and pour points indicate the suitability of
lubricant oil in cold conditions.
8. Define Viscosity index.
Ans: the variation of viscosity with temperature is known as viscosity index

10. How are the conducting polymers classified?

Ans: polymers that conduct electricity due to conjugation are called conducting polymers.
Examples are Polyacetylene, they are classified into two types 1.intrinsic conducting
polymers.2.extrinsic conducting polymers
11. What is the role of gypsum in Portland cement?
Ans: it is added in final grinding of cement it controls the ratio of setting and hardening of

Long answer questions:

1. Explain setting and hardening of cement with equations.(5M)

2. Explain the determination of flash and fire point of a lubricant.(5M)

3. Explain any two smart materials and their applications. (5M)
4. Explain the determination of cloud point and pour point of a lubricant with neat diagram.
5. List out the characteristics of a good lubricant. Explain the determination of viscosity of a
lubricant. (10M)
6. What are Conducting polymers? Explain the mechanism of conduction in trans-
polyacetylene and list out the applications of conducting polymers. (5M)
7. What are biodegradable polymers? Explain synthesis of poly vinyl alcohol & Polylactic acid
and write its applications. (5M)
8. Explain Shape memory materials and list out its applications.(5M)

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