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Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth by calling imagination to the help

of reason according to…(Ben Johnson -pop -Samuel Johnson-worth)

In…Johnson grounds critical judgment on morality; realism can be dangerous if it
doesn’t moral (an easy on fiction-preface to Shakespeare’s lives of English poet-
the history of rasselas.)
-THE INTERACTION ORIGINATED IN FRANCE ( First 17th century_*mid17th
century- Late 17th century -Early 18th century)
–………is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human
beings individually and collectively.
–……are those factors of influence such as: social class,religion and gender.
–How did the neoclassical principles of wit and reasoning influence the role Of a
critic during the era of neoclassicism in England?
a) Critics were expected to use reason and logic to analyze and evaluate works of
art and literature
b) Critics were encouraged to use wit and cleverness to convey their opinions and
c) Critics were expected to adhere to classical standards and rules when assessing
artistic works
–In what ways did the concept of nature versus imitation play a role in
neoclassical thought and art during the age of Pope?
a) Neoclassical artists and thinkers valued the imitation of nature as a way to
achieve artistic perfection
b) Neoclassical art emphasized the importance of adhering to classical ideals and
principles, rather than simply imitating nature
c) The debate between nature and imitation influenced the way neoclassical
artists approached their work and the way critics evaluated their creations
– How did Pope’s Essay on Criticism contribute to the re-statement and
reinforcement of neoclassical principles in England during the 18 th century?
a) It provided a comprehensive guide to neoclassical literary criticism, outlining
the principles of wit, reason, and adherence to classical standards
b) It emphasized the importance of following established rules and guidelines in
artistic creation and criticism
c) It served as a rallying point for neoclassical thinkers and artists, reinforcing their
commitment to classical ideals in the face of emerging alternative movements
–What were some of the key influences and premises that shaped Pope’s
neoclassical theory and writing?
a) The works of classical authors such as Horace and Aristotle
b) The emphasis on reason, wit, and adherence to established rules in artistic
c) The desire to uphold classical ideals in the face of changing literary and artistic
– How did the neoclassical movement in England, as represented by Pope,
compare and contrast with neoclassicism in other parts of Europe during the
same era?
a) The emphasis on reason and adherence to classical standards was a common
thread across neoclassical movements in different parts of Europe
b) There were variations in the specific rules and guidelines followed by
neoclassical artists and critics in different countries
c) Neoclassical thinkers in England, France, and other European countries engaged
in dialogue and exchange of ideas, leading to some degree of convergence in their
principles and practices.
-The prevalence of….as the a modest of socio-political criticism (drama, comedy-
comedy, satire- tragedy, comedy)
- Pope’s Essay on Criticism is a perfect example of the kind of poetry Pope
a) Lyrical
b) Pointed
c) Dramatic
d) Romantic
–Pope’s aim in the Essay on Criticism is to
a) Criticize writers
b) Give advice to critics
c) Teach poets
d) Write poetry
-the summary of ………. Principles via Imlac’s disquisition on poetry.(neoclassical
_Romantic _both of them)
⁃some later poets like …………… continued to use a metaphysical conceit. (William
Blake – William Shakespeare – Emily Dickinson - John Keats)
- During the 17th century the metaphysical poets such as ( John Donne- Andrew
Marvell _ John Cleveland- both of them )
–….. saw the ancients such as homer and vergll.
A – the new classical writersl.
B – Critical human.
C – romance humanism
D – religious
- Johnson defends Shakespeare against…
a- charge of violating the classical units.
b- unity of time.
c- unity of place.
d- all above .
- ......meana a clever and humorous expression of some ideas ( ingenuity- wit -
both of them - non of them)
- pope's own essay on criticism follows his requirement for.......( imaginative wit-
true wit -false wit- non of them)
- ......distinguishes between what he calls true vs false wit ( Shakespeare- Johnson-
pope - john)
– ……… refers to art ending from the early 17th century until around 1750
(Romanticism_ neoclassicism _both of them _non of them).
-……It is writing, such as a manuscript or a literary work, that is either deliberately
incorrectly attributed to a historical author or an inventor.
(Interwoven irony – literary forgery - romantic irony)
–Which of the following choices of core principles of Romantic criticism…….
( Glorification of Nature – celebration of Artistic – Unity with nature – all of them )
-………. Is essential and without it poetry would be impossible.
(imagination – humanism – romanticism)
- Without…………. The five senses are as helpless as a computer without a
(imagination – humanism – romanticism)
- The…………. See beauty in everything even in the strange / supernatural.
( classic – romantic – imagination)
- What term did Shakespeare often use to describe the cunning behavior of
characters like Lady Macbeth?
a) Providential
b) Unnatural
c) Neoclassical
d) Romantic
- According to the neoclassical writers, how could modern writers best express the
external world, including human action?
a) Through complete invention and originality
b) By following the path of imitation paved by the ancients
c) By rejecting past models and creating ruptures
d) By disregarding classical values and focusing on individual genius
3. What did the neoclassicists attempt to develop and refine in relation to
Aristotle’s account of tragedy?
a) The scientific views of nature
b) The medieval view of nature
c) The portrayal of human passions
d) The fundamental laws of nature
–Hegel is the most accomplished and influential representative of…………
(German idealism - French idealism – Arabic idealism)
-The contrast between sublimity and correctness have socio-political resonance
with in England is……… .
a)Liberty and the French court.
b) Absolutist French court.
c) English subject’s liberty.
d) Neoclassical literary criticism.
-………is the notion that the neoclassicists examine in terms of consensus of
qualified people.
a) Sublimity.
b) Taste.
c) Beauty.
d) Rational faculty.
-the ears of art are divided into three ears, including
–According to Kant, aesthetic pleasure is based on the perception of what in
A- A sense of finality
B- A sense of purpose
C- A sense of beauty
D- A sense of perfection
-What is the foundation of aesthetic pleasure, according to Kant?
A- The idea of finality
B- The feeling of fulfillment
C- The perception of beauty
D- The judgment of taste
- What is the role of the idea of finality in Kant’s analysis of aesthetic experience?
A- It provides an a priori basis for the analpleasur
B- It explains the foundation of aesthetic pleasure.
C- I accounts t for the intersubjective of aesthetic judgments
–What are the two schools of thought that Kant’s transcendental philosophy
a) Rationalism and empiricism
(b) Idealism and pragmatism.
© Subjectivism and objectivism.
(d) Mediation and intellectual appreciation.
- What is the primary focus of Kant’s transcendental philosophy?
(a) The nature of reality.
(b) The processes of thought.
© The role of intuition.
(d) The practical consequences of beliefs.
–In the Classical age, the harmony between artistic form and content finds its
natural expression in the representation of the human figure through….
( painting- sclupture -music)
-Which of the following is not a characteristic of transcendental philosophy?
A-It is a psychological theory.
B-It is an analysis of experience.
C- It deals with a priori principles.
D-It is concerned with the conditions which determine the very possibility of
2–Transcendental philosophy is concerned with the ______ of knowledge.
A- all of the above
–Which of the following is not an example of a priori knowledge?
A-The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.
B-The Earth is round.
C- The sky is blue.
D- 2 + 2 = 4.
– Which of the following is not a key concept in Kant’s transcendental philosophy?
a- Subjectivity
b- Object-directedness
©- Mediation
d- Intellectual appreciation
- Which of the following is not an example of a priori knowledge?
a- The law of non-contradiction
b- The law of causality
C- The law of identity
d) The law of sufficient reason
-Which of the following is not an example of a priori knowledge?
d-☆ Sufficient reason
–Which of the following is not a characteristic of aesthetic pleasure?
–Which of the following is not an example of aesthetic pleasure?
A-Listening to music
B-Looking at a painting
C-Reading a poem
D-Watching a football game
3.Which of the following is not a key concept in the theory of aesthetic pleasure?
D- Intellectual appreciation
– The moral virtues required in the critic
-knowledge is not sufficient
-humility is needed
-honesty is needed
-all the above
– The moral function of literature was increasingly counterbalanced by an
emphasis on.
(a) aesthetic pleasure.
(b)The psychology of the reader’s response to beauty only.
(C)The psychology of the reader’s response to beauty and sublimity.
(d) (a,c)
–In English criticism, *John Dennis* introduced the concept of sublime as opposed
to beauty.
(John Dryden - John Dennis - John Gower – Edmund Burke)
–As the *Roman* Lucretius said, it is pleasant to watch the power of a storm in
the sea only if we are on firm ground, not from a sinking ship.
(Roman- Italian – German – Greek)
- the harmoney between sounds and sense finds in pope’s view its most finished
instance in the figure of ( aesthetic structure _ Onomatopoeia _ scheme )
–The main end of literature for the empirical critics is to
(Please –Appreciated–Persuasion–Love)
–By1789,unmistakably…..works by Robert Burns, William Blake and William
Beckford had been produced.
( Romantic -heroic–Dramatic –None of the above)
–According to the theory of “moral sense,” what is believed to be moral in itself?
a) Judgement
b) Knowledge
c) Feelings and emotions
.–The theory of the unconscious influence of literature is related to:
a) The role of judgement in the perception and comprehension of a work
b) The “sugared pill” theory
c) The education of thinking through literature
The Romantic Period arrived in 1798 with the publication of Lyrical Ballads by
poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, marking the end of:
a) The Age of Augustan
b) The Age of Johnson
c) The Age of Elizabeth
- pre-romantic tendencies became dominant towards the second half of.........
1- eighteenth
2- nineteenth
3- twentieth
-Elements of empiricist pre- romanticism can be found in........
1-Samuel Taylor
2-Edward young
3-Thomas Gray
-Empiricist critics place the source of aesthetic emotion in fancy not in the......... of
the audience
–During which years did the Age of Transition take place?
a) 1760-1798
b) 1780-1810
c) 1798-1830
d) 1760-1780
– Which literary movement exploded during the Age of Transition?
a) Renaissance
b) Romantic
c) Victorian
d) Enlightenment
–The Romantic theories can be traced back to the English aestheticians of which
a) 16th Century
b) 17th Century
c) 18th Century
d) 19th Century
- the critic's task is to --- the superiority of wit
( Remember - recognize - realize- ignore)
- what a poet must express is a---- truth
( Local -universal - regular - Natural)
- wit is expression of ---
( Nature - county - world -citizen)
- the rules derived from ---
( World - people - nature - animals )
- a maxim is often pedagogical and motivates ---- actions
( Public - secret - specific - general)

According to Johnson ,art must imitate only those parts of nature, which are fit
for imitation (✔).
-After the Renaissance, he saw a period of exploration and expansion. (✔)
Complex, bold, metaphorical language like that used by Shakespeare in his Great
Diamond was clarified and simplified using fewer, more traditional forms of
-In England, almost thirty years later, neoclassical literature dominated European
literature until the first part of the *17th century.*()
5-Vagueness and darkness are symptoms of *greatness,* not signs of
*incompetence* .()
–The meaning of the term humanism has fluctuated according to the successive
intellectual movements which have identified with it.(✔️
–Humanism that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings individually
–Agency is defined as the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make
their own free choices.(✔️
– modern times, humanist movements are typically religious movements with
secularism ( ❌)
-Today humanism may refer to a nontheistic/atheistic life stance centered on
human agency (✔)
-New humanism critical movement between 1910 and 1930(✔)
–Literary and social theories of the English poet and critic Alexander pop, who
sought to recapture the moral quality of past civilization (❌(
-religious tolerance is the characteristics of neo classic (✔️
-there is no moral and ethical in neo classical era (❌)
Pope’s redefines classical virtues in terms of an exploration of nature only as
necessary to both Poetry and criticism (❌)
-Restatement of classical is itself situated within a broader reformulation of
literature history, tradition, and religion (✔️
-An explicit statement of theoretical assumptions don’t permits the reader to
evaluate them critically (❌)
-The theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing (✔️
-religious tolerance is the characteristics of neo classic (✔️
-there is no moral and ethical in neo classical era ( )
–Pope’s Essay on Criticism focuses on poetry.(✔️
–Pope believes that only writers qualify for the role of critics.(✔️

–An aphorism is a short statement that reveals a universal truth.(✔️)

–Something that’s epigrammatic is long and elaborate.()

_A premise is a statement in an argument that provides reason or support for the

conclusion (✔️
_ there can be just one premise in a single argument ()
_there can be one or many premises in a single argument (✔️
_ Eramus is a stylistic neoclassicism with roots in the rhetorical tradition from
Aristotle ,Horace and modern disciples (✔️ )
–Humanists believe that human experience and impulsive thinking provide the
only source of both knowledge and a moral code to live by. ()
–Humanism is a dictatorial and ethical life stance.()
–Renaissance humanism was a revival in the study of romanticism().
Through the character of Imlac, Johnson expresses central insights into the nature
of poetry(✔️
-.Imkac’s evolution of poetry was considered as the highest learning(✔️
-His classicism articulated via Imlac: “no man was ever great by imitation ( ✔️
⁃A metaphysical conceit works to connect the reader’s sensory perceptions to
abstract ideas. (✔️
⁃The metaphysical conceit slowly went away after the 19th century, due to being
perceived as artifice.( ❌ )
- The typical verse forms of the neoclassical poets were the alexanderine in
England and heroic couplet in France. ()
- Imitation was one of the concepts central to neoclassical literary theory and
practice (✔️)
- The notion of imitation was a reaffirmation of the ideals of objectivity and
personality ()
– During the 17th century the metaphysical poets such as John Donne used a
literary device known the metaphysical conceit(✔).
-A metaphysical conceit is a complex and often lofty literary device that makes a
far-stretched comparison between a spiritual aspect of a person and a physical
thing in the world (✔).
–Poetry is the art of uniting Imagination with truth (❌)
– Vice, if it is shown, must inspire disgust (✔️
- In an essay on fiction ……… grounds critical judgement on morality; (Johnson-
Andrew marvell-both of them)
- Realism can be serene if it is not moral.(❌)
- The artist must polish real life and offer us an ideal image (✔️
- The new classicists were by no means devoted to slavish imitation of classics.
-The new classical vision of nature was very different from the meaning later given
to it by Romantics. (✔).
-One of the reasons behind Shakespeare’s enduring success is stability of truth
–Johnson’s drama is amirror of life ()

-Wit means a clever and humorous expression of some ideas (✔).

-Shakespeare distinguishes between what he calls true vs false wit ()

-The neoclassicists reacting against this idealistic tendency in renaissance poetics


-Neoclassicism refers to art ending from the early 17th century until around 1750


–Hegel established the history of philosophy as an important field of study.(✔).

–According to Alexander Bob culture and philosophy are nothing. ()
–Hegel felt that his own philosophy was superior. (✔).
-literary mystification is writing such as a manuscript or literary work (✔️
-Irony as co-extensive with poetry it is the best expression of the poetic
imagination breaking the limits of the matter (✔️ )
–William Blake’s call for cultivating the self, the noble savage.(✔).
–Jean Jacque and ( oriental ) Mysticism = Sufism ( pantheism ). ( )
-The neoclassical concept of nature was informed by Newtonian physics (✔️
-Pope uses the word “critic” in its original Greek senses of “judge” ( ✔️
-The tenor of most neoclassical thought was un retrospective and un conservative
-Comedy represents the highest grade of objectivity of the will ()
-Of important works by Hegal the Logic and the Philosophy of Right(✔).
-Boileau’s translation of “On the Sublime” was published in 1674. (✔️
-who defines the romantic paradox is romantic writer named crick( )
-schlegel sees that saracasmis a game between the stages of our stupidity and our
cunning(✔️ )
-Irony as defined by fried rich schlegel and K. W. F. slogger.(✔️
-The classical age of harmony is a kind of irony directed toward the poetic subject
himself, and towards his techniques and attitudes.()
-Contemporary (romantic) art is somewhat contaminated by the philosophical

spirit, and is abstract and reflexive.(✔️)

- Agreablnsisbased on sensation. (✔️)

- Goodness is based on understanding.(✔️

-Beauty is based on disinterestedness. ()
– Kant’s transcendental philosophy is based on the idea that our minds play an
active role in shaping our experience of the world (✔️
–Kant’s transcendental philosophy is a form of realism()
-Kant’s transcendental philosophy is associated with the American

Transcendentalist movement()

– They believe that the *Romantic* age has lost its link to the universe, its
mythology, and that only poetry can restore it.()
–The summit of Oriental art is architecture (massive, abstract and linked to
religious or political power).(✔️
–Transcendental philosophy is a branch of psychology. ()
–Transcendental philosophy is concerned with the content of experience. ()
–Transcendental philosophy is concerned with the form of experience. ( ✔️
–Kant’s transcendental philosophy is idealism (✔️
–Kant’s transcendental philosophy is realism ()

-Kant’s transcendental philosophy is pragmatism ( )

–Aesthetic pleasure is always accompanied by a judgment of beauty.()

-Aesthetic pleasure is always a positive experience. ()
-Aesthetic pleasure is always subjective.(✔️
-.A good critic must appreciate what is good( ✔️
–Without good breeding truth is disapproved (✔️
–The ideals of neoclassicism such as decorum, order, normality of experience and
moderation (✔️ )
–The ideals of neoclassicism were increasingly displaced by an emphasis on
collective experience .()
–An emphasis on originality and genius supplanted the primacy of imitation of
classical authors or nature.(✔️

–The concept of the sublime becomes fashionable again in the eighteenth

iththe*end* of Longinus. ()
century, w

eisapliedtosome object which is big, *regular * , frightening

and surprising in an agreeable way. ()

– , to enjoy the excitement of sublimity, the observer must

edistance fromthese objects and feel secure fromdanger .( )


-Alexander pope said there was no relationship between the style and the
content. ()
-The definition of language as a kind of dress for thought is not Pope’s own. ( ✔).
-Pope used the word “ornamental” frequently to describe the relationship
between style and content. ()
- What is normal, central and universal in human experience is the providential
order ()
-pope learn to judge the work as a whole, and not its isolated part ( ✔).
- Great chain of Being as pope expounds in his An essay on man is classical order ()
–Poetry is appreciated by Its teaching ()
–Addison affirms that aesthetic pleasure do not have any cognitive value ( ✔️

–A good critic must not have a sense of proportion ().

–A good critic knows when to forbear criticizing a great writer (✔️


–The critic must know a poet’s culture, religion, etc. before we attempt to judge

him ( ✔️

–James Thomson and John Dyer published poems with modern elements in the
late 1720s. ( )
–Horace Walpole ‘s Gothic novel, the castle of Otranto, was published in 1764.


–One of the qualifications Of a good poet is to abide by Horace’s advice for the
poet (✔️
–pope urges the critic to adopt habits of self-criticism and Dishonesty().
–The term of aesthetic humility associated with truthfulness ( ✔️
–Reason not as understood by the individualistic secular reason of the
enlightenment philosophers(✔).
–Alexander sees criticism as an art ()
–pope’s advice to both the poet and the critic to follow nature (✔).
–Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set
of assumptions().
–Eclecticism draws upon multiple theories, styles or ideas to gain complementary
insights into a subject (✔️
–The various secularizing movements govern/control the upper hand on nature,
God and man in pope’s conservative and retrospective views(✔️
-A philosophical poem was an attack on human arrogance or pride in failing to
observe the limits of human reason.(✔️
–love as the original sin().
-In terms of Newtonian mechanism and yet he expresses a broad deistic vision( ✔️

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