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WEEK 1 – DAY 1 DATE: _______________

A. Content Standard
 Applies knowledge and skills, and develops one’s interest in
animal / fish raising.
B. Performance Standard
 Manages family resources, applying the principles of home
C. Learning Competencies
 Identifies family resources and needs (human, material and
nonmaterial) TLEHE-Oa-1



A. References
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide in EPP/TLE, TLEHE-Oa-1
 K to 12 Teacher and Learners’ Guide in HE 6
 TLE 6 Home Economics pp. 119- 120
 Learning and Living in the 21st Century pp. 189-190
 http://www.google.com/search
 TLE (HE) – Grade 6 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 -
Module 1: Family Resources and Needs First Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Resources
 Chart, word cards, meta cards, pictures
C. Value Focus: Wise use of family resources

A. Motivation
 Interactive Game
(Let the pupils unscrambled the letters to form the correct word
base on the given definition/statement)

1. YMAFLI (Family) – is the basic unit of the community

2. SEROSUER (Resources) – can be defined as anything we use
to achieve what we want and needs.
3. ENEDS (Needs) – are things that you cannot live without
4. ANWTS (Wants) - are items that are desirable but not essential

B. Establishing purpose of the lesson

 Ask the question:
Based from the activity, what do you thing our lesson for
today? (answers may vary: possible answers – its all about
family resources, needs and wants)
C. Presenting the new lesson
 Activity #1
Direction: Show to the class meta cards and ask them to identify if
its is Human Resource, Material Resource and Nonmaterial

WATER Material Resource

TIME Nonmaterial Resource

SKILLS Human Resource

FURNITURE Material Resource


 Activity #2
Direction: Identify the following if Needs or Wants
1. House (needs)
2. Food (needs)
3. Cellular Phone (wants)
4. Clothes (needs)
5. Car (wants)

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

 Teacher will have a short discussion on Family Resources.
What are the types of family resources?
1. Human Resources
 Capabilities, intelligence and skills (every
person has her/his unique ability and intelligence
in a way to improves not only himself/herself but
also others. It is important to identify the talents
and skills each person has and utilize them for
common good.)
 Strength and energy (The strength of a person
does not only mean having good health and strong
body. It also means having emotional stability,
mental alertness, having reasonable commitment
and positive outlook in life, especially in work that
improves self and society. Strength is also needed
to accomplish tasks on time in order to play,
entertain and relax with the family afterwards.)
2. Material Resources
 Material Resources are materials found in nature
that can be used for practical human purposes
that are considered to have value. Material
Resources include wood from trees, edible plants
that can be used as food, sand to make glass,
metals extracted out of rocks and chemicals from
plants that can turned into plastics. Tangible
assets such as house and lot, furniture and
appliances, jewelry, automobiles and cash are
referred to as the family’s material resources.
Every family must invest wisely in material
resources, making sure that they consider quality,
durability, and appreciation value when choosing
what to purchase. Real properties and jewelry
increase in value over time while the value of
furniture, appliances and automobiles depreciate
or go down as they get old and worn out.
3. Nonmaterial Resources
 are intangible resources such as health,
experiences, and time. Without nonmaterial
resources, family members will be unable to
perform their duties and responsibilities at home,
in school, and at work.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

 Have a short discussion about Family Basic Needs.
F. Developing Mastery
Group Activity #1 (Interactive Game)
Directions: Group the class into 5 distribute the show me board,
pictures and phrases ask them to identify what type of family
it is.

1. Human Resources

2. Material Resources

3. Human Resources

4. Nonmaterial Resources

5. Material Resources

6. Talents and Skills – Human Resources

7. Sand use to make glass – Material Resources
8. Experiences – Nonmaterial resources
9. Mental Alertness – Human resources
10. Health – Nonmaterial Resources
Group Activity #2 (Interactive Game)
Direction: Identify the basic needs of a family. Choose the correct
answer from the box below.

G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills

 As a Grade 6 learner, how can you put into good use in your
community the human resources that you have for example your
skills or intelligence.

H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson

 Ask the following questions
1. What are the different types of family resources? What about
the different kinds of basic needs?

I. Evaluation
A. Direction: Identify the types of resources being listed below. Write HR
for Human Resources, MR for Material resources and NR for
Nonmaterial Resources.
1. Mental Alertness (HR)
2. Jewelry (MR)
3. Talents (HR)
4. Furniture (MR)
5. Time (NR)
J. Assignment / Additional Activities
 Using an old magazine, newspaper or pictures from the web make
a collage of the different family resources. Paste it in a coupon



Prepare by:

Teacher I / TLE Teacher

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