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Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

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“Colors” of hydrogen: Definitions and carbon intensity

Jimena Incer-Valverde *, Amira Korayem, George Tsatsaronis, Tatiana Morosuk
Institute for Energy Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, Marchstr. 18, 10587 Berlin, Germany


Keywords: Hydrogen is expected to contribute towards the decarbonization of the global economy. The high energy content,
Colors of hydrogen flexibility, and abundance of this chemical element are reasons why many sectors can benefit from it in the so-
Carbon intensity called hydrogen economy. However, almost all hydrogen produced today comes from fossil fuels (mostly from
Low-carbon hydrogen
natural gas via steam methane reforming) and has a high associated carbon footprint. Hydrogen production from
Hydrogen economy
more environmentally friendly sources has been an area of intensive research for the last years. A necessity to
categorize the hydrogen production paths became inevitable. It began by assigning green and gray “colors” to
hydrogen to distinguish between a “nonpolluting” hydrogen production and one with associated carbon dioxide
emissions. The definition of green hydrogen is now widely understood as hydrogen produced from water elec­
trolysis powered by renewable energy sources. However, other energy sources could power electrolysis and
produce hydrogen with no carbon dioxide emissions, e.g., nuclear energy. In the need to differentiate between
the source of hydrogen and the production process, many different colors to refer to each path started to appear
in the literature. There is no universal agreement upon a color code for hydrogen. This paper gives an overview
of the commonly assigned colors. It also compares their environmental impact, production cost, and other pa­
rameters. Finally, the authors propose a color code with the most common colors gathered from the literature
that could be useful in a large-scale hydrogen economy. Green hydrogen is expected to become the most popular
production method and economically competitive with natural gas prices by 2050.

century [6], but the rise of very inexpensive and easier-to-handle fossil
fuel-based technologies always outmatched them. Hydrogen (H2) gained
1. Introduction visibility and support in the past four years as the most promising way to
phase out fossil fuels. Hydrogen can be used to store renewable energy.
The consequences of climate change have been experienced in one It can be produced in parts of the world where renewable energy sources
way or another in every region of the Earth. The rapid increase in carbon are abundant and further transported to regions with a higher industrial-
dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere contributes to the planet’s scale hydrogen demand. This element is supposed to be a new com­
temperature rise [1], and solutions to prevent trespassing a global modity in the hydrogen economy, similar to the current fossil-fuel-based
temperature increase of 2 ◦ C, compared to preindustrial levels, are economy.
intensively studied now more than ever. More than 130 countries have However, despite the numerous Hydrogen National Plans/Strate­
pledged net-zero targets [1,2]. gies/Roadmaps and announced investments of the past years [7], the
To achieve the net-zero targets, several technologies are expected to buildup of the hydrogen economy has seen a slow start. In 2021, only
help reduce CO2 emissions without compromising the energy security of 0.04% of the 94 Mt of hydrogen produced came from water electrolysis
future generations. Some of these solutions are Carbon Capture, Utili­ powered by renewable energy sources, well-known as green hydrogen.
zation, and Storage (CCUS) technologies, Cryogenic Air Energy Storage Most of the hydrogen (83%) still comes from fossil fuels, mainly from
[3], advanced batteries [4], and transitioning to a hydrogen economy steam methane reforming (SMR) without CCUS technologies, referred to
[5]. The latter has the most political support as a large-scale energy as gray hydrogen [8].
storage solution to maximize the deployment of renewable energy Four years ago, the terms green and gray hydrogen gained visibility
sources (RES) and decarbonize energy-intensive industries. Hydrogen- and acceptance among scientists, industry, and politicians. The terms
related technologies are mature and have been studied since the 19th

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Incer-Valverde), (A. Korayem),
(G. Tsatsaronis), (T. Morosuk).
Received 6 January 2023; Received in revised form 16 May 2023; Accepted 10 June 2023
Available online 1 July 2023
0196-8904/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

the Hydrogen Council (HC), Hydrogen Europe (HE), and Fuel Cells and
Nomenclature Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FC&HJU). Information about the cost of
each hydrogen technology and projections for the future years under
ALK Alkaline different scenarios are quite relevant for policy-making, investments,
CCUS Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage industry, and the academic field. The number of reports peaked in 2021
HC Hydrogen Council with 24 reports, followed by 2022 with 14, as shown in Fig. 1. This does
HE Hydrogen Europe not necessarily mean that the topic became less relevant than it was in
FC&HJU Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 2021, but many factors could have influenced the decline in the number
IEA International Energy Agency of reports:
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
PEM Polymer Electrolyte Membrane • The unstable energy sector and fossil fuel prices.
PV Photovoltaic • Most countries planning a Hydrogen National Plan have launched it
RES Renewable Energy Sources already and set their goals for the following years based on previous
SMR Steam Methane Reforming reports.
SOEC Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell • Considering an analogy with a process integration system, the
TRL Technology Readiness Level technologies related to the extensive deployment of a hydrogen
WEC World Energy Council economy are no longer in the research and development or concep­
tual design part, but in the engineering detailed scalation, where the
investments are typically announced.
• Many partnerships between importing and exporting countries have
green, clean, or environmentally friendly hydrogen have been used inter­ been established, and detailed pilot plants are already being dis­
changeably. Green hydrogen is widely referred to as the hydrogen cussed or constructed.
produced without CO2 emissions, and gray hydrogen is the one coming • The challenges associated with the establishment of a hydrogen
from natural gas. However, the introduction of CCUS technologies made economy are also directly related to the challenges associated with
possible the production of hydrogen with little or almost no CO2 emis­ the expansion of units generating electricity, mainly from renewable
sions, even if it is produced from fossil fuels. The term “blue hydrogen” energy sources [12].
appeared a couple of years ago to refer to hydrogen produced from fossil
fuels and CCUS [9]. The idea to blend green hydrogen with natural gas
also gained visibility recently as a way to transition to a 100% hydrogen 2.1. Definition of colors
economy, similar to the thought behind blue hydrogen [10].
This new third option opened the box to many other alternatives that Until now there has been no universal name specification for the
were being left out of the research. Other options to produce hydrogen hydrogen colors. The many definitions mentioned in this paper differ
became relevant in a context where decarbonization is the goal. between literature, reports, and national plans. This can become very
Hydrogen can be produced by different methods, e.g., electrolysis, steam confusing, mainly when the colors are used interchangeably to indicate
methane reforming, gasification, thermochemical, photochemical, the same process to produce hydrogen. Therefore, the colors that have
biochemical, and biological processes. At the same time, many different not been considered in this review will be stated in italics (e.g., purple
energy sources can be used to produce electrical energy (input to the hydrogen), while the ten colors included are written in normal font (e.g.,
electrolysis process) with no involvement of fossil fuels, and conse­ green hydrogen).
quently no CO2-associated emissions, such as RES, and nuclear energy, From the surveyed reports, papers, press releases, and national plans,
Different sources of hydrogen can be used, such as water, biomass, the most common colors reported are gray, green, and blue hydrogen
natural gas, and different types of coal. Therefore, it became inevitable under the following definitions [13,14]; many others also include tur­
to assign different colors to refer to hydrogen depending on both the quoise [7,15,16]:
source of hydrogen molecules, and the process used for its extraction
and for providing the energy required for that. This is lately referred to • Gray: hydrogen produced from steam methane reforming without
as the “hydrogen rainbow” [11]. Of course the hydrogen itself continues the use of CCUS.
to be colorless. Still, the assigned color should provide an easier and • Green: hydrogen produced from water electrolysis powered by RES.
clear indication of the alternative for providing hydrogen that is being • Blue: hydrogen produced from steam methane reforming, including
considered without the need to enter into process details. CCUS.
This paper discusses the state-of-the-art methods of hydrogen pro­ • Turquoise: hydrogen produced from pyrolysis of methane and solid
duction concerning the associated colors found in the literature. Until CO2 storage.
today, there is no universal agreement on a hydrogen color code.
Therefore, this paper becomes relevant in that it conducts a survey of Currently, there is a debate about which color should define
other papers, reports, press releases, national strategies, and articles that hydrogen produced from nuclear energy. Some authors assign purple
unravel the numerous colors assigned to hydrogen. Finally, the authors [17], pink [18], or red [19] to general nuclear-energy-powered pro­
propose a hydrogen color code. This paper is not meant to be a review of cesses to produce hydrogen. In this study, purple hydrogen is not
all the different hydrogen production technologies, it is a review of the included, and red and pink have been divided according to the process
“colors” that have been or can be used to facilitate communication and employed to produce hydrogen: thermolysis/thermochemical and
understanding. electrolysis, respectively. White hydrogen is also subject to confusion. In
this research, white is assigned to naturally occurring hydrogen [11,20]
2. State of the art found, for instance, in caverns; therefore, the diagram does not include
it. Other sources consider white hydrogen a resultant byproduct of
In the past years, many renowned energy agencies started to release chemical processes [15], which is also not very relevant in a hydrogen
reports dedicated exclusively to hydrogen, e.g., International Energy economy future scalation since it depends on the need for the main
Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), World product of the chemical process. However, the hydrogen produced as a
Energy Council (WEC), and new organizations dedicated exclusively to byproduct of chemical processes represented 18% of the global pro­
hydrogen were founded and contributed with regular reports, such as duction in 2021 [8]. Some authors have also mentioned gold hydrogen as

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

Fig. 1. Reports dedicated exclusively to hydrogen from IEA, IRENA, WEC, HC, HE, and FC&HJU.

the hydrogen produced by fermenting microbes [11]. Finally, there have transition plan that hydrogen production methods would qualify as
been different definitions also between orange and yellow hydrogen. green hydrogen, if the electrolyzers run in countries where more than
Some authors consider yellow the one produced from electrolysis 90% of their electricity comes from RES, or the emissions intensity of the
powered by the grid [17], while others ([21,22]) use the definition electricity is lower than a certain threshold [23]. In those cases, it will
considered in this work, i.e. orange hydrogen (Table 1). not be necessary to add extra renewable power capacity to the grid to
In some reports, the scientists are trying to standardize the definition comply with the emissions savings requirement. In such zones, renew­
and to reduce the number of terms used to avoid misunderstandings, but able electricity generation will already exceed demand during large
this results in further confusion in some cases. For instance, the IEA does spans of the year and hydrogen production can absorb excess renewable
not use colors to refer to hydrogen; instead of colors, the IEA names electricity which would otherwise be wasted. It remains important,
renewable hydrogen the one produced via electrolysis process powered by however, to ensure that hydrogen production does not take place in
renewable electricity (what many others call green hydrogen) or via hours when renewable electricity may remain scarce. The number of
biomass-based routes. Sometimes they use the terms low-emission or low- hours of hydrogen production is therefore limited in order to avoid
carbon hydrogen for the one produced via electrolysis, where the elec­ production during hours where renewable electricity is in short supply
tricity is generated from a low-emission source (renewables or nuclear), and expensive. [24]. In such cases, companies producing hydrogen from
biomass, or fossil fuels with CCUS [8]. In this case, green hydrogen can these electricity sources can apply for financial government incentives,
be renewable hydrogen, low-emission or low-carbon hydrogen, but renew­ according to the EU clean-energy-transition plan. The EU also clarified
able hydrogen, low-emission, or low-carbon hydrogen does not necessarily that the green hydrogen label will be excluded from hydrogen produced
refer to green hydrogen. The EU recently stated in its clean-energy- from nuclear-powered electrolysis [24]. The most recent IEA report
[25], suggests that the international discussions regarding the different
hydrogen production methods should be only about the emissions. The
Table 1
report argues that this will be the way to avoid using hydrogen colors,
Definitions of the hydrogen colors proposed in this work.
which can lead to confusion (see Table 2 and Table 3).
Color Source of Source of Production process CO2 Most of the hydrogen today is produced in China (more than 30%)
energy hydrogen emissions
[26]. Hydrogen is mentioned in their extensive 14th Five-Year Plan
Green Renewable Water Electrolysis No direct [27], and there is now a Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Devel­
energy CO2 opment of the Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021–2035) [28]. The ca­
Orange Mix of Depends on
pacity of renewable hydrogen production in the country is expected to
electricity the reach 200,000 tons per year. Even though green hydrogen will be a
grid electricity significant part, the country will explore the market demand for low-
mix carbon hydrogen, initially with demonstration projects before commit­
Pink Nuclear No direct
ting to large-scale commercialization [28]. This recent plan only men­
emissions tions green and low-carbon. Additionally, a threshold of 14.5 kgCO2/kH2
Red Thermolysis/ No direct was adopted for “low-carbon” hydrogen (corresponding to 50% reduc­
Thermochemical CO2 tion relative to the CO2 emissions of hydrogen produced from coal
process emissions gasification). The term “clean and renewable” hydrogen has also been
Yellow Solar No direct
defined when the emissions are lower than 4.9 kgCO2/kgH2 (corre­
emissions sponding to a 65% reduction relative to the “low-carbon” hydrogen
Gray Electricity Natural gas Steam Methane High threshold) [26].
Blue from non- Natural gas/ Reforming Low Other hydrogen production methods not mentioned here include
renewable Biomass
photocatalysis, hydrogen produced from biological sources, solar-driven
Turquoise energy Natural gas Pyrolysis No direct
CO2 hydrogen production but with biomass as a feedstock [29], converting
emissions plastic waste into clean hydrogen via gasification [30], municipal sludge
Brown Lignite coal/ Gasification High gasification-based hydrogen production via plasma gasifier [31], direct
Biomass hydrogen production from the air, namely, in situ capture of freshwater
Black Bituminous High
from the atmosphere using hygroscopic electrolyte and electrolysis

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

Table 2
Hydrogen National Plans, Strategies, and Roadmaps released until the end of 2022.
Country Year Month Name Reference

Japan 2017 December First country to establish a Hydrogen National Strategy [55]
France 2018 June Hydrogen Deployment Plan [56]
South Korea 2019 January Hydrogen Economy Roadmap [57]
New Zealand September A vision for hydrogen [58]
Australia November National Hydrogen Strategy [59]
The Netherlands 2020 April Government Strategy on Hydrogen [60]
Portugal May National Hydrogen Strategy [61]
Norway June Norwaý s Hydrogen Strategy [62]
Germany June National Hydrogen Strategy [63]
European Union July A Hydrogen Strategy for a climate-neutral Europe [64]
France September National Hydrogen Strategy [65]
Spain October Hydrogen Roadmap: a commitment to renewable hydrogen [66]
Russia October National Hydrogen Roadmap [67]
Finland October National Hydrogen Roadmap - Business [68]
Chile November National Hydrogen Strategy [69]
The United States November Hydrogen Program Plan [70]
Canada December Canadá s Hydrogen Strategy [71]
Scotland December Scottish Hydrogen Assessment [73]
Sweden 2021 January Hydrogen Strategy for fossil-free competitiveness-Business [74]
India February National Hydrogen Mission [75]
Hungary May National Hydrogen Strategy [76]
Paraguay June Towards the Green Hydrogen Roadmap in Paraguay [77]
Slovakia June National Hydrogen Strategy [78]
Czech Republic July Hydrogen Strategy [79]
United Kingdom August UK Hydrogen Strategy [80]
Morocco August National Hydrogen Strategy [81]
Colombia October National Hydrogen Roadmap [82]
Belgium October Federal Hydrogen Vision and Strategy [83]
South Africa November Hydrogen Society Roadmap [84]
Poland December Polish Hydrogen Strategy 2030 [85]
Denmark 2022 January The Governmentś Strategy for POWER-TO-X [86]
China Hydrogen industry development plan (2021–2035) [28]
Austria June Hydrogen Strategy for Austria [87]
Brazil June Hydrogen National Plan approved [88]
Uruguay July [89]
Costa Rica December National Green H2 Strategy [90]
Panama In Preparation First phase of the Hydrogen Roadmap in January 2022 [91]
Italy Italian Hydrogen Strategy: preliminary guidelines released in November 2020 [92]
Ukraine Draft Roadmap for production and use of hydrogen in Ukraine in March 2021 [93]

powered by solar or wind energy [32]. were carefully selected and are summarized and shown in Fig. 5. In
A description of each color is presented in Table 1 and Fig. 2. The addition, a comparison between the ten colors considered in this anal­
sources of energy and of the element hydrogen, the process for hydrogen ysis is presented below. Only colors relevant for a medium to large-scale
production, and the CO2 emissions for the ten colors considered in this scenario have been considered for this analysis. The main categories are
analysis: black, brown, gray, blue, turquoise, green, orange, pink, yel­ presented in the following subsections: environmental impact, current
low, and red are presented there. distribution of the hydrogen production methods, cost of each pathway,
A set of pathways associated with hydrogen production and associ­ how far away from the consumer does the production of hydrogen takes
ated assigned colors were united as the hydrogen “rainbow” or hydrogen place and finally, the technology readiness level. The main advantage of
“color wheel” [33]. However, a natural rainbow does not include all proposing a color code is the standardization of the hydrogen production
colors, and a color wheel has no natural appearance. In their efforts to pathways. However, in many cases the colors do not seem logical or
find something colorful from nature (flora or fauna), the authors would related to the production process. The authors identified that the criteria
like to propose a peacock as a symbol to summarize the various used to assign each color to a specific hydrogen production pathway is in
hydrogen origins and production methods and the ambitions for estab­ many cases a random decision and a matter of which color is still
lishing a world hydrogen economy. The peacock is a colorful bird that available to be assigned to a pathway. Therefore, the analogy with a
demonstrates its beauty by attracting attention with many dramatic and rainbow or in this case, a peacock.
sweeping gestures that are not always logical and organized.

3.1. Environmental impact

2.2. Hydrogen National plans
Many sources agree that the environmental impact of the produced
More than thirty nations have launched their Hydrogen National hydrogen should be the most important criterion for classification for
Plan, Strategy, or Roadmap, as presented in Fig. 3. The year with more the different options to produce hydrogen because the driving force for
plans announced was 2020, followed closely by 2021. The hydrogen the current hydrogen boom is the need to decarbonize the global
colors in the strategies and plans of the different countries are summa­ economy [34,25]. Also, the environmental impact of the hydrogen
rized in Fig. 4 [7]. transportation method should be considered in future analyses; for
instance, if it is liquid hydrogen, more energy is required for its cryo­
3. Hydrogen color comparisons genic storage [35,36]. A comparison of the carbon intensity of the
associated emissions of ammonia production, methanol, and liquid
The main criteria for evaluating the hydrogen production pathways hydrogen have been reported in [37]. There are many methodologies to

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

Hydrogen exclusive reports from International Energy Agency (IEA), Interna­ Year Number of reports Author Ref.
tional Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), World Energy Council (WEC),
Hydrogen Council (HC), Hydrogen Europe (HE), and Mckinsey & Company (HC Working Paper | Hydrogen on the WEC [123]
Horizon: Hydrogen Demand and Cost
& McKinsey Company), Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FC&HJU).
Year Number of reports Author Ref. Working Paper | Hydrogen on the WEC [7]
Horizon: National Hydrogen Strategies
2004 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells IEA [94]
Hydrogen Insights An updated HC & McKinsey [124]
2005 Prospects for hydrogen and Fuel Cells IEA [95]
perspective on hydrogen investment, Company
2006 Hydrogen Production and Storage IEA [96]
market development and momentum in
2015 Technology Roadmap - Hydrogen and IEA [97]
Fuel Cells
Policy Toolbox for Low Carbon and HC [125]
2017 Hydrogen scaling up: A sustainable HC & McKinsey [98]
Renewable Hydrogen
pathway for the global energy Company
Hydrogen decarbonization pathways HC [126]
Hydrogen for Net-Zero A critical cost- HC & McKinsey [127]
2018 Hydrogen from renewable power: IRENA [5]
competitive energy vector Company
technology outlook for the energy
2022 Global hydrogen review, IEA IEA [8]
Perspective Europe 2030 Technology DECHEMA [128]
2019 Hydrogen: a renewable energy IRENA [99]
options for CO2– emission reduction of
hydrogen feedstock in ammonia
The future of hydrogen IEA [51]
Hydrogen Roadmap Europe: a FC&HJU [100]
Hydrogen Supply IEA [53]
sustainable pathway for the European
Electrolysers IEA [129]
energy transition
Hydrogen IEA [130]
Innovation Insights Brief - New WEC [101]
Decarbonising End-use Sectors: Green IRENA [131]
Hydrogen Economy - Hype or Hope?
Hydrogen Certification
2020 Green hydrogen cost reduction: scaling IRENA [102]
Green Hydrogen for Industry: A guide IRENA [132]
up electrolysis to meet the 1.5 ◦ C
to Policy Making
climate goal
Geopolitics of the Energy Transition: IRENA [133]
The Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen Hydrogen and Fuel [103]
The Hydrogen Factor
and Fuel Cells - Industry-academia- Cell Strategy Council
Global hydrogen trade to meet the IRENA [9]
government action plan to realize a
1.5 ◦ C climate goal: Part III – Green
“Hydrogen Society”
hydrogen cost and potential
Clean Hydrogen monitor 2020 HE [104]
How to deliver on the EU Hydrogen HE [134]
Green hydrogen: A guide to policy IRENA [105]
Global Hydrogen Flows: Hydrogen HC & McKinsey [135]
The dawn of green hydrogen: Strategy & PwC [14]
trade as a key enabler for efficient Company
Maintaining the GCC’s edge in a
decarbonized world
Hydrogen Insights 2022 An updated HC & McKinsey [1]
Hydrogen Economy Outlook: Key BloombergNEF [106]
perspective on hydrogen market Company
development and actions required to
Path to Hydrogen Competitiveness: A HC [107]
unlock hydrogen at scale
Cost Perspective
2021 12 insights on hydrogen Agora [13]
Techno-Economic Assessment of Green
Global Hydrogen Review IEA [45]
Steel Manufacturing
Hydrogen decarbonization pathways: HC & McKinsey [108]
Working Paper: Regional insights into WEC [52]
A life-cycle assessment Company
low-carbon hydrogen scale up | World
Hydrogen insights: A perspective on HC & McKinsey [109]
Energy Insights
hydrogen investment, market Company
Clean Hydrogen monitor 2022 HE [137]
development and cost competitiveness
Strategic research and innovation Clean H2 Partnership [138]
Hydrogen in North-Western Europe: A IEA [110]
agenda 2021–2027
vision towards 2030
2023 Hydrogen patents for a clean energy IEA & European Patent [138]
Innovation outlook renewable IRENA [111]
future Office
Towards hydrogen definitions based on IEA [25]
Green hydrogen supply: A guide to IRENA [112]
their emissions intensity
policy making
Hydrogen- a carbon-free energy carrier HE [113]
and commodity
Hydrogen enabling a zero-emission HE [114] assess the impact of each hydrogen color from an environmental point of
society view. Additionally, the delimitation of the analyzed system might vary
Ammonia Technology Roadmap IEA [115] from study to study. Some papers only evaluate the production pathway,
Towards more sustainable nitrogen whereas others consider in a broader scope the entire performance
fertiliser production
Hydrogen in Latinamerica IEA [116]
cradle-to-grave and the lifetime of the process. Each study has different
A Pathway to Decarbonise the Shipping IRENA [117] assumptions that affect the results. However, they offer a basis to
Sector by 2050 compare the environmental impact of each pathway.
Decarbonising End-use Sectors: IRENA [118] The CO2 emissions of each production pathway are affected mostly
Practical insights on green hydrogen
by the sources of hydrogen and energy. For the pathways where water is
Making renewable hydrogen cost- Agora [119]
competitive. Policy instruments for the feedstock (green, orange, red, pink, and yellow), there are practi­
supporting green H₂ cally no associated CO2 emissions. For those where fossil fuels are the
No-regret hydrogen: Charting early Agora [120] feedstock, such as gray, black, and brown hydrogen, high CO2 emissions
steps for H₂ infrastructure in Europe are inevitable unless CCUS is included. Biomass pathways are charac­
Innovation Insights Briefing: Hydrogen WEC [121]
on the Horizon: Ready, Almost Set, Go?
terized as zero (with the potential, if CCUS is included, to become
Working Paper | Hydrogen on the WEC [122] negative) carbon pathways since biomass is considered a renewable
Horizon: Inputs from Senior Leaders on source. There are associated CO2 emissions; however, the direct emis­
Hydrogen Developments sions from the production process are considered as reabsorbed in the
formation of the biomass [38].

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

Fig. 2. Summary of the sources of energy and hydrogen atoms, the process of production and emissions associated with the following proposed colors to refer to
hydrogen: green, orange, red, pink, blue, gray, turquoise, brown, black, and yellow.

Fig. 3. Hydrogen National Plans, Strategies, and Roadmaps released by the end of 2022. (For sources, refer to Table 1).

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

Fig. 4. Main colors considered in each countrý s Hydrogen National Plan, Strategy, or Roadmap.

Fig. 5. Comparison of hydrogen colors using differen criteria.

In terms of direct emissions from hydrogen production, green The environmental impact of orange hydrogen depends mainly on
hydrogen is considered a zero-carbon pathway. However, if the life cycle the energy mix in the grid. In some countries with very clean energy
emissions of RES are taken into account, hydro, wind, and solar PV have mixes, such as Costa Rica, Iceland, or Paraguay, emissions from orange
an associated environmental impact [39]. Furthermore, to have an ac­ hydrogen might be very low. In contrast, for China, orange hydrogen
curate account of the environmental impact of green hydrogen, it is emissions would be comparable to that of fossil fuels. For the German
necessary to consider the emissions of the supply chain. The CO2 emis­ grid in 2020, for example, the CO2 emissions from orange hydrogen
sions vary from 0.7 to 2.8 kg CO2eq./kgH2 if the whole supply chain is would be 370 gCO2/kWh (LHV) [13].
considered [40]; other reports do not consider the entire supply chain Pink and red hydrogen have no direct carbon emissions, but they
and report it as low as 0 kg CO2eq./kgH2 [13]. Green hydrogen consumes have other critical environmental impacts from radiation, waste man­
more water than gray hydrogen. Countries, such as those in the Middle agement, and risk of accidents.. Very low associated CO2 emissions have
East and North Africa (MENA) region, with a low supply of fresh water been reported for pink and red hydrogen, such as 0.3–0.6 kgCO2eq./
will have to resort to desalination technologies to acquire the required kgH2 and 0.1 kgCO2eq./kgH2, respectively [40]. When comparing red
quality of water. Brine disposal must also be considered in the envi­ and yellow hydrogen, red hydrogen provides a more efficient cycle, and
ronmental impact analysis [41]. the cost of hydrogen is much lower than yellow. This can be attributed to

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

the advancement of nuclear technology. The environmental impact of green hydrogen, around 9 kg of water is needed to produce 1 kg of
yellow hydrogen is associated with the supply chain for the construction hydrogen (theoretically from stoichiometry. This also applies to orange,
of the solar farm, in addition to the water required for the process. The green, and pink hydrogen), while gray hydrogen, using SMR, needs only
types of cycle used will have different environmental impacts. It has 7 kg of water. However, a more realistic assessment of water con­
been reported in the literature that the Cu-CI cycle has an environmental sumption can be conducted with a gate-to-grave study. The value of
impact of less than 1.7 kg CO2eq./kgH2 [42]. water required for SMR is 11.7 kgH2O/kgH2, while for green hydrogen,
The direct carbon emissions from gray hydrogen vary from 7.5 to 13 around 30 kgH2O/kgH2 [48].
kgCO2eq./kgH2 [8]. The carbon intensity of gray hydrogen will increase Methane pyrolysis in turquoise hydrogen is currently one of the most
if upstream methane emissions are taken into account, and this depends discussed technologies, apart from green and gray hydrogen, and is
on the percentage of fugitive methane assumed in the study. The in­ receiving a lot of investment. This is due to the solid carbon byproduct
clusion of these effects also affects the carbon intensity of blue and might that eliminates CCUS. An impact of 1.9–4.8 kgCO2eq./kgH2 has been
affect the orange hydrogen if fossil fuels are part of the energy mix. reported [40] for this technology.
Biomass can be used as feedstock to produce hydrogen via biomass The estimated carbon dioxide emissions for black and brown
gasification by pyrolysis, steam gasification, or volatile steam reforming. hydrogen are between 18 and 25 kgCO2eq./kgH2, and both colors have
Many challenges arise from its conversion, such as low-carbon conver­ the highest CO2 emissions of all colors [40].
sion rate, acidification potential, and tar formation, which blocks Fig. 6 summarizes the carbon intensity of the pathways compared in
pipelines, and affects energy efficiency [43]. Negative CO2 emissions this review.
refer to biomass coupled with CCUS [44]. However, the ecosystem
impact of land use and water consumption needs to be addressed and 3.2. Contribution to the global production of hydrogen
added to studies for more conclusive results.
Blue hydrogen can have different carbon intensity values depending In 2021, only 0.04% of the 94 Mt of hydrogen produced was green
on the technology and the percentage of CCUS applied. For 95% CCUS, hydrogen. Almost all the hydrogen still comes from fossil fuels (83%).
carbon intensity varies from 0.8 to 4.8 kgCO2 eq./kgH2 [8]. For instance, Mostly from gray hydrogen (62%), followed by 19% from a combination
for 5,000 km transport distance and 90% CCUS, 1–3.9 kgCO2 eq./kgH2 is of brown and black hydrogen and 0.7% from blue hydrogen. The rest
reported, while for 1,700 km and 98% CCUS, it can be as low as 0.2–0.4 was produced as a byproduct in the chemical industry [8].
kgCO2 eq./kgH2 [13]. It is important to mention that there are no well- Currently, some traditional gray hydrogen production plants are
established commercial large-scale CCUS systems yet. There are a few being retrofitted with CCUS technologies, like the plant in Rotterdam,
units available to decarbonize hydrogen production in refining in Can­ the Netherlands part of the H-Vision project [49], or are planned for
ada, France and USA [45]. In many projects, the captured carbon is not conversion soon. At the same time, more research is being conducted on
to be stored but used in oil refining processes or for urea production, and CCUS, and new blue hydrogen plants are being constructed [50].
eventually released back into the atmosphere [45]. This leads to the
question of whether blue hydrogen helps mitigate CO2 emissions.
3.3. Cost of production
Furthermore, the long-term effects of indefinite CO2 storage have also
not been extensively studied. A perfect case scenario is almost always
The most stable and the least expensive hydrogen production path­
ways today are the ones related to the conventional methods to produce
The quantity of water needed for the water production pathways, its
it: gray, black, and brown hydrogen. Their price depends on the fossil
availability, and the level of purity required is a challenge when access
fuel source they use, and it is expected to increase soon and be affected
to fresh water is limited, or water is not available near the hydrogen
by CO2 taxes or the energy crisis. Currently, gray hydrogen is the least
production site [46]. Most nations where blue hydrogen is expected to
expensive, and its price ranges from 0.7 to 2.3 US $ /kgH2 [40,8,51],
be deployed rely on seawater desalination. The cost of a kg of desali­
followed by black and brown hydrogen 1.3–2.5 US $ /kgH2 [40 8]. As
nated water is very low, 0.001 $US, but this water has an associated
CO2 taxes increase, their cost will increase and help make blue, tur­
carbon footprint 44 times higher than normal freshwater [47]. For the
quoise, and green hydrogen more competitive. The cost of blue

Fig. 6. Carbon intensity of the hydrogen colors analyzed in this review.

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

hydrogen ranges over a broader range than the conventional methods, electricity from RES and heat from waste heat from industry, nuclear
1.4–3.2 US $ /kgH2 [40 52 8] since the addition of CCUS increases the energy, solar thermal, or geothermal energy. Both red and yellow
cost of production. The cost of turquoise hydrogen is reported to be hydrogen, while not new technologies, are in the early stages of devel­
slightly higher than that of blue hydrogen, 1.6–3.4 US $ /kgH2 [40], opment with a reported TRL of 3 [53]. Water thermolysis is another
since the technology readiness level is lower than that of blue hydrogen. method of splitting water molecules by decomposing the molecules at
The cost of green hydrogen varies the most among all the colors, high temperatures reaching above 2000 ◦ C. An improvement of these
from 1.9 to 8.2 US $ /kgH2 [8 51 40]. This is mainly due to the different methods is thermochemical water splitting, in which reagents and
RES technologies used to power the electrolyzers. Countries such as catalyst are introduced for considerably reducing the temperature and
Chile, and some North African countries can produce green hydrogen operating time [54]. Both processes are in the early stages of develop­
using solar PV at the lower ends of the range, while northern European ment and can be powered by solar thermal or nuclear energy.
countries will be at the high end of the range [25]. In the case of green The three conventional fossil fuel-based hydrogen production
wind energy, the cost depends on whether it is onshore or offshore and methods, gray, brow, and black hydrogen have a TRL of 9, and the
whether it is centralized or decentralized production. The cost of elec­ introduction of CCUS decreases the TRL for blue hydrogen to 8 [53].
tricity depends on the capital cost of RES as the demand for green Finally, for turquoise hydrogen a lower TRL of 6 is reported [53].
hydrogen increases, and policies provide incentives for the construction
of more green hydrogen plants; green hydrogen is expected to become 4. Conclusions
cost competitive by 2030 [14]. The low technology readiness level (TRL)
of yellow hydrogen affects its high price from 7.9 to 8.4 US $ /kgH2 [40]. This review summarizes the main pathways associated with
Also, the price is associated with the solar reactors and thermal and hydrogen production and the colors assigned to each route, known as
chemical storage. the “hydrogen rainbow”. The hydrogen feedstock, production process,
Pink hydrogen could be an economically viable, stable and cost- and CO2 emissions of the following colors are explained in detail: green,
effective technology, 3.8–7 US $ /kgH2 [8 40]. The cost depends blue, gray, black, brown, yellow, pink, red, and orange hydrogen.
mainly on the capital cost of the nuclear power plant. However, nuclear Regardless of the color assigned, the produced hydrogen will be color­
power plants are expensive and it takes a long time to build a new plant. less. The most recognized colors to refer to hydrogen are green, gray,
In some countries where nuclear energy is already available, such as and blue. The colors with the most confusion and different definitions
France, Canada, the United States, and China, pink hydrogen could be according to the source of information are yellow, pink, orange, purple,
less expensive than green hydrogen. Red hydrogen would also be cost- and red. The main criteria to evaluate each color are selected, and ten
competitive in these countries, with reported values from 2.2 to 2.6 selected colors for possible large-scale hydrogen production are
US $ kgH2 [40]. compared.
Finally, orange hydrogen depends strongly on the energy mix of the Up to now there has been no standardized classification for the so-
country and the price of the electricity used to power the electrolyzers. called “hydrogen rainbow”, and the need to identify between the
Therefore, each scenario can be different, and it is recommended to different pathways is growing. Especially the comparison of the carbon
include the cost of the electricity along with the cost of hydrogen pro­ intensity of each process becomes very relevant in the current context,
duction, e.g., 3.35–3.6 US $ /kgH2 at 6.7 cent US $ /kWh (the average where decarbonization is the goal, and many options to achieve it with
industrial rate in the USA) [17]. the aid of a hydrogen economy are being proposed.
The challenges of the hydrogen economy lie in bringing down the
3.4. Distance of hydrogen production to consumer costs, the current lack of production infrastructure to meet the expected
future demand for green hydrogen, and the transportation of hydrogen.
This category depends on the country and its availability of renew­ These challenges should be considered when selecting the adequate
able and fossil fuel resources. It also depends on the complexity, size, hydrogen color(s) for a country. The main interest for the next decade
and safety of the hydrogen production process related to each color. On lies in green hydrogen; however, many countries support blue or tur­
the one hand, the hydrogen production site involving electrolyzers can quoise hydrogen for the transition period, especially the top exporter
be anywhere, even in the place where the hydrogen is needed, for green countries of fossil fuels. The cost of electricity and the capital cost of the
and orange hydrogen (however, it is expected that many main hydrogen electrolyzers are the main parameters that affect the price of orange and
consumer countries will produce themselves part of its green hydrogen green hydrogen. Quick scalation of the electrolyzers production will
and another part will be transported over long distances). On the other drive down the cost of green, orange, and pink hydrogen.
hand, if nuclear power is involved in the process, the distance is likely to This unprecedented political support to develop a hydrogen econ­
be significant from producer to the consumer due to safety issues (pink omy must continue if the planned projects are to be realized. However,
and red hydrogen). Yellow hydrogen requires a big area for the solar the “hydrogen rainbow” might be confusing and can even distract from
farm, therefore, most likely it will be far away from the consumers. The the goal. The color classification (peacock) can be helpful only if a
conventional methods, such as gray, brown, and black are probably far standardized, broadly accepted color code is widely utilized. Otherwise,
away, even in another country, due to the availability of resources. The it might only complicate the communication and the policy-making
same is true with turquoise and blue hydrogen. The situation changes if process rather than help select the adequate pathway for each consumer.
the country has coal.
3.5. Technology readiness level
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
Green and orange hydrogen rely mostly on Alkaline (ALK) and agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers. Both electrolyzers
are commercially available with a technology readiness level (TRL) of 9 Declaration of Competing Interest
[53]. The ALK electrolyzer has been on the market longer than PEM, but
in recent years PEM scalation has received significant incentives that The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
have led to a reduction in the price of the electrolyzers. The Solid Oxide interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Electrolyzer Cell (SOEC) electrolyzer is the least developed of the three the work reported in this paper.
most common electrolyzers in the market. The high-temperature steam
electrolysis can receive both heat and electricity from RES or just

J. Incer-Valverde et al. Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117294

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