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Zalfa : Come in
Hanifah : Hi good morning
Zalfa : good morning Ms. Hani please come in and have a seat
Hanifah : You must be Ms. zalfa, thank you so much for have me I’ts nice to finally
meet you
Zalfa : Well Ms. Hani, I was looking through your cv and I got to say your experience
is very interesting I’d love to hear more about it today
Hanifah : Thank you I’m more than happy to talk more about it
Zalfa : Alright! Let's start. So, tell me a bit about yourself.
Hanifah : okay well, first of all, i would like to thank you for giving me opportunity to
come to this interview i'm very happy to be here, so for the past two months I graduated
from high school where I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience about biology
and science and I also take part in organizational activities. which is something I like
because it involves a lot of communication and teamwork.
Zalfa : What is your main motivation in this job why not another job?
Hanifah : OK, I will enjoy my daily duties as a food observer because previously I have
studied food composition and of course the skills I have will be suitable in this job.
Zalfa : Well you say your skills will be suitable in this job. So, What specialised skills
do you bring and can contribute to our team?
Hanifah :
Zalfa : How do you maintain and improve your skills and knowledge in this field?
Hanifah :
Zalfa : How do you see yourself contributing to it?
Hanifah : I’m at point in my career now when I’m looking for new challenges and ready
to take on more a technical role. And as I told you before, I’ve participated in many
organizational activities and I think it will be very very interesting if I apply all this
knowledge and experience of collaboration into the real world.
Zalfa : Can you give a concrete example of how you increased your efficiency or
Hanifah :
Zalfa : Then, what do you think are effective leadership qualities, and how do you
implement them in your daily work?
Hanifah :
Zalfa : Why do you think I should choose you over other candidates, And why do you
feel compatible with our company?
Hanifah : Well, unfortunately I don’t really know how the other candidates are so you do
have an advantage knowing about that over me. However I do think that your company
offers a beautiful product excellent services also a beautiful website.
In my current role I am responsible for quality control, to ensure product quality is
maintained or improved and test products before they are marketed. So that definitely
something that I could help you on.
Zalfa : Thank you, Ms. Hani. We'll let you know further once we have completed this
selection process.
Hanifah : Well, I really hope to be part of this team. Thank you again.

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