Stative Verbs

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They usually refer to a STATE (a situation which isn't in a process of change).

verbs are either unusual in the continuous form, or when used in the continuous the
meaning of the verb is different.

1. Verbs of the MIND and THINKING.

agree, assume*, believe, consider*, doubt, expect**, forget, know, realise, remember,
suppose*, think**, understand

2. Verbs of EMOTION.

care, detest, dislike, enjoy*, envy, hate, hope*, like, love, prefer, want, wish,

3. Verbs of POSSESSION and STATE.

appear*, belong, consist, contain, cost*, depend, have**, mean, need, own, seem, weigh*

4. Verbs of the SENSES.

feel**, hear**, see**, smell**, taste**

* These verbs can sometimes be used in the continuous, but they refer to the ACTION
in progress at that moment. Eg. We are assuming he will come to the meeting.


When 'think' is used for your opinion it is a stative verb.

Eg. I don't think it's going to rain.

When 'think' refers to the mental process or to talk about future plans it is a normal verb.

Eg. You are very serious! What are you thinking about?

Eg. We're thinking of going to Brazil for our holidays, this year.


When 'expect' is used to mean 'suppose', it is a stative verb.

Eg. I expect you'd like something to drink.

'Expect can also be used to mean 'to be pregnant'.

Eg. Have you heard that Susan's expecting a baby?


When 'have' is used to mean 'to possess sth.' it is a stative verb.

Eg. He has (got) three children.

Have + noun can also be used for an activity in progress.

Eg. We're having a lovely time in Greece, the weather's lovely.


'See' and 'hear' are stative verbs when used to refer to what your eyes or ears register.

Eg. I can't see what is happening because there's someone standing in front of me.

If you WANT to see something, then WATCH is used for sth. in motion, and LOOK
AT is used for sth. static. If you WANT to hear sth. then LISTEN TO is used.

Eg. Look at that man over there! What's he doing? He's watching a football match on TV.

Eg. Where's John? He's in his bedroom listening to his heavy metal CD's.

'See' can also mean the same as 'meet' and is a normal verb.

Eg. I can't come to the meeting because I'm seeing a client at 3 o'clock.


These verbs can refer to the senses and are stative verbs which combine with CAN

Eg. Have you left the oven on? I can smell something burning!

Can you taste the herbs I've put in this soup?

When referring to the activity, they are normal verbs and can be used in the continuous.

Eg. She's tasting the soup to see if it needs any more pepper.

Why are you smelling the meat? Do you think it's gone off?


When 'feel' is used for the sense, it is stative and it is used with CAN.

Eg. It was so cold that I couldn't feel my toes.

'Feel' can refer to your opinion, in which case it is a stative verb.

Eg. How do you feel about the new project? I don't feel very happy about it.

'Feel' can refer to a person's health and is used as a normal verb.

Eg. How are you feeling today? I'm not feeling very well.
Put the verb into the correct form. Use either the present simple or the present

1. Please don't make so much noise. I _______________________ (study).

2. How many languages ______________________ ? (Tom speak).

3. I ____________________ (not/belong) to a political party.

4. Hurry! The bus ____________________ (come). I ___________________

(not/want) to miss it.

5. The River Nile ____________________ (flow) into the Mediterranean.

6. The river ____________________ (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual.

7. _______________________ (it/ever/snow) in India?

8. We usually ____________________ (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year

we __________________ (not/grow) any.

9. A: Can you drive?

B: No, but I __________________ (learn). My father ________________ (teach) me.

10. You can borrow my umbrella. I __________________ (not/need) it at the moment.

11. (at a party) I usually __________________ (enjoy) parties but I

__________________ (not/enjoy) this one very much.

12. George says he's 80- years old but I __________________ (not/believe) him.
13. Ron is in London at the moment. He __________________ (stay) at the Hilton

Hotel. He usually __________________ (stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he's in London.

14. My parents __________________ (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have

never lived anywhere else. Where __________________ (your/parents/live)?

15. She __________________ (stay) with her sister at the moment, until she finds

somewhere to live.

16. A: What __________________ (your father/do)?

B: He's a teacher, but he __________________ (not/work) at the moment.

17. What time __________________ (the banks/close) in Britain?

18. I don't understand the word 'aint'. What __________________ (it/mean)?

19. He is still ill but he __________________ (get/better) slowly.

20. The economic situation is already bad and it __________________ (get/worse).

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