The Flying Car

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Technical article

Terrafugia TF-X – The Flying Car

With airplanes, we could traverse long distances quickly but not taking us exactly where we want to go but to the nearest
airport mostly while sharing the ride with other passengers. Cars will take us to a more precise location as long as it is
connected by a road, but at a much slower pace. The fusion of these two technologies will get usa hybrid which retains a
portionof the positives from both sides, leading to the birth of the “Flying Car”. This technology has been promised to us
by the early 21st century, since the early 1950s as seen in various articles and sci-fi movies. Although the idea has been
around for a long time, it could not be converted into a tangible product since it was more complicated than that which met
the eye. Nevertheless the year 2015 has seen a solid step-forward in creating a ‘car-o-plane’ when American company
Terrafugiabased in Massachusetts, have released their final design of the flying car concept ‘TF-X’ which they expect to
come out some time in the next 8 to 12 years. In this article we will understand how this particular flying car will work and
its interesting features and innovations to overcome the various challenges faced in this Aero-Automobile.


The TF-X is capable of seating 4 adults which is usually the capacity of an average hybrid car. It has a foldable wing type,
rotor blade propelled aeronautical system powered by a gasoline engine when it is in the air and an electric motor when it
is on the road. The rotor blades will charge the battery of the electric motor while they are running.


The wings, located on top of the rear end, fold into the side of the vehicle. The rotor blades with a variable angle of attack are located at the tips of the
wings. When the pilot wishes to take off, the foldable wings deploy at the push of a button in a matter of seconds. The steering wheel of the car folds in and
out pops a flight stick to control the avionic systems. The rotor blades turn upwards to provide an upward thrust for a straight vertical takeoff negating the
requirement for a runway. Once in the air, the blades turn forward to provide forward thrust. Once the vehicle reaches its peak velocity at cruise speed, the
propellers shut off to conserve energy. Terrafugia claims that training to fly the TF-X requires only 5 hours but, there is a handy autopilot system which
will take over for you if you desire so. When the vehicle is ready to land (vertically), flaps deploy to reduce the speed and the blades return to the vertical
position to provide a soft landing.
he TF-X in drive mode


The power systems of the TF-X consists of two electric motors coupled with a 300bhp petrol engine which can provide a combined output of a MegaWatt
of power (which is quite a lot of energy). The power transmission system present inside the TF-X will allow it to soar at a maximum speed of 200mph and
cruise speed of 160mph providing flight ranges of about 500 miles. The twin electric motors will assist the rotor blades during takeoff and landing at
vertical thrust configurations. During cruise conditions the fan blades will fold back into an aerodynamically efficient shape while a rear end fan provides
the cruise thrust. The rotary motion from the fan blades will also be used to recharge the electric drive motors during cruising.

The Vertical Takeoff and Landing Mode of the TF-X


The onboard electronic systems are the basic equipment found in general aero-vehicles. A gyroscope to sense orientation, a pitot tube for airspeed,
barometers, altimeters, GPS location systems, tachometers, hydraulic control systems for pitch, yaw and roll and various other sensors, controllers and
actuators required for autopilot functions. The on road controls are the normal ones which you would find in any plug-in hybrid vehicle which are already
available. Steering when and accelerator-brake pedal configuration of on road driving and stick and rudder pedal configuration for flight control are present
on board.

Figure 3The TF-X in Cruise flight mode


Coming to the structural design perspective, the size of the aero-car (or the car-o-plane) is small enough to fit inside a regular single car garage. The
foldable wings are mainly responsible for this as due to this reason it does not require the user to own a separate hangar for this purpose. Material for the
TF-X has to be very light and for this reason carbon-fiber body is used around a steel chassis to support the avionics and transmission systems. The
foldable wings on the outside and the foldable steering systems on the inside are controlled by electromechanical folding mechanisms


Figure 4The TF- Transition test runs during land and flight mode

A prototype has already been built by Terrafugia used to test its concepts and the TF-X model will only improve on the
results obtained. It has undergone many test runs successfully, both on road and airborne conditions. The Transition
although uses a gasoline engine to power both the propellers in air and the transmission drive train on road. It differs from
the later released design concept TF-X by, the foldable wings are present at the lower side; single propeller at the rear end
and a double tail configuration. The transition proved the concept of a flying car successfully leading test results which
will only improve the design results as applied on the TF-X. The specification of the transition as released by Terrafugia
are shown in the below table.
Cruise Speed 100 mph (160 km/h)

Range 400 mi (640 km) plus 30 min. reserve

Takeoff Roll 1700 ft (518) over 50 ft obstacle

Useful Load 500 lbs ( 227 kg )

Fuel Burn at Cruise 5 gph (18.9 L/h)

Usable Fuel 23 gal ( 87 L )

Mileage on Road 35 mpg (6.7 L / 100 Km )

Table 1Specs of the TF-Transition


Will the flying car be a part of the Modern household?

This is the biggest question in hand with the flying car concept in general. The idea has been around since a long time but
has not been implemented so far which means that it has many factors hindering its application. Although it just seems like
attaching a propeller blade to a car and making it fly, it is a lot more complex. For instance, the aerodynamics of a car (a
very fast one) is primarily to keep it on the ground and allow air to glide through it, while the aerodynamics of an airplane
is get the maximum lift off of the airfoil. At the current state of transportation, it is hard to say whether this will catch on
primarily since this mode of transportation doesn’t exist practically yet. We can hardly scratch the surface of the problems
and complications which will arise, like the traffic rules and monitoring (air traffic policing). Therefore the approval of
such a product by national aviation authorities might take a long time once the actual product is released which will add to
the time we see a street (and air) full of car-o-planes.

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