Statics CH 05 MamadouKabirouTouré

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École Polytechnique de Thiès, Sénégal

Mamadou Kabirou TOURÉ, PhD
Chapter 5: Distributed Forces:
Centroids and Centers of Gravity
(“Forces réparties : centres
géométriques ou centroïdes
et centres de gravité”)

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 2

Introduction Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus

Center of Gravity of a 2D Body Sample Problem 5.7

Centroids (“Centres géométriques”) and First Distributed Loads on Beams

Moments (“Moments statiques”) of Areas and Lines Sample Problem 5.9
Sample Problem 5.4 Three-Dimensional Centers of Gravity and
Centroids of Common Shapes of Areas Centroids (“Centres géométriques”)

Centroids of Common Shapes of Lines Centroids of Common 3D Shapes

Composite Plates and Areas Composite Bodies

Sample Problem 5.1 Sample Problem 5.12

Determination of Centroids by Integration

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 3

There are many examples in

engineering analysis of distributed
loads (“charges distribuées”). It is
convenient in some cases to
represent such loads as a
concentrated force located at the
centroid (“centre géométrique”) of
the distributed load.

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 4

• © maurice joseph/Alamy
• The earth exerts a gravitational force on each of the particles forming a body –
consider how your weight is distributed throughout your body. These forces can be
replaced by a single equivalent force equal to the weight of the body and applied at
the center of gravity for the body.

• The centroid (“Le centre géométrique”) of an area is analogous to the center of

gravity of a body; it is the “center of area.” The concept of the first moment (“moment
statique”) of an area is used to locate the centroid (“le centre géométrique”).

• By knowing the centroid (“le centre géométrique”) of a line or area, the determination
of the area of a surface of revolution and the volume of a body of revolution can be
accomplished through the Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 5
Center of Gravity of a 2D Body (“d’un corps plan”)
• Center of gravity of a plate (“une surface”) • Center of gravity of a wire (“une courbe”)

∆W1, ∆W2, …, ∆Wn

sont les forces
correspondantes exercées
par la Terre sur les n
petits éléments.

∑M y : xW
= ∑ x∆W
= ∫ x dW

∑M x : = ∑ y∆W
= ∫ y dW
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 6
Centroids (“Centres géométriques”) and
First Moments (“Moments statiques”) of Areas and Lines
• Centroid of an area (“une surface”) • Centroid of a line (“une courbe”)
γ = ρg
dW dm
= = g ( ρ dV ) g
= ( ρ ( t dA
= ) ) g ρ=gt dA γ t dA

γ représente le poids spécifique du

matériau (N/m3)
xW = ∫ x dW ρ, la masse volumique du matériau ;
g, l’accélération gravitationnelle
x ( γ At ) = ∫ x ( γ t ) dA γ = ρg
(g = 9,81 m/s2) ; xW = ∫ x dW
t, l’épaisseur de la plaque ;
dW dm
= = g ( ρ dV ) g
= ∫=
x dA Qy
∆A, l’aire de l’élément ; x ( γ La ) = ∫ x ( γ a ) dL
= (=
ρ ( a dL ) ) g ρ ga dL
= first moment with respect to y Qx et Qy sont les moments statiques xL = ∫ x dL = γ a dL
= ∫=
y dA Qx par rapport à l’axe des x et y, a est l’aire de la section du fil ;
= first moment with respect to x respectivement. yL = ∫ y dL ∆L, la longueur de l’élément.

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 7

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Determination of Centroids
(“Centre géométriques”) by Integration
y xA
= ∫ xdA = ∫ x dA •
= ∫∫ x dxdy el Double integration to find the first moment (“moment statique”)
may be avoided by defining dA as a thin rectangle or strip.
x yA
= ∫ ydA
= ∫∫ y dxdy
= ∫ y dA el

Élément dA
en forme de
circulaire ou
xA = ∫ xel dA xA = ∫ xel dA
xA = ∫ xel dA
= ∫ x ( ydx ) a+x =∫
2r 1 
cosθ  r 2 dθ 
= ∫  ( a − x) dy 3 2
2  
yA = ∫ yel dA yA = ∫ yel dA
yA = ∫ yel dA
y 2r 1
=∫ ( ydx ) = ∫ y (a − x)dy =∫

sinθ  r 2 dθ 
2 3 2 
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 8

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Sample Problem 5.4 1

• Determine the constant k.
• Evaluate the total area.
• Using either vertical or horizontal
strips, perform a single integration to
find the first moments (“moments
Determine by direct integration the location of the statiques de la surface”).
centroid (“centre géométrique”) of a parabolic spandrel
(“surface plane en forme d’écoinçon parabolique”). • Evaluate the centroid coordinates.
Remarque : a et b sont connus et k est inconnu.
First, estimate the location of the centroid by inspection.
Discuss with a neighbor where it is located, roughly, and
justify your answer.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 9
Sample Problem 5.4 2

• Determine the constant k.
y = k x2
b= k a 2 ⇒ k=
b 2 a 12
=y = x or x y
a 2 b1 2

Analysis: Evaluate the total area.

A = ∫ dA
a b 2  b x3 
= ∫=
ydx ∫
0 a2
dx 
 a 2 3  0
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 10
Sample Problem 5.4 3

• Using vertical strips, perform a single

integration to find the first moments
(“moments statiques”).
a  b 2
= ∫=
xel dA ∫=
xydx ∫0  a 2 x dx
 b x4  a 2b
= =
 a 2 4  0 4
Reminder : 2
y 1 b 2 
y = k x2 Qx ∫=
= yel dA ∫ = ydx ∫0 2  a 2 x  dx
b 2
b= k a 2 ⇒ k= a
a2  b 2 x5  ab 2
b 2 a 12 = =
=y =
x or x
b1 2
y  2a 4 5  0 10
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 11
Sample Problem 5.4 4

• Or, using horizontal strips, perform a

single integration to find the first moments.
Try calculating Qy or Qx by this method,
and confirm that you get the same value as
a+x a2 − x2
Qy = ∫ xel dA= ∫ (a − x)dy= ∫0 2 dy
1 b a2  a 2b
= ∫  a 2 − y  dy =
Reminder : 2 0 b  4
y = k x2  a 12
b Qx = ∫ yel dA = ∫ y ( a − x) dy = ∫ y  a − y  dy
b= k a 2 ⇒ k=  b1 2

b a 32 ab 2
b 2
= x or x
a 12
y = ∫0  ay − b1 2 y dy = 10
a2 b1 2
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 12
Sample Problem 5.4 5

• Evaluate the centroid coordinates.

xA = Qy
ab a 2b x= a
x = 4
3 4
yA = Qx
Is this “center of area” close to ab ab 2 y= b
y = 10
where you estimated it would be?
3 10
Reflect and Think:
You obtain the same results whether you choose a vertical or a horizontal element of area, as
you should. In general, both methods can be used as a check against making a mistake in
your calculations.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 13
Determination of Centroids (“Centres géométriques”) by
Integration 2

Often, the choice between using a

vertical or horizontal strip is equally
good, but in some cases, one choice is
much better than the other.

For example, for the area shown

Reminder : below, is a vertical or horizontal strip
a better choice, and why? Think about
y xA
= ∫ xdA
= ∫∫ x dxdy
= ∫ x dA el
this and discuss your choice with a
x yA
= ∫ ydA
= ∫∫ y dxdy
= ∫ y dA el neighbor.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 14
First Moments (“moments statiques”) of Areas and Lines
• An area is symmetric with respect to an axis BB′ if for every point P
there exists a point P′ such that PP′ is perpendicular to BB′
and is divided into two equal parts by BB′.
• The first moment (“moment statique”) of an area with respect to a line of
symmetry is zero.
• If an area possesses a line of symmetry, its centroid (“centre
géométrique”) lies on that axis.
Reminder : • If an area possesses two lines of symmetry, its centroid (“centre
y xA
= ∫ xdA géométrique”) lies at their intersection.
x yA
= ∫ ydA • An area is symmetric with respect to a center O if for every element dA
at (x, y) there exists an area dA′ of equal area at (−x,−y).
The centroid of such an area coincides with the center of symmetry O.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 15
Centroids (“Centres géométriques”) of Common Shapes of Areas
(“quelques surfaces courantes”)

« Triangle »

« Quart de cercle »

« Demi-cercle »

« Quart d’ellipse »

« Demi-ellipse »
« Demi-parabole »
« Parabole »

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 16

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Centroids (“Centres géométriques”) of Common Shapes of
Areas (“quelques surfaces courantes”)

« Surface délimitée par une

parabole » (un écoinçon)

« Surface délimitée par une

courbe polynomiale de
degré n » (un écoinçon)

« Secteur circulaire »

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 17

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Centroids (“Centres géométriques”) of Common Shapes of
Lines (“quelques courbes courantes”)

« Quart de circonférence
circulaire »

« Demi-circonférence
circulaire »

« Arc de cercle »

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 18

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Composite Plates and Areas (“Figures composées”)
• Composite plates (“Plaques composées”)
X ∑W = ∑ xW
Y ∑W = ∑ yW

• Composite area (“Surfaces composées”)

X ∑ A = ∑x A
Y ∑A = ∑y A

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 19

Sample Problem 5.1 1

• Divide the area into a triangle, rectangle, and semicircle
with a circular cutout.

• Determine the centroid (“le centre géométrique”) of

each smaller area with respect to the axes.

• Find the total area and first moments (“moments

statiques”) of the triangle, rectangle, and semicircle.
For the plane area shown, Subtract the area and first moment of the circular
determine the first moments cutout.
(“moments statiques”) with respect
to the x and y axes and the location • Compute the coordinates of the area centroid (“centre
of the centroid (“le centre géométrique”) by dividing the first moments by the
géométrique”). total area.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 20
Sample Problem 5.1 2


• Find the total area and first moments (“moments statiques”) +506.2 ×103 mm3
Qx =
of the triangle, rectangle, and semicircle. Subtract the area
and first moment of the circular cutout. +757.7 ×103 mm3
Qy =
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 21

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Sample Problem 5.1 3

=A 13.828 ×103 mm3

Reminder :
∑y A =
Qx = +506.2 ×103 mm3
Compute the coordinates of the area’s ∑x A =
Qy = +757.7 ×103 mm3
centroid (“centre géométrique”) by
dividing the first moments =X

xA +757.7 ×103 mm3

(“moments statiques”) by the total ∑A 13.828 ×103 mm 2

area. X = 54.8 mm


yA +506.2 ×103 mm3
∑A 13.828 ×103 mm 2
Y = 36.6 mm

Reflect and Think: Given that the lower portion of the

shape has more area to the left and that the upper portion
has a hole, the location of the centroid (“centre
géométrique”) seems reasonable upon visual inspection.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 22
Theorems (“Théorèmes”) of Pappus-Guldinus 1

Theorem I. The area of a surface of

revolution is equal to the length of the
generating curve times the distance traveled
by the centroid of the curve while the
• Surface of revolution is generated by surface is being generated.
rotating a plane curve about a fixed axis.
“ L’aire d’une surface de révolution est
égale à la longueur de la courbe qui
l’engendre, multipliée par la distance
parcourue par le centre géométrique de la
courbe lors de la rotation. ”
A = 2π yL
Voir la démonstration du théorème dans le livre.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 23
Theorems (“Théorèmes”) of Pappus-Guldinus 2

Theorem II. The volume of a body of

revolution is equal to the generating area
times the distance traveled by the centroid of
the area while the body is being generated.
• Body of revolution is generated by “ Le volume d’un solide de révolution est
rotating a plane area about a fixed axis.
égal à l’aire de la surface génératrice,
multipliée par la distance parcourue par le
centre géométrique de cette surface lors de la
rotation. ”
V = 2π y A
Voir la démonstration du théorème dans le livre.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 24
Sample Problem 5.7 1

• Apply the theorem of Pappus-Guldinus to
evaluate the volume of revolution of the
pulley, which we will form as a large
rectangle with an inner rectangular cutout.

The outside diameter of a pulley (“une poulie”) • Multiply the volume by density and
is 0.8 m, and the cross section of its rim (“sa acceleration due to gravity to obtain the
jante ou son bord”) is as shown. Knowing that mass and weight.
the pulley is made of steel (“acier”) and that the
density (“la masse volumique”) of steel is
ρ 7.85 ×103 kg/m3 ,
determine the mass and weight of the rim.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 25

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Sample Problem 5.7 2

Modeling: Reminder :
• Apply the theorem of Pappus-Guldinus to evaluate the
volumes of revolution for the larger rectangular section and
the inner cutout section.
• Multiply by density and acceleration due to gravity to get
the mass and weight.

( 7.85 × 103 kg m3 )( 7.65 × 106 mm 3 )(10−9 m3 / mm3 )
ρV =
m= m = 60.0 kg

= mg
= ( 60.0 kg ) ( 9.81 m s2 ) W = 589 N
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 26
Distributed Loads on Beams
(“Charges réparties sur des poutres”)

• A distributed load is represented by plotting the load per unit length,
= ∫ 0
dx ∫=
dA A
w (N/m). The total load is equal to the area under the load curve (“la
courbe de la charge”).

(OP)W = ∫ x dW • A distributed load can be replaced with a concentrated load of

magnitude equal to the area under the load curve (“la surface sous la
( ) ∫0 x dA
= A = xA courbe de la charge”) and a line of action passing through the
centroid (“centre géométrique”) of the load area.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 27
Forces on Submerged Surfaces
(“Forces hydrostatiques sur des surfaces”)
Consider a rectangular plate with a length of L and width of b, where b is
measured perpendicular to the plane of the figure.

The load also can be expressed as

where p is the gage pressure in the liquid and b is the width of the plate.

Because the gage pressure (“pression manométrique”) in a liquid is

p = γ h = ρ g h, where γ is the specific weight of the liquid, h is the
vertical distance from the free surface and ρ is the density, it follows that

This equation shows that the load per unit length w (“la charge par unité
de longueur w”) is proportional to h and, thus, varies linearly with x.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 28
Forces on Submerged Surfaces
(“Forces hydrostatiques sur des surfaces”)
The resultant R of the hydrostatic forces (“forces hydrostatiques”) exerted on one
side of the plate is equal in magnitude to the trapezoidal area under the load curve,
and its line of action passes through the centroid C of that area. The point P of the
plate where R is applied is known as the center of pressure (“centre de pression”).

The pressure p, which represents a load per unit area, is measured in N/m2 or in
lb/ft2. The derived SI unit N/m2 is called a pascal (Pa). The area under the load
curve is equal to wE L, where wE is the load per unit length at the center E of the
plate. Then from the previous equation , we have:

where A denotes the area of the plate. Thus, we can obtain the magnitude of R by
multiplying the area of the plate by the pressure at its center E. Note, however,
that the resultant R should be applied at P, not at E.

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 29

Forces on Submerged Surfaces
(“Forces hydrostatiques sur des surfaces”)
Now consider the forces R exerted by a liquid on a curved surface of
constant width. The forces acting on the free body ABD are the weight W
of the detached volume of liquid, the resultant R1 of the forces exerted on
AD, the resultant R2 of the forces exerted on BD, and the resultant –R of
the forces exerted by the curved surface on the liquid. The resultant –R is
both equal and opposite to and has the same line of action as the resultant
R of the forces exerted by the liquid on the curved surface.

We can determine the forces W, R1, and R2 by standard methods. After

their values have been found, we obtain the force –R by solving the
equations of equilibrium for the free body diagram.
The resultant R of the hydrostatic forces exerted on the curved surface is
just the reverse of −R.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 30
Sample Problem 5.9 1

• The magnitude of the concentrated load is equal
to the total load or the area under the load curve.

• The line of action of the concentrated load passes

through the centroid (“centre géométrique”) of
the area under the load curve.

A beam supports a distributed load (“Une

poutre est soumise à une charge répartie”) • Determine the support reactions by (a) drawing
as shown. Determine the equivalent the free body diagram for the beam and (b)
concentrated load (“la charge unique applying the conditions of equilibrium.
concentrée équivalente”) and the reactions
at the supports (“les réactions aux appuis”).
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 31
Sample Problem 5.9 2

Modeling and Analysis:

• The magnitude of the concentrated load is equal to the total load
or the area under the load curve.

F = 18.0 kN

• The line of action of the concentrated load passes through the

centroid (“centre géométrique”) of the area under the curve.
63 kN ⋅ m
X= X = 3.5 m
18 kN
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 32
Sample Problem 5.9 3

• Determine the support reactions by applying the

equilibrium conditions. For example, successively sum
the moments about the two supports:

∑M A 0 : By (6 m) − (18 kN )(3.5 m) =
= 0

By = 10.5 kN

∑M B 0 : Ay (6 m) + (18 kN )(6 m − 3.5 m) =

=− 0

Ay = 7.5 kN

• And by summing forces in the x direction:

∑F x = 0 : Bx = 0
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 33
Three-Dimensional Centers of Gravity and
Centroids (“Centres géométriques”)
The position vector of the
center of gravity G is

rG or r

• Center of gravity G • Results are independent of body orientation,

 
∑F : − W=
j ∑(−∆W j ) =xW ∫=
xdW yW ∫=
ydW zW ∫ zdW
 
∑M O : rG × (−W=
j) ∑  
r × ( −∆W j ) • For homogeneous bodies,
   
rGW × ( −=
j ) (∑ r ∆W ) × ( − j ) = γ=
W V ρ gV and dW
= γ dV
= ρ g dV
 
W= ∑∆W rGW = ∑r ∆W =xV ∫=
xdV yV ∫=
ydV zV ∫ zdV
 
=W ∫=dW rGW ∫ rdW
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 34
Centroids (“Centre géométriques”) and Volumes of Common 3D Shapes

« Hémisphère »

« Cône »

« Demi-ellipsoïde
de révolution »

« Pyramide »

« Paraboloïde de
révolution »

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 35

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Composite Bodies
• Moment of the total weight concentrated at the
center of gravity G is equal to the sum of the
moments of the weights of the component parts.

X ∑W = ∑ xW
Y ∑W = ∑ yW
Z ∑W = ∑ zW

• For homogeneous bodies,

X ∑V = ∑ xV
Y ∑V = ∑ yV
Z ∑V = ∑ zV

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 36

Sample Problem 5.12 1

• Form the machine element from a
rectangular parallelepiped and a
quarter cylinder and then
subtracting two 1-in. diameter

Locate the center of gravity of

the steel machine element. The
diameter of each hole is 1 in.

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 37

Sample Problem 5.12 2


Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 38

Sample Problem 5.12 3

=X ∑
= xV ∑V (3.048 in ) (5.286 in )
4 3

X = 0.577 in.
Y= ∑ yV ∑V = (−5.047 in ) (5.286 in )
4 3

Y = −0.955 in.
=Z ∑
= zV ∑V (8.555 in ) (5.286 in )
4 3

Z = 1.618 in.
Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 39
Sample Problem 5.12 4

Reflect and Think:

By inspection, you should expect X and Z to be considerably
less than (1/2)(2.5 in.) and (1/2)(4.5 in.), respectively, and Y
to be slightly less in magnitude than (1/2)(2 in.). Thus, as a rough
visual check, the results obtained are as expected.

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 40

End of Chapter 5

Statics / Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity 41

École Polytechnique de Thiès, Sénégal

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