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LAW AS DEFINED BY SANCHEZ ROMAN 4. The human patrimony discretion.

In legal construction of statutes,

LAW a. Right to things or the right to property and its mandatory requirements of law are typically
- Law is defined as a rule of conduct, just and obligatory, laid modifications found by the use of words such as “must”,
down by legitimate authority for the common observance and b. The right of obligations “will” and “shall”.
benefit. c. The rights of hereditary succession Prohibitory Law- imposes duty to refrain from
doing a forbidden act. They use the phrases
DISTINCTIONS – CIVIL LAW VS CIVIL CODE Most of our civil laws are found in the Civil Code but the Civil “shall not,” “must not,” or “may not.”
CIVIL LAW Code is not the only repository of our civil laws. (Family code ii.) Permissive/ Suppletory
- Branch of law that treats of the personal and family relations E.O. 209, Youth Welfare Code, and Domestic Adoption act.)
of an individual, his property and successional rights, and the Laws those which may be deviated from, if the
The Civil law is wider in concept than the Civil Code. The Civil
effects of his obligations and contracts. individual so desires. They use the phrase
Code is part of the civil Law, but not all laws are part of the Civil
This Act shall be known as the “Civil Code of the Philippines.” CLASSIFICATION OF LAWS
Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion
Civil Code – a compilation of existing civil laws, scientifically a) If a right is granted or merely procedural or the of their publication in the official Gazette, or in a newspaper of
arranged into boos, titles etc. promulgated by legislative manner for its enforcement is laid down general circulation, unless it is otherwise provided. This Code
authority. i.) Substantive Law shall take effect one year after such publication. (As amended by
Substantive law is that which declares what Executive Order No. 200 dated June 18, 1987).
Civil Code – is a collection of laws, which regulate the private
acts are crimes and prescribes the punishment
relations of the members of the society, determining their
for committing them. - supported and reinforced by Section 1 of
respective rights and obligations, with reference to persons,
ii.) Procedural Law Commonwealth Act No. 638 and Section 35 of the Revised
things, and civil acts.
Procedural law provides or regulates the steps Administrative Code.
Civil Code Divided into Four Books by which one who commits a crime is to be When do laws become effective?
punished. An ordinary law takes effect:
Book I, Persons – originally it covered Art. 37-413, but when the b.) Scope or content (a) On the date it is expressly provided to take effect.
Family became effective on August 3, 1988, the law on Persons i.) Private Law (b) If no such date is made, then after 15 days following the
pertains only to the following: Civil law – governs the relations of the completion of its publication in the Official Gazette or in a
Book II, Property, Ownership and Its Modifications members of the community to one another. newspaper of general circulation. – Which means on the 16th
Book III, Different Modes on Acquiring Property ii.) Public Law day after the complete publication, if voluminous, the release of
Book IV, Obligations and Contracts Political law – deals with the relations of the last series.
people and government.
c.) According to force or effect
i.) Mandatory/ Prohibitory All statutes, including those of local application and private laws
1. The person himself and the rights of personality.
Mandatory Law – refers to something that is shall be published as a condition for their effectivity, which shall
2. The family and the rights of family.
required, and not optional or subject to begin after fifteen days following their publication unless a
3. Associations and partnerships
different date is fixed by the legislature.
Publication is required of a Central Bank Circular and Executive Publication through Newspapers Now Allowed
Order if PUNITIVE in Character IS IT ALREADY A LAW BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT HAS SIGNED IT? Executive Order 200 dated June 18, 1987, modifying Article 2
The fact that the circular is PUNITIVE in character is the principal A law which provides for its immediate effectivity upon approval now provides: For the publication of laws either in the Official
reason why publication should be made. Laws of punitive nature becomes effective ONLY after its complete publication and NOT Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the
cannot be given punitive effect unless published in the Official IMMEDIATELY after its signing by the President. Philippines as a requirement for effectivity.
Gazette (People v. Uy Kimpang, Jr., C.A., 52 O.G. 3087).
However, circulars which are mere statements of general policy CONGRESS LEGISLATES, EXECUTIVE ENFORCES, JUDICIARY The Official Gazette is not an effective medium in the publication
as to how the law should be construed do NOT need presidential INTERPRETS. SUPPOSE THE EXECUTIVE ENFORCES WITHOUT of laws, executive orders, circulars and notices in this country. As
approval and publication in the Official Gazette for their PUBLICATION, IS THERE ANY DEFECT? it is deemed few people read, unaware and it is limited and
effectivity. Publication may not be dispensed with because such omission delayed.
Administrative Orders and Regulation – it is required if the would offend due process insofar as it would deny the public of
purpose is to enforce or implement existing laws pursuant to a the laws that are supposed to govern it. Without publication, GENERAL CIRCULATION
valid delegation. individuals not aware of it will be prejudiced as a result and not -CIRCULARIZED ANYWHERE IN THE PHILIPPINES EG IQUIRER
All presidential decrees must be published, including, even say, so because of failure to comply but because they do not know of -DOES NOT INCLUDE PUBLICATION IN A LIMITED AREA EG SUN
those naming a public place after a favored individual or its existence. STAR
exempting him from certain prohibitions and requirements.
covered by the rule on prior publication. Also not covered are WOULD BE VIOLATED IF THE LAW IS IMMEDIATELY ENFORCED
municipal ordinances which are governed by the Local WITHOUT PUBLICATION? Meaning of “Unless it is otherwise provided”
Government Code. - people’s right to be informed on matters of public The phrase refers to the DATE OF EFFECTIVITY not to the
BE PUBLISHED? Constitution)
In Tanada vs. Tuvera, the word laws include all laws and not only -"the right of the people to information on matters of PUBLICATION IS INDISPENSABLE, in other words, no law can
to those of general application, even if some do not apply to all public concern," (Section 6 of Article III. Bill of Rights become immediately effective upon approval without
directly, for the subject of law is a matter of public interest. In 1987 Philippine Constitution) publication. To rule otherwise, is to run into collision with the
fact, for laws to be valid the law must invariably affect the constitutional requirement of the due process clause of the
public interest even if it is applicable some and not to all. Publication must be Complete Constitution.
EG GRANT OF CITIZENSHIP Publications of statutes must be in full or it is no publication at
all. Since publication is to inform of the full contents of the law,
IF IT IS NOT PUBLISHED, WHAT WOULD BE THE EFFECT? the mere mention of number, title, effectivity and whereabouts
The provisions of Article 2 then would be in effect, that the is not even substantial compliance.
aforementioned is therefore not effective.
CASES ASSIGNED UNDER ARTICLE 2 DE ROY vs. COURT OF APPEALS 157 SCRA 759 ISSUE: Whether or not the rule enunciated in the Habaluyas case
January 29, 1988 should not be made to apply to the case at bar owing to the
TANADA vs. TUVERA (1986) 146 S 446 RESOLUTION non-publication of the Habaluyas decision in the Official Gazette
DECEMBER 29, 1986 as of the time the decision was promulgated.
RESOLUTION Ponente: Cortes, J.
Petitioner: Felisa Pedroso De Roy and Virgilio Ramos Contrary to the petitioners view, there is no law requiring the
Ponente: Cruz, J. Respondents: Court of Appeals and Lusi Bernal Sr. publication of Supreme Court decision in the Official Gazette
Petitioner: Lorenzo Tanada and MABINI before they can be binding and as a condition to be effective. It
Respondent: Hon. Juan C. Tavera, Exec. Asst. to the President FACTS: Special civil action for certiorari seeks to declare null and is the bounden duty of counsel as lawyer in active law practice
void two resolution of the Special First Division of the Court of to keep abreast of decision of the SC particularly where issues
Facts: Demanding disclosure of a number of presidential decrees have been clarified, constantly reiterated, and published in the
Appeals in the case of Bernal v. De Roy. (1) Denied extension of
and the court affirmed the necessity of the publication with the GRs and the SCRAs
time to file of motion for reconsideration (2) denied motion of
dispositive portion as follows:
WHEREFORE the Court hereby orders respondents to publish reconsideration for having been filed out of time.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court resolved to
in the Official Gazette all unpublished presidential issuances
Firewall of a burned-out building by Felisa Pedrosa collapsed and DENY the instant petition for lack of merit.
which are of general application, and unless so published,
they shall have no binding force and effect. destroyed the tailoring shop of Luis Bernal resulting to injuries of
the private respondents and death of a daughter Mirassa Bernal.
Even though warned beforehand by the petitioners.
The petitioners suggest that there should be no distinction
between laws of general applicability and those which are Regional Trial Court – found De Roy guilty of gross negligence
not; that publication means complete publication; and that awarding damages to the Bernals
the publication must be made forthwith in the Official
Gazette. Court of Appeals – Decision affirmed, on August 17, 1987 and
received by the petitioners on August 25, 1987.
In the Comment required of the then Solicitor General,
he claimed first that the motion was a request for an On September 9, 1987, last day of file for an appeal, petitioners
advisory opinion and should therefore be dismissed, and,
filed a motion for extension of time to file a motion for
on the merits, that the clause "unless it is otherwise
reconsideration, which was eventually denied by the appellate
provided" in Article 2 of the Civil Code meant that the
court in the resolution of September 30, 1987.
publication required therein was not always imperative;
Petitioners filed their motion for reconsideration on September
that publication, when necessary, did not have to be made
in the Official Gazette; and that in any case the subject
24, 1987 and was denied in the Resolution of October 27, 1987.
decision was concurred in only by three justices and
consequently not binding. CA correctly applied the rule laid down in Habaluyas Enterprises,
Inc, vs. Japzon, the fifteen-day period for appealing or for filing a
motion for reconsideration cannot be extended. This rule was
promulgated on May 30, 1986 as clarified by the Supreme Court
with a one-month grace period.
VILLAFUERTE V. CORDIAL, JR., G.R. NO. 222450 Tañada v. Tuvera, interpreting the Article 2 of the Civil Code of interpretative of Title II, Chapter 4 of the LGC, which outlines
July 7, 2020 the Philippines. the procedure when a disciplinary action is instituted against an
RESOLUTION elective local official. Based on the foregoing, Resolution No. 13-
The MR was denied as the Sangguaning Panlalawigan of 2013 need not be published.
Ponente: Reyes, J. Camarines Sur maintained that the publication requirement
Petitioner: Miguel Luis R. Villafuerte, Governor of the Province of anent ordinances and resolutions of local government units was The allegations in the Complaint filed by Mabulo against the
Camarines Sur governed by the Local Government Code, and not by the Civil respondents vested the Sangguaning Panlalawigan of
Respondents: Constantino H. Cordial, Jr., Mayor of Caramoan, Code as pronounced in Tañada. Camarines Sur of jurisdiction over the case.
Camarines Sur and Irene R. Breis, Vice-Mayor of Caramoan,
Camarines Sur Respondents were recommended by the Sangguniang As it is, the RTC failed to discern the import of the publication
Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur to be placed under preventive requirement. Publication or lack of it is relevant in determining
FACTS: suspension, where in response, respondents filed a petition for the observance of due process.
Task Force Sagip Kalikasan conducted an inspection in Barangay certiorari and in this petition insisted that the Rules of Procedure
Gata, Caramoan, Camarines Sur and found illegal mining as embodied in Resolution No. 13-2013 must be published; and DECISION:
activities. failure to observe such requirement not only rendered said WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is hereby
Resolution ineffective, but likewise removed the jurisdiction of GRANTED. Accordingly, the Decision dated January 13, 2015 and
Days after the inspection, respondents passed Resolution No. 48 the Sangguaning Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur over the the Order dated December 15, 2015 of the Regional Trial Court
which requested for the removal of Task Force Sagip Kalikasan in proceedings. of San Jose, Camarines Sur, Branch 30 are REVERSED and SET
the entire Municipality of Caramoan, Camarines Sur without the ASIDE.
conduct of deliberation. In a Decision dated January 13, 2015, the RTC construed that the
lack of publication of the Rules of Procedure embodied in The Orders dated October 28, 2014 and December 12, 2014, and
July 18, 2014 – Respondents were administratively charged with Resolution No. 13-2013 stripped off the Sangguaning the Resolution dated December 16, 2014 issued by the
Grave Misconduct, Dishonesty, and Conduct Prejudicial to the Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur of jurisdiction over the conduct Sangguaning Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur are hereby
Best Interest of Service. The complaint was lodged before the of the administrative hearing against respondents. REINSTATED.
Sangguaning Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur.
ISSUE: Whether or not the non-publication of Resolution No. 13-
In response to the complaint, respondents filed a Motion for 2013 divested the Sangguaning Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur
Extension to File Answer. However, instead of filing their of jurisdiction over the proceedings of the case.
Answer, respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss. Which was
dismissed for lack of merit. In the instant case, what was being assailed is Resolution No. 13-
2013, which provides for the rules of procedure concerning the
Respondents filed a Motion for Reconsideration asserting that conduct of investigation against municipal officials in said
with the publication of the Rules of Procedure only on October province, issued by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Camarines
9, 16 and 23, 2014, it became effective only on November 8, Sur. Clearly, it is neither penal in nature as it does not provide
2014, the 16th day following its publication as held in the case of for any sanction or punishment nor a tax measure. It is merely
ARTICLE 3 DISTINCTION BETWEEN IGNORANCE OF LAW FROM Rodolfo alleged that respondent’s husband, Juan, was his
Ignorance to the law excuses no one from compliance therewith. IGNORANCE OF FACT brother, and they had another sister named Rizalina. On May 12,
Ignorance of law – is want of knowledge or acquaintance with 1972, Juan executed an SPA authorizing Rizalina to execute a
APPLICABILITY OF PROVISION AND ITS SCOPE the laws of the land (Ignorantia legis non excusat) deed of extrajudicial settlement involving the subject property.
This rule applies to ALL domestic laws whether penal or civil and Ignorance of fact – is want of knowledge of some fact to the On September 18, 1972, an Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate
whether substantive or procedural. subject matter in hand. (Ignorantia facti excusat) was executed stating the division and settlement of several
It applies only to mandatory or prohibitive laws and not to estate.
permissive or supplementary laws. While mistake of the law does not generally vitiate consent,
Rule Applies Only to Domestic Laws, Foreign Laws are excluded – when there is a mistake on a doubtful question of law, or on the May 22, 1983, Juan died and on August 14, 1993, Anita executed
the rule applies to all domestic laws whether penal or civil and construction or application of law, this is analogous to a an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication, adjudicating upon herself the
whether substantive or procedural. mistake of fact. subject property.
It does not apply on ignorance of foreign laws because our
courts do not generally take judicial notice of them, it must be Example: If a legal heir on whom the estate falls is ignorant of Rodolfo filed a Notice of Adverse Claim and criminal complaint
pleaded and proved as matter of fact. the death of his ancestor, he is ignorant of a fact. But even if he for falsification of public documents against Anita. Rodolfo
is aware of the death, he is said to be ignorant of a law if he is alleged that Juan was survived not only by his wife but also by
EFFECT OF IGNORANCE OF FOREIGN LAW not aware of his rights as the heir. himself and his sister Rizalina. On January 16, 1990, Rizalina
-Ignorance of foreign laws is not a mistake of the law but a executed a Deed of Waiver of Rights favoring Rodolfo over the
mistake of fact. Case assigned under Article 3 subject property, therefore Rodolfo is now entitled to one half
theroef. September 3, 1998 Resolution, the city prosecutor of
Processual Presumption Rodolfo Caranto v. Anita Agra Caranto Mandaluyong City recommended the filing of an Information for
A foreign law is a matter of fact which must be proven with March 2, 2020 falsification against Anita.
evidence. In the absence of any contrary evidence, it is RESOLUTION
presumed to be the same as our domestic law. - ignorance of Anita sought the dismissal of the complaint for lack of cause of
foreign laws is not a mistake of the law but a mistake of fact. Ponente: Hernando, J. action and that Rodolfo is barred by laches or prescription.
Processual Presumption Petitioner: Rodolfo Caranto Further, Anita claimed that the subject property is her exclusive
Respondents: Anita Agra Caranto property since she purchased the same with her own money.
A foreign law is a matter of fact which must be proven with She denied that Rodolfo is a legitimate brother of her husband,
evidence. In the absence of any contrary evidence, it is FACTS: Juan. Anita further denied committing any falsehood or
presumed to be the same as our domestic law. Respondent is the registered owner of a 347-square-meter misrepresentation in the execution of the Affidavit of Self
parcel of land situated in Barangay Hagdang Bato, Mandaluyong Adjudication. Lastly, she belied Rodolfo's allegation that he
The party who claims the applicability of a foreign law has the City. In 2001, Rodolfo filed a Complaint for cancellation of title exerted earnest efforts to settle the dispute between them prior
burden of proof, and where the said party has failed to discharge and reconveyance against respondent seeking to: (a) cancel the to the filing of the complaint considering that she was already
the burden, Philippine law applies. title of the subject land; (b) reconvey one-half of the same to residing in the United States.
him; and (c) pay the sum equal to 25% of the value of the
recoverable property as attorney's fees as well as costs of suit.
Anita, in turn, filed a compulsory claim for damages against brother of Juan. Rodolfo also failed to present Juan’s birth A question of law arises when there is doubt as to what the law
Rodolfo for filing a baseless and malicious suit against her. certificate showing that they have the same mothers. is on a certain state of facts, while there is a question of fact
when the doubt arises as to the truth or falsity of the alleged
During the trial, Dante Agra, the brother of Anita and her WHEREFORE, premises considered, the court hereby renders facts. For a question to be one of law, the question must not
attorney-in-fact, testified that Juan disclosed to him that Rodolfo judgment in favor of defendant Anita Agra Caranto and against involve an examination of the probative value of the evidence
was his illegitimate brother and that he also has an illegitimate plaintiff Rodolfo Caranto, ordering said plaintiff – presented by the litigants or any of them. The resolution of the
sister. Further, Dante narrated that Juan informed him that he 1) to pay the amount of Php20,000.00 as exemplary damages; issue must rest solely on what the law provides on the given set
was the only son of Dolores Lopez who was the latter's mother 2) to pay the amount of Php20,000.00 as attorney's fees; of circumstances. Once it is clear that the issue invites a review
as stated in the Marriage Certificate of Juan and Anita. Anita 3) to pay the amount of Php10,000.00 as litigation expenses and of the evidence presented, the question posed is one of fact.
presented a Certification from the National Archives that it has cost of suit.
no file of the Makati City Register of Births for the year 1935; Court of Appeals agreed with the RTC’s ruling but held that the Rodolfo's arguments are essentially questions of fact.
hence, there was no available record about the birth of Juan on award of exemplary damages was improper as there was no Indubitably, the Court will not review the factual findings of the
April 4, 1935 to Juan Caranto, Sr., as his father, and Dolores factual finding if the complaint against Anita was indeed appellate court as there is not even a scintilla of evidence that
Lopez, as his mother. On the other hand, the Office of the Local malevolent in manner. the instant petition falls under any of the exceptions laid down
Civil Registrar of Bacnotan, La Union, stated that Rodolfo was in Medina. To stress, the burden of proof lies upon Rodolfo who
born on May 21, 1945, to Juan Caranto as his father and WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Court partially AFFIRMS failed to convince the Court that a review of the factual findings
Guillerma Lopez, as his mother. in part the October 22, 2007 Decision of the Regional Trial Court, is necessary. His mere assertion and claim that the case falls
Branch 212 of Mandaluyong City. This Court partially DISMISSES under the exceptions is not enough.
Issues: the instant appeal without prejudice to the filing before the
The core issues for resolution are: appropriate court of an intestate proceeding for the purpose of WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is
(1) whether Anita is estopped from impugning the relationship determining the heirs who may be entitled to inherit to the DENIED. The April 18, 2012 Decision of the Court of Appeals in
between her late husband, Juan, and Rodolfo; estate, including the property covered by Transfer Certificate of CA-G.R. CV No. 92085 is AFFIRMED.
(2) whether the evidence of Rodolfo, particularly the Title No. 7884, previously under Transfer Certificate of Title No.
Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate of the Late Guillerma O. 391576, of deceased Juan L. Caranto. Additionally, the award of
Lopez-Caranto, sufficed to prove that he is entitled to one-half of exemplary damages is DELETED but the awards of P20,000.00 as
the subject property of Juan by way of inheritance and by virtue attorney's fees and P10,000.00 litigation expenses and cost of
of the waiver of rights executed by Rizalina in his favor; and suit are AFFIRMED.
(3) assuming that Juan's mother was named Dolores Lopez, Rodolfo filed for Certiorari.
whether Rodolfo is entitled to the whole subject property by
reason that it was previously owned by his mother Guillerma. Rule 45 of Rules of Court says only questions of law should be
raised in Certiorari and not factual questions.
RTC ruled that the Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of the In Century Iron Works, Inc. v. Bañas, the Court differentiated a
Deceased and the Waiver of Rights executed by Rizalina in his question of law from a question of fact in this manner:
favor did not suffice to support Rodolfo’s claim that he is the
ARTICLE 4 REASON FOR ITS PROSPECTIVITY Cases assigned under Article 4
Laws shall have no retroactive effect, -to protect vested rights. Thus one may lose his rights previously
unless the contrary is provided. acquired if a retroactive law is subsequently passed and CARLOS V. SANDOVAL GR# 179922
designed to deprive him of those rights. There will be no more December 16, 2008
General Rule in Prospectivity stability in the effects of transactions. RESOLUTION
As a general rule, laws always operate at the future. Statutes
have only a prospective operation unless the intention to give Statutes which may be given Retroactive Application Ponente: Reyes, J.
them a retrospective effect is EXPRESSLY DECLARED or 1. Remedial Laws – laws which provide for the methods of Petitioner: Juan de Dios Carlos
NECESSARILY IMPLIED from the language used. If there is doubt, enforcing rights or obtaining redress for their violation. Respondents: Felicidad Sandoval
doubt must be resolve against retrospectivity. 2. Penal laws favorable to the Accused or Convict – penal laws
shall have retroactive effect insofar as they favor the persons PRINCIPLES:
Retroactivity guilty of a felony, who is not a habitual criminal. (Art. 22, RPC). ONLY a spouse can initiate an action to sever the marital bond
There is retroactivity when a law is made applicable to situations 3. Curative laws – are laws intended to correct errors or
or acts already done before passage of the said law. A for marriages solemnized during the effectivity of the Family
irregularities incurred in judicial or administrative proceedings,
retroactive law creates a new obligation, imposes a new duty or Code, except cases commenced prior to March 15, 2003. The
acts of public officers, or private deeds and contracts which
attaches a new disability in respect to a transaction already nullity and annulment of a marriage cannot be declared in a
otherwise would not produce intended consequences by some
past. statutory disability. a. Interpreting laws – clarify or interpret judgment on the pleadings, summary judgment, or confession of
provision of an existing statute. judgment.
A retrospective statute is one which takes away or impair vested
rights acquired under existing laws, or creates a new obligation 4. Emergency laws – are laws intended to meet FACTS:
and imposes a new duty of attaches a new disability in respect to exigencies which require immediate action. Spouses Felix B. Carlos and Felipa Elemia died intestate. They left
transaction or consideration already past. 5. Laws creating new rights – may be given retroactive six parcels of land to their compulsory heirs, Teofilo Carlos and
provided no vested right of the same origin is affected. petitioner Juan De Dios Carlos.
Retroactive Operation Must be expressed in the Statue Itself 6. Tax laws – can be given retroactive effect.
The retrospective applicability of a law should be EXPRESSLY
During the lifetime of Felix Carlos, he agreed to transfer his
provided therein. In the absence of such provision, the Rule on Prospective Application of Laws Applies to Judge- estate to Teofilo. The agreement was made in order to avoid the
presumption is in favor of the prospective operation of the law. Made-Laws payment of inheritance taxes. Teofilo, in turn, undertook to
Co vs. CA, in lieu with Art. 8 of Civil Code: “judicial decisions
Prospective operation will be presumed when a retroactive deliver and turn over the share of the other legal heir, petitioner
applying or interpreting the laws or the constitution shall form a
operation would produce invalidity. No court would hold a Juan De Dios Carlos.
part of the legal system of the Philippines” the principle of
statute retroactive when the legislature has not said so.
prospectivity applies to judicial decision, which although
Constitutional Limitations on Passage of Retroactive Laws Parcel 1, 2 & 3 was registered in the name of Teofilo. Parcel 4
themselves are not laws, are nevertheless evidences of what the
The constitution expressly prohibits the passage of ex post facto was registered in the name of Juan de Dios Carlos.
law means.
laws and those which impair the obligations of contracts.
May 13, 1992, Teofilo died intestate and was survived by his
wife, Felicidad, the respondent and their son, Teofilo II. Parcel 5
& 6 were registered under Felicidad and Teofilo II.
In 1994, Juan de Dios Carlos filed a suit against Felicidad at RTC The court also declared the petitioner as the sole owner of the
Muntinlupa where the parties arrived at a partial compromise Parcel of land.
agreement stating that they acknowledge their share in the sale
of a portion of Parcel 1. September 17, 1994, parties executed a Respondents appealed to the CA arguing that the RTC acted
deed of extraducial partition for the remaining land of Parcel 1. without or in excess of jurisdiction in rendering summary
They also divided the remaining land from parcel 2 from the case judgment annulling the marriage of Teofilo, Sr. and Felicidad and
Rillo v. Carlos. The parties also equally divided Parcel 3 & 4. in declaring Teofilo II as not an illegitimate child of Teofilo, Sr.

Juan de Dios Carlos filed a case in the RTC with the ff cause of WHEREFORE, the summary judgment appealed from is
action: declaration of nullity of marriage; (b) status of a child; (c) REVERSED and SET ASIDE and in lieu thereof, a new one is
recovery of property; (d) reconveyance; and (e) sum of money entered REMANDING the case to the court of origin for further
and damages. proceedings.

Juan de Dios Carlos asserted that the marriage between his late The first paragraph of Article 88 and 101 of the Civil Code
brother Teofilo and respondent Felicidad was a nullity in view of expressly prohibit the rendition of decree of annulment of a
the absence of the required marriage license. He likewise marriage upon a stipulation of facts or a confession of judgment.
maintained that his deceased brother was neither the natural Yet, the affidavits annexed to the petition for summary
nor the adoptive father of respondent Teofilo Carlos II. judgment practically amount to these methods explicitly
proscribed by the law.
Petitioner likewise sought the avoidance of the contracts he
entered into with respondent Felicidad with respect to the Issues:
subject real properties. He also prayed for the cancellation of
the certificates of title issued in the name of respondents. He
argued that the properties covered by such certificates of title,
including the sums received by respondents as proceeds, should
be reconveyed to him.

Finally, petitioner claimed indemnification as and by way of

moral and exemplary damages, attorney's fees, litigation
expenses, and costs of suit.

Petitioner’s motion for summary judgement was granted and

the RTC declared the respondent’s marriage to the late Teofilo
as null and void. The court also declared Teofilo II not the
natural, illegitimate of legally adopted child of the late Teofilo.
ESTHER ABALOS V. PEOPLE GR# 221836 Ruling: WHEREFORE, the Decision dated May 20, 2015 of the Court of
August 14, 2019 The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 35633 sentencing petitioner to four
RESOLUTION all the elements of this kind of estafa: (1) postdating or issuing a (4) years and two (2) months of prision correccional as minimum
check in payment of an obligation contracted at the time the to twenty (20) years of reclusion temporal as maximum is
Ponente: Reyes, J. check was issued; (2) lack of sufficient funds to cover the check; AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in that the monetary award of
Petitioner: Esther Abalos (3) knowledge on the part of the offender of such circumstances; P232,500.00 shall be subject to interest rate of 12% per annum
Respondents: People of the Philippines and (4) damage to the complainant. from the filing of the Information until June 30, 2013 and 6% per
annum from July 1, 2013 until the finality of the decision, and
Facts: While it is true that no criminal liability under the RPC arises the total amount of the foregoing shall, in turn, earn interest at
Petitioner, together with Christine Molina, offered private from the mere issuance of postdated checks as a guarantee of the rate of 6% per annum from the finality of the decision until
complainant Elaine Sembrano post-dated checks for repayment,[39] this is not true in the instant case where the full payment thereof.
rediscounting. Petitioner received 250,000 pesos less 7% as element of deceit is attendant in the issuance of the said checks.
interest. When Sembrano presented the checks for payment on The liability therefore is not merely civil, but criminal.
due dates, the checks were dishonored. Petitioner received a
demand letter on October 23, 2011 and failed to this day to pay, As for the penalty, under the RPC, the penalty of estafa (of the
and so a complaint for ESTAFA was filed against her. amount of P232,500.00) ranged from six months and one day as
minimum to 20 years as maximum.
RTC- found petitioner guilty as charged and sentenced her
penalty of imprisonment of four (4) years and two (2) months of Under R.A. No. 10951, the petitioner is liable to suffer the
prision correctional as minimum to twenty (20) years of indeterminate penalty of imprisonment ranging from six years
reclusion temporal as maximum. and one day of prision mayor, as minimum, to eight years, eight
months and one day of prision mayor, as maximum.
The accused is likewise found to be civilly liable to pay the
private complainant the amount of Php232,500.00 as and by The imposable penalty under the RPC presents a lower minimum
way of actual damages, with legal interest thereon to be period, but a higher maximum period of imprisonment
computed from the date of the filing of this case, until the same compared to that imposable under R.A. No. 10951.
is fully paid.
It is clear, therefore, that if R.A. No. 10951 would be given
CA- Dismissed the appeal, but affirmed the interest rate of 6% retroactive effect, the same will prejudice petitioner. The
penalty under the RPC, insofar as it benefits the petitioner must
Issue: prevail. Hence, the penalty imposed by the RTC and the CA,
Whether or not CA erred in finding that petitioner is guilty of which is four years and two months of prision correccional as
ESTAFA considering that the real transaction between the minimum to 20 years of reclusion temporal as maximum, is
parties, as defined by law, is not criminal in nature, but civil only. correct as it is within the proper penalty imposed by law.
Whether or not all elements of ESTAFA were established.
ARTICLE 19 Requisites for abuse of rights: 3. And absence of an intention to overreach another
1. There is a legal right or duty
Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the 2. It is exercised in bad faith
performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his 3. The sole intention is to prejudice or cause INJURY to another ARTICLE 20
due, and observe honesty and good faith.
-PRINCIPLE OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS Article 19 prescribes that a person should not use his right Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or
- If a person acts with abuse, his right ceases, and his unjustly or contrary to honestly and good faith, otherwise he negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify
acts become illicit, giving rise to liability opens himself to liability. It seeks to preclude the use of, or the the latter for the same.
- Every abnormal exercise of a right, contrary to its tendency to use, a legal right (or duty) as a means to unjust Law provides its own sanctions, and for cases when the
law does not provide its own sanctions, this Article
socioeconomic purpose is an abuse that will give rise to ends.
provides the general sanction – INDEMNIFICATION OF
-SC held that in all transactions, there is a presumption of good There is abuse of rights when it is exercised solely to prejudice or
faith. This presumption is overturned by clear and convincing injure another. The exercise of a right must be in accordance
• Torts based on malice
evidence. with the purpose for which it was established and must not be
• Torts based on negligence
excessive or unduly harsh; there must be no intention to harm
“Every Person” another. Otherwise, liability for damages to the injured party will
A Cause of Action is a fact or set of facts that gives rise to the
-Natural persons attach.
right to come to court and file an action.
-Artificial persons (e.g. Corporations, City/ Municipality,
PAGCOR, Hospitals, Universities) In the case of PNB vs De Jesus, the Supreme Court teaches us
When there is no cause of action, the facts and circumstances do
that “good faith… is an intangible and abstract quality with no
not merit the remedy prayed for. When the complaint is
Abatement of nuisances technical meaning or statutory definition, and it encompasses
evaluated and there is no relief that can be given, based on the
- Nuisances is discussed in Article 694, CC among other things:
facts and circumstances, then the complaint lacks a cause of
1. an honest belief
Article 19 tells us we must observe 3 things in the exercise of 2. the absence of malice
rights. If we FAIL to do these things, we are abusing our rights. 3. the absence of design to defraud or to seek an
Our rights are guaranteed by law, but if we misuse or more unconscionable advantage.
Damage is the loss, hurt or harm that is the result of an injury.
accurately, abuse these rights, then there is some sort of
An injury on the other hand is the illegal invasion of a legal right.
illegality: Personal good faith is a concept of his own mind and, therefore,
When the two of them are combined – an injury resulting to
may not conclusively be determined by his protestations alone.
damage, then there is a cause of action.
Duties under Article 19 It implies honesty of intention and freedom from knowledge of
1. Act with justice circumstances which ought to put the holder upon inquiry.
DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA (Damage without Injury/
2. Give everyone his due Prejudice)
3. Observe honesty and good faith The essence of good faith lies in - If damages result from such exercise of legal
1. an honest belief in the validity of one’s right rights.
2. Ignorance of a superior claim
Example: Amonoy demolition disregarding TRO does not The breach of promise to marry is not an actional wrong, except
correctly invoke damnum absque injuria Requisites for Recovery of Damages in the case where a man’s promise to marry is in fact the
Damages are recoverable even though no positive law has proximate cause of the acceptance of his love by a woman and
No Right Impaired, No Basis for Damages – pervades the been violated but it is necessary that the act should have his representation to fulfil that promise thereafter becomes the
entire legal system, it is essential that some right of his be been willfully done and it is contrary to morals, good proximate cause of the giving of herself unto him in a sexual
impaired. customs and public policy. congress, proof that he had, in reality, no intention of marrying
1. If the loss or injury is due to own inexcusable fault her and that the promise was only a subtle scheme or deceptive
INJURY from DAMAGE or negligence, he should not be allowed to device to entice or inveigle her to accept him an dto obtain her
INJURY – illegal invasion of a legal rights while damages is recover. If one is at fault he cannot recover. consent to the sexual act, could justify the award of damages
the loss, hurt or harm which results from the injury. 2. A person who did not act in an abusive manner is pursuant to article 21 not because of such promise to marry but
There can be damage without injury. In cases where the not deemed to have acted in a manner in contrast because of the fraud and deceit behind it and the willful injury to
loss or harm was not the result of a violation of a legal duty with morals, good customs, and public policy. her honor and reputation which follow thereafter. It is essential
– situations often called damnum absque injuria. however that such injury should have been committed in a
Rule on Breach of Promise to Marry, Not Actionable; manner contrary to morals, good customs, or public policy.
ARTICLE 21 Exception
1. A promise to marry broken cannot be compel by Actual damages suffered; Recoverable – actual damages
Any person who willfully causes loss or injury to another court because it is a personal one and is not by promise to marry can be recovered.
in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or subject to judicial compulsion. • In case of birth of child, support is
public policy shall compensate latter for the damage. demandable
Exceptions when Moral Damages are Recoverable • In case of rape, support of the child can be
-an action CONTRA BONUS MORES or CONTRARY TO - If there is criminal or moral seduction, a grant of demanded.
GOOD MORALS moral damages is justifiable under Article 21.
Requisites for an action contra bonus mores: - There must be deception, enticement, superior ARTICLE 22
1. There is a legal act
power or abuse of confidence on the part of the
2. The act is contrary to morals, good customs, public
seducer to which the woman yielded. Thus if the Every person, who through an act of performance by another,
order or public policy
sexual intercourse was due to mutual last no or any other means, acquires or comes into possession of
3. The act is done with intent to injure
moral damages can be held. something at the expense of the latter without just or legal
Q: Can there be action if there is no injury if there is loss? -If the promise to marry is the proximate cause of why a woman ground, shall return the same to him.
A: No, the rule is still damnum et injuria would have sex with a man and the man has clearly no intention
to fulfill this promise Principle of Unjust Enrichment
There are many acts injurious acts that are contrary to -where there has been extensive preparations for the wedding - No person should unjustly enrich self at the
public policy but are not forbidden by statute which have and one of the parties walks out when the matrimony is about expense of another.
not been foreseen by the lawmakers. Like business to be solemnized - But with legal ground is not prohibited. Legitimate
practices that are unfair and oppressive. enrichment is never discouraged by law.
Coverage of the Article
1. Someone acquires into possession of something cannot be said to have been acquired without just or legal dependence, ignorance, indigence, mental weakness, tender
which means delivery or acquisition of things. ground. age or other handicap, the courts must be vigilant for his
2. Acquisition is undue and at the expense of • Government not exempted from the Principle protection.
another without legal ground. of Unjust enrichment.
Pleadings as well as remedial laws should be construed liberally
There is unjust enrichment when: Merger of the Principle of Unjust Enrichment with the in order that the litigants may have ample opportunity to pursue
1. Person is unjustly benefited Principle of Quasi-Contract their respective claims and that a possible denial of substantial
2. Such benefit is at the expense of another. • Quasi-contracts are based on the principle justice due to legal technicalities may be avoided.
that no person shall be unjustly enriched at
Rendition of Services Not Included the expense of another. Anchored on the doctrine PARENS PATRIAE or the inherent
- Liability will lie in in the quasi-contract. power of the state to provide protection of the person and
ARTICLE 23 property of an incapacitated person (NON SUI JURIS “Not his
Accion in Rem Inverso own master”: A term applied to an individual who lacks the legal
-only an auxillary action Even when an act or event causing damage to another’s capacity to act on his or her own behalf, such as an infant or an
- Action is for the recovery of has been paid without property was not due to the fault or negligence of the insane person.)
just cause can only be availed if no other remedy. defendant, the latter shall be liable for indemnity if through
- Action is only subsidiary, if there is a contract, the act or event he was benefitted. STATE: considered as the father, to provide protection to
quasi-contract, delict or quasi-delict and prescription has barred persons mentioned in article 24 (incapacitated persons) and
the action, accion rem inverso cannot occur. This is likewise to prevent unjust enrichment. cover the person and his property

Accion Rem Inverso from Solutio Indebiti Example by 1947 Code Commission illustrates to wit: The maxim : Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
- Solutio indebiti, payment was made by mistake compliance therewith it's not strictly applied to minors because
which is an essential element to maintain the For example: Without A’s knowledge, a flood drives his cattle to they deserve utmost protection
action for recovery. the cultivated highland of B. A’s cattle are saved, but B’s crop is
destroyed. True, A was not at fault, but he was benefited. It is If a minor is a victim of a crime of rape and the parents decide
Requisites for Accion Rem Verso but right and equitable that he should indemnify B. not to pursue the criminal case, the state may on its own file this
1. Defendant has been enriched complaint against the person responsible for the rape of the
2. Plaintiff suffered a loss While an involuntary act does not create an obligation, but the child. Statutory rape applies if the child is 12 years old or below.
3. Enrichment is without just or legal ground act has enriched the author then he should indemnify for the there is no defense on the part of the person responsible
4. Plaintiff has no other action based on contract, damages and cost to the extent of his enrichment
quasi-contract, crime or quasi-delict.
Article Not Applicable if Property is acquired by Virtue of
a Final Judgment – a property acquired by virtue of a final In all contractual, property or other relations, when one of the Thoughtless extravagance in expenses for pleasure or display
judgment rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction, parties is at a disadvantage on account of his moral during a period of acute public want or emergency may be
stopped by order of the courts at the instance of any These are no criminal offenses. But it may be a ground for
government or private charitable institution. damages or one seeking the issuance of preliminary injunction
from the courts, and other reliefs.
The law seeks to prevent inconsiderate and ostentatious
activities during times of emergency. However, article 25 Examples:
specifically provides for the entities which are given legal 1. Prying into the privacy of another’s residence: a
standing to seek an injunction: any government or private neighbor who is financially successful compared to the
charitable institution general public. Then prying at the rich person’s
appliances whether they’re branded or not.
The purpose being it may unwittingly rekindle unrest on the
hearts of the poor who will be keenly conscious of their 2. Meddling with or disturbing the private life or family
deprivation and poverty. relations of another: Happens when the wife is injected
with false gossip about the whereabouts and
ARTICLE 26 engagements of her husband in activities not desirable
to the marriage. CHISMIS ni concerned neighbor.
Every person shall respect the dignity, personality, privacy and
Peace of Mind of his neighbors and other persons. The CASE: Radio Communications of the Philippines inc vs Verchez
following and similar acts, though they may not constitute a
criminal offence, shall produce a cause of action for damages, Facts: A member of a family in Sorsogon has an ailing mother
prevention and other relief: and so asked for money from her relatives via telegram. The
telegram company failed to deliver the telegram on time and
1. Prying into the privacy of another’s residence; failed to inform the family of the reason.
2. meddling with or disturbing the private life or
family relations of another; Issue: WON Verchez family should be awarded moral and
3. intriguing cause another to be alienated from his exemplary damages and atty’s fees
4. fixing or humiliating another on account of his Ruling: RCPI is liable for damages under Article 2176, CC–
religious beliefs, lowly station in life, place of Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, there
birth, physical defect, or other personal condition being at fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage
done. Such fault or negligence if there is no pre-existing
contractual relation between the parties, is called quasi-delict
When we talk of prevention: may come in the form of a and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) which may be followed by a
preliminary or permanent injunction.

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