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Forming Nouns worksheet 2

A. Complete each of these sentences by inserting the noun formed

from the verb in brackets.

1. The room echoed with the laughter of children. (laugh)

2. The marriage took place at St. Peter’s Church. (marry)
3. The work of our hospitals fills us with admiration
4. A fierce argument ensued between the two men. (argue)
5. The ascent of Everest was a notable feat. (ascend)
6. The children’s behavior at the concert was excellent.
7. The rebellion was led by one of the generals. (rebel)
8. Roy is to have a tryout with the senior soccer team. (try)
9. The appearance of the two teams was greeted by loud
cheering. (appear)
10. The receipt of a long letter from home made the soldier
very happy. (receive)

B. Complete each phrase by using the noun formed from the verb in
1. A Fixed allowance (allow)
2. A clear explanation (explain)
3. A sound defense (defend)
4. Thunderous applause (applaud)
5. An unfair comparison (compare)
6. A public declaration (declare)
7. By kind permission (permit)
8. resemblance
9. A generous subscription (subscribe)
10.An unfortunate occurrence (occur)

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