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การใช้ Conjunctions

after because now that till
although before provided unless
as even if since until
as if even though so that when
as long as if than whenever
as much as though wherever
as soon as while
as though

After we finished talking last night, I fell asleep right away.

Although she doesn’t love me, I will always care about her.

He was an accomplished pianist and composer, although he never published
any of his works.

As I was walking through the forest, I saw a big black shadow in front of me.

You look at me as if I was a stranger.

I will always take care of you as long as you don’t leave me.

He likes hockey as much as he likes basketball.

As soon as she saw him, she ran away very quickly.

He burst into a high-pitched laugh as though he’d said something funny.

She doesn’t like Sam because he has always been mean to her.

Before you go out of that door, please make sure you bring the umbrella with

He’s a good person even if he has a troubled past.

Even though you are not here with me, I will always think about you.

If you want to come here, you can always call me.

Now that you’re here, I would like to ask you some questions.

He’s welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.

Provided that the boat leaves on time, we should reach France by morning.

He has had two jobs since he graduated.

We’ve played better since you joined the team.

We left a message with her secretary so that she would know we have come.

My son went to bed early yesterday so that he could get up on time this morn-

Though I do not usually drink coffee, I have had 2 cups today.

It will not see me till it comes very near.

I will love you till death do us part.

You will be sick if you don’t stop eating. = You’ll be sick unless you stop eating.

I won’t pay if you don’t provide the goods immediately. = I won’t pay unless you
provide the goods immediately.

I can’t wait until the summer holidays begin.

He was the headteacher until he retired in 1968.

I had a great time when I went to the coast.

When I finish my homework, I’m going to phone Marita.

Whenever you come over, the dog goes crazy.

My mom goes to the store whenever there is a big sale.

Wherever she went, she was followed by press photographers.

Wherever he goes, he takes his camera with him.

While I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direc-

You can go swimming while I’m having lunch.

แบบฝึกหัดที่ 1
1. We sang three more songs _______________ our voices were tired from
singing so much.
2. I want to be a doctor _______________ I want to help other people.
3. My mom will stay home _________________ she has quit her job.
4. They will go on vacation ______________ they have summer break.
5. Taylor goes to school _____________ she brushes her teeth.
6. Shawn finished his homework _____________ he came home.
7. We worked on the project _______________ we were too tired to keep
8. I will let you have the cookies _____________ you behave yourself.
9. I always look out the window ____________ my mom is driving.

10. She doesn’t eat any meat _____________ she is a vegetarian.

แบบฝึกหัดที่ 2
เลือกเติมคำ�ในช่องว่าง โดยใช้คำ�ศัพท์เหล่านี้
and or for nor so but yet

1. I know the answer. ____________ I can’t tell you.

2. Should we go by train? ___________ take the bus?
3. I am allergic to cats. ____________ I have two of them.
4. She did not study. _____________ she failed the exam.
5. I will be late for the party. ______________ I will be having dinner with my
parents first.
6. Can you stay here ____________ wait for him?
7. She doesn’t like apples. __________ does she like oranges.
8. He has a small house. __________________ it feels very spacious.
9. You can pay with cash. _________________ you can use your credit card.
10. He was driving too fast ___________ he missed the turn.
11. He was supposed to study _______________ he played games instead.
แบบฝึกหัดที่ 3
เติมคำ�ในช่องว่าง โดยการเลือกคำ�ศัพท์เหล่านี้
Finally However Therefore Consequently
Nevertheless In other words Otherwise
On the other hand In addition In fact

1. She went to the store. _________________ she didn’t buy anything.

2. I like you a lot. _________________ I think we should go out for lunch.
3. Your dog ran into my yard. _______________ he dug up my roses.
4. My car payments are high. _________________ I really enjoy driving a
luxurious vehicle.
5. I went to a scary movie. _________________ I didn’t feel scared.
6. She enjoyed getting a new phone. _____________ a car would have been a
better gift.
7. The earthquake was intense. _____________ the crowd dispersed.
8. You need to concentrate on your homework. ___________ you will fail the
9. I will get off from work early today. ____________ I will be home on time.
10. I don’t understand English Grammar. ____________ English is a difficult
language to learn.
11. I’ve finished my homework. _____________ I can now play games.

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