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i Mops _ CT 18/1 NOR (eran pat 9 SpltasCntore)- 1 /201% MLA ( aes a re a aA EIRST INFORMATION REPORT es f a (Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) ion Bodh were erat fear DY 1E (ure 154 @e uta after & aga) 1. District (fitem): BOUDH P.S. (TFT): MANAMUNDA Year (ad):2017 5! CW) | [NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES 2003) _ meray 2 THE ORISSA FOREST AcT-1942 210 3, (a) Occurrence of offence (armre #t Wen): 1. Day (fe): Sunday Date From (feta @ ):08/01/2017 Date To ( fetta am ): 08/01/2017 Time Period : Time From (aaa @ ): 09:00 hrs Time To (aa a): 17:00 hrs (ara ara) (b)Information received at P.S. (Tat wet GeaAT WA FF ): Date (Feta ):08/01/2017 Time (aH): 20:25 hrs (c) General Diary Reference (darreat wav ): Entry No. (nf&fE #.):002 Date (feats ):null hrs 4. Type of Information (qa aT WaT): Written 5. Place of Occurrence (wearer): 1. (a) Direction and distance from P.S.(araT & gt atk fart): SOUTH, 39 Beat No. (ate &.): (b) Address (171): KAKATPANGA, MANAMUNDA (c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then (af ara aftr & argz & a): Name of P.S.(@ra1 1 7m): District(State) (Fier («7=m)): 6. Complainant / informant (fereraceatigaarerct ): (a) Name (1H): Umakanta Pradhan (b Father's Name (Fite a a7 ): JAGABANDHU PRADHAN (c) Date/Year of Birth (aH ffi / af ): 25/05/1977, (d) Nationality (Eta): INDIA. (e) UID No. (qamg8t &.): (f) Passport No.(araté &.): Date of Issue (are arc? aft FATA): Place of Issue (S18 Het a EAT ): (g Occupation (axaara): (h Address (wT): [S.No.(w:%.)| Address Type (WaT a1 WaT) [Address (WI) | 1 | Present Address MANAMUNDA PS, MANAMUNDA,MANAMUNDA, |BOUDH,ODISHA,INDIA 2 _| Permanent Address [CHARMAL,CHARMAL SAMBALPUR ODISHA INDIA 7 Mobile (target &.): ()Phone number (qeHTH @.): 5 7. Details of known/suspected/unknown accused with full particulars (9a / efere / arare, afr lM, ‘erreur afer arf TEE SNe EAE EDR eI [ [Alias Relative’s Name [Address (wat) (ara) (srr) (Peaatare ar aH) tem) | 7 DUSKAR Father SATRUGHANA |BHALIAPADAR,MANAMUNDA, | ‘CHHANDA CAHANDA MANAMUNDA,BOUDH, L ii ___ |ODISHA,INDIA [2 DEBASANA Father: BHULUKU BHALIAPADAR,MANAMUNDA, MENDILI | MENDILI IMANAMUNDA,BOUDH, — | ODISHA, INDIA. = a | 3 OTHRES om [mana NOTED IN FIRMANAMUNDA, "| | BOUDH,ODISHA,INDIA ae i » | 8. Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainantiinformant (Peroorerevaf 1 qararart grat Peaté Ae @ eof awert Bae): 9. Particulars of properties of interest (etaf-tra aweufe ar fear): |SNo. (@.8.)Property Type (rat & wars) [SubType (au war) [Value(in Rsi-) (qa (* %)) 1 IDRUGS/NARCOTIC DRUGS |GANJA 167003000.00} 10.Total value of property stolen (In Rsi-) (at gE aeult wt Gea AFA 167003000.00 11.Inquest Report / U.D. case No., if any (rq weiter Peaté / y.S1.wereor a, aie arg Bt): S.No. (#.2.) UIDB Number (7.-21.weer | 12.First Information contents (82m Gar ae): On did. 08.01.17 as per the previous authenticate information received, illegally cultivated cannabis plants from over as area of 41.75 Acre which was found inside the village Kakatpanga Govt. land with the help of Forest, Revenue officials were destroyed 167001 nos of Canabis plants observing all formalities laid down In NDPS Act. Hence I myself reported the matter for follow up action. | registered Manamunda PS case No 06 dtd. 08.01.2017 U/S 20(a)(i)NDPS Act and directed SI Pritimanjari Gamaik to take up investigation of the case. The scanned copy of the original written report of the complainant which is treated as FIR is enclosed here with. 13.Action taken: Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as mentioned at Item No. 2. (Bh here fr ah rere a ora haere oc a ew. 23 Gest eres TA) (1) Registered the case and took up the investigation (wave af Pavan tran afte srtat 3 Ferg feta rar) : or (@m) (2) Directed (Name of 1.0.) (sis arférerr®t ait aTH):PRITI MANJARI Rank (02): SI (Sub-Inspector) No.( @.): 73884 to take up the Investigation (#1 aia ara ura # at & fery Pree ar man) or (3) Refused investigation due to (aia & fery ): or (aren Sere Pra a) (4) Transferred to P.S.(arn): District (fren): on point of jurisdiction (at Garftrane & area getiafea) « CT eH - PLAIN PAPER FIR PO: At Kakatpanga, Under Sagada GP on the bank of Bagha river DO:- On Dt. 08.01.2017 at 09.00 AM. Complt :- Umakanta Pradhan, lIC,|Manamunda P.S. Sub- FIR on detection, attachment and destruction of illegally cultivated cannabis plants. 'Sri Umakanta Pradhan (39), S/O- Sri Jagabandhu Pradhan of Vill/PS- Charmal, Dist- Sambalpur, At/Pr- IIC, Manamunda P.S. drew up this plain paper FIR at the spot that on dt.08.01.2017 at 05.10 PM on my own information that on dt.07.01.2017 at 06.10 PM an information was received at P.S from reliable source that some of the villagers of Kakatpanga, Bhaliapadar, Sagada, Kanpa have illegally cultivated Cannabis plants in large scale at Kakatpanga, Under Sagada GP on the bank of the Bagha river, P.S- Manamunda, Dist- Boudh. There was earlier information in hand regarding rampant cultivation of hemp plants in the remote hilly area of Boudh District and especially under Sagada OP limits of Manamunda P.S. The source also revealed that unless immediate uprooting and destruction process is initiated, the perpetrators will go on harvesting Ganja within few days. There was every reason to believe the information of the source which was quite alarming and need of instant intervention. As illegal cultivation of cannabis plant without license/permit is gross violation of the provision of Sec.8 (b) of NDPS Act and punishable U/S-20 (a)(i) NDPS Act, | incorporated the information in P.S S.D., vide SDE No.1 47, dt. 07.01.2017. Forth with | kept informed SDPO and S.P. Boudh over phone about the development. Further | have also sent written intimation to SDPO and SP, Boudh vide P.S. DR No 73,74 Dt.07.01.2017 respectively to the same score. As it is already evening and there is impediment in the Act to execute the process of destruction after sun set, simply | formed the raid team consisting of me, ASI K.N. Majhi, Hav J.N. Sahu, H.G-90 Jitu Luha and H.G- Khirodra Bhoi and detailed the P.S, Tata Sumo Vehicle with HG- Driver Santosh Nayak to start drive for the destruction mission on the early part of morning of dt.08.01.2017. Simultaneously | sent requisition to the Tahasildar, Boudh to send Revenue Inspector Sagada vide DR No- 75/pS, dt.07.01.2017, to co-operate in the destruction mission and to identify and to demarcate the land on which the Cannabis plants have illegally cultivated. Further | sent requisition to SP, Boudh for deputation of one GO from the Head Quarter Competent under Sec.42& 48 of NDPS Act for attachment of the alleged cannabis plants vide DR No.-76, dtd. 07.01.2017 Simultaneous requisition was placed to SP, Boudh for deputation of one section of APR force for maintenance cr vik, caring execution of the mission vide DR No-77/PS, dt 07.01.2017. 59 also placed requisition to Ranger Manamunda to depute staff Vide DR No- 78/PS, dt.07.01.2017. We & arranged some daily wage labour from the locality to assist in the process of cutting and destructing the cannabis plant. We all the members of the raid team along with ‘one section of armed force deputed by SP, Boudh, the arranged labours and videographer proceeded for the spot at 06.30 AM, with all necessary equipments / Papers/ investigation kits including my personal brass seal laptop, printer and battery. Police vehicle were arranged for movement of police staffs. Sri Asish Mallik, Revenue Inspector and Gundulia, A/P- IC RI Sagada, Sri Bijaya Sahoo Forestor Sagada accompanied us from Sagada for identification and demarcation of land under illegal cultivation of cannabis. En-route we procured two local respectable witnesses namely Maheswar Majhi(35), S/o-late Punia and Chandra Sekhar Behera(47) S/o- late Khageswar both of vill-Subarnapali P.S.-Manamunda, Dist-Boudh and explained them about the information in hand so also requested them to assist and co-operate in the schedule mission and they consented too. After we reached at the designated spot at about 09.00 AM, found cannabis plants have been illegally cultivated at Kakatpanga, Under Sagada GP on the bank of Bagha river in large scale over long stretch of area. From my local knowledge and professional experience, more over from the smell of the plants, | concluded the plants to be cannabis from which contraband Ganja is extracted executing due process. The cannabis plants under cultivation were found to be of 3 feet to 6 feet in height and were cultivated in a systematic and planned manner and in a linear fashion with a standard gap of about 2.3 feet between each plant and were properly watered and treated with cow dung, chemicals and fertilizer for better growth & fruiting. This proves that these cannabis Plants are being cultivated illegally may be by some local villagers for extraction of contraband Ganja. After we rounded up the place, found some people inside the said cannabis cultivated land who were cleaning grass from the field and putting soil on the roots of the cannabis plants. Seeing the Police all suspected persons started running towards jungle. We chased for a little distance and apprehended two persons. Being asked they disclosed their name as (1) Duskar Chhanda(40), S/o- Satrughana Chhanda,(2) Debasan Mendili(35), S/o- Bhuluku Mendili Both are of village Bhalia padar, PS- Manamunda, Dist- Boudh. On my examination they confessed to have cultivated Ganja. On my further cognitive interviewing though they admitted that several people of the locality have also cultivated Ganja , they failed to disclose their identity. In the mean while Sri Atko Kujur, DSP,PCR Cell, Boudh, competent Gazetted Officer under section-48 of NDPS Act being deputed by SP, Boudh arrived there. On my request RI Sagada demarcated the land under illegal cannabis cultivation with following land schedule such as Revenue Village Kakatpanga, Under Sagada GP on the bank of Bagha river in khata no-26, plot no- 306,304,336, 376 measuring 41.75 acre under Manamunda P.S. area, Dist-Boudh, Odisha. | along with my PS staffs and others counted the cultivated cannabis plants CT ele when and it DSP PER CATA in numbers. Then | placed requisition to GO, Sri Atko Kujur, destuction ee is ie as the aforesaid cannabis plants and to pass order for EGR drawing the requisite samples in duplicate from it. Reames tp of labours and my staff, we Uprooted/cut down 1,67,003 no's a plants from its stem and root level from the demarcated land mentioned }ove and deposited them at one place in heaps. On my prayer GO, Sri Atko Kujur, DSP,PCR Cell, Boudh attached the total cannabis plants raised to ground. | randomly collected two sample plants from the heap consisting stem, green leaves and flowering tops and wrapped those paper carton and then kept inside white cloth bags with heat seal separately and marked those as A-1 & A-2 respectively. The rest bulk cannabis plants in the heap marked as Exhibit-"A”. | prepared specimen signature slips and specimen seal impression containing signature of all relevant concerns and put individual slip on respective bag. After that stitched and sealed each bag with my brass seal impression and obtained signature of all concern on each bag containing the sample plant. As the quantity of uprooted/cut up cannabis plants are found to be huge & not possible to transport and to store the same at PS, | obtained an order U/S- 48 of NPS Act, 1985 from G.0. Sri Atko Kujur, DSP/PCR Cell, Boudh to destroy the whole lot containing 167001 numbers of cannabis plants after drawl of two samples for chemical examination. The bulk plants marked exhibit-A and samples marked exhibit-A/1 and A/2 were seized at 3.45 PM in presence of witnesses and GO and other relevant persons. The seizure list was prepared forthwith at the spot and signature of all concerns including witnesses, GO, tnd others were obtained on it and | signed on the same putting my brass seal impression. The brass seal used for packing were left in Zima of public witness Maheswar Majhi(35)S/O- LT Punia Majhi P.S.- Manamunda Dist-Boudh. Then the entire heap of cut up cannabis plants numbering 1,67,001 were destroyed by pouring kerosene and set at fire in order to prevent any further regeneration or extraction of Ganja. A destruction certificate was prepared at the spot in this effect in presence of witnesses, GO and others which appended here with. From facts and circumstances mentioned above, It is evident that accused persons namely (1) Duskar Chhanda(40), S/o- Satrughana Chhanda,(2) Debasan Mendili(35), /o- Bhuluku Mendili Both are of village Bhalia padar, PS- Manamunda, Dist- Boudh and others have cultivated the cannabis plants by destructing the above mentioned forest violating the provisions of U/S- 8 (b) of NDPS Act which is punishable U/S 20 (a) (i) of NDPS Act and 27 (1) of The Orissa forest Act 1972. | drew up this report at the spot at 05.10 PM observing all formalit On my return to PS the formal FIR will be drawn up. 3-25p our ear Baar ene 5a Ao Case (Umakafita Pradfean) ee NOPS nerd, 27Q) phe pee eee 6) Aub vg ister? 2 (2 and clunenp “sr yell taniiet Come deel n> covesiyodion of the easy halk, to fake up Umakank. hast W"1/a Manamunde, PA } WIR Sans CT-)8 ry aie a #9 R. read over to the complainant | intormant.sdmitied to be ~oanplainant recorded and a copy given to the | informant tree of cost. fireraneat wa reine wht Sve wid Rare fawrared wah wom Tod eh, 8 oo ROAC (at. ate ft) NCRB (eared art De [RPM cen at at 14 Signature/Thumb impression of the complainant / informant ferent /qerreat & Frat a3 3 faery ae ays 18. Date and time of dispatch to the court (azraa & fae & Rare ate wxz): ea Yn? : cy! Gag Signature of Officer in charge, Police Station(ern surf ® FETISH) Meme (47m): Umakanta Pradhan Ranacezy: | (inspector) mot = 78755 CT te ‘orm No.123 FINAL FORM PM Form No.3 (Under Section 173. Cr.P.C) (PM/Rule 174/181) *“ IN THE COURT OF SPECIAL JUDGE, Boudh 1. * District Boudh "PS Man: * Year 017. * FIRNo.......06..... .._Date...08,01,2017 Final Report/ Charge-sheet No......_36, 3.7 oie Date 09.03.2017... 4 @* Act NDPS.Act._..* Section 20(a)(i). i) * Act Odisha forest Act... Section, (i) * Act XK Section PIM)... (iv) * Other Acts and Sections __ 5. Type of Final Form: Charge-sheet/Ne-elieUnocourred Not For want of evidence/ others Charge-sheet ______ Charge-sheet. 6. IfF.R. Charge-: ea a eee eee Civil Nature, Refer Notice, (a) Served / not served. (b) Copy enclosed: Yes / No (if No, reasons thereof) 8. * If Supplementary or Original... Original 9. * Name, Rank and Number (if any) of the 1.0(s) $...P.. Gamaik of Manamunda PS 10. (a) Name of the Complainant / Informant ,Sri, Umakanta Pradhan (39) b) Father's/ Mother's / Husband’s Name. _Jagabandhu Pradhan 11. Date on which the Complainant / Informant was informed of the result 09,03 12. Details of properties/Articles /Documents recovered /seized during investigation and relied upon (separate list can be attached, if necessary). » [SILN ] Properties Description Estimated | PS Property | From whom! wtvero,| Disposal a jo Value release. No. | Recovered or seized [1 TOne~ uprooted cannabis plant | 1000/- | 4/2017 Seized at the spot at in | Send to SFSL | packed, sealed and laveled and revenue village | marked as Exhibite"A-I” Kakatpanga iB ‘One uprooted cannabis plant | ~ = -do- ‘Mal at court | packed, sealed and laveled and Seas marked as Exhibit-"A-2” 3 Detail report in PS case no-06/17__| = - ‘Seized at DPO Boudh In record 4 Order for deputation of GO to |= = do do remain in-charge in destruction mission 3 | Order of range officer Manamunda | - 5 ‘Ai Range office ~do- regarding deputation of Forester Manamunda Sagada to attend before IC Manamunda PS for destruction © | Station diary Book of Manamunda | ~ zi ‘Ai Manamunda PS Left Zima PS of dt 07.01.17 and 08.01.17 J (ii) Father's /Mother's/Husband’s Name $/ (iii) Date / Year of Birth,.__.1977. + Particulars of accused persons Charge-sh Sl. No.A1.(i)_ *Name .Duskar. Chhar Dh ehet OTe lt Seon Spl. Court Boudi, Dt arott 0). whether verified Yes‘Ne -Satrughana. Chhanda, OV) SOK. nen MA (vy) Nationality... Indian...... (vi) Religion. Hindu... (vii) Whether S.C/S.T., __. CasTribe.... (viii) Occupation. (ix) Descriptive Particulars. Ht-5 &) (xi) *Provisional Criminal No... (xii) | *Regular Criminal Number....To,be.proved by. CSI. Bough... (xiii) *Date and hour of arrest,......08, (xiv) *Date of release on bail... (xv) *Date on which forwarded t0 CoUutt MOL 20M. (xvi) *Under Acts and Sections...... 20.(a) (iV/29.NDPS Act (xvii) * Name (s) and address(s) of sureties... XXX... (xviii) *Previous convietions case with reference. CSL of Court to. prove. (xix) *Status of the accused : Forwarded [Bailed-by Police-+Under Police fin judicial custody+\bseonding!proclaimed 0 offender/Notarrested Gi) Father's /Mother’s/Husband’s Name CT 18/'F Xe SF Particulars of acct ected 1 No. amitulat of accused persons Charge-sheeted: S.No.A2.(i) *Name Debasan Mendili : (35) whether verified YesNo (ii) Date / Year of Birth. 1982... CV) SO en Malle (v) Nationality... Indian (vi) Religion. Hindu... (vii) Whether S.C/S.T.. OBC... Cast/Tribe, (viii) Occupation..____...cultivaton, (ix) Descriptive Particulars. Ht-575”. (x) (xi) *Provisional Criminal No,, 625170006 A:2.... (xii) *Regular Criminal Number,.. To be prov (xiii) *Date and hour of arrest, (xiv) *Date of release on bail. (xv) *Date on which forwarded to Court, (xvi) *Under Acts and Sections... 20 (a) (i/29 NDPS Act (xvii) * Name (s) and address(s) of sureties. XOX. (xviii) *Previous convictions case with reference. CSI of Court to prove. (xix) *Status of the accused : Forwarded /Bailed-by-Pelice+UnderPoliee custedy/Bailed—by_court/h In judicial custody:Abseonding/proclaimed offender/Notaresied 0 Seon wee Tet ai 4 Dt 212 [Sq — 1S Particulars of witnesses to be examined. Ny | Name Father s Name Date of | Occupati | Addresses Type yer | on evidence TTS, be tender ' ]/SeiUmakaniaPradhan | S/o-Tegabandh Pradhan] 97 | Service | Wav PS-Charnal, BT ites C40, BOSE orange Re. Sambalpur, AUPriIC t & aft ”) Manamunda PS ‘Aiko Kujur (31) ‘$/0- Late Kangala Kujur | 1964 | do] Vill Gangapurgarh PS | GO ayo (04) Kinjikela, Dist- wrx Sundargazh AUPr- DSP, PCR Cell, Bough [O Nitlerarnaas sec Rava te ghesaem | | Manamunda, Dist- Boudh 4] Chandra Sekhar "(S| Sio- Late Khageswar | 1978 | do }-Do- ae Behera(45) ym\%""| Behera | I (G | Rasinath Majhi ($4) So-Tate Bhagaban Majhi 1958 service | Vill Subalaya, PS- =o 8) | Dasapala, Dist- i) ‘ j Nayagarh. avpr- ASI | Manamunda PS (6) dayananda Sahu G3) | Sio- Lt Gopal Saku] 1578] do} Vill- Madhapur, PS" Ts W | Athamalik, Dist Angul, Avpr- Hav { Manamunda PS (7) | iene La 23) CO) | Si Rajan aha 1947 do Vill Bilashpur,PS- & ~ } Manamunda, Dist- Boudb Gor | au prs HG Manamunda PS (1) "| stan Saka [So Tk Gopal Saha 1962" Sevice —Vill-Madhapur, PS- Pw Z| pe gow | Miedhapur, Dist Angul, | WN ‘AvPr-Hav, Manamunda | i i as [aa amar Slo- Rudranarayan Bhoi ) 1998 -do- 1 Vill Rabid, PS | 22) | Manamunda, Dist-Boudh Santosh Nayak (36) | Slo- Debaraj Nayak | 1974 + do ViilPS- Manamunda, aver 1 | | Dist- Boudh, AUPr-HG i | driver Manamunda PS 0} Nayan NAUK 8) | Slo-Late Niranjan Nayak | 1976 |] labour AcSubamapali PS Pw | I ida, Dist-Boudh, yw Lingaraj Meher (27) | S/O- Kedar Meher 1 1994_| do do ~do- | oAXIZ) | Ajambila Meher (5), ¥f Slo-Basu Meher [1990] to-do do- y Bijaya Nanda Sahu(48) | So-Li Bichhada Sahu service | Vill Brundaban, PO- Pw | Mathura, PS/Dist- Boudh, x | | allpr- Forester Sagada 14)_| Ashis Mallik@ 1) ‘Slo Amulya Kumar | do Vill- Sardable, PS- Tangi, pw | Mallik | | Dist- Cuttack, AUpr- RI [ i Saga ry By Debasis Mahapatra(38) | S/o- Chamara Mahapaira service At- Malisahi, Boudh, i S/Dist- Boudh, atpr- fe Ca ) Constable atManamunda PS e") ‘Somaru sethi (40) SVo- Subala Sethi |} do | Vill=Gopaimal, PS- Sw | | | Manamunda, Dist- Boudh, Spe) z | i | aes CH ManamundaPs 14 _| PritimanjariGamaik | Wio-Rakesh Gamaik 1979_|~ service Vill- Podapada 10 I | ?S-Cihhendipada. Dist- | | + Angul,, Aupr- St | | Manan.unda PS: 16.1f FIR is false ,indicate action taken or proposed to be taken w/s.132/211 IPC 17. Result of Laboratory Analysis: 6) 18. Brief Facts of the case. On dt. 08.01.2017 IIC, Sri Umakanta Pradhan, of Manamunda 6 drew up report at the spot at village Kakatpanga, on the bank of Bagha river to the effect that on date 07.01.2017 at 06.10 PM while he was present at PS received information that, some of the villagers of village kakatpanga, Bhaliapadar, Sagada, Kanpa have illigali cultivated cannabis plants in large scale on the embankment of river Bagha. Immidietly he entered the information in PS Station Diary Book vide SDE no-147, dtd. 07.01.2017 and intimated to SDPO/SP Boudh over cell phone and also sent written intimation vide DR no- 73, 74. After that he formed a raid team. Simultaneously he sent requisition to the Tahasildar, Boudh to send RI Sagada to co- operate in the destruction mission and to identify and demarcate the land on whice the cannabis plants have illegally cultivated vide DR no- 75, dt. 07.01.2017. Further he sent requisition to SP, Boudh for deputation of one GO from the Head Quarters competent under Sec.42&48 of NDPS Act for attachment of the alleged cannabis plants and issue of order of destruction vide DR No.76/PS Dt.07.03.2017. Simultaneous requisition was placed to SP, Boudh for deputation of ‘one section of APR force for maintenance of L/O during execution of the mission vide DR No.77 Dt.07.03,2017. On dt. 08.01.2017 he preceded to the spot with all concerns, witnesses and apprehended Duskar Chhanda and Debasan Mendili at the spot. On request of IIC, RI Gundulia, I/c RI Sagada demarcated the land under illegal cannabis cultivation. Then he counted cannabis plants and placed requisition betore GO for attachment and destruction of cannabis plants. On obtain of order cannabis plants were destructed after draw! of requisite samples for exhibits. ‘The brass seal used for packing of exhibits was left in zima of public witness Gajendra Rana. ‘Then he drew up plain paper FIR at the spot and returned to PS. On arrival at P.S. along with seized exhibits IIC Manamunda P'S. registered manamunda P'S. case no 06 dtd. 08.01.2017 ,U/S -20 (a) (i) NDPS Act/27(1) The Odisha Forest Act-1972 and directed me to take up investigation of the case. During investigation | have visited the spot, prepared the spot map, examined the complainant, witnesses, GO & other officials and recorded their statements U/S-161 CrPC. Accused persons (1) Duskar Chhanda(40), S/o- Satrughana Chhanda,(2) Debasan Mendili(35), S/o- Bhuluku Mendili Both are of village Bhalia padar, PS- Manamunda, Dist- Boudh were arrested and forwarded to the intermediate judicial Custody. The sample cannabis marked as exhibit A-1 sent to SFSL, Bhubaneswar and exhibit A-2 was kept in court malkhana. Sri Atko Kujur OPS, DSP, PCR Cell Boudh supervised the case and | worked as per his directions. FCR was submmited to SP Boudh for place charge sheet against the above noted accused persons. Obtained orders from hon’ble SP, Boudh to place charge sheet U/S -20 (a) (i) NDPS Act/27(1) The Odisha Forest Act-1972 against accused persons(1) Duskar Chhanda(40), S/o- Satrughana Chhanda,(2) Debasan Mendili(35), S/o- Bhuluku Mendili Both are of village Bhalia padar, PS- Manamunda, Dist- Boudh to stand their trial in the court of law. As sufficient evidenceU/S -20 (a) (i) NDPS Act/27(1) The Odisha Forest Act-1972 against accused persons (1) Duskar Chhanda(40), S/o- Satrughana Chhanda,(2) Debasan Mendili(35), $/o- Bhuluku Mendili Both are of village Bhalia padar, PS- Manamunda, Dist- Boudh is well established | Submited charge sheet vide Manamunda PS CS No. 36 dt09.03.2017 U/S -20 (a) (i) NDPS Act/27(1) The Odisha Forest Act-1972 to stand their trial in the court of law. -A/M./ PM Ee a2. Signature of the Investigating vy Officer submitting the Final éy atch at .. Report/ Charge-sheet Name...PritimanjariGarnaik...... Signatifre of IC RankS.l.ofPolice,Manamunda PS Personal Number If any... Date...09.03.2017... Sehedute XLVIL- Form No. 121 18 ]1h Form N : PROPERTY SEIZURE MEMO Nee (P.M.Rule 165) $ Strike out which is not applicable (Search/Production/Recovery U/S. ) 1. District-Boudh, P.S.- Manamunda Year-2017, F.LR.No- /S.D.No- SS Date- @ + 01.2017. 2. Act & Section: 29 (@)@ NDPS Aet+ 3. Nature property seizdieceived stolen/ujelaimed/unlawfl posesion/oghers= Sando on ‘laws raw uprohep [ud- am ew 4. Property seized/received (a) Date - 0@ .01.2017, Time- 8:45pm, (©) Addiess of place of search/seizurerecovery- Qn Alo} no- 3 6b, 394 pe © 846 of hala no- ab a Pevarne Village Kaxak- a poe 4a GP Kisam ~Tungle axs> hploler 5. beetles seize “fess ooemon ja ps. Name- Fathers name:- Age:- Occupation: Address:-Vill:- »P.Si- Dist:- 6. Witnesses: Name:- ahervon M a Pilon mg WA Purina Mahe Age- 35 , Occupation:- ‘Aadress:Vill= Sirens ors s PS: anne dist: (Bor, coxepe | Dhoodkr fra Seihow Behowr Father’s /Mother’ lust ’sfame:- Capi RO, re ay Age- 4"}, Occupation:- Address:-Vill™ LybyrsrapoXk * »BS= GelhaRao! a « Dist:~ Qoob, 7. Action taken/ecommepded for disposal of perishable property :~ Dadroyd at Ady “pay as ae te A A@ NDps Ret 8. Acton taken /reommende for keping of valuable OPENS Ty by Sank Yo rat, 9, Identification required :-YesiNo. 10, Details of properties seized/recovered : Use the appropriate prescribed form ( and attack. Ce Qarralees glants nent 164008. Gp ee Sea hop lac ed Banal Rea ee dor pour, 12, The ebm tyros properties were seized in accordance with the provisions of law in presence of the above3 said witnesses’ and a copy of the seizure Memo was given to the person/ the occupant of the place from whom seized. 13. The following properties were packed and/or sealed and the signature of the said witnesses obtained thereon on the body of the property. SI PROPERTY ‘Name of the witnesses whose signatures] No. have been appended y | One vpr@S Lanralss Pont packed, Berle and Aeneid and wD OA- |hL, & | Os0 vpaenhsd Learns plank poss, Loli) od Onell 66) word on +42, Specimen of the seal is given below nor Majlis | Se Witness: Signature pl é gy Fs oe ee Wi ~~? eh eho Place Aes } Date. i eo 1 Kakelpanga , In See cebrfein in such a place that no receipt is required to be given to any body ; this portion of the sentence should be struck of . OGP(Form)DTP-255-50,000-40-03-2011 Personal Number if any gee ee ip $61 D py beh é is CT-leflt : me SEIZURE LIST * ree Ret ttanamunga PS... easel: O8.....Date,..0% Ol: RIE... eet UIS........ 22. GP.)._ND PS. [2 4. Date and hour of Seizure......D.4.:.. 24.4! 201% ad. 2. Place of Seizure and trom whom saized.......8.64/aeah... Af... an produch'on of = . moana eel Ut mamota mayer Sahoo Fst 3 eae 3. Namo and adaroes of seizure witnesses:- D Name. Reboses. Mobapadra C32) iy Nam 810... hemor Mohaboten, S10... Vill... 4. Anticies Satzea:- O Detarh apo & Momarmunda Ps core No-'at/ze @ order Fox alepatateom of GO be wemotn fn charge Ley destruchtom . e 8. Circumstance of seiz QA AGAMNQ_|ETY AVAD BAY Aer PACT 1919) 2 M\ OHS) FO - oe /ix Q adckart sepert OP GO onder FIFI lah mg AN SOS GEO AMAR AEE AAR Ade s F\OolQ Sapte PAH ay RD Pr Q_ ay 6. Signature of the wit K » Debesss nehoyl-ctns Oa : IDO. ) Camowu Gifw Spel . 7. Signature of the investigation Police Officer :- Qy.0\"h CPs Cromerron) SL MED PG a ee : | SEIZURE LIST - hedge, nee | . Mandemunda gm > prodle rons ob Rong ere Rararmuindd, eet 4 Articles | ox foc,

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