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SESSION 2022 – 2023


Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 5 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 1


Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.1 Submission 28/1/2023

No: Date:

1. Learning To enable the students to learn what is work.


√ √
Remembe Understan √ Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
ring ding g ng ng g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with English.

Curricular /

3. Words in focus: Job ,work

Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: Course book Notebook, Course book

5. Recap & Greetings and settling down

 Keep a few tissue papers at
(5Min) different corners of the classroom.
 Enter the class and divide the
students into groups of four.

Introduce the aim of the lesson.

● The students will
make groups.

6. Plan of Action in  Tell the students to do as you

classroom teaching: instruct.
(35 Min)  Give the following instructions to
 Tell them to assign any two of
 The students will
their group members to take all
their group members' bags and
keep them at the back.
 Tell them to be quick and return to
their seats.
 Tell them to send one person to
collect tissue papers from you.
 Tell them to assign one person to
hold their desk and one person to
clean it with the tissue. The
remaining ones should direct
 Ask the students cleaning the
desks about what needs to be done
with the dirty tissue paper. Let
them to come up with the solution.
 Tell them to throw the tissues in
the dustbin while the rest of the
group members should collect the
bags from the back and bring them
back to their seats.
 Tell the ones who have been
cleaning the desks to quickly
make a line and go and wash their
hands quickly.
 Tell their team members to
instruct them not to run in the
corridor but be quick.
 Meanwhile tell the rest of them to
settle down on their seats and wait
for their team members to return.

• Clap for all the students for

completing all the tasks.  All students will
be able to listen
 Ask students what they just did.
and follow
 Listen to their answers.
instructions and
 Ask them if they have to describe do the work.
what they just did in one word,
what it would be.
 Listen to their answers.

Note: Most probably, some of the

students might say 'work' but if not, then
subtly introduce this term to them.

 Write 'Work' on the board.

 Ask the students whether they
had been doing work till now.
 Ask the students what all things
helped them in the work they did
just now.

Note: Give them subtle hint of different

parts of the body.

 Ask them if they could have

worked easily in case any one of
these body parts were missing.
 Listen to their answers.
 Tell them that everything they do
using their body or mind is called:
 Tell the students to do Let's Begin.
 Discuss the answers.
 Tell them to give reasons for their
 Ask them what they would need if
they had to do the work they
crossed out in the exercise.
 Listen to their answers.


 Summarise the lesson by writing

some key points on the board.
 Explain the Home Assignment.
 Tell them that we all work all the
time. We should work and help
 All students will
our elders at home. Everyone at
be able to see
home also works to help each
how our body
parts help us do

6.1 Students who need extra help:

Teacher will show pictures to help them
to complete ‘let’s begin’ task.
 All the students
will be able to
Students who need extra challenge: identify work as
The students will be asked to find out doable or not
what is profession. doable.

6.2 Learning by doing method

Discussion method

6.1 Students who need

extra help: Students
are able to complete the
Students who need
extra challenge:
Students are able to
answer the question.

6.2 Students will

actively participate in
the activity.

6.1 Differentiation

6.2 Teaching

6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home  List out any 5 works that Students will do the same.
Assignment (5 you like to do at home or in
Min) your school.

8. Evaluation ● Evaluation of the students ● Students are able to do

based on Course based on their work the activity.
Learning completion.

√ √ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student
Outcomes: ● Team work

● Problem solving


SESSION 2022 – 2023
Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 5 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 2

Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.2 Submission 28/1/2023
No: Date:

1. Learning To enable the students to learn how is work done.


√ √ √
Remembe Understan Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
ring ding g ng ng g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with English

Curricular /

3. Words in focus: Simple , difficult , mentally , lifting , tools , equipment ,


Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: Course book , board Course book and practice


5. Recap & Greeting and settling down

 Ask students do they want to
become when they grow up?
● Students will
answer the question.
Introduce the aim of the lesson.

6. Plan of Action in
classroom teaching:
 Read aloud Work and How is
(35 Min)
Work Done?
 Students will read
 Explain the points.
the section.
 Tell them that in the coming
classes, they will learn how
different kinds of work are
 Show pictures different kinds
of profession and things / tools
related to them.
 Ask : What do I do ( point
toward yourself)
 What all things I need to teach
 Show pictures of different
profession and ask questions. ● All students will be
 Who is he? Which tool help able to learn about
him to do his job? different kinds of
 Show a video on different jobs and the tools
occupations and their tools. related to them.


Ask the students to complete My turn ● All students will be

1 in the practice book. able to understand
the concept.
Summarise We can do work on our
own, but for many things, we need
help from outside. Our body helps us
do all the work that requires lifting,
carrying or moving things. Our mind
helps us to think and do work
mentally. We can do such work
without any help, but many things ● All students will
around us help us do simple work complete My turn
easily. 1.

Explain home assignment.

6.1 Students who need extra

support: Talk or show pictures of
6.1 Students who need
what work people around them to do
extra support: Students
to help them.
will be able to recite the
Students who need extra challenge: poem with the help of the
Instruct students to name professions teacher.
in which people make drawing of
things or other people and what all
tools they required to do their jobs.
Students who need extra
challenges: Students will
be able to do the task by
● Lecture Method
6.1 Differentiation
Methods: ● Discussion Method

6.2: Students will actively

participate in the activity.

6.2 Teaching

6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home Write any 5 professions and the Students will be able to answer
Assignment (5 things/ tools they required to do the questions.
Min) that job.

8. Evaluation ● Evaluation of the students  Students are able

based on Course based on their work to do the work.
Learning completion.

√ √ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student ● Effective communication skill

Outcomes: ● Tools and technology


SESSION 2022 – 2023

Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 6 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 3


Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.3 Submission 28/1/2023

No: Date:
1. Learning To enable the students to machines and their need in our lives.

√ √
Remembe Understan √ Applyin Analyzin Evaluatin Creatin
ring ding g g g g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with English.

Curricular /

3. Words in focus: machines

Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: Course Book, board course book, rough book

5. Recap & Greeting and settling down

(5Min) ● The students will
actively participate in
●Discussion about the the discussion
different jobs of family

●Tell the students to open

My Turn 1 in their
Practice Book.

●Tell a few students to

share their answers. Tell
them to mark the first
point of the Self-check

Introduce the aim of the lesson.

6. Plan of Action in  Tell the students to read

classroom teaching: questions in Let's Try 1.
(35 Min)
 Discuss the questions one
by one and tell them to
 All students will be
write the answers in the
able to write down the
work done by their
 Tell the students that we
family members.
cannot do everything on our
own. We need the
assistance of many other
 Give examples from the
questions itself to explain
how these things make our
work easier.
 Ask students the following
 What do you do when you  All students will be
enter a dark room? able to identify and
 From where do you get cool write about the work
water to drink at home? that can be done with
 How do you talk to your or without the help of
relatives in different cities? machines.
 How do you travel to
different cities?

Write their responses on the


 Ask them if that could have

done all the work in case
they didn't have any of the
things listed?
 Ask them what these are
 Tell them that all these
things are machines.  All students will be
Machines are tools that able to name and write
make work easier and more about work that can be
convenient for us done better with the
 Read aloud Machines help of machines
 Explain with examples
 Tell the students to do Let's
Try 2
 Discuss the answers
 .


 Summarise the lesson by

writing the key points on ● All students will be
the board. able to complete Let’s
Try 1 and 2

6.1 Students who need extra

help: Teacher will instruct the
students to observe the pictures
and find out machines which help
us to make our work easier.

Students who need extra

challenge: Students will be asked
to write down any 4 things in their
rough book that they can do
without the help of a machine.

6.2 Discussion Method

6.1 Students who need extra
● Peer teaching help: Students are able to
complete the task with the
help of the teacher.
● Lecture Method

Students who need extra

challenge: Students will be
able to do the task by

6.1 Differentiation
6.2 The students will actively
participate in the activity.
6.2 Teaching

6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home The students are asked to The students will complete My

Assignment (5 complete My turn 2. turn 2

8. Evaluation ● Evaluation of the students ● Students will be able to

based on Course based on their completion complete the work
Learning of work. assigned.

√ √ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student
Outcomes: ● Problem Solving

● Effective Communication skill

● Teamwork


SESSION 2022 – 2023

Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 6 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 4


Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.4 Submission 28/1/2023

No: Date:

1. Learning ● To enable students to machines and their need in our lives.


√ √
Remembe Understan √ Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
ring ding g ng ng g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with EVS

Curricular /

3. Words in focus: convenient machines, pulley , lever , wheel and axle

Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: course book and notebook course book and notebook

5. Recap & . Greeting and settling down
 Ask students to find any The students will list out the
simple machines in the machines they found in the
classroom. classroom.
Teacher introduces the aim of the

6. Plan of Action in
classroom teaching:
(35 Min)
 Ask them explain why their
finds qualify as simple
 Show a video on What Are
Simple Machines.

 Ask students to recheck their

list. Were they correct in their  The students actively
selections? Why or why not? participate in the
 Now the students brainstorm discussion.
a list of possible simple
 When each student has a list,
share them for class
 Read aloud Why Do We
Need Machines? Explain the
use and importance of
machines with some relevant
 Tell the students to sit in
pairs and do Let's try 3
 Tell a few pairs to share their

Tell them that machine saves our  All students will be

energy and time. Help us to get able to complete Let’s
accurate result and make our life Try 3
easier. .
Explain home assignment

6.1 Students who need extra help:

Teacher show the video once more
and tell them to re check their list of

Students who need extra

challenge: Students will be asked to
write advantages of machines.

6.1 Students who need
● Discussion Method extra help: Students will
compete the notes.
● Lecture Method Students who need extra
challenge: Students will
write the answers by

6.1 Differentiation

6.2 The students work


6.2 Teaching
6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home The students are asked to read the Students will do the same.
Assignment (5 lesson

8. Evaluation
based on Course
Learning ● Evaluate them based on the ● Students will be able to
Outcomes activity which is done in the complete the work
class. assigned.

√ √ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student
Outcomes: ● Analytical skill

● Tools and technology


SESSION 2022 – 2023
Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 7 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 5


Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.5 Submission 28/1/2023

No: Date:

1. Learning ● To enable students to learn about simple machines.


√ √
Remembe Understan Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
ring ding g ng ng g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with English

Curricular /

3. Words in focus: Catapult ,machines, pulley , lever , wheel and axle

Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: Course book , notebook , ice cream Course book ,notebook ice
sticks , bottle cap , rubber bands and cream sticks , bottle cap ,
pompom balls. rubber bands and pompom

5. Recap & Greetings and settling down

Discussion about machines which ● The students will
they have learnt in previous classes. recall concepts.
Teacher introduces the aim of the
6. Plan of Action in  Ask students how they would
classroom teaching: feel if they were asked to
(35 Min) make a machine that has not
been made till now.
 Ask them what they would  The students actively
like to make. participate in the
 Listen to their responses. discussion.
 Ask them for what purpose
they would like to make a
machine and if
they wish to make this
machine themselves.
 Listen to their answers.
 Note: Give an example
yourself to give a direction to
students' thoughts. Tell the
students that machines are
made to help us. Before
anything, we think about the
work that we need help for.
We then try and think of a
 Tell them that when there
were no machines and
advanced technology, people  Some students will be
used to work with whatever able to share their
they had. They gradually thoughts behind
started noticing that different building a new
things can be combined to machine.
make simple machines that
can make their work easier.
 Remind them of the chapter
Story of the Wheel and tell
them how early
humans observed rolling logs
and gradually developed a
 Tell them that they will learn
about three different kinds of
simple machines in this lesson
by building one of them
 Write 'Simple Machines' and
'Pulley, Lever, and Wheel and
Axle' on the board.
 Divide students into three
 Distribute the ice cream sticks
and rubber bands to them.
 Tell them to watch you and
follow instructions.
 Tell them to stack five ice
cream sticks together and put
rubber bands at its two ends.
Keep it aside.

 Tell them to take two more ice

 All students will be
cream sticks and put rubber
able to make a model
band at one of its ends. of a working catapult.
 Tell them to separate the other
end by opening it and place
the stack of five sticks
prepared by them, in the

 Wrap one or two rubber bands

around the joints of the ice
cream sticks to hold the
structure together.
 Tell them to take the cap/bowl
or spoon, arranged by you,
 The students will be
and stick it to the top ice
able to identify a
cream stick. This will be the lever in the machine.
 Tell them to press the cap a
little and release it to see if it
comes back at it's position
 Tell the students that is a
 Tell the students to stand at
the back and send one
volunteer ahead with the
 Place the volunteers in front
of the class, at some distance,
with their
catapults on the floor.
 Put one pom-pom ball on the
cap of each of them.
 Tell them to hold the catapult  All the students will
from its base, for support and be able to identify and
pull the cap name simple
a little down. Tell them to machines from their
release it as soon as you say daily lives.
'Go’ .Let the students fire their
 Tell all of them to observe
which one goes the farthest.
Let a few more students try
launching the catapult.
 Ask them to return to their
 Show your catapult to the
 Tell them that this was an
early form of a simple
machine that was built by
humans to launch heavy things
from one place to another.
 Show them the joint i.e. the
stack of five ice-cream sticks
and tell them. that this is a
lever which is a simple

Note: Refer to the image of the lever

given in the book and show the lever
a lever in the machine in the

 Tell them that they will know

about three of such simple
machines and
will learn about them in detail
in higher classes in Science.


Summarise the lesson by referring

to their catapults and by giving
examples of each kind of simple

Explain the home assignment.

6.1 Students who need
extra help: Students will
6.1 Students who need extra help: compete the task.
Teacher will help them to make the
Students who need extra
Students who need extra challenge: Students will
challenge: Students will be asked to write the answers by
write the advantages of a catapult.

6.2 The students work

6.2 Discussion Method

● Discussion Method
● Lecture Method
6.1 Differentiation

6.2 Teaching
6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home The students are asked to draw Students will do the same.
Assignment (5 and write about any two simple
Min) machine.

8. Evaluation
based on Course
Learning ● Evaluate them based on the ● Students are able to solve
Outcomes activity which is done in the word problems based on
class. time duration.

√ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student
Outcomes: ● Effective Communication Skill


SESSION 2022 – 2023

Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 8 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 6


Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.6 Submission 28/1/2023

No: Date:

1. Learning ● To enable students to learn about simple machines.


√ √
Remembe Understan Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
ring ding g ng ng g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with English.

Curricular /

3. Words in focus: Catapult ,machines, pulley , lever , wheel and axle

Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: Course book Course book and notebook

5. Recap &
(We Do) Recap: Recall the concept ● The students will recall
on machines taught in the previous concepts.

Teacher introduces the aim of the

6. Plan of Action in  Ask the students which is
classroom teaching: easier to carry books a normal
(35 Min) one or trolley bag? Why?

 Distribute small toy cars that  The students actively

have wheels joined by axles participate in the
to groups of students. discussion.

 Ask: How do these toy cars

move? How are the

wheels on each side of the car

joined to each other?

 Have a student volunteer

point to the rod that holds the
two wheels together.

 Explain that the bar that joins

two wheels is called an axle.

 Hold up the door knob,

explaining that it is an
everyday example of a wheel
and axle.

 Challenge the students to help

you identify the wheel and
axle in the doorknob.

 Listen as different students

call out their guesses.

 Tell the students to complete

 All the students will
Let's try 4 in the course book.
complete Let's try 4 in
Conclusion: the course book.
Explain home assignment
6.1 Students those who need more 6.1 Students who need extra
help: Teacher will help them to help: Students will compete
complete the task.
the notes.
Gifted: Teacher will ask the
students to write down the names of
any 5 simple machines and their

Students who need extra
 Discussion Method challenge: Students will
write the answers by
 Lecture Method themselves.

6.1 Differentiation
6.2 The students work

6.2 Teaching

6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home The students are asked to practice Students will do the same.
Assignment (5 the work done in class as HW.

8. Evaluation
based on Course
Learning ● Evaluate them based on the ● Students are able to
Outcomes home assignment done. complete the homework
at home.

√ √ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student
Outcomes: ● Effective Communication Skill
SESSION 2022 – 2023

Subject: EVS Teacher: Ms. Anjaly

Date: 9 /02/2023 Grade: 2

Title of the Lesson- 14: Work Made Easy Period No: 7


Lesson Plan EVS/2/14/14.7 Mylestone Submission 28/1/2023

No: worksheet Date:

1. Learning To enable students to recall the lesson taught in the previous

Objectives: classes.

√ √
Remembe Understan √ Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
ring ding g ng ng g

2. Cross The lesson is integrated with English and EVS.

Curricular /

3. Words in focus:

Teacher’s Role Student’s Role

4. Resources: Course book , clock Course book and

5. Recap &
(We Do) Recap: Recall the topics ● The students will
taught in the previous days. recall concepts.
Teacher introduces the aim of the
6. Plan of Action in  Project the Mylestone
classroom teaching: worksheet
(35 Min)
 Encourage the students to write
their answers in their NB.  The students
dents whether they have any doubt actively participate
in the discussion
 Clarify their doubts. and notebook
 Assist and guide them to activity.
complete their NB.
 The students
 Observe and walk around in
complete their NB
between the class.
 Insist them to write neatly.

 Conclusion: HW – (Practice the

6.1 Students who need
work done in class)
extra help: Students will
compete the notes.
6.1 Students those who need more
help: Teacher will help them to
complete the task.
Students who need extra
Gifted: Teacher will ask the students challenge: Students will
6.1 Differentiation write the answers by
to write the answers by their own.
Methods: themselves.

● Discussion Method 6.2 The students work

● Lecture Method
6.2 Teaching

6.3 Learning Styles

√ √ √
Visual Auditory Verbal Logical

Kinesthetic Social and Solitary and Intrapersonal
Interpersonal learner

7. Home The students are asked to practice Students will do the same.
Assignment (5 the work done in class as HW.

8. Evaluation
based on Course
Learning ● Evaluate them based on the ● Students are able to
Outcomes revision worksheet. complete the homework
at home.

√ √ √
Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creatin
Remembering ding ng ng ng g

9: Student
Outcomes: ● Effective Communication Skill

● Problem solving

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