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Sgt EN N Gi LI fig H INTEGRATED LANGUAGE SKILLS 1 ELC121 (COMPILATION OF MATERIALS) STRICTLY FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, COURSE INFORMATION Confidential Course Code eLc121 Course Name INTEGRATED LANGUAGE SKILLS | Level DIPLOMA, Total SLT Equivalent to 3 credits Face-to-Face (F2F): 44 hours Non Face-to-Face: 38 hours Guided and 38 hours Non-Guided Contact Hours 4 Part 1 Course Status CORE (Core/Non-Core) Prerequisite APASS IN SPM ENGLISH 4.0 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to listen attentively and express ideas confidently based on various settings at intermediate level. 4.2 Demonstrate the abilty to listen and respond in writing by applying variety of listening skills ‘based on various listening discourse at intermediate level 4.3 Demonstrate the abilty to read and write at intermediate level based on selected reading materials. 2.0 COURSE DESCRIPTION ‘This course is designed to build the listening, speaking and reading skils to help students perform effectively and competently in the social and academic contexts. This is done through the integration of language skills with an emphasis on listening. It aims to raise students’ proficiency to the intermediate level. This course focuses on enhancing the students’ abilities to use the language by explolting a variety of materials in varied situations. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction, vocabulary expansion and extensive reading activities which are intended to increase students’ lexical density. 3.0 SYLLABUS CONTENT Grammar items are taught incidentally in listening, speaking and grammar: parts of speech, subject- ‘verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, verb tenses, Yes/No and WH Questions, and transitional words & phrases. 4.0 TEACHING METHODOLOGY ‘Students should be encouraged to use the language in various situations through stimulating activities. In addition, they are to source relevant materials for activities which foster independent learning whenever possible. Emphasis should be placed on student-centered activities which may include 4.4, Direct instruction 4.2. Role-play 4.3. Discussions 4,4. Online activities 4,8. Audio and video recordings 48. Authentic reading text 5.0 ASSESSMENT ‘Assessment Duration Weightage LIRA (Listen, Interact, Reflect, Answer) Number of Entries: Two LIRA 1= 10% LIRA 2= 10% Written response to selected short stories / poems (individual) 30 minutes for each entry 20% 2-14 ‘Speaking Number of Situation: One Number of questions: One role-play based on a specified theme (Pair Work) 10 minutes 20% 4 Listening Test (CBLT) Number of texts: Three types of texts Number of questions: Part A~5 questions Part 8 ~ 8 questions, Part C ~7 questions 30 minutes 20% 14 Reading Task Number of texts: Three texts Number of questions: Part A-4 questions Part B ~ 8-10 questions Part C1 cloze passage on grammar items 2 hours 40% Total 100% Total 100% RECOMMENDED TEXT NONE REFERENCES ‘Aida Mustapha et al, (2012). 2nd Ed. 8e Empowered in English: A Coursebook. Petaling Jaye: ‘Cengage Learning. Blass, L. & Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 1: Listening and Speaking. (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hil. Campbell C. & Smith, J. (2009), English for Academic Study: Listening. UK.: Garnett Publishing Ltd Harmer, J. & Lethaby, C. (2007). Just Listening and Speaking. London: Marshall Cavendish Education. Jonannsen, K. & Traver Chase, R. (2010), World English 2. Boston, USA: Heinle Cengage Learning, Kim, E. & Hartmann, P. (2007). Interactions 1: Reading. New York: McGraw-Hill McCormack, J. & Watkins, S. (2009) English for Academic Study: Speaking. UK: Garnett Education Oxford Advanced Leamer's Dictionary th Edition with Oxford i-Writer. (2010). Oxford: Oxford Press Scanlon, J, (2011). Q: Skills for success. Listening and speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ‘Sharma, P. & Barrett, B. (2010). Academic Vocabulary Booster. UK: Garnett Education. enka, J. & Most, P. (2007). Interactions 1: Listening and speaking. New York: MoGraw Hill INTERNET SOURCES LU https:/Avww (D htto // shtml i hitp:s/! {i http://owl.English. purdue.edulhandout LU http:iiwww angliknet LINKS TO LIRA 7 httos:/Miprivox.orgithe-happy-prince-and-other-tales-by-oscar-wilde/ U https:/Mibrivox.orgithe-frog-prince-and-other-stories-by-walter-crane/ LU php/1201115 http: / 17,php/201 U http:/ htm CU http:!ivnmw.values.comlinspirational-audio-stories Sources: 1. Be Empowered in English: A Coursebook. 2. Integrated Language Skills: Listening 3. Accelerate: Enhance Your English 4. Stride Ahead: Focus on English LISTENING 22 HY ae a. 7a NS General Listening Strategies Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others. For instance: * We listen to obtain information. Er a + We listen to understand , os + We listen for enjoyment. 2 <= «We listen to learn. rap z Given all the listening that we do, you would think we would be good at it! In fact, most of us are not, and research suggests that we only remember between 25 percent and 60 percent of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers, or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. Tum it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you are not hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured in your 25-50 percent, but what if they are not? d Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you can improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate. What is more, you will avoid conflict and misunderstandings. All of these are necessary for strong relationships with others, at home, socially, in education and in the workplace. The following tips can help you to be a good listener. + Be ready to listen * You should concentrate on what you are listening for. Do not think of anything else You should know what you are listening for. © Try to guess the meanings of the unfamiliar words by looking at the context they are used ‘+ Ifyou are listening to important details, be sure to jot them down, especially numbers. + You should not try to write down all the words as you will not have the time for that. + Write using simple or common abbreviations/short forms. * Try to make sense of what you are listening to. By doing this, you will be able to relate different parts of the listening text. Warm-up activity ‘A. Listen to a speech on general listening strategies in a seminar. Complete the checklist. (Track 1) Determine the of listening. Stay mentally alert — tell yourself that you are ready to You need to pay on key words. 2 00 0 Do not listen too - train yourself to listen in chunks, not to every word. co Respond to what you internally. ° your own style of to help you remember and understand the information better. B. You will listen to two excerpts. While listening, determine the purpose of each excerpt. Fill in the table below. (Tract 2) Excerpt Purpose C. Listen to an excerpt of a radio broadcast. Complete the diagram using key words. (Track 3) | Reasons for | Lack of |_ Motivation 2 ( D. Listen to a dialogue between Mrs Leela and a counsellor. Answer the questions that follow. (Track §) 1. How did Mrs Leela feel when she was talking to Mr Raju? She fett.. A. angry B. distraught C. rebellious 2. Mrs Leela is anxious for her daughter, Vasuki, because A. Vasuki misses her father very badly B. Vasuki wants to stay with friends she hardly knows C. Vasuki mixes with people who have a bad influence on her 3, Vasuki ran away from home because ‘A. she wanted to be independent B. the police were looking for her C. Mrs Leela was interfering with her life 4. Mr Raju feels that Vasuki's behaviour has changed since her father's death because A. she hates her mother B. she is under peer pressure ©. she is emotionally unstable Listening for Specific Information Imagine you are a detective taking a closer look at those buildings you saw earlier on as 2 ‘superhero. This time, rather than taking in the big picture, you are looking for something specific and rejecting anything that does not match what is on your list. Similarly, when listening for specific information, you are interested in a specific kind of information ~ perhaps a number, name or object. You can ignore anything that does not ‘sound relevant. In this way, you are able to narrow down your search and get the detail you need For example, if you are asked to write down the age of a person, listen for the words related to age (‘old’, ‘young’, ‘years’, ‘date of birth’, etc.) or a number that could represent that Person's age. If it is a conversation, you might wait to hear someone beginning a question with ‘How old...? Another example, you could also listen to a weather report to get details about the weather, or you could follow the sports. When you listen for specific information, you should pay attention to details. Example of details are’ * Names of people © Date * Names of places ° Time * Names of objects © Events * Statistics/figures/numbers * Reasons Reunion / New Year's Party - January 2nd, 2016! From Sam to 9am Club Penguin Time @ Servers Ice Breaker, Icicle, Ice Cold, and Ice Palace Warm- up activity A Listen to a talk on types of CDs used in computers. The talk is divided into three parts, (Track 12) Part A**. Listen to the first part of the talk. Tick (v) where appropriate. ‘Sentence CD-R CD-RW Itis used as back-up to store data Ituses inorganic dye The dye comes in various colours. The dye is made of rare metals. Itis more expensive. Part B**. Listen to the second part of the talk. Complete the table. [ CDR CD-RW Use 7 Function Data storage protection Running time length (minutes) Part C**. Listen to the final part of the talk. Circle the best response for the given questions. 4. Where is information on the CDs stored? A. Inthe self-fixing layer on both CDs B. In pits and lands on the CDs C. Inthe dye on the CDs 2. The dye on both CDs A. acts as a reflective surface B, melts at different temperatures C. creates a pitted pattern on the other side of the CDs 3. Which of the following features allows the CD-RW to be reusable? ‘A. The self-ixing recording layer. B. The reflective sides on the disc. C. The way the pits are arranged on the tracks. 4, The aluminium layer on both CDs A. creates the spiralling tracks B. helps to increase the number of pits C. allows data to be read on the opposite side B. Listen to a lecture on the importance and uses of a firewall in a computer. Complete the given diagram. (Track 13) FIREWALL * A type of 1 programme for all computers * Filters 2 3. software and information. Protection for PC users Methods employed to control information Protection for companies * Aots as a barrier * Packet filtering Only 8 which make it through against 4 websites, viruses, * Controls how employees 7, filters are accepted worms and 5. * 10. Only information allowed through the firewall is * Prevents 6 from accessing @ personal computer user's confidential fF eneures that retrieved and forwarded unauthorised personnel do not 6 * Stateful inspection Arelatively 1 method - information information must match 12, those which do not are filtered out C. Listen to a conversation between Raghav and Solehin on a new punch clock being installed at work. Complete the given diagram with suitable information. (Track 14) Stores binary data of employee's Reduces paper time cards. Eliminates 4. as an employee cannot Calculates employees 1. and % at _ i clock in or clock out work accurately. sai for someone else Clock Warm-up activity ‘A. Listen to an introduction made by the chairman of a seminar session. Match the figures with suitable information from the introduction (Track 15) Figure Information 7. 62 Donation to Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies 2. 8th Height of the guest speaker 3. RM1.67 billion 4. RM300 million 5. RM7.75 million Estimated wealth of the guest speaker Rank of the top 10 richest men in Malaysia ®| al els)» Contribution to set up a foundation B. Listen to some comments made by a fan at a book launch. Circle the statements which best represent the main ideas. (Track 16) Part A — Main idea in the comment on J.K. Rowling: a. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is read by millions of fans worldwide, and has been translated into many languages. b. J.K. Rowling who has sold millions of copies of the Harry Potter series worldwide, has avid readers of all ages. c. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is only popular among teenage readers Part B - Main idea in the comment on Stephen Covey: a. Stephen Covey, who is a management consultant, wrote The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People for corporate readers. b. Stephen Covey's best seller, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has been translated into one other language. ¢. Stephen Covey's best seller, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has benefited many young readers from the corporate sector. Part C — Mai idea in the comment on Dr Spencer: a. Dr Spencer motivates people from all walks of life through stories in his books. b. Dr Spencer writes books that are enjoyed by millions of people. c. Dr Spencer writes story books which motivate people from all walks of life. C. Listen to a dialogue on Tunku Abdul Rahman. State whether each statement is true (1) or false (F). (Track 17) Statement TIF 4 | Tunku first attended school at the age of seven. 2 | Tunkv’s first school was in his hometown, Alor Star, Kedah. 3 | Tunku attended Debsirin English School when he was thirteen. @ | Tunku then atiended Penang Free School in 1916. 5 | Tunku was promoted to Standard seven from ‘Standard two within | one year. © | Tunku obtained a scholarship and continued his studies at St. Catherine College, Scotland 7 | Tunku read law at Cambridge University, England D. Listen to an entertainment section of a radio show. Complete the given table. (Track 18) Actor & Details | Jackie Chan Jet Li Chow Yun Fatt | Age 54 First film (year) 1974 Film genre Acrobatic Kung Fu Romantic, blockbusters, comedy action movies Hollywood films Lethal Weapon 4, Romeo Must Die 10 Listening for Main Ideas What is “main idea"? The main idea is the general idea or the gist of the news item, conversation, announcement, message, or speech. The main idea does not include the supporting details, explanations or examples. It refers to the focus or the most important part of what we have listened. To find the main idea when listening to a lecture, listen for certain expressions. © Today's talk is about ..... © Iwill talk about © The most important idea here is Using an outline is good way to take notes on a reading assignment or a lecture. An outline is a list of main ideas. Each main idea is followed by a list of supporting details. You should make your own outlines for note-taking. When using an outline, you do not have to write complete sentences. You can save time by using words, phrases (groups of words), and symbols (for example, & @, %, =) . Ideas a Warm-up activity ‘A. Listen to the following news items, Circle the statements which best represent the main ideas. (Track 8) News Item 1 ‘a. The people of Ratya were affected by floods and landslides caused by heavy rain. b. The landslide destroyed a house in Ratya. News Item 2 a. The Sisma volcano almost wiped out Natya b. Residents of Natya were asked to evacuate their homes because of an eruption News Item 3 a. Residents of Katya are lacking shower facilities. b. Residents of Katya are suffering from heatstroke. B. Listen to a conversation between two neighbours. Answer the questions that follow. (Track 3) 1. Why did Arvin miss school? 2. What triggered the asthma attack? 3. What made the haze worse? 2 C. Listen to a radio talk show on saving the environment. Complete the flow chart below. (Track 10) Ways to Save the Environment D. Listen to a talk on organic food. Complete the given table. (Track 11) Benefits of organic food B Listening for Note Taking Effective notetaking involves extracting and recording the important ideas covered in lecture in a way that will help you to recall them. Good notes provide a valuable means for review and learning and can increase the probability of doing well on an exam Why is it important to take notes? To record information which may not be found elsewhere. To acquire important information which will be covered in an exam. To compile a permanent record for future reference To be able to see the underlying organization and purpose of the lecture more clearly Apply these strategies when you listen to take down notes: Focus on what you are listening to. Identify the purpose of listening Process information quickly Jot down key words or phrases only. Use key words which relate to equivalent information Use diagrams or outlines to organise your notes. 4 Warm-up activity ‘As students, it is important to learn how to take down notes effectively. You need to be an active listener to extract ideas. Excellent notes are concise, comprehensible, organised and coherent. Which of the following do you think can help you to take notes effectively? Put a tick ( ¥)in the spaces provided, Be attentive Identify the purpose of listening Train yourseff to process information rapidly Take down every word Listen for main ideas Use key words or key phrases Do not use abbreviations Elaborate your points Use diagrams or outlines to help organise your notes Do not worry about missing out some information; listen for the information when the text is read the second time Keep your notes concise A, Listen to a radio talk show. Fill in the blanks with suitable information. (Track 19) Job: Film Director A film director handles the 1 32. and 3. of the film, He needs to be 4 and 5. to succeed in the film industry. He is also involved in 6. the script, 7. a storyboard, deciding on the setting, 8. technical details and delegating tasks to 9. Job: Conductor Responsibilities include 4 and 2, the musicians, and directing the orchestra. Uses a baton to 3 the beat of the music for harmonious balance. Uses hand gestures to control the 4 5. and 6. of the music, 15 B, Listen to a talk on how to write a film review. Complete the table with suitable information. (Track 20) Paragraph What to include 4 of main actor/actress Genre 2 of the film 3and4 — | Aspects of cinematography, score, c. : 4. e. and editing 5 Your f. about the film Make g. C. Listen to a dialogue at a bank. Note down the following details. (Track 22) era Application for Bank Loan Purpose of visit The amount required Number of days required to process loan 4, Fill in the blanks in the following diagram: Documents Required Haji Deen's Company Quotations cVLB 1 | e | D. Listen to a conversation between two close friends. Answer the questions that follow. (Track 25) 1. How many times has Bazley received negative replies for his job applications? 2. Why did Stanley suggest that they become their own bosses? 3. What does Stanley plan to do with his parents’ banana plantation? 4, What did Bazley qualify in? 5. Complete the given flow chart: Planting Bananas Soil with good drainage Rhizome: Plant <>, \ Water and Ensure rhizome and roots es b. lightly are covered with soil Test moisture level by Do not water rhizome until d <——_—> sildries toa G depth Avoid windy conditions as Ensure there is plenty of e. <> sunlight and fresh circulating air Utlise B27: Banana Advantage of B27: harvesting equipment <> 9. invented by f he I q, ( ( Oe SS SS SSS wv LISTENING PRACTICE Fill in the blanks Practice 1 An 11-year old a) school boy was thrown onto the road when the b) door of a school bus opened. His parents are now demanding an ©), and compensation from the bus d). The boy who was seated in the last e) claimed that when he stood up to collect his bag, the bus swerved. At that point, the emergency door swung open and he was ) off the bus. The boy, whose chin was still g) , Said that the driver accused him of playing with the hy. of the emergency door. The boy's mother complained that the driver did not stop until the other children shouted that someone had fallen off the bus. The family is now i), an apology from the bus operator plus RMS500 in compensation. The police are i. the case and if found guilty the bus driver can be charged for negligence. Practice 2 150 students of a a) school in Punggol had to retake their midyear English exam after some scripts went b) . The principal of the school said that after the exam scripts were c). , they were taken to a holding room. He d) that 80 of the English exam scripts were °) from the pile and were misplaced. A report on the missing scripts was lodged on April 27 and the police are investigating the f) The secondary school teachers called the parents of the 9). students, cover the weekend to apologize. All the students from the five form two classes from the school had to retake the English exam paper the h). week, The state education department i), schools to allow only the id for the day into the holding room. 18 Practice 3 More than 30 manhole covers have been a) in the Ampang, Kepong and Cheras areas since early March, presumable by b). selling them for scrap metal. Manhole covers are stolen on ¢). but the recent thefts are a marked ) "Stealing manhole covers is dangerous,” said Ahmad Bukhari, a e) for the City Council, He added that anyone who steals these fh, creates a serious hazard for pedestrians and 9). The heavy covers are made of cast iron or composite A). and can weigh as much as 36 kilograms. The high price of i) makes them attractive to steel as scrap. Witnesses have reported seeing thieves wearing uniforms but without official j) prying open covers with car jacks, loading them onto pickup trucks and driving away. The police have urged the public to report anyone other than Indah Water workers, seen removing manhole covers. Practice 4 A security guard a). his 22 year old son in the back over a b), about parking space outside their home in Tampoi. The son asked his father to remove his car that was parked in a c). spot. This infuriated the father. In a fit of anger the man stabbed his son with a kitchen knife. It was d) that the victim's lungs and liver were injured and he had to undergo an e), which lasted several hours. The 22 year old victim also requires f) to his abdomen. The victim, who is being 9). at the Sultan Aminah Hospital, is shocked and told the reporters he won't forgive his father for what he had done. According to the victim's hy, sister, their father had never been violent before even though he has been under medication for i), She added that her father keeps to himself and does not j) with anyone at home 19 Practice 5 Students in Central China are hooking up to a), bottles of fluids in their classrooms. They have b) to using intravenous drips as @ form of relaxant to calm c). in their preparation for the nation's d), difficult college entrance exam. According to a school e) , this pre exam practice, which started six months ago, has become popular with the students as it has no f) health effects, He further explained that the amino acid in the drips can increase g). alertness and boosts energy levels. The school official h). that the students will not be i) for using the intravenous drips and they can continue using the drips if they wanted to. However some experts believe that such j)__are unnecessary and could lead to infection. SAMPLE PAST YEAR LISTENING QUIZ & TEST BEL120/ SEPT 2010 PARTA 1 ‘The National Kidney Foundation reports that kidney problems are caused by i improper food intake ii insufficient workout ili, fast food iv. diabetes iand ii i, ji and iil ii, ii and iv com> Allof the above 20 2. Drinking 100% juice is healthy for the following reasons except A itis rich in vitamins, minerals and polynutrients B. _ ithhas 35% natural juice C. _ itis pasteurized to retain its nutritional values, D. itis free from preservatives 3. The 26-year-old victim, A. was robbed B. lived in Batu Feringgi C. was shot twice in the chest D. died before reaching the hospital 4, According to the news item, if teachers are willing to teach ethnic languages, these languages can be listed as in schools. 5. Onher wedding day, the bride is forbidden to wear a asit hides or removes luck for wealth PART B 1. For centuries, garlic has been used to treat the following except A. insect bites B. dandruff C. epilepsy D. leprosy 2 Which of the following statement is false? ‘A. Garlic belongs to the onion and chive family B. Garlic juice was used to prevent wound infection C. Garlic is rich in vitamins, calcium, iron and amino acids D. Garlic can cause sinus and bronchitis if taken excessively 21 3. As annatural antibiotic, garlic A. eliminates bacteria B. treats skin problem C. _ isas effective as penicillin D. is favoured by doctors in America 4. Blood platelets stick together and form clots which can cause and 5. Garlic is beneficial in the treatment of cancer because it is that fights free radicals. PART C 1. According to Ashraf, writing a blog allows him to do all of the following except A. have fun B. discover himself C. express his thoughts D. develop his writing skills 2, Atthe beginning of the conversation, Ashraf said he failed to understand why many people enjoyed blogging until he A. was teased by Yati B. discovered his true personality C. was forced to change his views D. discovered some amusing blogspots 3. According to Yati, she has not created her own blog because she A. is unwise B. is computer illiterate C. has very few friends D. has little time for herself. 22 4 Ashraf mentioned that itis important to keep blogs positive and neutral so that people do not get or easily. From the conversation, we can conclude that Yati and Ashraf will most probably meet for after Yati's lecture. MAC 2011 PARTA 1 Alllof the following statements are true except A two Chinese men were caught for smuggling pangolins B. the police took the two men to the Gambang police station c. the police took the pangolins to the Gambang police station D. two men were caught for smuggling pangolins at a Chinese cemetery Based on the news item, children were surrendered to the police station by couples who had bought them illegally A five B. four Cc. three D. two Itwas recommended that the Haiti government to the poor. ‘A. offer job opportunities B. expand social services C. conduct therapy sessions D. provide emotional support According to the news report, the female victim lost while her boyfriend fractured his and ribs. The news reported that a total number of medical students were in Padang when the earthquake struck 23, PARTB 1 In the talk, the speaker mentioned that antioxidants help to get rid of free radicals that can cause A acne B. weight gain C. tooth decay D. premature aging Which of the following statements is True? A. Blueberries have an oxygen radical absorbance capacity of 13,120 units: B. Dark chocolates have an oxygen radical absorbance capacity of 2,450 units. C. Dark chocolates have a better capacity to absorb free radicals compared to blueberries D. Blueberries have a better capacity to absorb free radicals compared to dark chocolates. Dark chocolates contain, i antioxidants fi, cocoa butter i. saturated fats iv. unsaturated fats iand ji ii and ii i, jtandiv All of the above pop> The sugar content in a medium sized bar of dark chocolate is compared to a glass of grapefruit juice. At the end of the talk, the speaker highlighted that an average bar of chocolate contains less caffeine compared to a can of, 24 PART C 1 When Ameera commented, “Mmm... smells great.’, we can infer that she found A. the tea aromatic B. the tea refreshing C. the pancakes tasty D. the pancakes aromatic All of the following statements are true about ‘pudina’ except that A. the leaves are small B. the plant grows quickly C. the flowers are purple white in color D. the herb can grow up to only 60 centimeters Mint is commonly used to treat indigestions ji, sinusitis it asthma iv, bronchitis A. iandii B. iiiandiv Cc. i, iiandiv D. allof the above According to Umar, mint has properties which can treat acne. For optimal results, Umar advised Ameera to drink three times a day 25 ELC 121 / AUGUST 2016 PARTA 1. According to the news item A. 60 abandoned babies were found alive in 2015 B 100 babies are reported dumped every year on average c 114 abandoned babies were found in rubbish bins in 2015 D. 2014 recorded the highest number of baby dumping cases 2. Babies were mostly abandoned in several places EXCEPT A rubbish bins B. ‘on doorsteps Cc. on the streets D. _inbaby hatches 3. Selangor recorded the least number of cases of abandoned babies in 2015? A True B. False Questions 4-5, write answers in NOT MORE THAN § WORDS, 4. A counsellor from a university in Kuala Lumpur mentions that society blames for teenage pregnancy. 5. Death rates of abandoned babies following the introduction of the ‘baby Hatch’ by the orphan CARE foundation PART B 1. Based on the conversation, what is Haikal's current hobby? A Hiking B. Reading C. Meeting people D. Collecting Stamps 26 2. The following are hiking tips given by Balgis EXCEPT A, one should prepare in advance B. one should bring a partner C. one should stay calm if something goes wrong D. one should be familiar with the surrounding 3. According to Balgis, the best way to know hiking route is to ‘A. look at maps showing the route B. ask another hiker about the route C. ask someone who knows the route D. _look for signboards showing the route Questions 4-6, write answers in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS 4. Haikal is looking forward to. the hiking trails once he is familiar with 5. Based on the conversation, Haikal is feeling about his hiking trip. ELC120/ JUN - SEPT 2013 PARTA 1. When did the robbery occur? A. Atnight B. Inthe morning _C. Inthe evening 2. How many employees were at the shop at the time of the robbery? A One BB. Two C.Three —_D. Four. 3. What happened after the acid splashing incident? A. The robbers escaped by car B. One of the robbers fired a shot C. The armed robbers left their loot behind 27 4. Which of the following was found at the scene of the crime? A. Gun and a mask B. ‘Some acid in a bottle C. Several bullet casings 5. Which one of the following statement is true? A A robber was injured in the incident B. The goldsmith shop suffered no losses C. A female employee at the shop was shot dead PART B 1. What is the main reason for Karim to surf the internet? A. To obtain pictures of Australia B. To look for holiday destination C. To find information about Pulau Pinang 2. Karim has just returned from Australia A. True B. False 3. According to Maria, in 2012 A. Pulau Pinang was ranked the most popular holiday destination among foreign tourists 8B. Australians flicked to Malaysia especially to Pulau Pinang for its local Delicacies C. Malaysia was one of the countries in the world to have the most number of foreign tourists, 4. In Maria's opinion, which one of the following is affordable in Pulau Pinang? A. Museum tickets —_B. Local delicacies C. Hotels at Batu Feringgi §. Karim and his family will most likely go to Pulau Pinang for a holiday A. True B. False 28 ELC 121 / FEBRUARI 2015 PARTA 4. The inci A B ic D. 2. Inthe i A B, c. D. ident involving a S-76 helicopter occurred 148 km near Miri near a control tower off the Bintulu coast on a ship as it was landing incident, there was a total of Survivors on board the helicopter six two eight seven 3. Which one of the following will not be given to survivors? A 8 ©. Medical check up AA full report of the investigation Monetary assistance if necessary Questions 4-6, write answers in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS 4. The helicopter carrying the Petronas personnel was to land on a ship for a 5. The pilot alerted the Bintulu Airport before the 6. According to the news item, the pilot sustained in the incident, 29 PARTB 7. According to Mr. Raja, Dalia has been late times for her shifts, A B c. D. two five four three Mr. Raja called Dalia to his office to A B, c. D. ask her about her college work hand over a new set of uniform give her the previous month’s salary inquire about her coming in late for work 8. Based on the conversation, Dalia works at McDonald's every Friday. A B. TRUE FALSE Questions 4-6, write answers in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS 10. "1 12 Dalia has a part time job so that she can Mr. Raja advices Dalia that she needs to cope better with her and From the conversation, we can conclude that Mr. Raja is a stern but employer. 30

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