Research Worksheet One

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Ambient Loop research part one of two

Research and analysis of the audience for your ambient loop (U10:LO1_AC1.1)

1. Answer ALL of these questions. There are nine in total.
2. PROVIDE EXAMPLES for each one of them in the form of URLS and/or images.
3. Explain WHY you have chosen each one (what you like/don’t like: reflection).
4. You will be given a second part of this in a later lesson.
5. You will be expected to add small aspects of research to your weekly blog after doing
these sheets.

Question 1/9
Suggest at least 3 groups within society who might use Youtube as a whole and look for examples to
support them.

Groups in society (research)

1. old people
2. teenagers
3. young children

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. most of the older people that use YouTube that I know use it to look up helpful tutorials the channel that I
have linked above is a car fixing tutorial channel.
2. almost all teenagers that I know watch gamers and video game related videos on YouTube this channel I
have linked above I have heard is a good channel for those that enjoy the popular Call of Duty franchise.
3. young children enjoy bright and colourful videos especially those that include lots of songs because it helps
to encourage laughing and talking to develop them quickly.

Question 2/9
Suggest at least 3 groups of uses for Youtube for music specifically and look for examples to support them.

Groups in society (research)

1. young adults
2. aspiring artists
3. kids

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. most people enjoy to listen to music so they use YouTube because there is more variety to find small
artists or even different remixes and covers for existing songs that aren’t very popular
2. new and upcoming artists can use videos and songs on YouTube to gather info or get inspiration for
their own song ideas.
3. Whereas young children listen to more streamline popular music or even children’s songs also some
younger children listen to nursery rhymes

Question 3/9
Suggest at least 3 groups within society who might use ambient music and look for examples to support

Groups in society (research)

Most people who listen to ambient music are those who have difficulty concentrating when too many things
demand their attention.
1. people who do chores.
2. people who find it hard to concentrate while studying.
3. people who struggle to sleep.

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)




Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. when someone is doing important but boring jobs like cleaning, they tend to get distracted easily because
it’s too quiet I personally listen to music because it helps me get jobs done quicker and stops me from getting
2. when people are working there can be lots to do and it becomes overwhelming but music can help keep
calm in stressful situations.
3. lots of people struggle to sleep myself included because our minds race through lots of different thoughts so
music can help focus your mind on just the music so it works less and helps you to fall asleep.

Question 4/9
List three genres of ambient music which you believe are popular on Youtube. Give examples.

Genres of ambient music (research)

1. classical
2. lo-fi
3. acoustic

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. lots of people enjoy classical because of the different instruments used in it can be very soft and calming and
many older people would have grown up with parents and/or grandparents that played classical music.
2.lots of younger people over the last couple years have really enjoyed lo-fi music because even though the
sounds and music is very electrical the sounds are softer and enjoyable to listen to.
3. everyone lo0ves acoustic music, acoustic guitars are nice to hear and easy to learn, the sound it makes can
be very calming because it is a very simple instrument with a large pitch range.

Question 5/9
List three genres, styles or sources of animation which you believe are popular for ambient loops on
Youtube. Give examples.

Genres/styles of animation (research)

1. rubber hose animation
2. Claymation animation
3. hand drawn 2D

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. rubber hose is one of my favourite animation types because of its simplistic drawing style and bouncy
character animation.
2. a style commonly used in older films by the likes of Tim Burton in most of his films and shows such as Shawn
the sheep and Wallace and grommet
3. 2D is very big because it was the beginning of the animation journey I love that you can make a 2d
animation look 3D just by using good colouring, lighting and shadows.

Question 6/9
List 3 animated ambient loops which you personally like. Talk about what you like specifically about the
animations for each.
Name of artist or original work (research)

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)



Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. I thought the colours looked cool because they move around, it creates a very relaxed and calming
surrounding. The audio in this also helps this calmed atmosphere
2. the scrolling skyline is very relaxing and I like the sky ion the background.
3. I like this one because it has a very cute characters in it.

Question 7/9
From ONE of the loops you chose in question 6, identify something which you think is stopmo/keyframed.
Use screen shots to support this.

Description of stop-mo asset (research): Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique in which
objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed
frames so that they will appear to exhibit independent motion or change when the series of
frames is played back.
What you like/don’t like about it (reflection): I think that this character is stop mo because hew only makes
very minute movements like a stop mo

Question 8/9
From ONE of the loops you chose in question 6, identify something which you think is tweened. Use screen
shots to support this.

Description of tweened asset (research) : Inbetweening, also known as tweening, is a process in

animation that involves creating intermediate frames, called inbetweens, between two keyframes.
The intended result is to create the illusion of movement by smoothly transitioning one image into
What you like/don’t like about it (reflection): this scene is tweened because both the background and
foreground move smoothly but at different speeds to show depth.

Question 9/9
Identify something which you think is an effect added after animating. Use screen shots to support this.

Description of post-animation effect (research): effects that have been added after the original drawing of the

What you like/don’t like about it: (reflection) I think that thew glow of the sun is an added effect.

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