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Problem Statement: An investigation into the extent to which the incorporation of Information,

Communication, and technology (ICTs) has impacted the post Covid-19 learning process of sixth

form students at Michael Dell High School.

Candidates’ name and number : Kelene Mckenzie (100039****), Renee Watson

(1000392659), Richard Patterson (1000391962), Gabrielle Newman (1000391873),Jaheim

Williams (1000392713)

School : Glenmuir High

Territory : Jamaica

Year of Examination : 2023

Teacher : Mrs. Meikle



The completion of this SBA could not have been possible without the assistance from

several persons that we would really like to thank. Firstly, we would like to thank God for giving

us the strength and motivation to complete this School Based Assessment. Secondly, we would

like to express gratitude to our teacher, Mrs Meikle for guiding and providing us with assistance

throughout this SBA. Lastly, we would like to thank the students of Glenmuir High, for allowing

us to conduct our research based on their experiences which played an extremely important role

in our investigation.



Problem Statement……………………………………………………………………6



Literature Review…………………………………………………………………….10

Data Collection Sources……………………………………………………………...13

Presentation of Data………………………………………………………………….14

Analysis of Data………………………………………………………………………

Discussion of Findings……………………………………………………………….






ICTs continue to play a critical role in all fields of life and human interactions. ICTs have been

proven to be useful in the areas of agriculture, engineering, medicine, law, aviation, commerce,

insurance, banking, finance and numerous other activities. It can be stated that ICTs are one of

the most important driving forces of economic growth in several countries. ICTs are useful in

education because they help to support, improve, and optimize information delivery. It creates a

convenient learning environment and is currently being utilized in education to help students

learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a variety of innovative methods. This

research entails investigation into the extent to which ICT have impacted the learning process of

the high school students in sixth form. Information and communication technologies are thought

to be extremely influential in the field of education, affecting every aspect of education from

teaching and learning to assessment and evaluation. The closure of schools in March 2020 as a

result of the COVID-19 pandemic caused all governments to rethink how education could work

without face-to-face learning. Among the many changes generated by COVID-19 crisis,

basically all teaching became mediated by digital technologies. During this time, teachers had to

change their classrooms into online learning spaces and to assume virtual teaching, sometimes

for the first time, to facilitate their students’ learning. Some of the new inventions led to a wider

acceptance of advanced gadgets such as computers, iPads and cellular phones that increased

communication and interactions between teachers and students.Based on the fact that

technologies change every day, education also continuously changes, since the ways teachers and

students use their own methods of teaching and learning respectively in or out of classrooms also

is emerging. For example, years ago, students were using their textbooks to review what they

studied in classrooms with their teachers. Nowadays, students can study from their homes and

have access to online platforms and resources for learning.

ICTs are used at the Michael Dell High School for various purposes, such as online learning,

digital assessments, virtual collaboration and research. The technologies used at this high school

include laptops, smartphones, digital whiteboards, tablets, projectors and other devices that

enable students and teachers to create, receive and share information. These technologies have

helped the school to create a more interactive and convenient learning environment.


An investigation into the extent to which the incorporation of Information, Communication, and

technology (ICTs) has impacted the post Covid-19 learning process of sixth form students at

Michael Dell High School.



1. To what extent do students use ICTs?

2. How have ICTs impacted the students' attitude towards learning?

3. In what ways has the overall learning process of students been impacted?


The purpose of this research is to find out how the use of ICTs has enhanced the learning process

of students. This research will be conducted at the Michael Dell High School only and include 30

sixth formers between the ages 16-19. This research will be conducted over a five-month period

from October 2022 - March 2023.

Educational Value of research

Several groups can benefit from the findings of this research paper. Firstly, Programme

developers can benefit from the findings of this research as they can use it to develop new

platforms for use in the classroom. Another beneficiary could be classroom teachers, who could

incorporate more effective ICT tools and techniques to enhance their teaching methods. Finally,

students could use the findings of this research to improve their own learning experiences by

taking advantage of the benefits of using ICTs in their schoolwork.

Definition of Keywords/terms

1. ICTs. - Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) are a diverse set of

technological resources used to transmit, create, store and exchange information. These

resources include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies and telephones.

2. Covid-19 - Covid-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus

discovered in 2019.

3. E-learning Platform - An online learning platform is a webspace or portal for

educational content and resources that offers a student everything they need in one place.

4. Teaching methods - A set of practices and principles used by teachers to make the

process of teaching and learning highly effective for their students.

5. Programme Developers - These are professionals who create computer programs and

software applications. The are responsible for the design, testing and maintenance of

software applications to ensure they run properly

6. Technology - Technology refers to the tools, techniques and methods used to create,

develop and improve products, services and processes



The researchers found several sources which relate to the variables under investigation in

this paper. In a study done by Van Der Graaf (2021), it was found that as a result of the switch to

use of ICT due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students from disadvantaged backgrounds were

particularly affected, while others, the more privileged and affluent, continued their studies

through alternative learning methods, predominantly distance and/or online learning. The study

further outlined that the COVID-19 crisis generally highlighted the lack of preparedness of

countries in terms of digital education infrastructure and that the switch to distance education and

reliance on ICT during the COVID-19 outbreak exacerbated the existing digital divide in

European societies. This research highlights the need for online learning approaches to become

fully integrated into all parts of education and implemented as a cohesive component of learning,

teaching and assessment, rather than be used as a tool in emergencies.

In a book written by Jungwoo Lee and Spring H. Han (2021), they highlight that digital

transformation is the most immediate outcome of COVID-19 in the education services in Japan.

They outline that distance education services were implemented rapidly in both recorded online

courses and interactive online courses. They further outline that in addition to print materials,

course materials are now available in digital format. Students can conduct virtual experiments

and simulations with educational software applications. It can be agreed with the authors that

both digital education and traditional education have their strengths and weaknesses. However

distance learning can offer students more opportunities and options than traditional education.

ICTs can enable students to take ownership of their learning, considered the new normal in


According to an article by Elvin Shava (2022), it was mentioned that through ICTs,

educators gain autonomy by preparing study materials for students as a way to empower students

to research information as compared to being enclosed in a traditional classroom setting (Dooley

et al. 2016). The article outlines that a review of literature indicated that in many tertiary

institutions, ICTs long existed, but educators and students were not fully taking advantage of the

technological gadgets to improve academic work. The idea that access to ICTs in tertiary

education can improve student’s academics was supported by a study by Cuban and Jandric’s


According to a journal by Saima Firdaus Mohammed Yaseen and Smt. ShubhadaRamesh

Joshi (2021), it is stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all levels of educational

systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of schools, universities and colleges.

Educational institutions moved towards a blended mode of learning. They outline that there are a

number of advantages of online teaching and learning, online learning helps both teachers and

students to be more engaged than in traditional mode. Weaker students can repeat the videos

which have been provided by teachers, also they can search related videos on YouTube and learn

the concept at their home. COVID-19 has increased the adaptation of digital technology to

deliver lectures. The authors further outlined that the pandemic situation induced people to learn

and use digital technology and it resulted in an increase in digital literacy.


In a book by The Ministry of Education and Youth (2022), it is outlined that ICT

integration provides a dynamic and proactive teaching-learning environment that can contribute

to effective learning when teachers are fully equipped and prepared in the use of ICT tools. The

policy states that education with the use of ICTs is central to preparing the population to meet the

demands of this new and evolving environment, where knowledge and information are needed to

navigate successfully.


This research took the form of an applied research which is a process that is aimed at

answering a specific question, in this case it is an investigation on the extent to which the

incorporation of ICTs has enhanced the learning process of students in sixth form post covid-19.

The research took the form of a mixed methodology approach where both qualitative and

quantitative methods will be utilized both independently and in correlation to each other.

Qualitative research involves the use of a variety of methods to develop a deep understanding of

how people perceive their social realities and in consequence, how they act within the social

world, while Quantitative research gathers data in a numerical form which can be put into

categories, or in rank order, or measured in units of measurement.

The data was collected using a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a series of printed or

written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purpose of a survey or statistical

study. A questionnaire was appropriate here since it can collect both quantitative and qualitative

data. It also allowed for ease of administration and collection of data from a large sample

sufficient a representation of the population of sixth form students. The questionnaire was

distributed online through the use of Google Forms. The data will be analyzed and presented

with the aid of charts and graphs.

The sampling technique that will be used is Simple Random Sampling. Simple Random

Sampling is a type of probability sampling using a randomly selected subset of the population.

With this sampling method, each member of the population has an equal chance of being





This graph was made using results from question number 1 of the questionnaire.



This graph was made using results from question number 2 of the questionnaire



This graph was denoted from question 6 of the questionnaire.



This graph represents the answers selected for question 8 of the questionnaire.



This graph was made using results from question number 11 of the questionnaire.



This graph was made using results from question number 12 of the questionnaire.





This graph was made using results from question number 15 of the questionnaire.



Made my note taking skills more organized adding to my knowledge of using a laptop. Slightly

increasing my grade

Increased participation

Allows me to better pool my resources to facilitate my learning

It’s more inclusive now more than ever made information accessible and on the go aiding
anywhere anyplace studying

It has made doing assignments easier

Made it easier to access learning resources

The learning process has experienced a major boost . Videos and other media are used to help
me understand topics after classes.

Has a positive impact such as ict makes it fun to study as a result I got better grades

Become more competent with ICT

More dependence on electronics and the internet and less dependence on my own skills to
solve problems


To investigate the extent to which the incorporation of ICTs has impacted the post Covid-

19 learning process of sixth form students at Michael Dell High School, a questionnaire was

distributed to 30 students. The following analysis provides insights into the extent to which the

students are using ICTs, and the implications that the ICTs have for their learning outcomes.

Figure 1 shows the frequency at which ICTs are used in the classroom. When the students

were asked how often they use ICTs, 16.7% indicated that they rarely use ICTs, 40% indicated

that they sometimes use ICTs, and 43.3% indicated that they use ICTs regularly in the classroom.

From the data shown in the pie chart it is observed that most of the students use ICTs regularly in

the classroom.

Figure 2 shows the types of ICTs being used by the students. 6 students indicated that

digital whiteboards are used, 28 students use smartphones, 14 students use tablets, 26 students

use laptops, 21 students use E-learning platforms, and 2 students indicated that internet and

projectors are used. From the bar graph it is seen that the majority of the students use

smartphones and e-learning platforms.

Figure 3 shows the frequency at which students make use of ICTs to do schoolwork.

76.7% of the students use the ICTs often to do schoolwork, and 23.3% stated that they

sometimes use ICTs to do schoolwork. From the pie chart it is observed that majority of the

students use ICTs often to do schoolwork, while a few students sometimes use ICTs to do their


Figure 4 shows the impact that ICTs have on the students’ learning pace. 69.7% of the

students indicated that the ICTs have made it easier to learn at their own pace, 24.2% stated that

the ICTs have no impact on their ability to learn at their own pace, and 6.1% of the students

stated that ICTs have made it harder for them to learn at their own pace. From the data observed

in this pie chart it can be said that the ICTs have made it easier for most students to learn at their

own pace, for some students the ICTs do not affect their ability to learn at their own pace, while

it was harder for a few students to learn at their own pace.

Figure 5 shows the impact of ICTs on the students’ level of engagement. 12 students

indicated that there was no change in engagement, 10 students indicated that there was increased

engagement and 7 students indicated that there was decreased engagement. From the data in this

bar graph it is observed that most students stated that there was no change in engagement, some

students stated that there was increased engagement, while a few students stated that there was

decreased engagement.

Figure 6 shows the impact of ICTs on students’ motivation to do/ complete school-related

work. 56.7% of the students indicated that the ICTs have had an impact on their motivation to do

school-related work, 30% indicated that they have barely been motivated, and 13.3% indicated

that they have not been motivated. From the results observed in this pie chart it can be said that

ICTs have had an impact on most of the students’ motivation to do school-related work.

Figure 7 shows the ways in which ICTs helped students in their schoolwork. 38% of

students indicated that they have easier access to learning materials, 24.1% indicated that ICTs

made collaboration with classmates easier, 20.3% indicated that it is easier to stay organized, and

17.7% indicated that the communication with teachers improved. It can be observed from the pie

chart that most students have easier access to learning materials and that they are better able to

communicate with their peers and teachers.

Figure 8 shows the impact of ICTs on students' overall learning process. 21 students

indicated that the ICTs have had an impact on their learning process, while 9 students indicated

that the ICTs had no impact on their learning process. From the observations in the bar graph it

can be said that ICTs have had an impact on the majority of the students.

Table 1 shows the ways in which students’ learning process has been affected by ICTs. It

is observed that with the ICTs, the students’ learning process was made easier, and more

organized and inclusive, allowing them to access information anywhere at any time. The students

have also seen an increase in their grades. However, some students have stated that they have a

shorter attention span and increased reliance on electronic devices and the internet. The use of

ICTs has had a positive impact on most of the students’ overall learning process.


This SBA is centered around the problem statement ‘An investigation into the extent to

which the incorporation of Information, Communication, and technology (ICTs) has impacted

the post Covid-19 learning process of sixth form students at Michael Dell High School.” This

statement was further analyzed and broken down into 3 subordinate sub-questions, based on

which interview questions and a questionnaire were made in an attempt to garner adequate

knowledge on the relative questions likewise the overall topic.

Sub-question 1 “ To what extent do students use ICTs”, aims at questioning students' use

and experience with ICTs. This aligns with figures 1 and 2. The results of figure 1 show that

most of the students use ICTs regularly in the classroom, where of the 30 respondents, at

majority 13 (43.3%) selected yes indicating that ICTs are indeed used regularly in the classroom.

Of the remaining respondents, another 12 students indicated that ICTs are only used sometimes

and 5 indicated they are rarely used. Figure 3 shows that outside of the classroom and in students'

own personal time, students also make use of ICTs. It illustrates that a majority of 23 (76.7%) of

the students are engaged in ICT use while the minority of 7 students (23.3%) indicates otherwise.

Together, these results show that not only do students use ICTs when they are subjected to it in

the classroom but also in their own personal time, indicating that students are constantly making

use of ICTs to assist in their school activities. Coupled with this, students were asked in a focus

group about their experience with ICTs where they expressed that they were all very familiar

with the different technologies and could easily manipulate them to their use and advantage. This

further indicates the extent to which ICTs are used by students, which can be concluded to be

relatively large.

Sub question 2 ‘ How have ICTs impacted the students' attitude towards learning?’ This

question leans over to the impactful side of ICTs as it relates to the work attitude of students.

Have ICTs made students less or more motivated, has it been helpful in increasing their

productivity? Figures 4, 5 and 6 answer these questions perfectly. Figure 4, titled, ‘The impact of

ICTs on student’s learning pace’ denotes that while the majority of 23 (69.7% ) respondents

selected the option stating that ICTs made it easier to learn at their own pace, 8 (24.2%) selected

the option stating ICTs had no impact on the ability to learn at their pace and 2 respondents

selected the remaining option which states ICTs made it more challenging to learn at their own

pace. This finding reveals that most students adapted to the use of ICTs, using it to their

advantage to work at their own pace. Figure 5 represents an illustration of the impact of ICTs on

students’ level of engagement in their school related work. Where a number of 10 students

indicated that there was an increase in their level of engagement, another 12 at majority indicated

there was no change and the remaining 7 indicated that there was a decrease in that thereof. This

goes to show that different students had and continue to have different experiences with ICTs as

some are more technologically inclined than others. Therefore, with students indicating that there

was either no change or there was an increase or decrease in their engagement with school due

to ICTs, it can be concluded that ICts have impacted students' engagement both positively and

negatively. Similarly, figure 6 which represents the impact of ICTs on students’ level of

motivation to complete school related tasks, indicated that while a majority of 56.7 % (17 of 30)

of the respondents indicated that their motivation has increased with the use of ICTS, 30 % (9)

indicated that ICTs barely affected their motivation and 13.3% (4) indicated that there was no

change in the motivation. All together, these 3 graphs show that ICTs have undoubtedly made

positive changes in the attitude of students towards school. However, the minority cannot be

ignored as they too indicated that ICTs may have affected them in a more negative than positive

way. It was also stated in the focus group, that the constant use of these technologies made them

mentally tired and sometimes even demotivated, especially when it came on to the transition of

online to face to face to school to which some are still trying to adjust themselves to.

Lastly, the third subquestion ‘In what ways has the overall learning process of students

been impacted?’ seeks to point out whether or not the learning process of students have been

altered likewise the ways this may have been so. To answer this question researchers gave

respondents the option to indicate whether their learning process was altered followed by in what

ways. This is represented by Figures 7 and 8 and Table 1. In figure 8, while 21 of the

respondents selected the option ‘yes’ which indicates that they believe their post Covid-19

learning process was impacted, the minority of 9 respondents suggested otherwise by selecting

the option ‘no’. Figure 7 suggests ways in which ICTs may have helped students. It shows that

30 (38%) students believed that through the use of ICTs learning material became more

accessible , 19 (24.1%)believed it made collaborating with classmates easier, another 14

(17.7%)indicated it made communicating with teachers better and 16 (20.3%) indicated that

organizing was made easier. Though these findings could easily sum up the ways in which the

learning processes were made easier, respondents were further given the option to state the ways

their individual learning process was altered. This is shown in Table 1. In summary, students

stated that their interest, participation and note taking and organizing skills were all improved.

Others indicated that through ICTs they found learning more fun and so were more attentive.

They also stated that ICTs made it easier to pool and access resources necessary for learning. In

addition to this, respondents also pointed out that studying likewise the completion assignments

was made easier. Therefore to answer sub question 3, the highlighted factors altogether boosted

the post covid-19 learning process of these respondents in a positive way.

Through analyzing the findings garnered and their relativity with the subtopics, the

researchers have concluded that the incorporation of Information, Communication, and

technology (ICTs) has undoubtedly played a major role in improving the post covid 19 learning

process of students by boosting their attitude towards learning.



The investigation into the impact of ICTs on the post Covid-19 learning process of sixth-form

students at Michael Dell High School has shown some useful findings. The incorporation of

ICTs has had a significant impact on the learning process of students, which has provided

students with new technological tools and resources to enhance their education. Even though

students were challenged with certain restrictions ranging from not having the resources, not

understanding how to use the resources, and so on, this research can be useful to programmers

and developers who want insight as to the improvements that can be made to these technological

resources and platforms in order to provide a more user-friendly interface for students to interact

which has its advantages one being an improvement in the students learning process. The

investigation found that the incorporation of ICT has both benefits and challenges in the post-

Covid-19 learning process of sixth form students at Michael Dell High School. The benefits

included increased flexibility in terms of where they can learn, while gaining access to the wider

range of different learning resources and the use of ICTs has enabled a few of them to

collaborate more easily with their teachers and peers and the improvement of their engagement

with the learning process was evident. A challenge would be evident in the incorporation of ICTs

would be that for some of the students the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers

were leading to feelings of isolation and disengagement from the learning process.The

conclusion recommends addressing these challenges and maximizing the benefits of ICT use,

while also calling for further research on the long-term effects of ICT on learning outcomes and

the wider Caribbean region.



The research orchestrated on the extent to which the incorporation of ICTs has impacted the post

Covid-19 learning process of sixth form students at Michael Dell High School was a necessity in

for the researchers and the wider public to be able to identify and figure out the extensity of the

problem and which in turn let us be able to come up with solutions that can be carried out

effectively. While carrying out this research, we encountered a few limitations. The constraints

experienced while conducting this research were that the students responding to the

questionnaire did not answer all questions properly, as some students left some questions, mostly

open ended unanswered. This was as a result of students being not fully dedicated to participate

which hindered the completion of the research. There was also difficulty in constructing clear

questions to ask the students in order to attain the appropriate and adequate amount of

information. Some group members were also reluctant towards doing the task they were

assigned, which made it unnecessarily difficult for those group members who were constantly

persisting and demanding their help,



Recommendations were mentioned as a result of this research shedding light on the

incorporation of ICTs has impacted sixth form students. Firstly, the Ministry of Education should

find this research useful to examine how integrating ICTs in school has affected the student.

Secondly, principals should engage teachers in workshops so they can have the necessary

knowledge and skills to use ICTs. Thirdly, internet safety professionals should involve teachers

and students in seminars so that they learn internet safety protocols.



1. Are ICTs used in your classrooms at school?

a) Yes, regularly

b) Sometimes

c) Rarely

d) Not at all

2. What are some ICTs that you use at school?

● Digital whiteboards

● Smartphones

● Tablets

● Laptops

● E-learning platforms

3. What type of E-learning platforms do you use?

● Google classroom

● Youtube

● Edmodo

● Zoom

4. How have your teachers integrated the use of ICTs into their teaching?

● Share class resources and assignments

● To enhance lectures and presentations

● To facilitate class discussions

● Offered virtual office hours for extra help

6. How often do you use ICTs for your schoolwork?

a) Often

b) Sometimes

c) Rarely

d) Neve

7. Have you seen a change in your classes since the introduction of ICT's since covid-19


a) Yes

b) No

c) Maybe

A) If yes, what changes have you seen?


8. How has the increased use of ICTs impacted your ability to learn at your own pace?

a) Made it easier to learn at my own pace

b) No impact on my ability to learn at my own pace

c) Made it harder to learn at my own pace

9. Have you noticed any improvements in your grades since the introduction of ICTs to your

learning process?

a) Yes, my grades have improved significantly

b) Yes, ,my grades have improved slightly

c) No, my grades have not changed

d) No, my grades have decreased

10. Do you feel that online learning makes it harder to stay motivated or engaged in your


a) Yes, it is harder to stay motivated and engaged

b) No, it is just as easy to stay motivated and engaged

11. How do you think the use of ICTs has affected the level of engagement in your classes?

a) Increased engagement

b) No change in engagement

c) Decreased engagement

12. Have ICTs motivated you to complete school related tasks?


a) Yes

b) No

c) Barely

13. How has the use of ICTs changed the way that teachers teach?

a) It has allowed for more interactive and engaging lessons

b) It has made it easier to collaborate with teachers

c) It has not significantly changed the way that teachers teach

14. In your opinion, do the teachers at Michael Dell High School possess the necessary

knowledge and skills to effectively use ICTs in their teaching?

a) Yes, they have the necessary knowledge and skills

b) They have some knowledge and skills, but not enough

c) No, they do not have the necessary knowledge and skills

14. What is the level of experience you have with using ICTs?

a) Experienced

b) Barely experiences

c) No experience

15. Has ICTs impacted your overall post Covid-19 learning process?

a) Yes

b) No

A) If yes, briefly describe in what ways.


16. In what ways have ICTs helped you in your schoolwork?

● Easier access to learning materials

● Made collaboration with classmates easier

● Improved communication with teachers

● Made it easier to stay organized

17. Have other factors influenced your post covid-19 learning process? Such as mental strain,

teacher absenteeism or parents losing their jobs.



18. What is your opinion on the use of ICTs compared to the traditional methods of learning?



19. In what ways have your time management skills been affected by the use of ICTs for




20. Were there any differences that you noticed while using ICTs for learning between the

different subject areas that you have?



Focus Group Questions



Van der Graaf, L., Dunajeva, J., Siarova, H., Bankauskaite, R. 2021, Research for CULT

Committee – Education and Youth in Post-COVID-19 Europe – Crisis Effects and Policy

Recommendations, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion

Policies, Brussels.

Shava, E. (2022). Reinforcing the Role of ICT in Enhancing Teaching and Learning Post-

COVID-19 in Tertiary Institutions in South Africa. Journal of Culture and Values in Education.

Firdaus Mohammed Yaseen, S., & Joshi, S. R. (2021). Positive impact of Covid-19 on

Education. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.

The Ministry of Education and Youth . (2022). ICT in Education policy.

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