04 23 08 NYC JMC Update

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New York City Job Market Update

Newsletter for LHH New York City office (Go to: http://www.esnips.com/web/LHHNYCJMC) April 23, 2008

In This Issue
• Job Market Intel Next “JMC Live”: May 7 at 10AM in the Park Ave Conf
• Career Events
Room. Special guests: Adecco will be focusing on
opportunities in financial services & operations…
• Networking Events
Don’t forget to register as seats are limited…
• JMC Job Search Tips

Also Included
Think About it…
• Useful Web Sites Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have
lain dormant.
• Media Resources
-- Horace (65-8 BC) Roman Poet
• Blue Steps
• Network of Experts
Job Market Intel
• Job Lead Sampler
• Think About it…

Get Your Copy Your neighborhood bank is getting bigger.

NYC Job Market Update One consequence of the credit debacle is that loan "securitization," the business of grinding home,
available online at: business, auto and other loans into credit sausages and dishing them off to investors, has become a
http://www.esnips.com/web/LHHNYCJM tougher sell. Commercial banks will increasingly have to keep the loans they make, for richer or
C Access the latest and poorer.
back editions. Copies are
also available in the It's already showing up on bank balance sheets. Total assets at U.S. commercial banks swelled to
$11.12 trillion in early April, up from $9.94 trillion a year ago, according to Federal Reserve data
common areas and from which is updated every Friday. Last month, the growth rate of bank assets hit its fastest growth pace
your consultants… If you in 28 years.
have information to
submit, contact Rod Regulators and market forces could help keep balance sheets ballooning.
Williams at One problem with securitization was that it gave lenders less reason to care whether borrowers paid
rod.williams@lhh.com or the loans back. Regulators and investors in these securities will likely make sure that doesn't happen
212.455.8583. Thanks in again, partly by forcing banks to keep a bigger stake in the loans they make, J.P. Morgan global
advance! market strategist Jan Loeys says in a research note this week. That will put upward pressure on
balance sheets.
Regulators could also crack down on the fun banks have squirreling credit risk away where it doesn't
CRN SpotLight need to be counted, into off-balance sheet entities like conduits and structured investment vehicles,
Mr. Loeys said. Citigroup, which reports first-quarter earnings Friday morning, was the biggest player
in such off-balance-sheet vehicles and has already taken a big hit from dragging assets back under
Check out the approximately
its own roof. In the future it may have less incentive to push them back out again.
150,000 jobs on LeadLink
and don’t forget to keep your Herding so much risk back into old-fashioned banks and out of the so-called "shadow" banking
resume updated on Resume system could make the Fed's job simpler. But it will also force banks to raise more capital to cushion
Reserve. New employers their hefty balance sheets and keep them leery about lending, and potentially less profitable.
and recruiters are added and
are searching daily.

Access both on the web at:
A spate of recent media reports suggest the U.S. economy is sagging, due in large part to the
We have negotiated a 20%
mortgage meltdown, the continuing credit crunch, rising fuel prices and other financial problems that
discounted rate for LHH clients led to the much publicized collapse of Bear Stearns.
with Blue Steps the executive
search web site owned and As one recent poll conducted by Harris Interactive revealed, only 29 percent of managers planned to
operated by the AESC increase hiring in the second quarter.
(Association of Executive
But the outlook for executive hiring is demonstrably better than such broad corporate hiring data
Search Consultants) which is
suggest, that is, if the industry outlook for growth outside the financial services and real estate
their professional organization markets offered by a panel of Sanford Bernstein analysts and research from ExecuNet are indicative
made up of over 200 of the top of what's to come.
executive search firms. See
your consultant for details. Financial analysts believe the health of other markets, such as biotechnology, energy and utilities
AESC has around 200 and manufacturing will likely fare better than financial markets this year. ExecuNet research shows
member search firms, with that nearly 72 percent of corporate executive staffing leaders believe there is a shortage of qualified
executive talent.
around 4000 consultants
around the world. Taken together with anecdotal reports that search firms remained fairly busy in recent weeks, this
suggests that while hiring on Wall Street may be pressured this year, hiring for Main Street will
continue so long as broader economic challenges are contained.


Social networking sites like Technorati and Second Life and online communities like LinkedIn and
Facebook are reshaping the candidate research role and putting an increasing number of recruiters
in more direct contact with a broader range of potential management recruits.

That reality hits home for one executive who recently opined, "One day, you'll have no choice... it's
taking over," in response to an acquaintance's mention that he didn't already have an account on

Lauryn Franzoni, vice president and executive editor of ExecuNet, recently outlined the commitment
required of management recruiters to make the most of their business and professional contacts in
the new digital age.

She said that management recruiters within a hiring organization or executive search firm must
recognize that social media present strong networking opportunities and build a strategy for
connecting with talent and building relationships online. Social media, Franzoni added, "is much
more personal in nature than traditional approaches to business development."

Franzoni said taking the time to build relationships and connect with top performers online requires a
time commitment. But it's also important to put an objective on that investment. Social media, she
says, can be leveraged to build one's professional reputation, attract prospective candidates,
showcase industry expertise, publicize success stories and otherwise attract new clients. What's key
is the consistency and focus of your work to achieve one of more of those goals.


Some 44 percent of executive search consultants say they've eliminated an executive job candidate
from further recruitment consideration because of information they found about the person in an
online search engine. That's up nearly 10 percentage points from the responses provided by
executive recruiters to the same question just
two years ago. And it speaks to the growing
influence of such online search/media sites as a
research tool for identifying candidates and
screening their potential fit with hiring

JMC Job Search Tips (Simple Things pt 75…)
A Good Deed…
In these increasingly uncertain times regarding employment opportunities, it’s very important to not
neglect the little things. There is increasing competition everyday and now even more than before it’s
the little things that carry critical weight in separating a crowded field of qualified Candidates.
Wherever and whenever there’s an opportunity to be of assistance, it’s a good idea not to pass it up
because in basic human terms, we remember fondly those who do right by us. Examples: send a
networking contact or an interviewer an interesting article related to something that you’ve
discussed; take a networking partner to lunch; and most of all, don’t forget to send thank you letters
to everyone who assists you including “gatekeepers”. One caveat: don’t overdue the nicety.
Remember it’s little things, so expensive gifts can easily be misconstrued as a attempt to buy favor.
A good rule of thumb is if you’re unsure, ask for advice, and your Coach-Consultant is a good place
to start…

Career Events

Technology, Engineering,
and Security Clearance
Career Fair
May 8, 2008
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
New York Marquis Marriott Times Square
1535 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

Networking Events (free / low cost events that may interest you)

The "C" Network

"Surviving Corporate America"; Tuesdays, 1 p.m.; people of various professions are brought together
to debate how to break through the elements for finding work; paid preregistration required; call for
locations and further information.
Fees: $12
100 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017
Sponsor information
The "C" Network
Contact: TheCnetwrk@aol.com, 718/263-3501

Useful Web Sites
Here are a few free online locations that could prove helpful (if you know of other new or
unique sites forward them to me at rod.williams@lhh.com)
***There are a number of new business networking sites popping up as alternatives and
competition for LinkedIn. A couple of the new entries are:
Naymz http://www.naymz.com/ Maximize your professional opportunities by promoting your good
name in our Reputation Community.

Plaxo Pulse http://www.plaxo.com/ The easiest way to stay connected is now also the easiest way
to share just about anything. Pulse now brings you "people feeds" from all over the web:

www.worldwit.org. It's a new design, new navigation and a ton of new content. But most excitingly for
us, our site now includes something that so many of our members have asked for: a careers site!
Our careers area, WorldWIT's Hire Ground, is the first online recruiting site that reaches women 'at
the intersection of work and life' with job alerts in the daily WorldWIT email digests. Jobs are also
posted on the searchable WorldWIT's Hire Ground website
http://newyorkcity.employmentguide.com/ bills itself as a portal for entry-level or a mid-management
positions. EmploymentGuide.com has got you covered. With our FastAPP feature we have made
searching for jobs faster and easier than ever. Simply complete an application and we’ll send it to
matching employers in your area.
http://www.janplace.com/ a site for those seeking opportunities in publishing, licensing, children’s &
family media, entertainment, interactive media, and related areas
http://www.gadball.com an excellent site that provides Free Job Search - over 100,000 Active Jobs!
Free Resume Distribution, Free GadBall Discussion Forums, Free Career Email Address, Free
Personal Email Address features links to For Sale Listings and many other types of information
portals from television/movie listings to the weather. It also has an online calendaring tool, news,
games, and entertainment links.
http://www.JobsOnWallStreet.com bills itself as the leading financial services online job board
http://www.efinancialcareers.com/ bank jobs, finance jobs, recruitment in the financial markets,
accounting and investment banking
http://newyork.craigslist.org/ another site that’s pretty cool. It bills itself as the following: craigslist is
about: giving each other a break, getting the word out about everyday, real-world stuff. restoring the
human voice to the Internet, in a humane, non-commercial environment. keeping things simple,
common-sense, down-to-earth, honest, very real. providing an alternative to impersonal, big-media
sites. being inclusive, giving a voice to the disenfranchised, democratizing ... being a collection of
communities with similar spirit, not a single monolithic entity.
http://www.worklife.com/ Worklife.com provides industry specific career channels with a wealth of
information tailored to your career goals. Select a career channel to research industry information,
search jobs and build your portfolio.
www.ComputerJobs.com Recruiting Trends reports that ComputerJobs.com, an employment website
for Information Technology (IT) professionals and those who employ them, has launched a new web
site where IT professionals can discuss their careers, technology, current events, and more. The new
community called "The ComputerJobs.com Community," also offers employers resume keyword
searches, and job seekers the ability to search for high tech jobs on www.ComputerJobs.com.
http://www.teamworkonline.com/ a listing site that focuses on jobs in professional sports with teams,
offices, and connected entities (sports management, sporting goods, etc.). Here’s what they say
about themselves: 71% of the jobs posted here were filled by online candidates!
www.WomenSportsJobs.com currently has over 1,000 jobs posted in the following fields: Sports
Marketing, Sales, Advertising & Promotions, Public Relations, Sports Media, Broadcasting, Facilities,
Sports Events & Operations, Recreation, Health & Fitness, Website, Technology & Computers
http://www.job-hunt.org/ a terrific informational resource for job seekers
http://www.hightechny.com/ NY Labor Bureau site for IT employment (thanks Jay Colan)
http://www.ithotjobs.com/ bills itself as “ITHotJobs.com launched in 2001 to assist BIG 4, Top Tier,
Software 500, Fortune 1000 IT job seekers most impacted during the downturn has grown to
286,000 members and is utilized by over 9,775 IT specific recruiters.”

http://www.jobcircle.com/ JobCircle.com currently operates in CT, DC, DE, OH, MD, NY, NJ, PA, VA,
and WV , and provides a totally regional job search experience using our unique Latitude/Longitude

Free web sites continued…

http://www.dogpile.com great search site that uses Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, About, Look Smart,
Overture, and FindWhat (talk about powerful!)
http://www.allretailjobs.com/ the name says it all.
http://www.nj.com/jobs/quicksearch/ links to job postings:11 NJ newspapers incl. the Star-Ledger
http://www.chiefmonster.com a Monster.com site for Senior Executives
http://www.6figurejobs.com lists executive Jobs
http://www.ceoupdate.com lists non-profit executive level jobs
http://www.execsearches.com lists non-profit executive level jobs
http://www.bigfivetalent.com lists Big Five Jobs
http://www.employment911.com/asp/index.asp claims currently over 3,000,000 jobs posted by
companies that use them and searched from over 300 major career sites along with jobs including 1-
Jobs.com, Hotjobs.com, American Jobs, Infoworks USA, America's Employers, JobBank USA,
America's Job Bank, Job Pilot USA, Bakos Group, MarketingJobs.com, Career Avenue,
Monster.com, Best Jobs USA, NationJob Network, Career Builder, Net-Temps.com, Career Mosaic,
Perot Systems, Career.com, Prohire.com, Career Magazine, Recruiters Online Network, Career
Web, Select Jobs.com, Computerjobs.com, Softwarejobs.com, Computerwork.com, The Job
Resource, Crosswalk.com, Top Echelon, Dice.com, TopStartups.com, Employment 911, US Careers
Resource Center, Headhunter.net, Westech Virtual Job Fair. (Pay services not necessary).
http://seeker.dice.com/profman/searchEngineMarketing.jsp?rel_code=100 more tech jobs
http://www.guru.com/pro/professionals.cfm?tc=20010&kw=job%20search%20web%20 site helps you
find IT, creative, business and office/admin projects all on one website!
http://www.e-careercenter.com/ &
http://www.job.com/index.cfm?us=164&AID=6944408&PID=1225587 2 sites for posting resumes and
searching jobs
Fee Based Sites:
http://www.bluesteps.com Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) resume database.
LHH has a discounted rate (See your consultant)
www.theladders.com Based in New York City, TheLadders.com, Inc. is a privately held company
offering premier online job search destinations and content for the $100k+ sector of the employment
market. The company operates its primary consumer destination at www.theladders.com as well as
specialized job search Web sites for Sales, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Law,
Technology, Operations and all other $100k+ fields. For corporate and executive recruiters,
TheLadders.com operates TheLadders for Recruiters, enabling them to easily post and manage job
http://www.executivesonly.com lists executive jobs
http://www.netshare.com lists executive jobs
http://www.execunet.com lists executive jobs
http://www.executive.computerjobs.com lists executive technical jobs
http://www.vicepresidentjobs.com a resume posting site
Entrepreneurial Sites:
http://www.startupzone.com employment
http://www.topstartups.com employment
http://www.garage.com lists tech ventures and employment
http://www.fastcompany.com online version of magazine
http://www.vfinance.com funding for entrepreneurs
http://www.vcbuzz.com venture capital info

Non-Profit Sites:
http://www.philanthropy.com non-profit info and employment
http://www.nonprofits.org/ non-profit info
http://www.chronicle.com higher education info and employment
http://www.guidestar.org/ national database of non profits
Executive Job Listings in the Not-for-Profit Sector Advertised openings:
http://www.ceoupdate.com lists non-profit executive level jobs
http://www.execsearches.com lists non-profit executive level jobs
Search firm listed openings:

Media Resources
Please update by sending additional resources/corrections to jay.colan@LHH.com news and
http://www.mediabistro.com/ -- Media Bistro: media industry networking and informational site.
Includes, news, advice, events listings, job boards, and discussion groups.
http://www.iwantmedia.com/– daily round up of media and industry news; extensive links to
other, related publications and sites.
http://www.poynter.org/medianews– Jim Romenesko’s media news: news, trends, extensive
links to other news and media related sites.
http://www.mediachannel.org/ -- Media Channel: global media news, issue guides, educational
http://www.mediaweek.com/ -- Media Week: online media news magazine.
http://www.media.guardian.co.uk/ -- The Guardian online specialized media site.
http://www.eweek.com/– eWeek online version: media and new media news and resources
http://www.media-news.com/– Media news site, segmented by industry.
http://www.internews.org/– Internews: promoting free and open media on a global scale.
http://www.broadbandweek.com/– Broadband Week online version.
http://www.telecomcareers.net/– TelecomCareers.net: career resources, etc.
http://www.catv.org/-- CATV Cyberlab: news, resources for cable, broadband, and new media;
extensive list of links.
http://www.cabletoday.com/index.html– Bigpipe.com: cable news, resources, extensive links.
http://www.emonline.com/index.html– Electronic Media online version.
http://www.dmnews.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi– DM News: online direct marketing news.
http://www.headlinespot.com/-- comprehensive news site: news, extensive links

http://www.tvinsite.com/broadcastingcable/index.asp?layout=webzine– Broadcasting Cable
online: news for broadcast and cable industries.
http://www.cableworld.com/– Cableworld online version: cable and broadband news
television/print/music/interactive/digital/telecom/advertising (cont’d)
http://www.minonline.com/index.html—Min magazine: media business resources
www.paidcontent.org focus on "the economics of content"
http://www.212nyc.org/ - interactive focus
www.inanet.com for designers and art directors
www.cynopsis.com - daily briefing for broadcasting and cable, with job postings for NY and LA
Digital Music News (site/publication?)
Inside Radio (site/publication?)
www.adage.com Advertising Age site
http://www.poynter.org/ - Web Tips – tracks U.S. TV
www.venturewire.com – v.c. focus?
www.variety.com Variety - entertainment focus –including job links
This Week in Technology
British Academy of Film and Television Artists
http://www.digitalmusic2006.com/ - digital music forum
www.worldscreen.com Int’l News on programming /content that inevitably includes notes on
many NY companies
www.lightreading.com technology news with many notes on content deployments
www.digitalmedia.com – conference listings are searchable to obtain contact info for speakers
Multi-Channel News – publication?/site?
www.fierce.com – mobile media including wireless, IPTV and mobile media
BillBoard – music publication
http://www.catm.com/-- Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing: library,
research, job bank, etc.
http://www.ncta.com/index.cfm– National Cable & Telecommunications Association: industry
news, legislative information, career resources, etc.
http://www.cthra.com/indopps.html– Cable and Telecommunications Human Resources
Association: job opportunities and career related links
http://www.aaaa.org/news/related_assoc.html– American Association of Advertising Agencies:
related industry links.
http://www.nynma.org/– New York New Media Association:
http://www.cabletvadbureau.com/– Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau: news, research, links,
career information.
http://www.ctpaa.org/– Cable Television Public Affairs Association
http://www.wict.org/main.cfm– Women in Cable & Telecommunications: resources and links
dedicated to improving the standing of women in the cable industry.
http://www.interactivehq.org/ -- Association for Interactive Marketing: research, education,
events, networking.
www.americanbusinessmedia.com – association of business media companies
www.namme.org – National Association of Minority Media Executives
Magazine Publishers Association (MPA)
Online Publishers Association (ironically I don’t have the URL)
theory and scholarship:
http://www.ctheory.com/– CTheory: current scholarship on cultural, media, and critical theory
http://www.theory.org.uk/– media and social/cultural theory focusing on pop culture
http://www.utexas.edu/coc/journalism/SOURCE/j363/keywords.html– quick resources to major
leaders in mass communication studies
www.release1.0.com – Esther Dyson publication on v.c. and new technologies
Edventures – same on Ester Dyson
other resources:
http://www.hbscny.org/upcoming_events.htm - Harvard Business School Club of Greater NY –
Look for the Media Guru breakfasts
Media Staffing Professionals - Chicago based with jobs throughout the country
"The Soul of the New Consumer" - book on thinking for marketers and product developers
www.current.org – resource on NPR?
www.voice123 – voiceovers
One World? – cable advertising?
Promo magazine and Events Marketer for event marketing people
Provided by Jay Colan and the generous, spirited people who participated in the NY Media and Entertainment
networking group in January and February of 2007.


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Job Lead Sampler (For many more check LeadLink)

Credit Analyst, Publishers Clearing House, Port Washington, NY
Global Strategic Sourcer, CA, Inc, Islandia, NY
Cognos Developer-Relationship Mktg, CA, Inc, Islandia, NY
Marketing Operations Specialist-World Wide Mktg, CA, Inc.
Islandia, NY
PR Communications Specialist, CA, Inc, Islandia, NY
Sales Operations Analyst, World-Wide Channel, CA, Inc, Islandia,
Sr Market Segment Specialist, CA, Inc., Framingham, MA
Sr Communications Specialist-PR, Corp, CA, Inc, Islandia, NY
Web Content Developer, Mktg., CA, Inc, Islandia, NY
Account Mgr-Client Svcs, WGSN
Real Estate Analyst - Hotel, PLC Partners, LLC
Director of Internal Audit-University, Bartl & Evins Financial
Recruiters, LI, NY
Product Mgr-Advertising, Joost
Sr Accountant - General Accounting, CA, Islandia, NY
Financial Analyst-Business Support, CA, Atlanta, GA
Finance Mgr-Indirect Business Support, Islandia, NY
Sr Principal, Business Development-Finance, CA, Islandia, NY
Credit Risk Mgmt Examiner-#2171, Federal Reserve Bank of NY
Credit Derivatives & Counterparty Credit Risk-#1530, Federal
Reserve Bank of NY
Market & Liquidity Risk Examiner-#1979, Federal Reserve Bank of
Structured Credit Products Analyst/Examiner-#2013, Federal
Reserve Bank of NY
Sales Trader, WJ Dowd, Inc
Mortgage Loan Data Analyst, One William St Capital Partners
Intex API/Analytics Programmer, One William St Capital Partners

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