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-Commit to a clear structure: It helps you move forward, it's the backbone of the whole conversation
involving Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

-Practice more: This should be done up to 10 times because you need several repetitions to get
completely comfortable with expressing yourself and connecting when sharing information.

-Limit your notes: Avoid too many notes, the more you practice you cut the notes down, instead of full
sentences pair it down to half sentences. Make use of keywords.

-Each time you practice say it in a variety of ways so no matter what happens you can keep moving
smoothly in a conversation.

-Keep your practice sessions realistic: Let to practice keeping it real, you can make use of stuffed animals
as an audience to comfortably deliver a presentation to people.

2. I liked the Second reading and the reason is the way he read the poem. He read it in a structured way
knowing the material and speaking conversationally about it. I also like how brief the poem is.

3. The readers delivered the poems in a structured and concise manner

4.-Personal appearance: The way you dress plays a huge role in the attention given by the audience. It is
advisable to dress a half step you from the audience to give a good first impression.

-Movement: When speaking it is important to appear calm, poised, and confident. Give yourself time to
get dressed, arrange your notes properly and be confident, establish strong eye contact. A calm
demeanor is important for a good delivery.

-Gestures: They add to the impact of a speech, but do not let the gestures distract you from the message
you want to pass across. Once you do that focus on communicating to your listeners and with time you
acquire experience and confidence when delivering a speech.

-Eye Contact: Eye contact is very important in delivering a speech, it is the quickest way to communicate
with your listeners conveying confidence, sincerity, and conviction. It may be difficult at first but with
time it becomes easier. Avoiding their gaze is a way to lose customers

5. She was effective in using her voice because she delivered her speech comfortably with so much
confidence using a lively voice to bring her presentation to life. She also maintained good eye contact
and facial expressions with the audience thereby trying to establish a communicative bond between

She was effective in using her body because she did not allow the gestures, she was making to distract
her from the message, she appeared natural and spontaneous which helped her relate more to the
6. I learned a lot from this topic as a whole. I got to understand five effective tips to deliver a
presentation comfortably, by knowing how different aspects like personal appearance, gesture, and eye
contact play an important role and can affect the conviction and confidence of your audience. I will be
applying the practice method in presentation delivery because I could resonate with it.

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