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You transcribe ,mark stress

Ashley: heɪ, ˈʤeɪsən. wʌt ɑr ju ˈduɪŋ? Jason // doing?

Jason: oʊ, aɪm ˈweɪtɪŋ fɔr maɪ mɑm. waiting // mom //
Maɪ baɪk hæz ə flæt ˈtaɪər. bike // flat
Ashley: ɪz ʃi ˈkʌmɪŋ raɪt naʊ? coming
Jason: jæ. ʃi wɜrks nɪr hir. works
Ashley: oʊ, ðæts gʊd. good.
Jason: soʊ, wʌt ɑr ju ˈduɪŋ? you
Ashley: aɪm ˈgoʊɪŋ hoʊm. aɪ doʊnt lɪv fɑr frʌm hir. Soʊ aɪ wɔk tu skul. going //
live // walk .
Jason: jʊr ˈlʌki! Lucky!

Identify the focus word and tonic syllable in each chunk or tone group
Ashley: Hey, Jason. What are you doing/? (Focus word: doing, Tonic syllable: do)
Jason: Oh, I’m waiting/ for my mom. (Focus word: waiting, Tonic syllable: wait)
My bike has a flat/ tire. (Focus word: flat, Tonic syllable: flat)
Ashley: Is she coming/ right now? (Focus word: coming, Tonic syllable: com)
Jason: Yeah. She works/ near here. (Focus word: works, Tonic syllable: works)
Ashley: Oh, that’s good/. (Focus word: good, Tonic syllable: good)
Jason: So, what are you doing/? (Focus word: doing, Tonic syllable: do)
Ashley: I’m going /home. I don’t live /far from here. So I walk /to school. (Focus
words: going, live, walk; Tonic syllables: go, live, walk)
Jason: You’re lucky/! (Focus word: lucky, Tonic syllable: luck)

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