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Scheciule XIV--Form No.100 ‘—— Certificate of Registration of Societies ACT XXI OF 1860 No. 22857] GF of200g — 2008 V hereby certify al Satiow Snslefuts 84 Technology Bubanoawar’. AT: Samontepuri Blwlanesirars Desk Khunda Orissa Pen- F51013 has this day been registered under the Socielies | Registration Act (Ko.XXF of 1860) I Given under my hand al__Culkod | this fusenbySeemn® cay of Tuy “Furothouscunst 224th ¢ S0CIE y 8 g OGP (Fort ™260--10. }-2005, CUTTAS GISTRaS isso? > \|2° INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BHUBANESWAR -In the matter of Act XXI of 1660\ being an Act for the Registration of literary, scientific and charitable societies, and 1, ‘The Technology, Bhubaneswar Society. 2. The Mouza : Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar - 751013 3. The objects fof (iy Authorised Ys and managene: the Indian | Institute Technology, aft referred to as the ‘Society’. MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION name of he Society is the Indian Institut. regis h the Society is established are: to establ. sh and to carry on the administration of the Indian Institute of Technology, | Bhubaneswar hereinafter called ‘Institute’ of whose nctiions shall for instruction and research in such neering and technology, applied applied arts, ag the Institute may k fil, and for the advancement of learning and dissemination of knowledge in such branches? to hold examinations and grant academic awards and di ns or titles tb persons; net er honorary awards or other distinctions; to fix and‘demand such fees and other charges » laid down in the bye-laws; ish, maintain and manage halls and he residence of students; pervise and control the residence, to the discipline of students of the te and to make arrangements for promating general welfare and cultural and Gilt Carn nance of units of the g) to provide for os for the students of the national Cadet Corp Institute: h) to in titute teaching, administrative, technical anc mini 41 posts and to make Appointments EIN thereto in accordance with rules and bye-Tews) to e6-op with educational or other institul tions in any part of the world having objects | wholly or partly similar to. those of the socianiay ceachers, scholars and genezally IG may be conducive to their como te CurTR’y exchange such manner as objects; award fellowships, scholarships, jn accordance with the xules and 3) to institute prizes and me pye-Laws the Act, zules make subject to the provisions of laws for the conduct of the affairs of the nd, vary or rescind them the approval of the Central ) and bye~ aty and to add to from time to tine with Government: (iti) to-obtein or accept grants, subseripttons: \ gifts, bequests from Governments: aon : Comporations, Txusts ot any persons) fom the PuSpoSSe of the Society ich shall be credited :— (av) to maintain 2 fund to wa 'd@ by the Central Government; 1 moneys provide (a) ai: tb) all fees and other charges received by the Society? SM noneys received by the Society by way of nts gifts, donations, Benefactions, bequests oF ansfers; aid cys received by the Sockety in any 2 from any other sources, atl moneys credited to the Find in such Banke oF such manner. as| the Society may with of the Central Government, \ (w) to deposit to invest them in prova CERTIFIED 10 6. TRUF cyny thaw Dehse : cord Keeper IPHicetiheiGe ove werbuvised U/S 76, pas ad aed 2 Se Rien ae (wi) ter meet the expe! expenses ané discharge Fund; (vii) to prepare and m relevant: records and includin accounts society | Central Government in cons i Ruditor-General of Endiay ally Uo the Central Governnent Comptroller @ other person together wit to acquire approval of ae case of acquis to deal with in (x) deem fit prior apptovel for transfer {xi} to ean: curzed in appoint hh the Audit Repoxt thereon? @ nolé property provided the Central Government is obtained in the ne Society or a ah? es of the Society including ne exercise of its powers ts functions, out of the sintain proper accounts and 0! prepare an annual: statenent of the balance, sheet of the torn as may be prescribed by the aitation with the the any the Society as certified by stor-General of India oF ed by him in this behalé that prior on of immovable propert! property belonging £0 ox vested guch manner as the Society nay dvancing its objects provided that gf the Central Government is obtained ‘any immovable property- ch conmittee or committees as 2° may deem fiti conductive t objects of CERTIFIED 10 8° Tae LRey Reir ke Oticeat ned ee ae delegate all cn things as may be the ines Capra orks 872 y of its powers to the Board istitute or to any of the oz an constituted by it, gncidental of necessary, of) all or any of the o the attainment Societys ata) The sex, and of what e, ereed, caste of classy 3! test or cor shall be imposed as to religions pelief or profession in admitting oF appointing members, | students, teachers, workers or in any other connection whatsoever. la) Wo Desefaction shall be accepted by the BOSISEY which, in : tee opinion, involves conditions or obligabtons ‘opposed to | the vspirit and object of this sectscis & All incomes/earnings from movable oF immovable assets of the Sockety shall be solely utilised @nt applied towards the ‘promotion of its aims. and object only 2s set forth in i the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or Lransferred dixectly OF indizectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever, tO the present or past members of the Society $F to any person claiming gh one or more of the present or past members. No member he Society shall have any personal lain on any movable or immovable assets of the Society oF can make any profits whatsoever by virtue: of his membership. Notwiths' nding anything contained herein abover the Society shall not be debarred from making payment in good faith for remunerati nto any member thereof or any other person: in ceturn for any service rendesed [2 the Society or for travelling Allowanct | halting or other similar charges. 6. ‘The Central Government may at 2ny time appoint one se mare porsona Lo review the work and progeess of Phe society ox Inatinite and to hold enquiries inte the affairs thereof and son, in such wanner as the Central Government may stipulate. Upon receipt of any such report, the Central Deu at oo GERTIFIED TO BE TRUS Lory Sta : Record Keeper Cities of re LG R_ Orie Correcke ‘Aurborised US 76, ci. W872 it may consider necessary in respect of any of the matters dealt with the report regarding the Soci ute, ag the Case may be and the Society shall be bound to comply with such directions. ce on winding up oF dissolution of the Society, there shall remain, after the satisfaction all its z debts .and liabilities, any asset$ and property, whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Society or any of them but shall be dealt with in such manner as the Central Government may determine. @. The names, addresses and occupations of the first members of the Governing Body of the Society (referred to in the rules and bye-laws as the Board of Governors) to which by the rules and bye-laws of the Society, t ment of its affairs is entrusted 51. Wane and Addzoss description Yo 3+ SHIRE. Agrawal Chaizman Secretary, Ministry of Hunan Resouroe Developmen, partment ‘of Higher Education, Shastt Bhawan, New Deli Dr. Damodar Acharya Director, iT Kharagout Sh. NK. Sinha, ‘Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRO, Bureau of Distance Leaming, New Delhi 4. ShiSK Ray, 418. and Financial Advisor, Misty of HRO, New Dali 5. Mrs. Seema Ra Director, Minis of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Shasta Bhawan, New Delhi ©. Shi Shallendre Kumar Sharma Director (UNESCO), Ministry of Human Resoures Development, apartment of Higher Education, Shasti Bhawan, New Del i Or, AMR. Dalwai Member ‘Comimissioner-cum-Secrtary tothe Government of Orissa, Industries Deparment, Bhubaneswar CERTIFIED 10 8: True ¢ Shay Record Keeper “Hiceofibe LGR Ones, wivottsed U/S 76, 2 ¢r-1, Tere ey SCOOT Sutroce 1872 ‘ge whose names and adresses ate given below having ORE TT aes of hes tho einis Memorandum of Associagon do HERDY Subscribe our names of ts eeyandum of Association and set our several ‘and espe fads heteunto and for tases ina Soviety under the Society, Registaion ‘Act, l ~ SLNo Nameand Address Description © Signatore 1. Shri RP. Agrawal, Chairman ‘Secretary, ‘ry of Human Resource Development, Department of | Higher Eaveation, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 2, Dr.DamodarAchary, —-Dagedhor 4 Member Director. : UT, Kharagpur 3, Sh. N.K. Sinha, sou. Member Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Bap or Distance Learning K ‘a. shri SK. Ray, JS-and Financial Advisor, MEBSE Ministry of HRD, New Delhi 5, Mrs, Seema Raj Member Director, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department. of, Higher Education, Shast Bhawan, New Delhi | 46. Shri Shallendra Kumar Sharma, Member Diesion (UNESCO), Ministry of Human Rource Development, Department of Higher Education, Shastsi Bhawan, New Del nt # souyas Mesber 40 : ene Toes 32 6O¥Tss Hol we Gan orovisa, Orisa seston, wou AEF ac Bhubaneshwar -751001 pert Comme roe industries Deptt Witness to the above signatures Signanuret 7 : ie Bite RAY Geet PUES pitthe Address ag een jort, Fame Cae Daedie: = GR 200e tp Office oF ihe LR * INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR SOCIETY OD OST Eee RULES (1) These Rules and Regulations may be called “Rules of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar Society.” In these Rules (a) *S y’ means the Indian institute of Technology, Shubaneswar Society. ’ means the Indian Institute of Technology, aneswar . ‘ixman’ means the Chairman of the Society and the (a) ‘Menber-Secretary’ means the Member-Secretary of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar and its Board of Governors. (e) ‘Board’ means the Board of Governors of Indian Institute ~ of Technology, Bhubaneswar (2) ctor’ means the Director, Indian Institute of 48) ‘Registrar’ meansthe Registrar, Indian Institute_ of Wechnology, Bhubaneswar (h) ‘Finance Committee’ meansthe Finance Committee of the Board. (4) ‘Committees’ means Committees of the Board. () ‘Central Government’ means the Government of India. ‘The Socjety shall for the time being consist of lowing members :~ Aadcons and dvupation ertgnasion Sevelay, Misty ol Human Resource Development Dopatmentst _Chalman igh Education, Shas Bhawan, New Dal Jobst Secretary, Member Wise of HRD, Breau of DtenceLearing, New Deh 41S. ang Fnandial Adige, Member Mais of HAD, New Delis ‘rector, Minty of Human Resource Development, Deparment of Hier Member Edueaion, Shas Bhavan, New Dali ‘rector (UNESCO), Mins of Human Rescuros evelopment, Menber Department of Higher Edueacn, Shai Ghawan, New Cah ‘ Commistner-cun-Seeetary inthe Governmentof Oss, Inueres . Manber Dopatnon, Bhubaneswar : , DiectorActng Ovecor ofthe asl Member Secretary aera Onto v1 Government: ay at any ChMByMEROANE ¢°Y other to be menber of menbers; Of FRE Society. . ety shall keep ia vole Of Gems and members of ‘gn the roll and state thezenm his rank or the Society 5! eccupstion and addtess. NO Per! or be entitled to exercise the © alles he has signed the roll as aforesaid. 4. te a menber of the Society shalt change his address new address in ‘the xGllvas memes put if he he may notity faile to notify His new laddeess, 8 address in the roll Of s address. & i to be h members shall 5, | superintendence, direction and control of the af the society and its income/and property shall be vested in the Governing Body of the society; which shall be callec the Board of Governors, Indian institute of Technology, er called "The Board". CERTIFIED T0 BE TRUF com Coke Record Keeper Office of-beIGR Ove Braet GB Ove, Cartace 1872 ab 13 . # 6. The Board be composed of :~ (2) the Chairman, to be nominated by the Visitor; (b) the Director, ex-officio; (c) one person to be nominated by the Government of each of the States comprising the Zone in-which the Institute is situated, from among persons who, in the opinion of that Government, are technologists or industrialists of repute; (¢) four persons having special knowledge or practical experience respect of education, engineering or science, to be nominated by the Council; and {e) two professors of the Institute, tobe nominated by the Senate, section, the expression ‘zone’ means a zone as demarcated by the All India Council for Technical urposes of thi 7. Should any member of the Society (other than the Chairman) be prevented from attending meetings of the Society or the Board, he shall be at liberty-to appoint and authorise a representative to take his place at that Meeting of the society or the Board and such representative shall have alll the rights and privileges of a member of the Society or of the Board for that meeting only. ee Se ra —=-- os he CERTIFIED 10 ar Gene G Office fie GR Ore ‘Auntwonsed U/S 7, re a member of the Society becomes a member by the office he holds, his membership ceased to Aold that office. asons of shall terminate when he A member of the Society representing a Ministry Shall continue to be 2 member during the Jeasure of Central Government. ber (incliding the Chairman) not covered by sub-rules. (1) and (2) shall cease to be a member on the expiry of five years fromthe date Of his appointment or nomination but, shall be eligible for reappointment ox re-nomination, as the case may be. 9 1 member of the Society shall cease to be a menber of the Society, if he shall die, resign, become-of-unsound mind, become insolvent or be convicted for a criminal offence involving toral turpitude or if he is removed by the Central trom Lhe membership of the Society or if he the Director) accepts @ full-time appointment in , or if he shali not attend three consecutive e Society without leave of the Chaiman. (2) very ot! Governme! Resignati 10. (1) The Chairman may resign his office by @ letter addressed to the Central Government and his resignation shall take effect from the date it is fe Central Government in the Homan Resource Develorment (Department _of Higher Baucation). Yb) A menber (other than ex-officio menber, or a menber representing a Ministry) ay xesign office by a letter addressed to the Chaizman and such cesignation shall take effect from dele it is accepted by the Chaiman. Any vacancy in the Society shall be filled by either intment or nomination by the respective authority entitled appointment ox nomination and the term of office to make such of a member appointed or nominated to fill 2 casual vacancy Sta Pecr+d Keeper r the remainder of the termiof the menber * shall cont: in whose place he has been appointed ox nominated: 12 ‘the Society or the Board shall function, 1g any vacancy thevein and notwbthstending any tment or nomination of any of its members; ppoi proceedings of the Society ox the Board shall be reason of the existence of any vacancy y by ny defect in the appointment or nomination of 13,4) ‘The Sociely shall. meet whenever £he Chabrmar thinks fit, provided that the Chairman shail call a meeting of the society upon @ written requisition of not less than, four menbers. For every meeting of the Society fifteen days notice shall be given. ae Sth chairman shall have the power to call meeting(s} notice to deal with urgent and energent business Sanity. Four members of the Society) shall constitute a qugrum at eny meeting, tw case of difference of opinion amongst the members, the opinion of the majority shall prevail. Bach member of the Society, including the Chaizmany shall have one vote-and 4f there shall be an equality of votes on any question to be determined by the Society, the Chairman shall in addition have and (vil) nvery meeting of the Society shall be presided over by the Chairman and; in his absence, by @ member t - chosen by the menbers present to preside on ‘the k : 6 /~ GERTIFIED To 8° Taur tony Magen Sal : fecord Ky Office tue LGR Des Autburised U/S 76, oa i ing? “ Z Sis Seesey ro errs Any business which may be necessary for the Society cm, except such as may be placed-before: meetings, may be carried out by circulation, among all its members and any resolution so circulated and approved by @ majority of the members signing shall be as i effectual and binding as if such resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Society? provided that at least four menbers of the Society have recorded their views an he resolution. CARD 14) ‘che Board shall frame with the approval of the | Cent ral Government, bye-Laws which may provide for all or any of the following matters, viz, omni ion of Departments of teaching; es to be charged for courses of study in the ‘titute and for admission to the examinations for ments of the Institute; (c) the institution of fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, prizes and medals; the creation and classification of posts, the method of appointment thereto and the determination of the terms and conditions of service of, teachers and other staff of the Institute provided that proposals relating to emoluments structure, i.e.) adoption of pay scales and allowances and revision thereof and creation of posts carrying a scale of pay with a maximum exceeding Rs.15,200/- p.m. would heed the prior approval of-the Govt. of India. Provided further that the power to create posts is further subject to the observance of the ban orders issued by the (Govt. of India from time to time. vided, however, a reference to the Govt. would not be necessary in regard to adoption of the scales of pay and allowances identical to those adopted for corresponding posts as orders of the Central Government issued from time to time. (e) the establishment and maintenance of halls and | hostels; vee eee dons of residence of students of the jens OF sestaenes of ee earn / mrscicupe and the Levin 2a oF other charges, V/ \iyt? Re Maas may, by sesclution, appoint sec such purposes and with such power; Board may think fit. The Board may co-opt such considers suitable. e x SN ig provisions of these rule: fe the powers to create teatiaaT cal, Ministerial and other posts uncés” n the post of Director and to make appointment thereto. The appointment to the post of Director i shall be made by the Board according|to such procedures and \ on such terms and conditions as may be decided by the Central Gavernment ard may, by resolution, delegate to a committee mn such of its powers for the conduct of its Husiness as it may deem fit, subject to the condition that the action taken by any committee or the Cheiyman under the powers delegated them by this rule shall be reported for confirmation at the next meeting of the Board. (v) The Board may pass such resolution or resolutions as 6 annual report, the annual accounts it may deen! ancial estimates. .(4) Ordinarily, the Board shall meet once in every three months ani @ fifteen days’ notice shall be given of . each such meeting and a copy of the proceedings of the each meeling sull be tirnished to the Central_Government in | the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Deptt. Of Higher Fducation), as soon as possible after the meeting: provided that the Chairman may, whenever he thinks | GERTIFIED To BE TRUE copy hove Pecord Keeper Ottice ofthe LGR Origa, bucised LYS 76, cect, 7 1872 1d) Gai (vi) fit, and Shall, less than two menbers, call a special meet’ Four members of the Board, present in person, shall constitute 2 quorum at any meeting of the Board. In case of difference of opinion amongst the menbers, the opinion of the majority shall prevail. Each member of the Board, including the Chairman, shall have one vote and, ifthere shall be an equality of votes on any question to be determined by the Board, the Chairman shall in addition have and exercise a vote, Every meeting of the Board shall be presided over by the Chairman and, in his absence by @ member chosen by the members present to preside on the occasion. Any business which it may be necessary for the Board to perfor, except such as may be placed before its teat 198, tay be carried out by circulation among all its members and any resolution so circulated and approved by a Majority of the Members signing shall be ‘ as effectual and binding as if such resolution had een passed at a meeting of the Board: PROVIDED at at least four members of the Board have recorded tho’ views on the resolution. he duty of the Chairman to see that the decisions taken by the Board are implenented. i 2 9/- ay, =: 9 (2) ‘The Ch sman shall exercise such other powers as may be delegated to him by the Board. 4 17. DIRECTOR (1) The Board shall, with the prior approval of the Central Government, appoint the Direetor of the sti ©; provided that the first Director shall . be appointed by the Central Government. (2) The Dizector shall be the principal academic and executive office of the Institute and shall be ble Jor the proper administration of e end for the imparting ef instructiGie | ‘and maintenance of discipline therein. All of her | be bcm Sopnnct (4) "the Digector shall have the power to redelegate © his powers to any of his subordinates with the approval of the Board. sone AB.BINANCE comm: (1) The Board shall have a Finance Committee consisting of the following persons, namely:- a) The Chairman, ex-officio, who shall be the Chainnan of the Committass, \ 5) ‘Two versions nominated by the Central Government \ one of whom will he Financial Advisor, Deptt, ucation representing the Ministry of = alYe 10: id by the Board; and ©) Two persons. nem ctor (to be represented by the Director of Mentoring IIT till ine the Director is named and formally accepts the assignment) euch co act as Meher Secretary”, ‘tee shall perform following fonctions » examine and scrutinise the annual budget of the Institute prepared py the Director and make recomendations’ to the Board. b) > examine all matters having financial implications and make recommendations to the Board. : ¢) To exanine all cases involving deviation from nancial or service rales and make recommendations to the Board. (G) The Committee shall meet at least once @ year. (4) ree members of the Comittee shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Comittee. nan, Af present, shall preside over the meeting of the Comittee. In his absence the manbers ‘present shall elect one from amongst themselves to reside over the meeting. event of 2 disagreenent between the resentative of the Ministry of Finance and Chairman of the Finance Comittee on financial beyond the delegated powers of the Ministry 1r shall be referred to the Minister of the and the Pinance Minister fon a deciston, sma ij 19. Re ; (2) the Registrar shall be a whole-tine officer of the N | Institute and shall be appointed by the Board on such tems and conditions as may be laid down in the bye-lews. He shall be the custodian of records, the funds of the Institute and such other property “= the Institute as the Board may camit to his the Regitrar shall act as Secretazy of the various Conmittees of the Society or the Board. However, {Lt such tine @ Segistear is appointed and assutes {hh office, the Director (or in his place the Director | of the Mentoring 111) shall act as the Secretary i he above bodies". 4 (3) to the Director ofthe Insite for Ehe Beopas es discharge of his duties and functions. G Se (4)'the Regis strar shall perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as my be assigned to him by the Board or Director. . 20. The members of the Society or the Board and of any 1 Committee appo: ed by the Society or the Board shall not be entitled toany remuneration from the Society “or the Board; but non-official member of the Society 4 (he linnd or of any committed appointed by either 1 be reimbursed by the Society their Lowance and daily allowance in respect of the journeys undertaken to attend the meetings of Sety or of the Board or o£ the Committees or ection with the business of the Sociely or the Board, as may be provided in the bye-laws to be made in this behalf by the Society or the Beard, as the case may be. 21.) The Society shall submit annually, within-six months + the closing of the previous financial year, to the I Central Covers ment in the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education), a report the Institute in the previous year toge an audited statement of accounts showing the income and.expenditure for the previous year and the budget estimates for the ensuing year. | IER O ise Butiscised, U/S 76 | | ame opp Beapedvar Reo 24d annual accounts of the Seciety shall be audited the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India or may be decided by the Central (ii) The any ovher authority as verniment. and any expense incur: , shall be payable by the Society. red in connection the purposes of saction 6 of Registration of es Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), the person in ynose neme the Society may sue or be sued shall contracts for and on behalf of the Society oF Lhe Institute shall be expressed to be made in the same of the Society of the Institute as the case may be and shall be executed by the Chairman, the Director of the Institute and one other member of the Board. 6 the prior approval of the Central Government : che Society may alter, extend or abridge any purpose | or purposes for whith it is established, provided it Carries out the procedure prescribed in that behalf by Act XKI of 1860 24, (4)Subject nese Rules may be altered with the consent of the Central Government at any time by a resolution passed by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting of the Society which shall have been daly convened for the purpose. necessary the Society may be dissolved and the properties remained after dissolution may be handed bver according to the provisions laid down in jecLions 13 and 14 of the-Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Bhetawrgen at GE Onn ghee cas Fy that the above is vp ‘We. the wilersigied Members of the Society, do hereby’ me eopy of the Rules a the Society . & SLNo Nameand Address Description _Signature 1. Shri RP. Agrawal, Chairman Sexetary, Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of | Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 2. Dr. Damodar Acharya, Diver ad Member prey IY, Rha 3. Sh.NK. Sina, © eu Member dials 1 HIRD, Spe of © ——— ‘Joint Secretary, Ministry of Distance Learning, 4, Shri SK. Ray, JS. and Financial:Advisor, Member Ministry of HRD, = New Deli 5. Mry, Seema Raj Member Q Director, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of | Higher | Fducation, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 6. Sri Stailendra Kumar Shara Member Bodudy Rom Director (UNESCO), Ministey of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan, ‘New i Delhi j Da. ail paver i h, Piso aie Member 4 secrsiary sues Deer. Camm -Gim-Secretary to Gov. Govt of Orissa, Orissa Seereta lahubanesh war -75 1001 Industries Deptt, SCRE OERTIFIED 70 ar ie oy Pecoed ; oper thevafbe LGR. Orisa, Cottack sessed UST6 aces IB? nity Application for Searching fee. Tracing cloth. SOpviNg fee a an (Number of Words) Total | Li Towards RADDA ede, Gil Bid hin PRE ey Dace D2bo\6.. orn te | Otie uf tne Hay

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