اسئلة د.رنا (انجليزي عام)

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‫( انجليزي عام )‬

‫( الفرقة الثالثة )‬
‫‪ –1‬أحمد خالد السعيد إسماعيل‬
‫‪ –2‬احمد ابراهيم محمود الحلواني‬
‫‪ –3‬احمد محمد احمد حمدهللا‬
‫‪ –4‬رضا هاني ابراهيم خاطر‬
‫‪ –5‬حسن محمود السعيد عبدهللا‬
‫‪ –6‬أحمد مصطفي محمد الجنبيهي‬
‫‪ –7‬محمد عبدالمنعم حسن زيان‬
‫‪ –8‬محمود سعيد محمود حجر‬
‫‪ –9‬محمد وائل السيد حسن‬
‫‪ –10‬حازم مفرح السيد منسي‬
‫‪ –11‬محسن محمد عبدالمحسن احمد‬
‫‪ –12‬بسيوني محمد بسيوني احمد‬
‫‪ –13‬علي مسعد علي زايد‬
‫‪ –14‬احمد ماهر عبدالحليم شادي‬
‫‪ –15‬محمد مجدي عبدالعظيم اسماعيل‬
‫‪ –16‬عمر عبدالوهاب حسن محمد‬
‫‪ –17‬حامد السيد حامد احمد‬
Multiple choice questions:
1-Which of the following is a simple greeting?
A) Hello there!
B) Good evening.
C) How’s everything?
D) Welcome back!

2-Which of the following is a general greeting?

A) How’s it going?
B) Fancy meeting you here.
C) What’s happening?
D) Good morning.

3-Which of the following greetings is used in the morning?

A) Good evening.
B) Afternoon.
C) Morning.
D) Evening.

4-How would you greet someone you haven’t seen in a long time?
A) Where’ve you been hiding yourself?
B) Imagine meeting you here!
C) Long time no see!
D) What a surprise to meet you here!

5-What is an appropriate way to welcome someone who has returned?

A) We missed you.
B) Welcome back, stranger!
C) It just wasn’t the same without you.
D) Where did you go?

6-Which phrase expresses surprise at meeting someone?

A) What are you doing out of the office?
B) Shouldn’t you be at work?
C) Never thought I’d see you here!
D) You been keeping busy?

7- greeting someone, which phrase indicates familiarity?

A) I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten your name.
B) We seem to keep running into each other.
C) Haven’t we met before?
D) We have to stop meeting like this.

8- phrase is used to inquire about a journey or vacation?

A) How is everything?
B) How was it?
C) We’ll catch you later.
D) Wusup?

9-What is an appropriate way to say goodbye?

A) See you in a little while.
B) Good-bye until later.
C) So long.
D) Later, gator.

10-Which phrase can be used to end a conversation?

A) Take care.
B) It’s been a real pleasure.
C) Nice talking to you.
D) Good running into you.

11-What is an informal way to indicate readiness to leave?

A) Let’s blow this joint.
B) Are we away?
C) Correct!
D) Let’s head out.

12-Which phrase can be used when someone is leaving on a journey?

A) Bon voyage!
B) Have a good trip!
C) Drive carefully.
D) Don’t forget to call.

13-How can you suggest keeping in touch with someone?

A) Let’s do lunch.
B) Call when you get there.
C) You’ve got my e-mail address?
D) I’m on Facebook.

14-What is a polite way to ask for contact information?

A) Write me.
B) Text me.
C) Let’s write.
D) I’ll call you when I get home.

15-Which phrase means “goodbye” in Italian?

A) Adios.
B) Ciao.
C) Farewell.
D) Sayonara.

16-Which phrase means “goodbye” in French?

A) Au revoir.
B) Hasta la vista.
C) Arrivederci.
D) Adieu.

17-What is an informal way to say “goodbye”?

A) Good evening.
B) Good night.
C) See ya.
D) Good day.

18-Which phrase can be used to express missing someone?

A) See you around.
B) I’ll see you real soon.
C) We’ll miss you.
D) See you later, alligator.

19-What is a common way to say “goodbye” in Japanese?

A) Auf wiedersehen.
B) Arrivederci.
C) Sayonara.
D) Adios.
20-Which phrase can be used to suggest meeting up in the future?
A) I’ll talk to you soon.
B) Let’s keep in touch.
C) Let’s get together soon.
D) Let’s make like a tree and leave.

21–Which phrase is often used to express surprise at meeting someone

a) “How was it?”
b) “Did everything go OK?”
c) “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
d) “Never thought I’d see you here!”

22–In the phrase “What are you doing in this neck of the woods?”, what does
“neck of the woods” refer to?
a) A part of town
b) A vacation destination
c) A hiking trail
d) A restaurant

23– Which question is commonly used to inquire about someone’s activities or

a) “Fancy meeting you here.”
b) “Did you have fun?”
c) “Have you been keeping busy?”
d) “We missed you around here.”
24–Which question is commonly asked to inquire about someone’s journey or
a) “How was it?”
b) “We missed you around here.”
c) “Good-bye until later.”
d) “I’ll try to catch you later.”

25– Which phrase is commonly used to express that someone was missed in a
particular place?
a) “So long.”
b) “I’ll catch you later.”
c) “Let’s beat a hasty retreat.”
d) “It just wasn’t the same without you.”

26–Which phrase is commonly used as a simple good-bye?

a) “Later, gator.”
b) “So long.”
c) “Let’s make tracks.”
d) “Bon voyage!”

27–Which phrase is commonly used to say “See you later” in a more informal
a) “Let’s hit the road.”
b) “Have a good trip!”
c) “Catch you later.”
d) “Write me.”

28– Which phrase is commonly used to suggest leaving quickly or abruptly?

a) “Have a nice flight.”
b) “Let’s make tracks.”
c) “I’ll call you when I get home.”
d) “Drive carefully.”

29– Which phrase is commonly used to wish someone a good trip or journey?
a) “Bon voyage!”
b) “Catch you later.”
c) “So long.”
d) “It just wasn’t the same without you.”

30–Which phrase is commonly used to express the intention to keep in touch with
a) “How was it?”
b) “Have you been keeping busy?”
c) “Never thought I’d see you here!”
d) “I’ll be in touch.”

31-What is the informal phrase used to inquire about someone’s well-being?

A) Howdy!
B) How’s tricks?
C) Good day.
D) Hasta la vista.

32-Which phrase is used to say goodbye informally?

A) Adios.
B) Hasta la vista.
C) Ta-ta.
D) Arrivederci.

33-What phrase is used to express surprise upon unexpectedly meeting someone?

A) We’ll miss you.
B) Let’s hit the road.
C) What a surprise to meet you here!
D) Let’s boogie.

34-What does the term “neck of the woods” refer to in the text?
A) A place to say goodbye.
B) An informal greeting.
C) Part of town or location.
D) A phrase to inquire about a journey.

35-What phrase is used to wish someone a safe journey?

A) Good morning.
B) See you soon.
C) Take care of yourself.
D) Let’s make tracks.
36-All these phrase are Taking leave of someone expect*……….
A) nice talking to you
B) take care
C) keeping busy
D) good to see you

37-To make a plan to keep someone in touch we say…………*

A) good bye
B) this is my friend Ali
C) call when you get there
D) have a nice trip

38-We use good morning to………*

A ) greeting in morning
B) greeting in evening
C) express surprise
D)Accept someone’s invitation

39-What phrase is commonly used to express surprise at meeting someone?**

a) “How’s tricks?”
b) “What a surprise to meet you here!”
c) “How’s everything?”
d) “How’ve you been?”
40-What does the term “neck of the woods” refer to in the text?**
a) A specific location or part of town
b) A type of tree
c) A popular hangout spot
d) A hiking trail

41-Which language is NOT included in the list of ways to say goodbye?**

a) Spanish
b) German
c) Mandarin
d) French

42-What phrase expresses a humorous approach to leaving a place?

a) “Let’s hit the road.”
b) “Good-bye for now.”
c) “Let’s make like a tree and leave.”
d) “Nice meeting you.”

43- Which expression is NOT a way to bid farewell in the provided text?
a) “Later, gator.”
b) “Au revoir.”
c) “Let’s get together soon.”
d) “How’s everything?”
44-When we greet someone by a simple greeting, we say………… .
b)I haven’t seen you in my year!
c) Howday!
d)Is everything is OK?

45-Your brother leaves on a journey, you should say………to him.

a)Text me.
b) a good trip!
d)Let’s blow.

46.When your friend returns, you say……… .

a) Hi!
b) How are you?
c).Welcome back!

47-You say……..to your father when you go to school.

a) Nice.
b) So long.
c) Good afternoon.
d) Welcome back!
48-When you make plans to keep in touch with your friend,you say…….. .
a) Write me.
b) Are you ready to leave?
c) Drive carefully.
d) Welcome back!
49-When you meet someone in the morning you say
d)Good morning

50-When you meet someone in the evening you say

a) Good evening
b) Good morning
c) Good bye
d) Hello

51-When you meet someone you haven’t meet from years you say
a) Hello
b) I haven’t meet you in years
c) I haven’t met you in days
d)I haven’t seen you
52-When someone is leaving on a journey you say
a) Have a good trip
b) Good will hunting
c) Good night
d) Good evening

53-which of the following ways of greeting someone is not a slang

A) Wassup!
B) What’s going on?
C) What’s happening?
D ) How are you?

54-When you meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time you say
a)good morning
c)long time no see
d)how are you?

55-When you want to goodbye Spanish person you say

c)Hasta la vista

56-You say fancy meeting you here when you want to

a)Express surprise at meeting someone
b)Welcome someone who has returned
c)Concern ajourney
d)Say goodbye

57-We say let’s motor when we want to

a) Taking leave of someone
b) Leave a place
c) Greet someone
d) leave on a journey

58-When you welcome someone who has returned you say

a) where have you been
b) been keeping busy
c) how was it
d) Are we ready to leave

59-when you leaving a place you say

a) nice talking to you
b) it was pleasure meeting you
c) are we ready to leave?
d) it’s been a real pleasure

60-When we greet someone at morning we say

a) hi
b) good evening
c) good afternoon
d) good morning

61- you met a friend or a relative in a place randomly, how would you express
your surprise of meeting him
A)What are you doing in this neck of the woods?
B) Good running into you
C) what’s going on?
D) where did you go?

62-Your friend will leave for a different college and you want to keep in touch,
what do you say?
A) you’ve got my e-mail address?
B) let’s hit the road.
C) let’s make like a banana and split
D)take care of yourself

True or False Questions:

1-“Let’s make like a tree and leave” is used to suggest departing in a playful
manner. ( )
2-“Fancy meeting you here” expresses surprise upon unexpectedly meeting
someone. ( )

3-“See ya” is a formal way to say goodbye. ( )

4-“Good evening” is a formal greeting used in social encounters. ( )

5-“Long time no see!” is a phrase used to express surprise at meeting someone
after a long absence. ( )

6-We say when we greet someone during the day good evening ( )

7-We say when we greet someone in night good morning.( )

8- Wassup is a formal greeting word ( ).

9- “keeping busy” is a positive way to tell how you have been doing.( )

10- Not good is a negative way to tell how you have been doing. ( )

11-We say nice to meet you when some is leaving on a journey ( )

12-We use ready to go to leaving a place ( )

13-hello One of the simple greetings ( )

14-When you wanna leave a place you say welcome ( )

15-when you meet some one in night you should say good evening ( )

16-when someone is leaving on ajourney we say let’s motor ( )

17-After you have greeted someone you say I’ve been meaning to call you ( )
18-You say I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays when you greet someone you
haven’t seen before ( )

19-when you make plans to keep in touch with someone you say text me ( )

20-When we meet someone we say how are you ( )

21-When you greet someone you haven’t seen in along time you say hello ( )

22- you are ready to leave a place, you say Bon voyage ( )
23-When you have greeted someone you say we keep running into each other
( )

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