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Leadership Passages

 Transition from Individual contributor to Manager without making a behavioral or value based transition
(or) without absorbing much of learning will results in a disaster.
 Need to stop relying on self work skills and valuing self ability to solve problems and learn to Plan, Design,
Delegate and hold people accountable.
 Organized discussions with Teams and allowing people to exchange ideas and concerns and partnering in
the setting up a protocol or decision making (Creating good environment).
 Work Value to be developed by accepting company Culture and Adopting Professional Standards.

Three Major Activities Includes:

1) Defining and Assigning Work to be done:
 Need to Get Sufficient Knowledge on the Regions (Strengths, Challenges & Opportunities) and
Organization Goals.
 Need to define the goals in alignment towards Divisional Goals and later Assign the same to the team.
 Team to be trained and coached in how to Plan and Execute.
 Need to become skilled at regular review and follow-ups with team, problem solving, measurement,
rewards and coaching the team.
 Regular Communication with Boss, Team & Supporting Functions to understand the Needs & expectations
and accordingly Plan – Design – Delegate – Follow up – Review.

2) Enabling direct reports to do the work: by monitoring, coaching, providing feedback, acquiring
resources, problem solving and communicating.
 Need to engage in regular discussions with people as well as keep tabs on workflow.
 Monitoring needs to be Active rather than a Passive process ie., positive feedback when results were good
otherwise need to provide training, rescheduling, redesign, request for more resources when results are
not so good.
 Never see questions from his people as interruptions.
 Mostly Avoid Fixing the mistakes and try to teach them to do the work properly.
 Don’t Refuse to take ownership for the success of his people.
 Need to be approachable both physically & emotionally when required (Don’t Distance yourself team
problems and failures).

3) Building Social Contacts through relationships with direct reports, bosses and support groups that
facilitate open dialogues and trust.
 Need to build Trust and openness / Transparent in Communication.
 Building Mutual Respect & Support with Team.
 Need to value the team and build relationships with boss / Reports / Support Teams.
 Well connecting with management structure and understanding how it works.
 Need to become accountable for the success of team.
 Broader thinking and wider perspective is required.
 Connecting with different teams on a common purpose and collectively work towards success of business.

 Need to learn how to reallocate time so that – we not only complete our assigned work but also help
others perform effectively.
 Need to shift from doing work to getting work Done through others.
 Responsible for Getting work done through others than on their own.
 Should stop thinking about themselves and start thinking about others.
 Should be mature in Setting Objectives – Planning – Delegating – Motivating – Coaching – Measuring /
Review of Work – Feedback – Holding People Accountable.
 Should be Open for discussions – Transparent – Providing time for others – Team involvement in Decision
Making Process
 Should Inculcate Learning behavior, which Involves: Planning, Punctuality, Quality, Reliability.

 Should not be Jealously.
 Should not Guard Information.
 Should not Issue Order.
 Should Not Take Unilateral Decisions.

Support from Boss to First Line Manager in Transition:

 Correcting mistakes.
 Giving training to gain the communication and other skills he lacked.
 Assessment System
 Coaching on how to come up with viable ideas.
 Identifying Gap and provide a Combination of coaching and feedback.

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