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‘Advertisement and Sales Management /33 mt lo anyone who creates or evaluates the advertisements . Balance. Balances the a of mature, The reference point or fulcmam cent ofthe advertisement. oc artist wit givenareao pace el hlements within ths space. Optical centre of fulcrum ofthe Poin approximately swo-thrds ofthe distance forms the bottom, reference of the layout. A layout maw be called balanced if equal Ffores are equidistant from a reference point or alight weight is ata proit distance from the eerence pom Un a heavy Weight. A example oftlance prnipeis seesaw wildland in aorta hen two children of equal weight are at equa distance frem the or when. lieht childs fartier from the centre than a heavy one, ‘When the weight ofall elements on bth sides fhe vertical centre ine the laeat is formal or symmetrical balance. elements of unequal at unesual distance fom the centre are placed tis asymmetrical ot balance Fora! balanced layout should nt be dull 2. Proportion. Proportion is closely related balance, since itrefer 10 son of space aiong ayut elements fora pleasing optical effix, proponion i an aienisement requires a desired emphasis on cach, i temsofsze an postion. ite ala appeal nan advertisements ets price, he price shou be displayed in proportionate space position. Contrast and Emplinss. Contrast means vary It gives life to the ols composition and adds emphasis to selected important elements, Pe took oadverisments fom completion point of view" and the policy f te mos: important elements wo trac the attention ofthe ‘An advertisement with good contrast may aliact the attention of usioters. Corrs may be visible ina numberof way. It may be witnessed ough sizes, shapes and colors. Different colours, sizes and shapes of iman advertisment add contrast. The varying directions of design (vertical ts, horizontal pavements, arched rainbows) ad contrast, mstbe sles communication purpose behind every layout decision -Bye-Movement.Eyenovcmentis the desig pcp which Reps move ofthe readers rom element to clement in the order given in the ‘of efecs model for effective communication of the message in Anefetve a uses movement to ead treading audionce frm warts, trou product kno}ledgand brand preerene, action ise to prchse).Diction and soquncs are We Aras element and aris nayporor in many ways Mechanial eye be created by devices uc as poting fingers ines, artows oF ull that moves fom not to unit Planned eye movements ‘he exablishd reading pers ton, such a the tendency to erafs ig aod al hough othe loner igh comer The res I ei) Ser board Tests: The sonar prepared for levisonaherising befor itis used. The storyboard picturesare transfered toafistnp, the audio section intaa tape. Vision and sound are _ (iv) Tuchistoscope: It is 3 projector that can project objects on to a at fates sofas tht th! viewer cannot detect the message Its slowed pao aleve whore te message can be perceived easly, Pept Dilation: The change in the pup a he eye allows diferent stimuli The sizefthe pupil changes as people sec diferent things. wider as greater inferest is aroused. The ppilshrinksif the eyes aletesid.Apupiomeicris used othe measure the size of the ppl, __2. Post-testing Techniques: ° Pos-testing techniques are applied after e advertisement. Thess techniques ao sod f find oot how far advertising successful, The data are colleced by research, cognition Tests: It termine the eadershipof advertisements in ‘and is conducied by personal interviews with readers and oc tewapopsrs,Theinlerviners oat the readers ofthe particular ‘publication in question, They then go through the publication, c,h tie respondent indicating those adverising elements Sor she rcopnises shaving read ‘Advertisement an Sales Management /37 Ans In media planning several fictors ae considered Dire pes nls are gad, nase, cal weighed and though over cownpreensve media pons prepared The following factors tobe covered na comprehensive medi plan 1. Competitive Pressures. Every advertise desire o capture a sare, art. nthisatenp, he alyays ty toinfaencetherendorsand viewers ich over tisbrandand this tosatch sizeable et of ie make fom conpetifors hgh amu which the moat suitable in tain as cx. In his ay, theadveise alway feels acampetiive presse. compels ar doing an atempt ether o adopt similar sales) ora ste) inorder o win he stuggle 2 Budzet Size. adel sizes also an important etx of media plan se bad alocations deiermines the media, Pros ae fhed on the sofrmanyavalabe ac all media are rot equally cosy Bada sre deals spending advising moan: where the businasisand ake nt sso0um such irs as gcgrahial, seasonal and prospects difesnees 3. Reach and Fregueney. Media pln also consis the rach and specs f the media Reach means coverage o the tea or the aumiber of consumers to benefited or exposed by the message. Frequency is umber of ines, the target auence ar exposed othe adverusing message. advertiser wants a high rate of rach, various. media vehieles are used ‘when be inssis on high rate of frequen, a limited number of media ofmedia plan, 4. Communication Principles. The main principles ofeommunication brevity understandaility and knowledge Media planners should these principles of communication, They are nt concerned with the ia eyposue ofthe message, which comes from’ media circulation bt, ss helps in ss bdo Creative Requirements Crave eq ‘argel audience. basic creative promise and style of crave euetentsnto mind, Headers ins at effete omnunicaion and persuasion of ‘audience tough the advertisements. AS because, ot ae selects. Here, the advertiser aways insists onthe coverage in ‘media types so that he can reach (othe maximum numberof these current and prospective customers ofthis product Having defined the second step is fo define thc location and the number of buyers nd prospective. This cir will help the selection of media type decides the availability of media at that place. If suppose, there is not The remainder of selection process involves how to send an effective tising message cconomicall tothe group of buyers that has boar defined. ‘orsideraton heres the nature ofthe message tobe communicated. If 4s lengthy, tel=vision cannot be selected. In such cases, newspaper ine willbe preferred, Another consideration is how often it needs 1 Sullanother-involves the length ofthe campaign period, The et must deliver this effective message ata cost wich he can afford. {(W SELECTION OF INDINOUAL. MEDIUM jing takch the decision about the media types, the next step the is 0 ake, 10 select a particular media vehicle among that type. For ple, ifthe advertiser madeachoice that he should use magazine 25 media the advertiser's next job would bef select which magazine should carry s. Should it be Sarit, Mustrated Weekly of India ora trade this connection, the following points need attention. ‘Advertisement and Sales Management 41 ot of hss pens pte higher son perenag oft pri ings The Oars zcsin ned pce al bilings uid th Unie Stas Ofthe 40 azn inte US ave ilings infin canes Many compas wes: pout nationally petro we he same agen tropa he AGENCY ORGANIZATION ‘Agencis orgarizehemselvesin diferent ways The in ways The large ages group specialists into departments with defined areas of esponsibility. uctional groupingare 4. Creative Services-According to David Ogilvy “The creative fynetion most important fall. The heads of out offices shuld not relegate the people to postions below ther salt The should pay them, house fs specials are creative poole. These people are diel involved ing the adverising messages, though they have no monopoly on Arun managers meta par, arched ‘work "pgencies pride themselves on their creative work. While some st forth opiy or guidelines tobe adhered to others develop syle reflect i. they do. A197? Mall Sieet Journal article ths commented on the e work done by the Leo Burnett Company, “Burnett's ads personify witha single character, oftanina gently humorous vein. Some of is erstiave becane stars intheit own right, suchas the Jolly Green Gian, Tiger, Charlie the Tuna, Morris the Cat, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the ts andthe lonely Matyag repairman. Theageney xzelsat creating or its cients. It gave United Air Lines its “friendly skies” fis gusto. and RC Col a sassy country image: Burnet’s Marlboro ‘Advertisement and Sales Management/43— {9.15 What do you understand by sales promotion? Explain is olen ‘Whatis rales promotion? Explain its characterises and objects ‘What do you understand by sales promotion? Explain the factors sales promation. ‘Ans MEANING OF SALES PROMOTION, Sales promotion is one of the four aspects of promotional mix. (The three parts of the promotional mixare advertising, personal selling. and ctyfpubic relations.) Media and non-media marketing communication employed for a pre-determined, limited time o increase consumer demand, gmlate market demand or improve product availability: Examples inchide + contests point of purchase displays * rebae(ourketing) + free travel, suchas fee fights Sales promotions can be direced at the customer, sales staf. oF on channel members (such s retailers). Sales promotions targctedat mer are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeied ‘and wholesale are called trade sales promotions. Some sale particularly ones with unusual methods, are considered gimmick ‘Advertisement and Sales Management/45. ive to consumers who purchase the promoted product. in the mail premiums» promtionin which onsumersreceive rom the sponsoring manufacture in return for subwuting 3 numberof proofs of purchase Self liquidating premiums method where the consumer malsina 4 number of proofs of a purchase along with the fee 10 cover 9 Contests and moxptakes- form consi ren pometion ich wines ove pias cath, omer Refund offers - A cash reimbursement io the consumer by the turer whose rode te consumer es parched ‘11. Bonus packs - Extra-quantities of a product thal company gives to arena pce : 12.Stamp plans and cata preniuns-yecf oman hse “thconsuner geting evade Ioresnune us orepie prc prosicvsewice i "hes etn cane deo come ota ) Bees ses romotralolsareso aren fr nosing uid ‘objective can be identified for them. There are three major contributions of sales promotions that have practical influence ofthe objectives of prometion: ‘(Kesler 1988) 1. Communication ~ promotions gain tention and usually provide information that may ead the consumer to the product 2. Incentive - they incorporate some concession, inducement or designed to represent value tothe receiver _ DEFERENCE BETVIEEN ADVERTISING ANDSALES PROMOTION Advertsing an Sales Promotion aeciffrent. They have ilersncesin se and ui. Wi yo explain it with example of HUTCH (Orange 0 our undersiani sing avail of emus "appeals, ofr easons to bay product or service Eg: Good Nerwark, Promises and | Delivers: “Kppealsare enolionalorfancoonal | inmature. Bg the curren ad af “Wherever you fe for mantis Snot. SALES PROMOTION Besides gig reasons inthe Erm at sifferent appeals, they offer incentive tothe consumers to buy the product Far new users, HUTCH no tsgiven Appeals are rational justifies whatever i-sayt tribution of Sales Management, [n order to achieve the corporate the sales mangement contributes ot. Resimats market pial, information to higher executives So that they can take marketing ns. Thus, siles management plays a very important ole in decison ng process and in sting realistic sales and profit gals. In fac, the whole ofthe top management depends upon the performance of sales bszause ore ofthe variables in company's operating tatement is All the persons concerned :e, shareholders, directors executives, ‘depend onthis variable while appraising the performance ofthe company its ‘manager or its sakes force Is timely prudent and economic approachof sales growij, the sales management tat helps the enterprise to avoid any posible loss the over aij Which sould have been sustained otherwise Staff Functions. The sles management als performs staff function in is one of the advising the top management regarding production and finance of any podoct depends, n | Ofservce which may be wsefl in maximising profs by maximising sles ohume. and distributor ‘Consumer and Socal Goals. The scope of sales management doesnot forthe so: merely enfin othe organisational goals alone. It must als think Over the the marie. consumerand sci pols which are ater mee important than the india ‘fganizatonal goals because consumer satisfaction is one ofthe important ‘actors in sling, mainly in underdeveloped economy lke ours It is through rope sales managsmen! ha goods and series ar brought othe hands of roper consumer aprper ime, place an price tthe accelerates the pace ‘economic development ofthe county ‘OBEJECTIVES OF SALES MANAGEMENT | _. TeSslesmarszenet lassen imporant ithe, sexes ftbe enterprise because sles te single most important variable in appraising the performance ofthe compa. its enecutives, and its aes personnel Achieving suficint sles volume. (ip Providing ample contribution to pots. and i) Experiencing continuing growth. ‘Advertisement and Sales Management /$1 red estimates”, Such consciows determination of course andar ofeey nape cen otc sao oca kana gement, Sales management also requires planning for achicring management objectives and corporate objectives 1, to increase and contribute othe profit ofthe concern by creating consumer through various selling methods and impressing customers in favour __ Demand Consideration. i sales planning, the sls management mast the existing demand and the prospective demand of the product expects to cteate through advertising salesmanship o by inventing ew and coordinate the various operations to achieve te desired Thus, sales planning is on ofthe most dominant function of sles which secks to achiee co-ordinated structure of operations of and the sales foes. He should also be aware of the corporat and sales objectives and te level of availability of resources so hate plan shoul be Aimedal sired relist minima and optimum os Implementation. The cess excomre ay menberof te planing _roup, has responsiblity (9 Implement the programs finally decided with tie help of resprive sales force and sales excutves Ta mushell, sles laning sould icude various clement ike sles objectives and gal sales polices, procedures and programmes, sales budgets, sales strategies short- {ermand longterm slo planning Thus, sales forecasting, th re-route of sales planing goes through varios sep ike (laying down pei oaiand tars (ji) analysing various factors involved in realising the goals 30 laid down, ip eletion of data an investigation of actual station; {ipbotving aleratve programmes faction, (6) weighing the pros and cons of each allerative programme and the mos suitable one; . {working ot the dts seid programme ving oder a varous git jn maiketis rin oF repon- wise producti or ‘Advertisement and Sales Management /33. willbe ili Panel poprams shld cringed ache {Control In orderto achieve personal sling ojctives the sles Should necessarily conto the various personal seling efoto achievement of various objectives of sales department with the 3 waste of efforts, This function is necessary for sting various and making policy decisions and fixing sales srategy The contro 3 sling, administration of sales office is also important. Te ivencss of sales efforts depends upon the efficiency of sales stration becanse it depends on how skilfully, the sales fee i ld trancand conzlled. The soles management manta likes alc and proicton activites 6, Directing, Maragement is essemially an ar of going things done Sales managemet i 0 response not only fr panning andxganisng, various sales activities, but aso for guiding and supervising the inte. The sales manager isthe leader ofthe sales department and also ‘the subordinates working under his leadership. He should tect the - ‘subordinate to work efficiently towards the attainment of selling objectives “The funtion of direction has thes essential components; (sauing eres and instructions forte beter performance of various activites Gi) Guiding and teaching the subordinates inthe proper methods of work. and (Gi) Supervising the subordinates to ensure that their performance confor tothe plans , “The sale managotnent is responsible rte contol of selling functions, ‘Thereare usually four stepsin controling: + G Devising proper sales performance standards for measuring the of werk Gi) Measuring the actual sales performance and workin progress: ‘Comparing ata sales performance with the st standards and Satins. variations and discrepancies. iTany for the purpose of each market an, evi ation cases ng Met aNd lin thewhole sakes. Of the Most impor, of contol our, over profs ‘Advertisement and Sates Management /55 nal selling cecuts where an individual salesperson sli proc, OF solution toa client. Salespeople match the benefits of ter offering specific noeds of a client. Today, personal selling involves the nt of longstanding cent relationships. In comparison to other marketing communications tools such as sig, personal selling tends to; 7 Use ewer resources, pricing is oen negotiated. * Products tnd tobe fatty complex (6g. financial services or new * Theres some comet nen yeast afe he le fests nga tip + Cleft pic iran tree eee eee ee Te gm el og ‘hisny Ral ling tesa ting pr at star {aloe Sap: Peto Seng Pies Tete saps ee 2 Mating Scat hea ‘On anion $.Cng ene Ae STAGE PERSONAL SELLNGPROCESS ee ; potential new customers. opting all hon dng peop roger tui ochre at yates _seeifthere is business potential, oerwise you could be wasting yourtime In to qualify your prospects one nec ans ypc a pent sf aes + Determine which products or services best mect their needs. “© In order to save time, rank the prospects and leave out those that ‘Advertisement and Soles Manogement/57_— with garlicto meet the client's needs Salesperson could also tactuly and respetily contradic ive -Closing the Sale. his isa very important stage, Oten salespeople wll leave without ever closing a dal. Therefore it is vial to leam the sills of losing. Justask forthe business "Please may I takoan order” This really * Just stop talking, and Kt the client say ‘ye Again, this ely + The ‘summary close’ allows the salespersoetto summarise everything © that the lent neds, basedupon the dscusions during he call Forexaop=. *You ned product Xin bly Friday, peckagod acorn, and delivered yourwifesoffie ‘Thenask orticoner + The“alleratve close’ doesnot give the lent the opportunity fo say no, bu foes them towards yes [ROVANTAGZSOF PERSONALSELUNG ‘Ovekey adoring personal selling hasover oer promotional mods {sthaitisatwe-na form ofcommunicaton,nseling stations he meseage sender (¢, saksperson) can adjust he message as tey gin fedhack rom Inesage receivers (eg, cstomer) Soi custome dos not unersand the nial message (eg. oes fal undesand how the redact ners) the on ca make ajsinent fo adress questions or cancers. Mary personal fomsofpromotn, sch ane advertisement. aeinledbe, aeleat in he shorter, and cannot be easily adjusted 0 adres audience “The ineractve nature personal sling also mest the mos tate svotional meth fork elotionships with customers. particulars so-busiess market. Tiss especialy importa for companies Sul expensve products or sl ower cst bu high ame products er ms purchase nage quate) hat ey Bevis on customers Advertisement and Sales Management/59 ~ Points shouldbe kept in mind while selecting the salesman? he seleton procedure of salesman, Describe the desirable ofa sucessful salesman, What is Selection. By selection we mean proces by which the ‘Personnel may be chosen out of applicants who have offered their 10 the organisation for sling employment. election process may be 45a tool in the hands of employer to difeentiae between the and unqualfed-pplicans by applying various tools or techniques asintervicws esse. nthissens, itis a negative procs of employment few are selected ad the others and denied the opportunities Selection of employees isa decision making proces whete the nt decides onan norms and principles to adhere to standards on basis cf which iciminaton betwen qualified and unqualified candidates may be mace. The management must develop a sound selection policy 19 ‘ensure selection ofa suitable candidates. ‘SELECTION PROCESS FORA LARGE BUSINESS UNIT systematic approach o seein is important for hiring desirable and ‘qualified salespersons. A systematic selection process has various sleps ‘anging-fom company to company aking the sizeof the company, the nate ‘tj and the nature ofthe business to consideration, The decision about thestepsin the selection process taken by the company, There smo standard ‘Elcton process. Vans tps in the process and their oe differ from ‘reanstion eoreansaton. However, oe thing is common in the selection Srooes that it tans withthe application form submited bythe prospective andiates and ens wth the final selection of the candidates, Step of Selection. The allowing are the most common steps generally Jyolved in the selcstion proces in large-scale concer in India and abroad 1. Prenrview eesongor preliminary Ineview 2 Formal Allaion fom. 3. Ieerviews 4. Patologia Tes Reference heck {6 Modial Examinations 7. Final Selecion ‘thes steps wil be discussed one By one ‘Advertisement and Sales Management/61 ‘must be conducted ina fiendly atmosphere and the candidate made to fel at case. Unvsarranted question shouldbe avoided. itis 4o ask questions mainly based on jb specifications. The interviewer verify the information supplied by the incrviewce inthe application and cbain any oer relevant. infouton for fturereord. Theeandidate also be wiven a chance to ask questions abon the history of hs eoncer, Prospects, saiary offered and the nature of jb ec. ‘Type of interviews, There area numberof interview techaiqess Some outstanding an be mentioned here (a) Patterned Interview Here, te interviewer proparsa lis of questions be asked in advance onthe basis ofan analysis fob specifications. Kal’ () Non-directive imerview. Thistypeatimeriewis mainly unplanned © andthe interviewer has no standard questions and answers. Under this system ‘interviewer asks some direct questioasof geoeral nature andthe interviewee is allonedo speak ely sbout himssf The main purpose ofthis typeof meview {sto find ou the fslngs, desires and the problems ofthe cancidate- ()Stres Interview. This typeof interview pus strain purposely onthe candidate, which he would meetin actual selling situations and provides a ay to obser the applicant's reactions to them. () Rating Seales Unde this stem ating sealesare constructed and rating are cael ina inated choice of responses. Foresample, in. ~ oting an applicats general appearance an interviewer will have tochoose fe five descriptive scales ve, very neat, nicely dressed, presenfable and slovens. A nondiroctive interview supplemented some sor of scale lecigue Would be the best way ofinferyiew the selection of Psychologica Tet Paschlogieal testis yet another technique of Safesinen Pa chological estingisan temp to measure a pecon's vious This exinique considered ob superior tthe Fieri procere. This essay bectsifed an unde: Tess lteligeee is defied

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