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Fill in the blanks:

1.Some sound hurt our ears if we listen

to them for long.

2. The hinges of an old door make a

creaking sound when the door is
opened or closed.

3. An example of warning sound Police

4. Chattering of monkeys.
5. Chirping of sparrows.

6. Howling of wolves.

Fill in the blanks.

1. Listening to loud noises can be

harmful to our ears.

2. Noise pollution does not allow people

tosleep properly.
3. Honking of traffic on road causes lots
of noises pollution.
4. Noise pollution causes loss of
sleep and concentration.
5. Avoid watching television and
listening to radio at high yolumes.
Section l

A. Choose the correct option.

1. A clock produces
a. creaking sound. [)
b. hissing sound. O
c. rustling sound. []
d. tick-tock sound. [V]

2. Which of the following produces a

rustling sound?
a. Table. []
b. Leaves. [/]
c. Teakettle. []
d. Doors. []

3. Which of these produces a whirring

a. Vacuum cleaner. []
b. Piano. [)
c. Dog. []
d. Fan. (V

4. A
fire alarm produces
a. musical sound. []
b. loud noise. [V]
hissing sound. []
d. chattering sound. []
5. Noise pollution is generally caused
a. burstingof crackers. []
b. loudspeaker. []
C. aircraft. []
d. Allof these. [V
B. Give two example of the following:
1. Warning sound.
= Fire Alarm; and Police Siren;

2. Common object's sound.

= Tick-tock by clock; and Whirring of

Section l|

C. Short answer questions.

1. How does a clock produce a soft
"tick-tock" sound?
= A clock produces asoft "tick-tock"
sound when its second's hand moves.

2. When does a door produce a

creaking sound?
=The hinges of an old door may make a
creaking sound when the door 0s
opened or closed.

3. Give example to suggest that we can

recognize an animal or bird by the
sounds it makes.

= We can easily recognize an animal or

a bird by the type of sound it makes.
Some animal and bird sounds that we
are familiar with including roaring of a
tiger or lion, chattering or monkeys,
howling of wolves, screeching of
parrots, chirping of sparrows, cooing of
pigeons, and barking of dogs.
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4. What are warning sounds? Give an
= Warning sounds are loud sounds that
are used to warn people about adanger
or an emergency. These warning
sounds are important as they alert
people to either get out of, or stay away
from, a place or a situation that may put
their lives in danger.

5. What is anoise? How is it different

from noise pollution?
= Aloud and unpleasant sound that can
cause physical and mental disturbance
0s called noise.
Excessive and continuous noise which
impacts human and animal health is
called noise pollution.

D. Answer the following in details.

1. What are the different kinds of
sounds we hear throughout the day?
= From the moment we wake up in the
morning tillthe time we go to sleep, we
hear a large number of different sounds
throughout the day. Every object around
us makes a distinct sound. Some of
them make us feel happy and relaxed,
whereas others may hurt our ears if we
listen to them for too long.

2. Differentiate between pleasant and
unpleasant sound giving examples.

Pleasant Sound Unpleasant Sound

))Any sound that ) Any sound that
makes us feel happy makes us feel
and relaxed can be uncomfortable,
called a pleasant irritated, or causes a
sound. feeling of being unwell
can be called an
unpleasant sound.
ii)Example:- Music i) Example:- Honking of
from different musicalvehicles on the road,
instruments such as a Loud explosion, Noise
sitar, a harmonium, or from factories and
a guitar. Sounds made generators, Loud sound
by waves on a beach. made by aircrafts while
Sound of gently falling taking off and landing.
rain, gentle chirping of
birds etc.

3. What are the harmful effects of

sound pollution?
Noise pollution can cause the
following problems -
i) Dizziness, headaches, and earaches.
ii) Tiredness and stress.

ii) Loss of sleep and loss of

iv) Hypertension and even
loss of hearing. permanent
v) Noise pollution can cause hearing
loss and irritability in animals too.

4.Describing ways or noise pollution.

4. Describing ways or noise pollution.
We should take the following
preventive measures to save ourselves
from noise pollution -
) Avoid using loudspeakers for too long
and too loudly.
i) Get electrical appliances checked
regularly to reduce the noise produced
by them.
iil) Traffic should be regulated to avoid
noise from vehicles. Unnecessary
honking should be controlled in
residential areas, and near schools and
iv) Use heavy carpets and curtains at
home; they help in absorbing noise
coming from outside.
v) Plant trees in the
Trees and plants also absorb noise to a
great extent.

vi) Avoid watching television and

listening to radio at high volumes.

5. What happens when there is no air, in

case of sound?

= If there is no air, you will not be able to

hear sound as sound needs a medium
to travel.

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Vi) AVOIa watcning IeieviSIon ana
listening to radio at high volumes.

5. What happens when there is no air, in

case of sound?

= If there is no air, you will not be able to

hear sound as sound needs a medium
to travel.

6. What isnoise pollution?

=A loud and unpleasant sound that can
cause physical and mental disturbance
is called noise. Listening to loud noises
for a long time can be harmful to our
Loud noise disturbs our comfort levels.
Excessive and continuous noise which
impacts human and animal health is
called noise pollution.

Labels: dass 5 icse, honking, icse dass 5 saence, icse solution que stion and answer pleasant sound sleep and
concentration, Sound and Noise, unpleasant sound, waming sounds

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