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PREFACE, This repent destibes the of 4 mde by ae forthe learning by ft hand practical experience shout business organization. Today ithe era of experience ia nid by quotation “Experience ‘makes a man perfect.” No body can deny the importance of practical taining and expeience Through internship students gt the frst toch of profesional exposure ofthe ols they have to play ding thei profesional caees. The students sot only acclimate themselves to the corporate environment but also lam to asumne responsibil co-operation and teamwork the hallinacks of modern management Having experience of industry is really a good experience forme. Iam submiting all my sominal eros. Mis Limited KARACHI [learnt a lot about the practical business apd above al, de mental organizational tocar ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Fit of al, ant to expes all and thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH whose Mesings ae above very thing which mae me able to present my say elo. All prays OHAZRAT [MUHAMMAD (PBUH) whois the eso for cesion of the universe and whovehindaess came Secondly on the successful completion of ay inemship progr, I whish to express my tude and beat worthy acknowledgement to my professors fr ull co-operation and helped ‘mein completing this report. Ife uimost pede in ackeowledging with sincere gratitude forthe valuable guidance Lhave received from Mr, Hasan buchas and Mrzubur rogram. Duct hel idance have become able to complete internship as well as ths rear GROWTH OF SUGAR INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN Sugar the important sector ofthe Pakisian’s economy. Sus ndsty plays ital role fr evelopment of any county's economy. dn Pakistan this industry play a significant ol ashe in the Lge sale industryis 18% and in GDP is 1.9% sugar industycooibuton to the pveromeat exchauer ia Federal exci duty 11.2% uustory {tom lat aoa-exsence in 1947, The industry has gone trough along way aad now possesses 77 sugar ills inal over the country. The Sugar industry not ly full the entire toca equitement but als sharing out te ttl foreign exchange caning. A present Pakistan's sugar industy is facing lot of problems like lesser demand of sugar in the lntermational markets & huge unsold stock of sugar. Government role in R & D fo developing research in R& Din devel Yatious vrei with higher ye Aeveloping the 15224 hectares are along the mia feeder canal from lads river in Sind, By lf milion bares of crude vil for Pakistan Jn Pasion present prevaling sugar crisis. As described by the table TTA Tas Toa se Tad 7680 79 Mauriies 7035 7a 79 Tada one aa 730 Taal ar aa waz Pakistan ass ae Cuba BRIEF INTRODUCTION INCORPORATION LAYYAH Sugar Mills Limited was incorporated on May 26,1954 a a pubic ited the policy of pivaizaion of Govt. of Pakistan under the supervision of Prime Minit Mian Nawaz Sharif he Layyah Sugar Mil was privatize in May 1992 with the et snout of RS.150.0,000 and an agreement of fulfilling he Libis of he sugar mil for the compensation ofits accounts tthe employes and ter stakeholders. The pevins sponsor ofthe company could not manage to setup the projet and finally om intervention of Te management ofthe project was transferred to the new sponsors in 1992. The ils R MILLS LM MISSION OF LAYYAHSU & ternational Market. 4 To ace competion i the Loe © Total Quilty Management onsectives Total quality focus to most customer's roqureneats, 5. To guaraice performance of contacts by members or perons having dali company onal Strucureifcrarehy HEAD OFFICE: GGULSHAN LAHORE MANAGEMENT PROFILE Chairman MIAN FAZAT- HUSSAIN (Chick Executive MR.JAHANZAIB FAZAL Managing Director Me. RAISUDDINE SHAIKH Director finance M Director (HRD&P) Me. Noor Aled Zaib Manager HRD&P) Me. AKHLAQUE KHAN ral Manager (f) (General Manager (plant) Auditors: Banks NATURE OF BUSINESS. LocaTion LAYYAH Suga Mills Limited is located at distance of about 3 KM fot the city HEAD OFFICE Me, Ghulam Hats shige Me, Mohbbat Ali Khan Mz, Nounan Mebiood, FCA, Muslin Conners Bank Lied National Bank of Pakistan bib Bank of Pakistan ga into White Refined Suga FINANCIAL YEAR RAW MATERIAL MAIN COMPETITORS @- Sheikoo Sugar Mills kot Adu 2. Bhukar Sugse Mile Bhukar ‘a Khan Sugar Mile Faisal Abad 2. Shasif Sugar Mile Misn Chun WORK FORCE Detail of ttl working fore a site ant head oie asunder Ar SITE Pemancat Employees st Temporary Employees 1s Seasonal Employees 0 arr. Daily Wages Employees “ AL HEAD OFFICE Teanporry Employees 5 MAIN DEPARTMENTS Following ae the sin departs at Site anda Head Office Ar sire MECHANICAL LLECTRICAL 3. CHEMICAL 4. CANE COMPUTER AT HEAD OFFICE FINANCE 3. ADMINISTRATION 5. SALE ADMIN DEPARTMENT Adavin departnent isthe departaeat, whichis dealing ners about adeiisration. This Aeparument plas very important role for mantining discipline in he mils. Admin depuumes FUNCTIONS ave matters and main The main function of hs deparunent is wo hale ll he adi ‘ery imporuat depart ofthe organization asthe name bows this department bso offices a unr > Gate orrce > Tmeotice > Secu Guird OMe > Labor ote GATE OFFICE This office hus been made to keep he second ofeach and everything coming ino snd going ou Fox this pupote pate office clerk mainline two tyes of registers called, award going ps cepister lasard going pas epster information ike date of supe, promises document named as LG is made i whi esctption, quasi of the material and any oer remarks are writes. Inthe sure way, O.GPis espared fr out ging things ee: ‘TIME OFFICE 1 This office Keeps and maintains the ime ecrd ofall the workers. ine cds a worker payable t Iekoops the econ of Gait, Bonus, Pension and oor benefits inhaling CP. (Cash Pid SECURITY GUARD OFFICE promises. For the achievement of such objective a tam of secusty guards hasbeen employed by > Nocti visor can come ito the ila prmias withou the persion ft > Wherever ay visitor wants to enter into dhe mil, secusty guar fly contac with > Security guards can check each and every person before coming in o going out of the D> They sec and check the ouward gong pss ofthe ceri things whea these ought to > They wren uniforms of da The organization slo as purchased a human scunsing scuiy system, throughwich the record HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT. As requis by the labor las ofthe venient of Pakistan, this fice has ben setup to deal He's responsible to solve al the disputes, confit, misundertanings and any other supevisor or wit any othe pets in the organization Wis the ty ofthe Manager HHRDAP) to inform the legal requirements concerning the lahor and company fis Wiss the duty ofthe Manages IRDA) to satisfy himself epurding payment of level igh YW slan a reuinement oe suecesfel Manager (IRDIRD) that he shold esp his nowledge upto date regarding the rules and egulation ofthe abor department, Manager (HRD) is responsible forthe implementation ofthe suaegies and rus made bythe higher authorities Manager (HRDAP) also helps the higher auhories in sug decison maki Career Man rgement [AR deparimens. In recent yur, those departments have Begun to rsngnie the need for more defers Asa esl, some departments provi carer education, information, and counseling. However, the primary responsibility for career planning and The planning process enables employees to ideality carer gols andthe path to those g Thea, threigh developmental activities, the workers ck ways lo improve themselves and 19. Invaval efforts inch god jb performance, favorable expose levee the building of allan, The HR depainent becomes involved by poviding informatica aod thtisng tanagement spor to help enake carer planing soscess Yor beth te employees Cae planing does nt guarantee sucess, but without i xmployees are seldom ead forthe ‘ater appetites that aise. Ava reclyher creer progress maybe slowed and the HR Sksperment may he unable to ill opening meray A Systems view of Career Planning and Development (Fed Different terminolo Career és which are commonly covered in career management A carers all the jobs hat ar eld daring one's working ie Caroer Path A caer path i sequential patra of jobs tha for one’s case Career Goats Career Planning: Career Development career plans. Job Analysis and Design {stays information provides the foundation fran organization's human resource ‘information system. Analts seek to gana general understanding ofthe organization andthe ‘work it pertorms. The they desig ob analysis questionnaires tocol! speci dats about js, jobolder characterises, and job performance standards. Th jo alysis nfrmation can be collected through interviews, juries of exper mul questionnaire, employee log, dire observation ofa combination ofthese techniques. Once collected the data are converted imo Such useful aplicatons as jb descriptions job speciation’ and job standards Job analysis information i imporunt because i ells HR specialists which dati: and ‘exponsblies ae associated with each ob. This tformaton is used when HI specialists Undertake HR management activites auch as job design, reciting, and selection. Jobs ate the link hetweenoremizations snd ther omin rsources, The combined acemplishment of every jballows the organizations i meet ite objectives. Similar job represent at only a saree of {come to workers but alsa a means fouling thei needs However, forthe organization ad ‘employees to receive these mutual benef, jobs must provide a high quality of wor ie Achieving high quay of work fe eure job hat re well designed. eine jb de ‘ies 4 tade-ff between efficiency an behavioral elements Efficiency element sess Productivity havin elements focus a enployee aeeds. The role of managers a HR Specials so achieves balance hetween thee trde-os When jobs are underpaid job Asigners may simplify ajob by reducing the numberof sks. I jobs are averpeviaized they ts be expand er eich Relative To Career Management ‘Provides base forthe ob orientation that wiatly bop in career manage 1 Ithelps to reduce reality shock that ukinutely minimize the tum over rio 2 HR department provides carer information thts eres path andj description and specification of ich jb by asing the job analysis ‘9 It providesitormation for future raining and develope of the employee to each his or er carer goals {2 Itheips in career development ation oft employees Organization view [Layyah Suge Mils considers the jo snalyss. In einttion for carer information, 10 rece teal shock, cree couseling and carer development Enployee's view > Pint level employees: The orientation s wot comprehensive and does mt reduce the reality shock completely, Orgnization is jing carer information properly 2 Midelevelexployees: They re sted with organisation effer Upper level emplanecs: they thnk tht profesional approaches shouldbe allowed HR Planning tis systematically forecasting of an organization's future demand for and supply esoployes. tintepiessagic demande with appropiate staffing levels ad also helps in improving the vlization of harman resources, To mach HR actives and fue Mon ofthe organizations are wing the tools of HR planing. HR planing helps in taking major demands of local aches successfully In coordinate differen HR Programs auc allrative actin plans and ring neds Dilfretfonecating sup of employees, techniques reused opi the fire demand Relative To Career Management ©. Ithelpe in short range and long ange plats thatouline dhe future demands and sources of suppl Tisht market the indication of song carer development an loose market he indiesion of weak career management. development ofthe employees . . 1 Teheip supers doring carer cousin. {2 Ithelps employees ose goa and carer plans 1 ltprovidestformation for future waiting nd development ofthe employee to cach his or 2. helps in iver development action a the employees 2 Wise basic requirement of sucesion planning Organization view Layyah Sugar Miss considering HRP once na year bt nt considering the succession Employee's view > Fint level employees: yes hey are conducting the HRP but ve think it is not lpg us > Mili level employees: They ave agreed wih above argument of Fist level ployee Upper level employes: sume thisking a shove two dment and Selection Recruiment sth proces of finding and attracting capable applicants to apply fr employment. Although operating managers ar often valved, uch ofthe recitment process the ‘esponsibility of professionals inthe HR departrent; these profesional re called rec eerste shouldbe ar ofthe constants nl hale, Ine recrtment process before they alten to Rd suite apicans Recnsiters purse spplcents through avery of channels. Akbough wali nd write-in are 1 common sauce, the growing diversity inthe workforce and changing demographics often rire reenstes to he more proctve. Employee relate and aversemens a other sures. Tolbop eecruters, avait of pblic and eval organizations exists, such as ste unemployment fice, private placement agencies and search Hem. Man es tions ‘choals, labour organizations, professional associations, altar facilities, government and ormanity trning programe also provide placement assistance tha eur cam 908, Tennporry leased sod departing employees are cle sources of potential recut, International recruitment faces many ofthe same sues s domestic aling except that he ses ae often far more complex rgares of whether he recruiter socks to bring mean 1 the home cousry or send ti person overseas. OF partcilar importance, seni tbe aware of maional erences i ecru practices and emploee expectations The selection prooets depends heavily on inputs such sob analysis HR plan, and recruitment These inputs are used witha the content ofeallenges posed by organizational polices, equal labour, credemtaldistoron, and other legal concerns Face by the The key challenge tha ndedies the ene Selection proces i to ensure thal he steps in the Procese ae valid. nal phases ofthe selection praess, HR profesional ls rut be oncerod abou the potential fran adverse impact during the varie stp of he proces Een when the overall election process does aa have an adverse impact on nenbers of protected eases evidence of dsciminatry iopct a any stage ofthe process should be ‘Steps inthe Selection Process The sleton process ms take cris and pt ther thragh a series of steps eva their potenti. These sips vary ftom organization to anization and fom one ob opin ‘other, In genera, he selection procedure relies on testing for many hourly jobs and on interviews fr virally every opening thats tobe fled. References and medical evalatons ae ‘common aspects ofthe seen process af many employers The supervises tole should include paizipation in the sleton process, usually through an bbe commited the new worker's success, Growing research evidence supports the uso realistic job previews. ‘Once the hing decision & ade, the HRIS should be update with detailed formation about ‘he nw hie. Ifthe department usc valid procedures and eticalRehavior, can make a ‘substantial contrition tothe succes ofthe employe nd therefore the bstom ine Relative To Career Management Icha in making the ood po of exmployee ad in seletion of te 12 appropriat employee for an appropriate job so hu he tum over aio can be minimized ‘which ulsiately bia ia good carer developement Organization view Layyah Sugar Mills has a comprsbensive sstup for rcritment and sslcton. Different Referees ae also obliged Employee's view First level employees: No, they only make cruitment onthe references. organization eft. 1 Midae level employees: They ae satisfied wit > Upper level employees: they think tha professional approaches sould be followed Orientation And Placement (Once the selection provess has been completed. new employees must be orcad inorder become productive cootabulers. Oration aot only innroves Uh teat which exxployees a thle oper thc abs tao belps employes aisly their personal desire 4 es! hey sre past of the organizaon's socal fabne. The HR departmcat generally orients neweomss 1 road orsutizaional issues and fringe bevels. Supervisers complete the onctlaion by inuoducing new employees to coworkes and otters iavolved inthe job. A "buddy" may be tsigned wr cone the proces Proactive HR departments fllow up after the evicatation to ensure that dhe employees do aot When job openings are filed intmally. the placement process also should include an crienaton, copely placement deciaoas tha tnvelve moving people aren inferatcnal homers Tas proces of placing curent employees i leon jobs or seperting them from the nization een involves decision mide by Tine managers in conslation withthe HR Apartment Included bere promotion, wanses, and demon, Akhough promotions come shout ia a vanety of ways they usually raul from ment, scary, welbnowinaion or a [Relative To Career Management © Orientation help in muking the employees able t0 set their care path and carver development 19 Placement helps the erplayes to achieve ther carcr gos and aso lps wo re the salle cae: employes Organization view Layah Sugar Mis is complotly fuliting the shove defined goals of placement and Employee's view > lest level employees: No, they think hit placement decisions are made on the fsvouraism and personel influences and we didn > Middle level employees: They ar said with oganization for. > Upper level employees: oceuttion and placement elo are appropriate Training and Development ‘nce perform siccesfilly. Most workers rei seme training to do ther curren jobs propery. the orzanzation wishes to place these employees in more responsible positions {a the future, developmenalsctivies aso have to take place. For isos workers and lunes, “Most large organizations make alable abroad aay of educational pporuuities, However, trainers should conduct needs aneesmet to determine ifthe waning is uly acd and, itis needed, shit st should cover. Tring and developmen, o learning. objctves esl rom the trode assessment Trainers can plan the conten of the course fom these objectives and incomporte as many Iaring principles as is easible Merely conditing tining—even when a csreful nests assessment has boon undeaken—is insulfcieat. Experienced nines ty to evaluate the inpoct of tring and development cuvites. Often tis involves a pretest and a postest and even follow-up studies to Se i the [BR development prepares individuals for future job respomsibilies. At the same ie, it ‘Mtge to contend with employee dsolescence, ietereaional and domestic workforce vers, Technological changes afemative action, ade Relative To Career Management employees. I able employees to achieve their carer goals and fr carer development t ste eps in accesion planning. Organization view most of the techniques used are on he job. OFT the jo trsining is somewhat applies to dhe hizher level management nd mechanical sat Employe > ira level employees: yes, They ate providing but up to some extent, Because fr tenning and developments not merit bess de theres no pred for the off ejb > Midae level employees: No, organization is not providing good oppommiticn for (caning and developnest. They ae ot sted with organization effet > Upper level employees they think tha orgnizaton is ot following a professional jobs sot forthe fuse Performance Appraisal Perfomance appraisal isa critical activity of HR management. Hs goal isto provide an accurate picture of past and/or future employe performace. To achive this, peormance standards ir established. The standards ae based os the jb-lted enters that host determine sucess ob performance, Where possible, actal performance is messed directly and objectively. Foe a wide vavey of appraisal techeigues specialists select the mods that ost effectively ‘measure employee perferaance tune the peviousl set tandards, Techigues canbe selected bth o review past performance no ntepate performance nthe ft The aprsisal process is ually designed by the HR departnea, often with lite input fom ches pans ofthe ergeizaton. When 8 te to implemest a nw appnisal approach, the ‘sho do thertng ct about the appl process ors ebjecivs To overcome ‘the HR department may de poms workshops 40 tin A occertarycequitement ofthe appraisal process is employe feedback though an evahution incre The fetcrviower test balance paiive wes of god perforearce with seas ules pecformance is defiiet so dat the employee rescves a relia view. Perhaps the mont ‘Sufican challenge aed by peeformance appraisal isthe Feedback they provide about the HR. Aeperment’s performance. UR specialists need to be keenly aware thit poor performance, pecially when as widespeed, ony vefes probes with previous HR ntamagerent atv onurbutoes should be an automatic process in the case of goud managers. but about tally to key ques ins shouldbe posed: ‘what has hon dane toimprove he performance of pes ast yea? td what can be dooet improve his or her performance in the year come?) 2 To identify potential, Leto recognize existing alent and wo use that to il vacances higher inthe organiavon orto ranser indivi into jobs where beter une canbe mad oftheir abilies or developing sil ‘mecca erie on this siliry performance review takes place abou hms months ltr ond [Skept qite separate from I and 2. bus based onthe same nvessmen Relative To Career Management + provide feedbock for carcr development atin development. Madea sundard routine ask + can be an effective fr of mieten. + Iecrestes oF does no crete the need fr carer development +t doscites the tins 1 development aces, Organization view Layyah Sup of era Mills strongly applies performance appraisal but thee ae cha Employee's view > First level employes: performance appraisal does vot measure the actual prfonmane > Middle lve employees: Same first level employers. PRODUCTS OF THE COMPANY SUGAR INDUSTRY IS AN AGRO-BASED INDUSTRY, WHICH PROVIDES The main peodct ofthe company is White Refined Sugar The tre prince bye-protuct of «super indatry are 3. PRESS CAKES (WHICH R ABOUT 40%, OF THE WEIGHT OF TOTAL CANE CRUSHED, WHITE REFINED SUGAR Major busines ofthe company & to produce white refined cane sugar of internission andard Moisture, MOLASSES TIIIS IS A BY-PRODUCT AND IT IS SOLD TO MOLASSES CONTRACTORS, ONE OF TIE ALLIED CONCERN, RELIANCE COMMODITIES (PVT) LIMITED IS THE MAIN [BUYER OF THE MOLASSES OF LAYYAH SUGAR MILLS LIMITED AND ALSO THE MAIN BUYER OF MOLASSES FROM WHOLE THE COUNTRY RELIANCE (COMMODITIES (PVT) LIMITED IS THE MAIN EXPORTER OF MOLASSES IN PAKISTAN. Molasses may be used fr the production of power alcool acd parable pis BAGGAS MUD: PRESS CAKE ess cake of slpitation fate ae uted a manure and tha of PRACTICAL OF MY OWN WORK 1am worked in nance deparunea in he secon of store account 1m about he diferent document related o purchasing and payments trough voucher work onder award gate pss, This department star his work with Demand and Purchase There thre types of purchase is sven followin Local purchase 2 Head office prchase 3. Work onder purchase The purchase of mill rough the purchase section and purchase commie, Purchase Section: Purchase Committee: Allpurchases a site will be processed trough he purchase committe constituted 5 under a Par Memb There ar following documest are use for purchasing Inveard Gate Pass: Atte time the purchased Gate lncharge Thin copy as ae Store inspection Report Main store fitcopy Alter inspection of goods sore officer wil prepare of store receiving noe early mean Preparation of Salary: sary sheet of Employees and works . commision payments. maaaining, Reccrd keeping and salary preparation de is gven ofall workers snd Exiployees in Salary sytem. Salary of f workers only bas daily bess aod permanent Understanding and verify Bills: [ste under the instructions of Mr. Tanver (Accountant) ise is if cr chicks, blu sky, petroleum b Pa sccouot, and sls In his 2 colette infor

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