Clinical Aspects of IVH

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Clinical Presentation of Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Infants 457


Clinical Aspects of Intraventricular
B. Daou1, D. Hasan2, P. Jabbour1
1Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA, United States; 2University of
Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, United States

INTRODUCTION matrix located periventricularly and injury of the fragile

blood vessels of the germinal matrix [5]. These changes
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is the presence lead to potential hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, cell
of blood within the ventricular system including the death, and subsequent hemorrhage within this injured
lateral, third and fourth ventricles. Primary IVH refers brain tissue.
to bleeding directly into the ventricular system within IVH in term infants, toddlers, or children is more
the brain, from an intraventricular source or a lesion frequently associated with trauma. It can also be asso-
contiguous to the ventricles. Primary IVH is uncom- ciated with inherited coagulopathies and vascular
mon. Secondary IVH occurs more frequently (70% of malformations.
IVH patients) and refers to bleeding extending from the Several additional risk factors may contribute to an
parenchyma or subarachnoid space into the ventricular increased risk of IVH including: maternal hyperten-
chambers. Once blood is inside the ventricles, it mixes sion during pregnancy, maternal chorioamnionitis, pre-
with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and circulates toward eclampsia, breech presentation, intrapartum asphyxia,
the subarachnoid space, which may result in obstruc- malformed or weak blood vessels in the brain, respi-
tive hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure ratory distress, mechanical ventilation, blood-clotting
(ICP) that may be associated with significant morbidity abnormalities, shaken baby syndrome, and head injury.
or mortality.

Premature infants, especially those born before Neonatal IVH usually occurs in the first 72 h after
32 weeks of gestation and neonates with low birth birth. There are several nonspecific signs and symp-
weight (<1500 g) are at an increased risk of developing toms that suggest IVH in infants, full-term infants, tod-
IVH compared to full-term infants. The reported rate dlers, or children including lethargy and excessive sleep,
of IVH is about 20–45% in infant with birth weight less decreased feeding, nausea, vomiting, weak suckling,
than 1500 g [1–3]. In premature infants, bleeding occurs apnea, abnormal eye movement, abnormal and persis-
in small blood vessels in the subependymal or germinal tent crying, hypotonia, and decreased reflexes. More
matrix [4]. The pathogenesis of neonatal germinal matrix severe presentations may include seizures, cranial nerve
IVH is thought to result from hemodynamic changes abnormalities, bulging fontanelles, hemodynamic insta-
and alterations in cerebral blood flow coupled with bility, and decreased blood count. On the other hand,
impaired autoregulation resulting in disturbance of per- IVH in infants can be clinically silent, detected only on
fusion to the delicate cellular structures of the germinal routine screening.

Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases, Second Edition © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
458 93. Clinical Aspects of Intraventricular Hemorrhage

TABLE 93.1 Grading of IVH in Premature Infants [6] of interventions including drainage using external
ventricular drain (EVD), irrigation, and fibrinolytic
Grade I Bleeding occurs just in the germinal matrix
therapy (DRIFT) [12].
Grade II Bleeding also occurs inside the ventricles without In premature babies with low birth weight (<1500 g),
significant enlargement
repeated lumbar or mainly ventricular punctures can be
Grade III Ventricles are enlarged by the accumulated blood employed to decrease the effects of increased ICP second-
Grade IV Bleeding extends into the adjacent/periventricular ary to obstructive hydrocephalus. Ventriculoperitoneal
brain tissue shunting is the permanent solution for persistent hydro-
cephalus secondary to IVH. Shunting can be performed
when the infant reaches a reasonable weight (>1.5 kg) [13].
In the preterm infants, IVH is often classified into four HEMORRHAGE IN ADULTS
grades depending on whether the bleeding is confined
to the germinal matrix region or if it extends into the Spontaneous Primary Intraventricular
ventricles or brain parenchyma (Table 93.1) [6]. Grades Hemorrhage
I (mild) and II (moderate) are the most common and are
often associated with minimal clinical complications. Primary IVH confined to the ventricular system
Grades III and IV IVH have a higher-risk morbidity and accounts for about 30% of all IVH cases [14], and only
mortality, including long-term brain injury and neurode- about 3% of all spontaneous intracerebral hemor-
velopmental impairment [6]. One of the main sequelae rhages (ICHs) [15]. Primary IVH is typically caused by
of grade III or IV IVH is obstructive hydrocephalus intraventricular aneurysm rupture, small ependymal,
requiring intervention. subependymal, or choroid plexus vascular malfor-
mations (Figs. 93.1 and 93.2) or intra/periventricular
neoplasms (Table 93.2).
HEMORRHAGE IN INFANTS Intraventricular Hemorrhage Secondary to
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Cranial ultrasound is the method of choice for screen-
ing, diagnosis, and follow-up of IVH in infants. These IVH secondary to ICH results from expansion of an
infants require repeated imaging to monitor the progres- existing intraparenchymal hemorrhage into the ventric-
sion of IVH and potential hydrocephalus. ular system. This is most commonly due to hypertensive
In older children, noncontrast head CT is used more hemorrhage, especially basal ganglia hemorrhage and
frequently to diagnose IVH because of the marked limi- lobar hemorrhage [14]. Deep, subcortical structures tend
tation of cranial ultrasounds to give detailed imaging of to be most at risk for IVH, including caudate, putamen,
the brain due to closure of skull sutures and thickening thalamus, pons, and cerebellum locations [16].
of the skull. Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) (Fig. 93.3) and
dural arteriovenous fistulas (dAVFs) (Fig. 93.4) of any
size and location with deep cerebral venous drainage
TREATMENT OF INTRAVENTRICULAR can rupture into both adjacent parenchyma and ventric-
HEMORRHAGE IN INFANTS ular systems. Less commonly, periventricular AVMs that
reach the ventricular wall can rupture primarily into the
Several methods have been shown to help in pre- ventricle. Extension of ICH into the ventricles has been
venting the development of neonatal IVH in preterm consistently demonstrated as an independent predictor
infants including antenatal corticosteroids [7], delayed of poor outcome [17].
clamping of the umbilical cord [8], and prompt resus-
citation to avoid hemodynamic instability and meta-
Intraventricular Hemorrhage Secondary to
bolic abnormalities that may impair cerebrovascular
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Interventions that could decrease the morbidity In patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemor-
and mortality of obstructive hydrocephalus associ- rhage (SAH), the frequency of IVH is reported to be
ated with IVH include diuretic therapy [9], repeated between 28% and 50%, especially with Hunt and Hess
lumbar or intraventricular puncture [10], injection of grades 3–5 (Fig. 93.5) [18]. IVH is an independent pre-
intraventricular thrombolytics [11], or a combination dictor of death and poor outcome after aneurysmal


Etiology of Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults 459

FIGURE 93.1 MRI showing a large amount of intraventricular hemorrhage primarily in the right lateral ventricle, within the third ventricle,
fourth ventricle and within the frontal and occipital horns of the left lateral ventricle, with associated subarachnoid hemorrhage (A, B). There is
some enlargement of the ventricular system compatible with hydrocephalus. Head CT shows the IVH (C). A left frontal ventriculostomy catheter
was placed. Angiogram shows a ventricular AVM fed by distal right PCA feeder and draining into the straight sinus (D). Successful embolization
with Onyx was performed (E). Follow-up CT shows that there is improvement in IVH (F).

SAH, with high mortality in these patients [17]. IVH has to severe traumatic brain injuries (e.g., penetrating trauma
been associated with secondary complications including such as gunshot wound or severe blunt trauma) [20]. Out-
hydrocephalus, cerebral ischemia, clinical vasospasm, comes of patients with traumatic IVH are poor. In one
and poor long-term outcomes [18]. study, only 30% of patients made a functional recovery
Posterior circulation aneurysms are the most com- [19], and in another study less than half the patients were
mon aneurysm type that results in concomitant IVH independent at a 6-month follow-up [21]. Patients with a
due to their anatomical proximity to the fourth ventricu- lower Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score on presentation,
lar foramina (Fig. 93.6). A large amount of blood in the older patients with traumatic IVH, patients with higher
fourth ventricle with relatively less blood in the supra- volume of blood and patients with hemorrhage in the third
sellar basal cisterns is especially suggestive of a posterior or fourth ventricles tend to have worse outcomes [19,21].
circulation saccular aneurysm rupture (e.g., posterior When blood involves the lateral ventricles only, a better out-
inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm), whereas rupture of come is expected. Isolated traumatic IVH is rare. Traumatic
anterior and posterior communicating artery aneurysms IVH usually results from the spread of an adjacent intrace-
tends to fill the lateral and third ventricles. rebral hematoma, may be secondary to hypoxia, secondary
to coagulopathy, related to stretch- or shear-related tears of
ependymal vessels or choroid plexus, or related to diffuse
Traumatic Intraventricular Hemorrhage axonal injury along with hemorrhage in the corpus callo-
The prevalence of traumatic IVH among patients with sum and dorsolateral brain stem [21]. Outcomes in patients
blunt head trauma is low, between 0.4% and 4% [19]. How- with isolated traumatic IVH are better than patients with
ever, IVH has been found to occur in 10–35% of moderate traumatic IVH and associated brain injury. This suggests


460 93. Clinical Aspects of Intraventricular Hemorrhage

FIGURE 93.2 CT shows diffuse, acute intraventricular hemorrhage within the lateral, third and fourth ventricles and mild hydrocephalus
(A, B, C) and a left thalamic subependymal intracerebral hemorrhage (D). A right frontal ventriculostomy catheter was placed. Angiogram shows
a tuft of vessels in the ventricular surface, consistent with anterior ventral thalamic/intraventricular AVM with deep venous drainage into the
vein of Galen (E). The AVM was embolized using NBCA followed by radiosurgery (F).

TABLE 93.2 Etiology of Intraventricular Hemorrhage that the associated brain injury in these patients is account-
able for the poor outcomes rather than the traumatic ven-
Primary IVH Secondary IVH
tricular hemorrhage. The hemorrhage usually does not
Intraventricular/periventricular tumors Hypertensive intracerebral occur without extensive associated damage, and so the
Choroid plexus tumors hemorrhage
outcome is rarely good.
Intraventricular metastases
Adjacent parenchymal tumors such
as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) or
Intraventricular/periventricular vascular Vascular malformations:
malformations: Aneurysms
Intraventricular aneurysms Arteriovenous malformations Patients presenting with primary IVH often complain
Arteriovenous malformations Dural arteriovenous fistulas of a sudden onset of headache, nausea, and vomiting
Dural arteriovenous fistulas Cavernous malformations
Cavernous malformations especially the
and occasionally altered mental status and/or level of
ones with subependymal location consciousness. Occasionally, patients may have progres-
Trauma Trauma
sive or fluctuating symptoms. Focal neurological signs
are either minimal or absent with primary IVH, and
Coagulopathy Tumors
most commonly involve cranial nerve abnormalities
Moyamoya disease Coagulopathy [22,23]. Focal or generalized seizures are not typical but
Fibromuscular dysplasia Vasculitis may occur. As clinical symptoms and signs of primary
IVH are related to a sudden increase in ICP, symptoms
Neonatal germinal matrix IVH Pituitary apoplexy
can sometimes be minimal if the ventricles have not
Idiopathic Hemorrhagic infarction become distended, and there is no increase in ICP [22,23].


Symptoms of Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults 461

FIGURE 93.3 A 59-year-old female presented with acute onset of headache, nausea, vomiting, and altered mental status. She was found to
have an intraventricular hemorrhage with casting of the ventricles associated with mild dilatation of ventricular system and large cerebellar
hemorrhage (A, B, C). We placed an emergent ventriculostomy. An angiogram showed an AVM arising from the right posterior inferior cerebel-
lar artery. Patient had a suboccipital craniectomy and resection of the AVM and evacuation of the hemorrhage. The patient had a poor outcome.

FIGURE 93.4 CT showing acute hemorrhage in the deep left cerebellum (A) with intraventricular extension of hemorrhage within the lateral,
third, and fourth ventricles and mild hydrocephalus (B, C). A right frontal ventriculostomy catheter was placed. An angiogram was performed
and showed a left tentorial dural AVF fed by distal branches of the superior cerebellar artery, and the tentorial artery (D). Successful embolization
using Onyx embolic agent was performed. The patient made a tremendous neurological recovery.
462 93. Clinical Aspects of Intraventricular Hemorrhage

FIGURE 93.5 CT shows a posterior fossa hemorrhage including the fourth ventricle, extending into the third and lateral ventricles. There is
hyperdense clot in the fourth ventricle, extending through the cerebral aqueduct into the third ventricle and bilateral lateral ventricles (A, B, C).
We performed an angiogram that showed a distal left PICA aneurysm as the cause of hemorrhage (D). The aneurysm was successfully embolized
using Onyx (E).

In patients with secondary IVH, neurological symptoms the ventricles. On noncontrast head CT, blood appears
and signs are related to ICH (hemiplegia, hemisensory hyperdense in the ventricles and tends to pool depend-
loss, visual defects, stupor, and coma) or SAH (worst ently, best seen in the occipital horns when a small
headache of life, nausea, vomiting, and meningismus) amount of blood is present within the ventricles. Occa-
and will vary depending upon the location and size of sionally, the amount of blood in the ventricles is signifi-
the hemorrhage. Blood clots may obstruct CSF drainage cant with ventricular blood clots resulting in formation
resulting in acute obstructive hydrocephalus, especially of casts of the entire ventricular chambers.
with blood in the third or fourth ventricle. Patients may Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) further helps in
also develop communicating hydrocephalus [24]. One- identifying the etiology of IVH and is more sensitive
half to two-thirds of patients with IVH have some degree than CT in identifying very small amounts of blood in
of hydrocephalus on the initial computerized tomogra- the ventricles. T2 weighted imaging, fluid-attenuated
phy (CT) scan [22–24]. Symptomatic cerebral vasospasm inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging, and susceptibil-
may occur as well in unusual cases of primary IVH [25]. ity weighted imaging (SWI) sequences specifically can
be used to diagnose small amount of IVH. Within 48 h
from IVH onset, blood will appear as hyperintense
DIAGNOSIS OF INTRAVENTRICULAR relative to the CSF signal on MRI. As time progress,
HEMORRHAGE IN ADULTS the signal attenuates and blood become more hypoin-
tense. If no etiology is identified, and there is no obvi-
Diagnosis of IVH with or without associated ICH, ous trauma or coagulopathy, catheter angiography
SAH, or hydrocephalus can be confirmed by a noncon- can aid in identifying vascular malformations, dAVFs,
trast head CT scan showing presence of blood inside and aneurysms.


Grading of Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults 463

FIGURE 93.6 CT shows intraventricular hemorrhage in all of the ventricles, with the greatest component in the fourth ventricle (A, B, C).
Additionally there is a thin, hypodense subdural collection along the left aspect of the falx. There is a cisternal subarachnoid hemorrhage. A right
frontal ventriculostomy catheter was placed. Angiogram shows a ruptured distal right anterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm (D). The aneu-
rysm was successfully embolized using Onyx (E).


HEMORRHAGE IN ADULTS Lateral 1. Point for trace blood
ventricles 2. Points for less than half the ventricle filled with
Several scoring systems based on CT scans have been blood
implemented to estimate the amount and severity of 3. Points for more than half the ventricle filled with
IVH. The most widely used grading system is the “Graeb blood
4. Points for ventricle filled with blood and
score” that is calculated based on the amount of blood in expanded
each ventricle separately (Table 93.3) [26]. The maximum
Graeb score is 12: grade 1–4 is referred to as mild, 5–8 as Third and 1. Point for blood present with normal size ventricle
fourth 2. Points for ventricle filled with blood and
moderate, and 9–12 as severe [26]. The Graeb score can ventricles expanded
be used for predicting patient outcomes following IVH.
One study reported that in patients with an ICH volume
greater than 60 cm [3], a Graeb score ≥6 was significantly to third and fourth ventricles. It also takes into account
associated with acute hydrocephalus, whereas a score ≤5 the estimated IVH volume in each compartment. Extra
was associated with a GCS score ≥12 on admission [27]. points are given for expansion of the separate ventricu-
The expanded or modified Graeb score was devel- lar compartments, thus the maximum score is 32.
oped to differentiate specific regions of the ventricular Hallevi et al. proposed another IVH scoring system,
system and give a more accurate measure of change in the IVH score (IVHS) that also assigns a number to each
IVH volume over time (Table 93.4) [14,28]. It divides lateral ventricle based on the extent of bleeding (0–3),
each of the lateral ventricles into compartments: tem- then adds one point for the presence of hydrocephalus
poral tip, lateral body, and occipital horn in addition (Table 93.5). The third and fourth ventricles each are


464 93. Clinical Aspects of Intraventricular Hemorrhage

TABLE 93.4 Modified Graeb Score [14]

Score for Each Ventricle

Right Right Lateral Right Occipital Left Temporal Left Lateral Left Occipital Third Fourth
Blood % Temporal Tip Ventricle Horn Tip Ventricle Horn Ventricle Ventricle

None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

≤25 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

>25 to ≤50 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2

>50 to ≤75 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 4

>75 to 100 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 4

Expanded +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

TABLE 93.5 IVH Score [29]

Usually a right frontal EVD at the Kocher’s point is pre-
Lateral ventricles 1. Point for blood filling up to one- ferred unless specific contraindications are present. Gen-
third of the ventricle erally, EVD placement is well tolerated, with a relatively
2. Points for blood filling one-third to low incidence of complications [17]. The most frequent
two-thirds of the ventricle
3. Points for blood filling more than
complications are intraparenchymal hemorrhage, cath-
two-thirds of the ventricles eter-related infection, and obstruction requiring reinser-
tion [17,30]. The incidence of ventriculostomy-related
Third and fourth ventricles 0 No blood
infections has been reported to be between 0% and 22%
1 Partial or complete filling with blood [17]. Infection necessitates replacement of the EVD and
Presence of hydrocephalus 0 No may prolong hospital stay, antibiotic-associated cost and
morbidities, and occasionally life-threatening sequelae
1 Yes
[17]. Protocols of prophylactic antibiotic treatment have
Formula to calculate score IVHS = 3 × (RV + LV) + III + IV + 3 × H varied widely, including perioperative use, or continued
Convert to IVH volume [IVH volume (mL) = eIVHS/5] use for the duration of drainage.
EVD is associated with a 0–33% risk of hemorrhagic
III, third ventricle score; IV, fourth ventricle score; H, hydrocephalus; IVHS,
intraventricular hemorrhage score; LV, left lateral ventricle score; RV, right
complication [17,30]. It is usually associated with mul-
lateral ventricle score. tiple passes, use of drill twister, concomitant use of anti-
coagulation and/or antiplatelet therapy, and bleeding
assigned a score of 0 for no blood and 1 for partial or disorders.
complete filling with blood. The IVHS ranges from 0 (no Inadequate placement of the EVD catheter tip is not
IVH) to 23 (all ventricles filled with blood and hydro- infrequent. It could be as high as 12.3% as determined by
cephalus present) [29]. postprocedural CT scans [31]. Several techniques could
minimize complications including the use of the Ghajar
guide, stealth navigating system, and using the appro-
HEMORRHAGE IN ADULTS EVD catheter occlusion secondary to blood clots usually
requires either repeated flushing of the catheter to clear the
Placement of External Ventricular Drain for tubing or EVD replacement using a larger lumen catheter.
Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Obstructive In a prospective case–control study, 59% of IVH with an
EVD required catheter replacement [14,32]. To minimize the
risk of catheter obstruction, a second EVD may be placed in
Acute obstructive hydrocephalus with signs and the contralateral ventricle or the EVD can be placed contra-
symptoms of increased ICP (altered mental status, loss lateral to the ventricle with greatest IVH volume.
of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting) following IVH In the setting of very large IVH (>40 mL) with casting
is a life-threatening condition, and requires immediate and mass effect, a single catheter may be ineffective in
management. Even though ICP can be managed medi- removing substantial hematoma from the contralateral
cally with sedation and osmotic diuretics, medical ther- side, especially if the foramina of Munro is obstructed;
apy is often insufficient necessitating the need for EVD in this case, bilateral simultaneous EVD catheters may
placement for drainage of CSF and ICP monitoring. increase clot resolution [14,33].


References 465
If the patient is responsive, follows commands, and resolution [44]. The Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated
head CT shows mild hydrocephalus, the patient can be Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage Phase III
monitored closely with frequent neurological examina- (CLEAR III), a randomized clinical trial testing the ben-
tions and head CT to monitor the size of the ventricles efit of clot removal for IVH with EVD and rt-PA versus
[34]. Occasionally, permanent CSF diversion using ven- EVD and placebo just closed in 2014 [46]. Preliminary
triculoperitoneal shunting is required. It is important to analyses showed that low doses rt-PA (1.0 mg) is safe
note that placement of an EVD does not eliminate the in patients with stable IVH clots and may increase lysis
morbidity and mortality of IVH that is related to under- rates [14].
lying damage from the toxic effects of ventricular blood
on adjacent periventricular brain tissue [17].
Open Craniotomy and Surgical Evacuation of
Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Use of Intraventricular Thrombolysis in
There have been mixed results with surgical removal
Conjunction With External Ventricular Drain of IVH using an open craniotomy with direct surgi-
Given the modest effect of EVD on mortality and poor cal evacuation and utilization of minimally invasive
outcomes associated with IVH, more effective strategies instruments (e.g., neuroendoscope) for drainage of IVH
are required. In preclinical studies using animal mod- [14,47,48]. Zhang et al. compared 22 patients with IVH
els of IVH, larger volume of blood clot injected into the and less than 30 mL ICH who underwent neuroendo-
ventricles and prolonged exposure of the ventricles to scopic aspiration of IVH within 48 h to a control group of
blood were associated with a higher risk of pathologi- 20 patients with IVH treated with EVD and intraventric-
cal changes including subarachnoid fibrosis, extensive ular urokinase [49]. More patients in the neuroendoscopy
ependymal cell loss, and subependymal glial prolifera- group showed good recovery after 2 months of surgery,
tion on the lateral ventricle walls and mortality. These whereas the difference in mortality rate between the two
changes were minimized or reversed when lytic therapy groups was not statistically significant [49]. The litera-
(urokinase or tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)) was ture on patients undergoing open craniotomy with direct
injected into the ventricles [35–38]. Observational studies surgical evacuation of IVH secondary to SAH is mixed
that followed, showed that intraventricular thromboly- [50,51]. The use of neuro-endovascular approaches to
sis was effective in improving IVH clearance, reducing extract intraventricular blood has also been described in
ICP, and decreasing mortality when used in conjunc- some cases [52]. The management strategy in cases with
tion with EVD [39–41]. A systematic review showed that secondary IVH should include treatment of both the pri-
the fatality rate for conservative treatment in the set- mary cause of IVH (e.g., aneurysm and AVM) and the
ting of severe IVH due to SAH or ICH was 78%, 58% potential secondary effect of obstructive hydrocephalus.
with EVD, and 6% with EVD and fibrinolytic therapy
[42]. Furthermore, the poor outcome rate for conserva-
tive treatment was 90%, 89% with EVD, and 34% with PROGNOSIS
EVD and fibrinolytic agents [42]. Based on these smaller
case series and animal models [43], the safety and fea- Prognosis of patients who develop IVH is variable,
sibility of intraventricular thrombolysis was tested in extending from a good functional recovery to very poor
a Phase II prospective randomized clinical trial, which outcomes and death, depending on the etiology of hem-
showed that intraventricular thrombolysis with uroki- orrhage. Secondary IVH, for example, due to a large
nase demonstrated earlier resolution of intraventricular hypertensive ICH carries a higher risk of death than
blood clots when compared with EVD treatment alone primary IVH (up to 80%) [14]. Advanced age, the extent
[44]. However, urokinase was withdrawn from the mar- of IVH (high Graeb score), GCS score ≤8, development
ket because of safety concerns, and recombinant tissue of obstructive hydrocephalus are also associated with a
plasminogen activator (rt-PA) became the thrombolytic higher risk of poor outcomes [23,24].
of choice for IVH. The Clot Lysis Evaluating Accelerated
Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage (CLEAR-
IVH) trial was a phase 2 randomized clinical trial that References
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placebo [45]. Blood clot resolution in CSF follows first- Improved survival rates with increased neurodevelopmental dis-
order kinetics, and the injection of thrombolytic agents ability for extremely low birth weight infants in the 1990s. Pediat-
into the ventricular space could increase the rate of clot rics April 2005;115(4):997–1003.


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Clinical Aspects of Subdural Hemorrhage
A. Ozpinar, B. Jankowitz
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, United States


have an ASDH. The incidence increases to 60% for
patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 8
Epidemiology or less. Approximately 70% of such patients are older
Acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) is an intracra- than 45 years and 40% are older than 65 years, with a
nial space-occupying lesion that often occurs because male:female ratio of 3:1. As life expectancy rises, the
of the tearing of bridging or cortical surface veins, sec- incidence of ASDH is also expected to rise. The Trau-
ondary to a physical head trauma. ASDHs are often matic Coma Data Bank reports that most ASDHs are
accompanied by cortical contusions, parenchymal caused by motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and falls.
hematomas, or global shearing injury such as diffuse MVAs are more frequent in the younger population
axonal injury (DAI). Approximately 10–20% of all (15–30 years) and falls are more frequent in the age
patients admitted with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) group of 45–80 years [1,2].

Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases, Second Edition © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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