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• Academic
• Spiritual Collaboration
guidance • Social Support
• Shared moral

Lifelong Friends
• Stress Reliever
• Mutual Assistance
SSG Family • Practical life
Organization advice
• Unconditional Love
• Leadership • Foundation of values and
Skills beliefs
• Social
• Main support system
during highs and lows
Where Do I Belong?
1. How can your social groups influence your development as a social being?

As a social being, my social groups impact me in ways that allow me to acquire social norms and values while also developing my cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral growth. In terms of cognitive growth, social groups expose me to a variety of viewpoints and concepts from people
around me, which helps me strengthen my critical thinking skills. Moreover, I acquire empathy and emotional intelligence from the individuals I
engage with and share experiences with. Finally, I improve my behavior by adjusting to social norms and meeting societal expectations.

2. What facilitates the sense of belongingness between members of social groups?

The sense of belongingness between members of social groups is facilitated by their common identities, beliefs, and interests. Moreover, social
support between the members is also another element that builds their connection as the social group becomes their emotional support system.
Lastly, open communication fosters a shared understanding and strengthens the feeling of shared purpose in such groups.

3. How can we compare primary social groups to secondary social groups?

Primary and secondary social groups differ significantly. Primary groups are intimate, personal, and long-lasting relationships that help shape an
individual's personality and sense of well-being. Secondary groups, on the other hand, are larger and more formal, and they provide individuals
with a variety of experiences and professional development opportunities. Overall, both forms of groups contribute significantly to a person's
social development.

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