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Best SMMA Sales Script (Sales Masterclass)

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The Gap

In this video I’m going to walk you through the exact script, pitch and process I’ve used to
close over 350+ SMMA clients. Before I do, there are some things you need to understand

With a sales call you have 3 priorities:

1) Clearly understand and define the prospect’s current situation

2) Clearly understand and define the prospect’s desired situation

1 & 2 serve the purpose of building the gap.

3) Position your service/product/offer as a bridge between the two states.

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If you want to become an incredible salesperson, never forget this:

Great salespeople do not sell products or services. They sell outcomes.

You’re selling a future state that is achieved as a result of using the product or service.
You don’t sell marketing services or facebook ads. You sell desire, hope and a dream.

Ethical Use Warning

This video contains the exact line of questioning I personally used to conduct 2500+ sales
calls and close between 750-1000+ clients. In the wrong hands it can be dangerous and
cause some trouble.

Not to get all Tony Stark on you, but with this power does come a genuine responsibility. This
process can be used to sell anything. I implore you to use it ethically and honestly.

Please only use this process to close people you genuinely believe you can help.

Best Practices

Quiet room: conduct your calls in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. No barking
dogs, no screaming kids, no beeping, no roadworks. Somewhere you truly can just focus
and listen to the prospect.

Camera OFF: turn your camera off. This is contrary to most sales advice. I conducted 2500
sales calls without a camera, and all 8 of my sales reps conducted calls without a camera.
When your camera is on your focus cannot be solely on your prospect and their problems.

Notepad: have a pen and some paper to take notes. Don’t type: it’s noisy and distracting for
the prospect. Write down everything you feel is important.

No emotion: before the call release any emotions of the day or week. It’s imperative that you
treat each call as a new, fresh start. How the previous call went will have no reflection on
how the next call goes, unless you carry your emotions over. Be in a calm, tranquil state.

Weapons of Mass Conversion

#1: Silence

Silence is by far the most potent sales weapon you can use. It’s very simple. When you ask
your prospect a question, shut up. Do not talk over people, do not butt in or interfere with
their sentences, regardless of how muddled they are. When you ask a question, just shut up.

Let them finish speaking, give them a couple of seconds of silence, then ask your next
question. Most people are incredibly uncomfortable with silence, and when we allow
prospects silence to talk, they will reveal more and more about themselves and their current

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prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User Licence then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
situation and we can later leverage this to close the deal. You will notice if you give your
prospects a couple of seconds of silence after their answer, they will start filling that silence
with more information. If the prospect gives you an unsatisfactory response, just stay quiet
until they tell you more. E.g. ‘What marketing are you doing right now?’... ‘Uh, I don’t really
know’... (be quiet and they’ll start to tell you more). Silence also makes the prospect worry
their answer isn’t good enough for you.

#2: Let them sweat

We are going to be asking the prospect difficult questions about their problems, pains and
desires. When we do this, we naturally dredge up negative emotions and anxiety in the
prospect’s mind. It is this pain that will motivate them to buy from us. Do not solve this pain,
do not coach, and do not, for god’s sake, start ‘adding value’. We need the prospect to sweat
the gravity of their situation and sit with the weight of their agony. You are not on the call to
solve their problems, coach them or make their pain go away. Imagine being a doctor
conducting a consultation with someone with heart disease. You’re not going to tell them to
‘not worry about it’, as this will get the patient to calm down and decide against doing
anything about it.

Pain is the primary reason someone will purchase, so don’t try to alleviate it.

7 Stages

High ticket B2B sales calls have 7 clearly defined stages.

1. Introduction

Very quickly chatting with the prospect before getting straight into the questions (30 secs).

2. Questioning:

Asking the prospects questions that:

- Demonstrate expertise
- Determine if they’re a fit for your offer
- Build a problem
- Build pain & emotion
- Clarify current and desired situation
- Contrast current and desired situation

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3. Pitching:

Explaining how your offer and product works in a way that:

- Is concise
- Is laced with conviction and confidence
- Vaguely explains how it works
- Focuses on the outcome
- Uses specific knowledge from the questioning phase

4. Answering:

Shutting up after your pitch and allowing the prospect to ask questions, and then answering
them in a way that:

- Gratifies
- Is concise
- Loops back to their goal every time
- Shows, not tells

5. Explaining payment:

Once the prospect understands what you sell, you need to explain the cost in a way that:

- Has a lot of conviction

- Makes sense to the prospect

6. Handling Objections:

If the prospect doesn’t make an immediate decision to move forward, you’ll need to handle
their objections, in a way that:

- Doesn’t enter their frame

- Is extremely empathetic
- Explores and digs for the truth
- Doesn’t trigger their ego
- Still assumes they’re going to buy
- Is without bias about their financial situation
- Is relentless (don’t give up)

7. Closing:

This is basically asking the big question and taking their payment.

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Introduction: 1 minute
Questioning: 20-30 minutes
Pitching: 2-3 minutes
Answering: 5-15 minutes
Explaining payment: 1 minute
Handling objections: 5-25 minutes
Closing: 2-5 minutes

Total call time: 45-90 minutes (60 minutes average)

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use but not for any other purpose.
Pre-Call Foundations

Bear all of these in mind before every call…

Release bias to the close: forget about the close. Remove your attachment to making the
sale and getting them to buy. In the medical world prescription before diagnosis is
malpractice. Don’t attach to the close until you’ve understood their situation. If they seem like
a fit after your line of questioning, then attach to the close.

Introduce bias to diagnosis: before the call instead of focusing on the close, focus on
accurately diagnosing their problem and situation. Imagine you are a doctor. If a patient
comes in, you aren’t going to focus on the prescription or solution until you have a solid and
genuine understanding of the problem.

Don’t Prejudge: remove any bias you have about the prospect before the call. Maybe you’re
afraid because they are way older than you, or maybe you feel they don’t have the money to
buy. Remove all pre-judgements and come into each call with a clear, open mind. Assume
every prospect has a million dollars in cash to invest.

Keep ego in check: never make the call about being right. As soon as you trigger someone's
ego, the call goes from a potential purchasing decision to an ego-defense decision. People
are gonna say some wild stuff and a lot of the time they are gonna upset you, anger you, etc.
Let it all go and stay professional. Never get ego involved.

Never judge the prospect: as mentioned before, the prospect is going to say some wacky
and wild stuff, often the time you will disagree or be in disbelief about how idiotic they are.
It’s imperative that you do not judge them and remain neutral, not letting your personal
biases and belief systems interfere with the sale.

Realise that this isn’t a game, you’re meeting someone heart to heart: this is no game. We’re
not trying to ‘win’ or find a little ‘trick’ or ‘cheat code’ to win the game. We are dealing with
people's lives and money. That’s a big responsibility. Sales is about being human, and
meeting them heart to heart, one human to another, with their best interests at heart. In other
words: sales is about caring.

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Line of Questioning:


- Build a problem

- Ask every question

- After each answer leave 2-3 seconds of silence, never talk over

- Do not judge whether or not the prospect can afford the product. Assume the best

- Just ask the question, don’t elongate it

- Don’t bolt anything on to their answers, just say OK and move on

- Sound genuinely curious and intrigued

Stage 1: Introduction

Hey firstname, how’s it going?

Where are you calling from today?

Cool, I’m here in ___!

I’m sure we could talk about (their location) for hours but we should probably discuss your
agency. How about we dive in and get started?

Awesome. Before we get started, do you mind if I record the call? (if asked why just say it’s
so that they can receive a copy to refer back to what we have discussed).

Stage 2: Agenda

OK so how this call will go is I will start out by asking you some questions about yourself and
your agency to understand your situation and a bit about yourself. Then, based on your
answers, if it sounds to me like you’re a fit for what we do, I’ll explain how it works and how
we can help, and then towards the end of the call you can decide if it’s the right thing for you,
or not. Sound good?

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Stage 3: Establish Primary Motive

OK, so first things first I’d like to know why you’re here, so can you tell me - what motivated
you to book today's call and take the time out of your day to talk to us?


Is there a specific problem are you hoping we can help you solve?
Could you expand on that problem for me?
How long has this been a problem for?
OK so it sounds like __ is the problem - is this something you’ve been tackling for a while?

Stage 4: Understand Their Agency

OK, so what do you sell with your agency at the moment?

OK, do you work in a niche right now? Which niche are you in?

OK, what makes an ideal client for you?

OK, and out of all your services what do you wanna sell the most? (if selling multiple things)

OK, and how are you pricing that?

Stage 5: Understand Their Current Situation

OK firstname, so what are you currently doing to book appointments with potential clients?

OK, and how many appointments are you booking per day right now?

OK, and how many appointments would you like to be booking per day (or per week)?

OK, and what’s your closing rate on your appointments? (if low, ask why they think that is,

OK, so just to clarify and be sure, there’s currently no system or process in place to
predictably generating appointments for the agency right?

OK, and would you say you’re comfortable with the current rate of growth in your agency?

OK, and how much money are you making per month with this agency right now?

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Stage 6: Understand Their Desired Situation

OK, and so what’s the goal here - how much money do you want to be making per month
with this agency, 12 months from now?

OK, what is your motivation for getting to XX per month?

OK, and how would getting to XX per month have an impact on your life?

Sounds great - what do you mean by ‘____’?

With regards to ‘___’, what exactly does that look like for you?
Could you expand on that for me?

(here ask questions about their main motives, e.g. ‘why do you want that financial freedom?’
or ‘you mentioned there your main goal is to step back from the business, why is that?’ - just
keep asking why around their goals until you have a good understanding of their true motive)

OK, and how would you structure your agency if it was doing XX per month? What would it
look like from a team and systems perspective?

Probe if goal isn’t big enough:

I think you might be limiting yourself by aiming for $XX, what makes you think you can’t go
any higher than that?

Stage 7: Gap Recognition and Releasing Control

OK firstname, so you’re currently making XX per month with this and you want to get to XX
per month. So obviously between these two points we’ve got this gap, right… So, what do
you think is stopping you from bridging this gap and achieving this on your own?

Part 8: Wrapping In Emotion

OK, so you’re currently at $XX per month, why not just settle and stay where you are?

OK, and if you didn’t take action to solve this problem, what would happen to your agency in
the long term?

OK, and what would that mean for you, if that were to happen?

OK, and when are you wanting to fix this?

OK, and how committed are you to getting to $XX per month and making this happen?

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Part 9: Selling the Fit

Close your eyes, imagine the prospect’s life completely changed as a result of the next
15-20 minutes and the product. Ask yourself - can I change this person’s life with the
program? (if yes, feel the emotion come up from stomach)

OK, so that’s all the questions I’ve got for you. I’ll be honest, firstname - you’re absolutely
PERFECT for us and I’m really happy to tell you we can definitely help with this and getting
you to $xx per month.

Truthfully, the ideal client for us is someone who (briefly mirror their current situation back to
them) and is making $XX to $XX per month, and they want to get to (briefly mirror their
desired situation back to them) and want to make $XX to $XX per month.

This is so exciting - what a perfect fit. So is it OK with you if I talk about how it works and
how we can help?

Here’s the line of questioning in a doc if you want to download it:

Line of Questioning SOP


I already made a video on how to pitch. Here I explain the philosophy I use to pitch and then
give you the exact pitch I used to close over 350+ marketing clients.

The Sales Pitch That Got Me 350+ SMMA Clients


After pitching the prospect, shut up. It’s now their turn to ask questions.

Invite the questions.

Here’s the framework:

1. Gratify
2. Clarify (if necessary)
3. Answer (concisely)
4. Justify role in goal achievement

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prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User Licence then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

“So what do the ads look like”

That’s a brilliant question. Would you mind explaining what you mean by it?

“Yeah so, like, um, what do people actually see that makes them become a lead?”

Oh, yeah. Great question again. We’ll use simple text and creative ads. All the creatives and
copy we use have already been tested for 11 other businesses that offer the same thing as
you (but in a different area) so we know they work - which is one of the main reasons I have
SO much confidence we can get you to that $40K/mo mark.


“What makes you different from your competition?”

This is actually my favourite question to answer, so thank you SO much for asking it, haha.

Truthfully, I don’t know. I spend every waking hour focusing on my clients and their problems
and I’ve never really given any thought to what my competition is up to. I know I’ll beat them
and be better simply by focusing on what actually matters: which is solving this problem
you’re facing. I think that’s why I’ve got so much confidence we can get you to $40k/mo.

Understand: every question represents the opportunity for you to build more and more
confidence in the prospect if handled correctly.

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prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User Licence then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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