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Department: Elementary Quarter : 1 Effective: Page:

Area/Level: Health grade 1 Day:1 Revision: cc:


The learners will demonstrate understanding about the importance of
good eating habits and behavior
How do you keep your body healthy?
I. Preliminaries
 Focus
Healthful and Less Healthful Foods

 Motivation: Sing and Dance with Me

The teacher will present a music video “Apples and Bananas Song” and the
learners will sing along with it.

Ask: What is your favorite food?

 Activating Prior Knowledge (APK)

The teacher will present pictures or situations to students.

Ask: Can you identify what is in the picture?

II. Lesson Development
A. Presentation of Concepts

Students will know the healthful and less healthful foods.

Students will be able to categorize healthful from less healthful foods.
Learning Activities:
1. Before the Discussion
a. Setting of Standards
b. Raising of motive question.
ask: What should you eat to become healthy?

2. During Discussion
a) Discuss about healthful and less healthful foods.
b) Differentiate healthful and less healthful foods; Water and milk vs. soft
drinks and Fruits and vegetables vs. sweets, salty and processed food
c) Give examples of healthy and less healthy foods.
Department: Elementary Quarter : 1 Effective: Page:
Area/Level: Health grade 1 Day:1 Revision: cc:

3. After Discussion
a. Answering of motive questions
ask: What should you eat to become healthy?

4. Engagement Activity
Activity name: Healthy or Not Healthy
Direction : Cross out the less healthful foods and color the healthful foods.

B. Broadening of Concepts:
1. Why is it important to obey our parents when they don’t allow us to eat
less healthful foods?
2. Why is it important to eat healthful food before going to school?

C. Integration

a. Ignacian Core Values: Faith

Related Values: Strong Faith in God

Is it good to disobey your parents? Why or why not?

Department: Elementary Quarter : 1 Effective: Page:
Area/Level: Health grade 1 Day:1 Revision: cc:

b. Social Orientation: “ To eat is necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art”

What do you think will happen if we don’t pay attention to what we eat?

c. Lesson Across Discipline: AP- Ang Aking Pagpapahalaga sa Sariling


Knowing that eating unhealthy foods can harm your body, what will you do if
your friend gives you junk foods?

d. Faith/Biblical Reflection:

“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord”
Colossians 3:20

III. Evaluation/Assessment:


Goal Draw a healthful food and color it.

Role Artist

Audience Teacher and classmates

Situation Think of a healthful food. Draw and color it nicely.

Product, Draw a healthful food to encourage others to eat healthful food and
Performance, become healthy.

Standards and (see rubrics)

Criteria for Success

Criteria for the drawing

Criteria Excellent Developing to Beginner
Department: Elementary Quarter : 1 Effective: Page:
Area/Level: Health grade 1 Day:1 Revision: cc:

(__ points) (__ points) (__ points)

Neatness (30 pts.) Drawing is incredibly The drawing is neat, The drawing is untidy
neat with no smudges with few smudges or with many smudges
or tears. tears. and tears.

Accuracy (30 pts.) Drawing represents Drawing represents Drawing does not
healthful food and the healthful food. represent healhful
color is accurate. food.

Creativity (40 pts.) Drawing is creative Drawing is creative Need to work on

and colored nicely and colored nicely. creativity.
and neatly.

IV. Closure Activity:

What thing did you learned from our lesson?

What thing did you promised to do?

V. Purposive Assignment:
Eat Right
Materials needed: card board or paper plate, cut out pictures or drawings of
healthful foods, glue, and scissor.
Direction: Ask your parents to assist you.
On a paper plate or cardboard, you will paste the cut-out pictures of healthful food
and pass it on our next meeting.

VI. References/Instructional Materials:

-DLL, CG, Laptop, Slide Presentation

Prepared by: Banaag, Joshein C.

Department: Elementary Quarter : 1 Effective: Page:
Area/Level: Health grade 1 Day:1 Revision: cc:

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