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“S ic cal Nissim Ezekiel ong Referenc ous poem “Goodbye Party for Test aS N Hei s foremost Indo-Anglian poets. nce of humour and wit a Conte his poer {Indian English and b) the The: ws is a parody of English as used by Explanation 7 f : ng the couniryj{They cal : leaving the country a wish her a good joumeyfHle addresse ye r Pushp eaker speaks about the virtues a Engl ties and co Pu a swee both internal an rudel|He expla , 4 i peaker’s good nat od intemal TH ns Critical comment T s fect example of Peters a0, alled Babu English. The poem with no specific rhyme scheme or mete of to Tae bt s 2. On the Grasshopper and Cricket 1795-1821).He is an English Romantic poet. He devoted his life to the perfection of p 7 His odes such as “Ode on a Grecian Um” and “Ode to a Nighti are some of his mc Context The poem On the Grasshopper and Cricket was written in 1816. The poem is insp be by Nature's beauty. This poem with fourteen lines is called a ‘sonnet’, The first part which has cight lines (octave) talks about the grasshopper, while the second part of six lines (sestet) is an devoted to the cricket i Explanation this poem is about Nature and says thatthe poetry of earth never ceases. “The 1g poetry of earth’ is the poem’s main theme) During the summer heat, birds stop singing due to w extreme heat. The grasshopper sings tirelessly and bringing relief toall those who have become restless working under the hot sun) He sings endlessly, but when tired, rests under some pleasant al weed. During winter birds stop singing, There is a deathly silence\Despite that, a shrill sound ut comes from under the stones. It isthe Crickets song, which retores the warmth) The ‘warmth a of the cricket’s song balances out the extreme cold during the winter month’ Séasons may ly come and go, buit Nature never fails to inspire us with its songs) The poet shows that Nature is a il spontaneous source of Optimism and happiness “phe poetry of the earth is ceasing never.” ia Critical comment ‘The poetry of earth is never dead’, which becomes the central image orthe metaphor that would be invoked in the entire poem er sa 3. Hiroshima Child Nazim Hua Reference This line is takee om the poem, Hiroshima Child, written by Nazim ie a ‘was a Turkish poet, playwright and novelist. He is recognised as one of the greatest poets 0 twentieth century. " ‘ Context Hiroshima Child is about a seven-year-old child who died in the Hiroshima bomb attack during the World War Il. : Explanation The speaker of these lines is a re Hiroshima girl. She dies when an atom bomb is dropped on Hiroshima in the World War Il] The soul of the girl knocks on every door to wam them about the adverse effects of war: Since then, the child has felt neither growth nor! She realizes that she isno more in flesh but a soul and cannot be seen or heard. But nobody attention to her as she is invisible. She requests people not to fight as she was a victim of it{She begs them to fight for peace. The Hiroshima Child makes a strong plea to drive home the point that war serves no body’s purpose. The child wants the world not only to sympathise but empathise with children who suffer in the name of the war War brings devastation, tragedy, horror, destruction and loss of life . She makes an appeal to let the children grow in peace. ‘The war against war touches our hearts. F Critical comment The tone of the poem is sad and expresses the true feelings of small girl-but there is also a hope for peace. The art of metaphor is seen in strings. Finally, this poem is very touching. Though itis a short poem but it uses imagery very well. + 4. Awake : Sarojini Naidu ‘The patriotic lyric Awake is written by Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949), the Nightingale of India. She is both prolific and profound writer. She is a poet, politician, orator and administrator soon. The Poem Awake, by Sarojini Nadu, isa patriotic song, Itis a soul-stirring plea for action unity. Sarojini Nadu recited this poem at meetings in Bombay and Lahore. The poem Awake appears as an address to Mother India. First, the nation is personified as our ‘mother and all Indians as her children. According to the poetess, the children of the motherland are invoking her to rise from her sound and long sleep and to bless them. So that they may the British rule. The poctess says thai they have a great devotion her shield with which they Fwhich will reach even to the . The Parsees, with the fire of stheit devotion and faith, ago, Yet, It, 18 very relevant n, imagery, rhetoric —_ single any, er Emi " Context The Awakening of Women is an mteresting essay about the position of women in Igy ‘overtime. It traces the transformation of women’s position in India ‘ Explanation The article picturises the position of women in India. It traces the evoluti of their status. The writer points out that woman in ancient India had good place in the society}, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries witnessed a drastic fall in women’s condition, An upyay ae tena it their position started during the prolonged struggle for freedom{ Women fougy Hy with men against the British, but they couldn't get good posts and positions in Independey tndia {Gandhi strongly believed in the equality of women supporting women’s rights he wo numbsr of articles in his “Harijan”, Women’s advancement spread very soon to many fields of jaaity.fWomen’s achievements and their role and contribution in various fields impacied legislation and administration ina positive way Critical comment The write-up is remarkable for its clarity in ideas and their expression, Lucid style and suitable diction make this informa sightful essay offer a rich reading experience, = eit © .6 8. Solution to Plastic Pollution ae Mos a Wo oie eile 1 Adopted from the Internet at lied as the “Plastic Man of India’. ls of recovery and reuse of plastic ‘waste, Thisis how the idea of plastic roads was bom. He devised an innovative way of disposing Plastic waste - by using it to build roads. Explanation Dr Vasudevan is the Professor and Head, Di College of Engineering. Though he was a Professor his Sanskrit pundit. He always carried the Bhagavad Gita in his students while teaching. Once he presented to Kalam hi coating over the pebbles for laying roads. Kalam said that one day his test would become the canveation. Kalam’s words proved prophetic. Dr. Vasudevan laid the first road 60 focr long plastic road within the campus|The gravel is heated to 170 degrees C and shredded plastic sprayed over the hot stone aggregate. The plastic instantly melis and coats the gravel witha releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere, Immediately, bitumen heated to 160 degiee cs is mixed at 155 degrees C and used for laying the road, He succeeded in presenting an efficient, cronomi¢al, and environmentally friendly solution plastic waste. It yielded two benefits Itreveed Plastic waste and built durable roads. Thus, he has become popular as the Plastic Road Mag: Critical comment With fis persistent research in his laboratory, he showed to the worl Permanent solution as to how plastic waste can be used in laying roads, _ 9.The religion of the Forest ieee ie ial Rabindranath tagore Reference These words are taken from the thought-provoking essay “The Religion ofthe Forest™ Cunien OY Rabindranath Tagore (1861 -1941). He is a polymath, Hei fondly remembered as Gurudey and Viswakavi. Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his Gitanjaf, Context Tagore’s essay The Religion of the Forest is an extract ffom his original Enetigh Composition Creative Unity (1922). The theme of the write-up is profound: the thoughts arg Clear; the expression is effective and the examples and illustrations are ample, Explanation Tagore secks to present the ideal of perfection as explained by the ancient Indian forest-dwellers. This wise view of life and its significance echoes in our classicay literatures Ancient India provided serene surroundings to her wise sages in her lush green, forests. They ‘that spinit ‘Summed artment of Chemistry in Thiagarajar deportment exhibited that he was a hands and quoted many shlokas to i i hold, preached the ideal of perfection to the world. Our classical literature caught hold of and spread it far and wide, The view of ancient Indians about a life and universe jg wey) thro! prospe Pins the purity an Living in Critical prose iss poth ane Ww Reference written by Context ( with the f beautiful! Explanati compelled mother Mi and a hard are as impe worries to stolen diam She thinks® she is totall delivers a¢ Critical cor a few and th 1 This heart io -He is an Indi i in 19994 Inter English single answers Sat’ which states the fact that things exist .The this relates to all, things through knowledge. the fact that we enjoy and this unites as with all things 's Concept and living as per that ideal promotes peace and ‘astating downfall. All through the Kalidas’s poem, there glorious when there would be the calm of self-control lising the valu alue of thi rsperity: Deviation fom itbrings der tunsthe idea that the future wontsg Purity and renunciation in the atmosphere Cts tORY with natures the religion ofthe fore feal comment Comparisons and s : a ; Gabe conment Co Contrasts abound in the essay. The elegance of Tagore’s lent here, The essay looks like ar cl ve . : . The es S research paper, It serves as an example of both an expository and argumentative say for learners to emulate, Jj be 4ePney a oe 4 y oH ep C2Serle 10. Guilty DokcPsh AEE uw Of re eed. Horace J.Gardiner and bonneviere Arnaud. Reference These lines are taken ae taken from the delightfuland humorne noe play “Guilty” Wnitten by Horace J. Gardiner and Bonneviere Amaud. ; Context Guilty isa delightful one-act play. The play with the feeling that the play is too short! And. beautiful! Explanatign Jim, the lead character in compelled to work as a ni Kent $ so sweet that readers (viewers) are left they comfort themselves with the saying: Small is ituation. She Says that Jimis a fine, good boy and a hard worker. He won't do anything wrong. They highlight the dignity of labour. Watehm areas important as engineers, Mrs. More always dub into Ma Rayan eats that boys bring woes Worries to their parents. Later, she shows Ma Ryan an article in the newspaper It is about a Stolen diamnd. Coincidently, Ma Ryan has found a jewel, wrapped ina kerchief in Jim's sweater. She thinks that Jim has stolen the diamond. Later, Jim clarifies that all her fears are untrue and she is totally confused, speaking without any sense. The play is ull of gripping narration and it delivers a clear social message too Critical comment The comedy meets all the qualities ofa one-act play. The characters are just 4 few and the three unities — of time, place, and theme are meticulously observed, i 11. The Woman on Platform No. 8-Ruskin Bond /vp 201 hom | This heart touching short story “The Woman on Platform No, 8"is written by Ruskin Bond far “Heis an Indian author of British descent. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award, the Padina Shri in 1999 and Padma Bhushan . He has written several novels, short stories and books fot Ki: ie bout love and affection that dal b fkinsh 2 i story is about love and affection that transcends all barriers of kinship. Oe aribstaee Rett by rosonefeunct Ane u savas uecrpeeeee Rae boy studying in a boarding school. He is confident and independent id to travel alone at midnight. He is siting on platform number 8 waiting for the ee ete yed ocleend cndacattyg Yack feline He ects wehies ts shi: batter tier echt yles, Eindncss ahd concera mek Kim trust her, She takes him De ering cooea eel chders tx, bagexs ot alba. At once he begs wie ere creed wt Sa HN wh he, Aron cet his chock nines aren cn Be a deterred Rif other. Aron ext ike Satish’s mother’s behavior, Sea and the woman in white sari to be from a poor family. She is very unkind both of them. When Arun gets into the train, the woman smiles at him in a gentle and ‘way. Arun leans out of the window and kisses her cheeks. Arun said,” Goodbye, | a a oe 7 + nd watched until he could see her no more. Arun cultivates a strong I lf : the kindness, love, concern and simplicity in the woman, He could not control himself from calling her mother. Atun’s calling her ‘mother’ at the time of parting is a sweet gesture of recognition of a loving relationship, love i we pee) ae 12. A Gift for Christmas orbs onan ‘The beautifill short story A Gift for Christmas is written by an William Sydney Porter, an American short story writer. He is popularly known as O. Henry. He is known for his wit and Storytelling technique. He wrote nearly 600 stories about life in America. ‘The story A Gift for Christmas ig taken from O Henry’s collection The Four Million, \t narrates the story ofa young married couple, Della and Jim, who love each other enough and that they willing to sacrifice something in order to buy a Christmas gift for the other. This story is about the passionate; pure and sacrificial love ofa young lover class couple Jim and Della. Della and Jim, a young married couple, live ina small flat, Della is beautifil, affectionate, and selfless} She has a passionate love forher husband im. She saves 1.87 dollars ‘throughout the year to buy a gift for her husband, Della has very little money to buy a preset for Jim| She sacrifices her long silky and beautiful hair and buys a platinum watch-chain for Jim. Jims logical, compassionate, Intelligent and above all loyal to Della’s lov Jim loves Della and sells his most prized belonging the gold watch passed down from his grandfather, in orderto buy fancy and ivory combs for Della’s beautiful haiff The irony is that both gifts are uselessto the re¢ipients. Thus they show us the true meaning of love, sacrifice and generosity for a happy living} The contradiction between what the reader and what really happens at the end ofthe. 's situational comedy. Thus, both of them show the true meaning of love, sacrigice and ger for happy living. O. Henry highlights these valuable possessions oft) Henry’s ironical storytelling technique makes the narration interesting and €aptivating. the story has an tragi¢ end, Henry brings out the importance of certain virtuous humanclem : 13.The Doctor’s Word. RK S This beautiful short story The Doctor’s Word is written by R. K. Narayan, He wrote shi stories, novels and essays. His works are so popular that his readers spread from New York 10 Moscow. He won many awards like the Padma Bhushan, the Pacma Vibhushan, Sahitya Akademi Fellowship ec. More importantly, he continues to win the hearts ot aaa, somal over the globe. 2» ‘The story deals with the practicality of Dr Raman. He does not believe in soothing words. His creation Magi foms the seting of his work. The characters are lke sevocge vet if there i a slight possibility of visit him at the eleventh hoy it’s condition without hj ~ ~ senior Inter English be ks the Di ROhEGn single answers asks the Doctor why his wife is enim and Inn a fr my will paper. Dr. Raman decile doubts’ Am I going to die 2” Ifo please arrange ie nn decides to break his principle and tells a lie th. ites This gives Gopal hope and recover iple and tells a lie that he will be alrig! i Bee ainsi pe and recovers fully, But how he has survived will remain a puzzle to the RK. Narayan’s shott story The Doctor's Word is remarkable for its gripping narration. The is aa eee pa ere ae of the reader. And the reader races along the fe with the rich experience of enjoying a memorable cr, story. tag 14.Lost Guy de Maupassant os The short and interesting short story ‘Lost’ is written by Guy de Maupassant. He is a French the ‘Writer and the master of the short story form. He was a prolific writer and had three hundred short stories, and six novels etc. This short story has a plot of how clever lady, annoyed by the He Jin unethical treatment ofa baron, takes revenge on him. Utiful, ‘The baron in the story “lost” is a young good looking man. He is from Palestinia He is a baron Lola; He visits the universal exhibition in Vienna. He is not a man of good character{The enticy ardgant baron sees a beautiful married lady in the exhibition in Vienna. The lady in the story is or Jin very beautiful and clever s Deli} ‘income. She values self-respect more than anything else. He developed Immoral liki der ‘was blind folded by the lust and thought that she would yield to him as she had mod sles But she felt insulted and embarrassed with his secret over turns, when the licentious baron was | _prepared to do anything to have her; she proposed that she would listen to him if he was ready to receive twenty-five lashes. }The agreement was made between the lady and the baron. On the scheduled day, she mercilessly beat him twenty-four times with a whip and she cleverly skipped. thetwenty- fifth and called out her husband and two other men found behind the curtain, living Itis at once amusing apar from giving a clear message that immoral love leads to one’s downfall y IS.AN INTERVIEW Richard Gordon hays 1 st eros the barrel in shock and grief. Then T SGuy de Maupassant’s stories depict human lives, destinies and social forces in pessimistic terms eme! ara)” te sh ‘The short and beautiful story “AN INTERVIEW” was written by Richard Gordon (1921-2017), york! He was an English Surgeon and an anesthetist. He wrote many short write-ups mostly dealing “with medicine. His Doctor Novels, eighteen comic works in a series, were very successful in 'Britain during 1960s and 1970s. In The short story he discusses the narrator's experience of facing an interview with the dean of amedical school +r The narrator came (o attend an interview with Dr Lionel Loftus, the dean of St Swithin’s dieal School. He sits nervously in the waiting room, pre-creating his interview withthe dean avery old man meets the narrator in the waiting room. The secretary scanned him carefully sia few questions about himself, The dean didn’t ask any medical questions. He asked his rugby experience. The narrator replied that he plays Rugby. She asked him about “That aroused the Dean's interest. The reason was that the school has many three quarter players were in demand, The Dean's interest was to see for “The narrator meets their requirement. He asks a few questions about the narrator's opay the fees. The dean generally admitted students whom the secretary approved of cted those whose looks the secretary didn’t like. So the Secretary visits there. So, he ‘by Richard Gordon is witty and apparently autobiographical. simple and racy.

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