Surah Muafiqun Worksheet

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Tafsir of the Quran Worksheet

Safar 12, 1435 | December 15, 2013

Tafsir of Ibn Kathir Worksheet

Created by: Umm Kutubah Samia Al’Garland

Memorize surah al-Munafiqun:

1. The day when you will memorize a Hijb 1 memorize ¼ after Fajr, ¼ after Maghrib and
¼ after Isha.
2. Fast with the intention of making Taubah for the past sins because sins takes away
what you have memorized from the Qur’an.
3. Eat little food because too much food makes it hard for you to memorize, eat little if
you see it is hard for to memorize and review then know it is due some effects of
4. Do not memorize more than the daily limit, even when you feel like you can more.
Instead use the time to read Tafsir.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where was this surah revealed?

2. What did the hypocrites do when they would go to the Muslims?

3. What was the claim of the hypocrites when it came to the believing in the Messenger

of Allâh .

4. Zayd Bin Arqam , had asked the Messenger of Allâh , to allow him to

cut the head off of which person and why?

Which means a fraction of the Quran

Copyright ©1434/2013 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved. |
Tafsir of the Quran Worksheet
Safar 12, 1435 | December 15, 2013

5. What was the reply of the Messenger of Allah after the above request?

6. What would some Muslims do and feel when it came to the hypocrites?

7. What are some of their (hypocrites) characteristics and where do we find this today?

8. How do the hypocrites react when they think that every cry is against them?

9. What are the signs that the hypocrites are known by?

10. What was the name son would not allow his father to enter the city of al-Madina?

11. What was the outcome of the Sahâba’s father who was refused entry into Medina?

12. What do Allah says concerning the matters of the worldly life?

Hadeeth Pertaining to the Qur’an:

On the authority of Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri : the Messenger of Allah ,

said: The Lord, the Most High said: “Whomever the Qur'an and my remembrance busied
him from asking Me, I will give him more than what I give those who ask and the preference
of the Holy Qur'an (the speech of Allah) over the other speeches is like the preference of
Allah over his creations)”. Narrated by Al-Tirmidhee

Copyright ©1434/2013 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved. |

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