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Class 10 Social Science MCQs Chapter 4 Globalisation and the Indian Economy

Globalisation And The Indian Economy Class 10 Question MCQ 1. Removing barriers or
restrictions set by the government is called:
(a) Liberalisation
(b) Investment
(c) Fovourable trade
(d) Free trade


CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 4 MCQ Question 2. Rapid integration or interconnection

between countries is known as:
(a) Privatisation
(b) Globalisation
(c) Liberalisation
(d) Socialisation


MCQ Of Globalisation And Indian Economy Question 3. Globalisation has led to improvement
in living conditions:
(a) of all the people
(b) of people in the developed countries
(c) of workers in the developing countries
(d) none of the above.


MCQ On Globalisation And The Indian Economy Question 4. Which one of the following
Indian indus¬tries has been hit hard by globalisation?
(a) Information Technology (IT)
(b) Toy making
(c) Jute
(d) Cement


MCQ On Globalisation Class 10 Question 5. World Trade Organisation (WTO) was started at
the initiative of which one of the following group of countries?
(a) Rich countries
(b) Poor countries
(c) Developed countries
(d) Developing countries


MCQ On Globalisation Question 6. Which of the following organisations lays stress on

liberalisation of foreign trade and foreign investment?
(a) International Labour Organisation
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) World Health Organisation
(d) World Trade Oraganisation


Globalisation MCQ Class 10 Question 7. Investments made by MNCs are termed as:
(a) Indigenous investment
(b) Foreign investment
(c) Entrepreneur’s investment
(d) None of the above


Class 10 Economics Chapter 4 MCQ With Answers Question 8. Which of the following is not a
feature of a Multi-National Company?
(a) It owns/controls production in more than one nation.
(b) It sets up factories where it is close to the markets.
(c) It organises production in complex ways.
(d) It employs labour only from its own country.


Globalisation Class 10 MCQ Question 9. Tax on imports is an example of:

(a) Terms of Trade
(b) Collateral
(c) Trade Barriers
(d) ForeignTrade

MCQ Of Chapter 4 Economics Class 10 Question 10. Which one of the following is not
characteristic of‘Special Economic Zone’?
(a) They do not have to pay taxes for long period.
(b) Government has allowed flexibility in labour laws.
(c) They have world class facilities.
(d) They do not have to pay taxes for an initial period of five years.


Globalisation And The Indian Economy MCQ Question 11. Companies who set up production
units in the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) do not have to pay taxes for an initial period of:
(a) 2 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 4 years
(d) 10 years


MCQ On Globalization Pdf Question 12. It refers to the globalisation which creates opportunities
for all and ensures that its benefits are better shared.
(a) Privatisation
(b) Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
(c) World Trade Organisation (WTO)
(d) Fair globalisation


Globalisation MCQ Question 13. An MNC is a company that owns or controls production in
(a) one country
(b) more than one country
(c) only developing countries
(d) only developed countries


MCQ Of Chapter Globalisation And Indian Economy Question 14. The process of rapid
integration or interconnection between countries through free trade, free mobility of capital and
labour is called
(a) Foreign trade
(b) Liberalisation
(c) Globalisation
(d) Privatisation


Objective Type Questions On Globalization Question 15. What was the main channel connecting
countries in the past?
(a) Labour
(b) Religion
(c) Technology
(d) Trade


Multiple Choice Questions On Globalisation Question 16. ‘The impact of Globalisation has not
been fair.’ Who among the following people have not benefitted from globalisation?
(a) Well off consumers
(b) Small producers and workers
(c) Skilled and educated producers
(d) Large wealthy producers


Class 10 Economics Chapter 4 MCQ With Answers Question 17. What is the main motive
behind the investments of MNCs?
(a) The main motive is to increase their assets and earn profits.
(b) The main motive is the welfare of the poor people.
(c) The main motive of an MNCs is to offer financial support to the government of their country.
(d) The main motive is to benefit foreign countries.


MCQs On Globalisation Class 10 Question 18. “MNCs keep in mind certain factors before
setting up production”. Identify the incorrect option from the choices given below
(a) Availability of cheap skilled and unskilled labour
(b) Proximity to markets
(c) Presence of a large number of local competitors
(d) Favourable government policies

Globalization MCQs With Answers Question 19. WTiich Indian company was bought over by
Cargill Foods—a large American MNC? Pick out the name from the alternatives provided
(a) Amul
(b) Fun Foods Ltd.
(c) Agro Tech Foods Ltd.
(d) Parakh Foods


MCQ On Economics Class 10 With Answers Question 20. WTiich organisation supports
liberalisation of foreign trade and investments in India?
(a) International Labour Organisation (ILO)
(b) World Bank
(c) World Trade Organisation (WTO)
(d) International Monetary Fund (IMF)


Globalization MCQ Question 21. In which year did the government decide to remove barriers on
foreign trade and investment in India?
(a) 1993
(b) 1992
(c) 1991
(d) 1990


MCQ On Globalization Question 22. Which of the following industries have been hard hit by
foreign competition?
(a) Dairy products
(b) Leather industry
(c) Cloth industry
(d) Vehicle industry


MCQ On Globalisation And Liberalisation Question 23. _____________ refers to all those
different economic reforms or policy measures and changes which aim at increasing the
productivity and efficiency by creating an environment of competition in the economy.

Economics Class 10 MCQ Question 24. Indian government felt the need for removing barriers
on foreign trade and foreign investment in ____________ .


Globalization Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Question 25. A _____________ is a

company that owns or controls production in more than one nation/country.


Globalisation And The Indian Economy Class 10 Questions Answers Question 26.
_____________ refers to exchange of goods, i.e., purchase and sale, across geographical
boundaries of the countries.


27. The main aim of World Trade Organisation is _____________ .


28. ‘Increased job opportunities’ is an impact of _____________ .


29. The industrial zones which are set up to attract the foreign investment are known as
_____________ .

30. ‘Increase in GNP’ is a positive impact of liberalisation. (True/False)


31. ‘Deregulation of Industries’ is a feature of economic reforms introduced in 1991 in India.



32. Rapid integration or interconnection between countries is known as socialisation.



33. World Trade Organisation (WTO) was started at the initiative of developing countries.


34. ‘Ensuring that rules are being followed’ is a function of World Trade Organisation.


35. As on July 2016, 175 countries are the members of World Trade Organisation. (True/False)

36. UNICEF is one such organisation whose aim is to liberalise international trade. (True/False)


37. Define a Multinational Corporation (MNC).


38. Why do MNCs set up their offices and factories in those regions where they get cheap labour
and other resources? [All India 2016]


39. Define investment.


40. What is foreign investment?


41. Mention two benefits that local companies get when they set up production units in
association with the MNCs.

42. How are the MNCs spreading their production across the globe?


43. What happens to the sales of the Indian toys when Chinese toys invade the domestic market?


44. Define globalisation.


45. Due to which reason the latest models of different items are available within our reach?
[Foreign 2016]


46. Give one major factor that has stimulated the globalisation process.


47. What is meant by trade barrier? [All India 2016]

48. How government can use trade barriers?


49. Why had the Indian Government put barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment after
independence? State any one reason. [Delhi 2015]


50. Why did the Indian Government remove barriers to a large extent on foreign trade and
foreign investment? [Foreign 2015]


51. What is liberalisation? [All India 2017(C)]


52. What is the aim of World Trade Organisation?


53. How many countries of the world were members of the World Trade Organisation in July

54. Who forced the developing countries to remove the trade barriers?


55. How has globalisation benefited the well- off consumers?


56. What are the benefits of goods or products produced by the MNCs?


57. Give two examples of Indian Companies which have emerged as Multinational Companies.


58. Which industries have been hit hard by the competition?


59. What are SEZs?

60. What special benefit is offered to the companies setting up their production units in the
Special Economic Zones (SEZs)?


61. What do you mean by fair globalisation?


62. What do you think can be done so that trade between countries is more fair?


63. Differentiate between investment and foreign investment. [Delhi 2016]


64. What is the basic function of foreign trade?


65. What prompts people to move from one country to another?


66. Which factor is responsible for the faster delivery of goods across the world in recent times?

67. After independence, which items were allowed to be imported by the government of India?


68. After independence, which items were allowed to be imported by the government of India?


69. What has brought about the availability of greater choice of goods in the market for the


70. In which two different forms do we participate in the market?


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