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basic facts:
- official name Commonwealth of Australia
- the smallest continent, the biggest island
- area
- 6 states, 2 territories (capital cities)
- Population 23M, density very low 3,5/km², isolated farms
- the capital city Canberra, other big cities
- currency
- language
- head of state British monarch – represented by Governor general, head of government prime minister
(political system)
- national anthem, unofficial anthem Waltzing Matilda
- national flag left upper corner British flag, below it seven pointed federal star, next to it southern cross
- location (on the map) southern hemisphere, Indian and Pacific Ocean
- islands Tasmania, Kangaroo Island,...
- landscape, surface: deserts – Great Sandy, Great Victoria, Gibson desert (west, middle), lowlands with lakes
– Lake Eyre and rivers – Murray, Darling (south), mountains – Blue Mountains, Australian Alps – Mount
Kosciuszko (east)


animals (the other document)

places of interest:
- Sydney – oldest city, Sydney Harbour bridge, Sydney Opera House, Bondy beach,... – 5M people
- Melbourne – former capital city, biggest with Sydney
- Canberra – chosen for the capital city (Sydney and Melbourne were fighting for it)
- Ayers Rock (Uluru) – aboriginal holy place, huge sandstone rock
- Kakadu National Park
- the Great Barrier Reef – along the eastern coast, UNESCO sight
- Tasmania – Tasmanian devil, smallest state

Sport – water sports: swimming, sailing, surfing, yacht races, tennis, cricket, rugby, golf, football

system of education – online education for the families of farmers who are far away from anything

- the Aborigines
- Marco Polo, Luiz Vaez de Torres, Abel Tasman
- James Cook (1770) – Botany Bay
- the convict system (the First Fleet, 1788)
- the gold rush (1850s)
- independence (1901)
- Canberra chosen as the capital city (1911)
- Immigration Restriction Act


basic facts:
- Population
- capital city Wellington, other big towns (cities) – Auckland
- 2 islands: Northern and Southern
- currency
- languages – English, Maori, sign language
- head of state British monarch – represented by Governor general, head of government (political system)
- national flag left upper corner British flag, below it red southern cross constellation
- national symbol bird kiwi

- location
- 2 islands
- surface on both islands
interesting places

sports – rugby, cricket,

- the Maoris, first inhabitants
- Tasman, Cook
- The Treaty of Waitangi (1840)
- full independence (1947)

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