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Bacuma primary hospital Central Triage protocol

1. Patient should be directed to the Central Triage from the reception service
2. Vital signs should be checked and registered, and should be assessed to decide types of
services the patient/client/ should have
3. Patients should be triaged before having card
4. All patient should undergo triage except emergency patients, laboring mother &those
patients/clients/ with appointment
5. The first step in triaging is to asses and treat emergency sign following
ABCD of life techniques
A, air way if obstructed ……open air way
 Clean foreign body or secretion
 Give oxygen
 Appropriately position the patient (chin lift or jaw thrust )
B, breathing if not breathing
 Give bag mask with oxygen
 Look for sign of impaired respiration (pneumothorax hemo thorax…
C, circulation heart beat absent
 Begin CPR
 Connect to ECG
Weak pulse or irregular
 Connect ECG
 Treat any arrhythmia with appropriate drug
 Control bleeding
 Wound pressure
 Insert IV line
 Give iv fluid
D. Disability
6. Then transfer the patient to emergency department if the patient fulfills emergency
criteria after using triage scoring methods.
7. If the patient does not have emergency condition the triage officer should then determine
nature/urgency/ of client and determine appropriate service for the patient/client
8. If the service is not available in the hospital, then referral should be considered to other
health facility by communicating the hospital’s liaison and referral officer
9. If patients do not have access to health facility in the same day give appointment card
and register in the appointment book and link the patient with liaison and referral officer
to undergo any further appointment procedures every patient triaged in the central triage
room have to be registered with complete recording.

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