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Name : Ersa Berliana

Course : Heat Transfer

Video Resume
1. Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted by a body due to its temperature

The first subject we learn is about EM spectrum that the equation attached below

The wavelength of thermal radiation From 1/10 micron out to 100 microns

2. The second subject s about Black body that has characteristics the best possibly emitter, absorbs
all incident radiation and it's a diffuse emitter.

3. After that here is the equation about Thermal radiation plotting

Planck's law, it tells us how a black body emits radiation

Ebλ is the spectral black body emissive power.
The units is = Watt/m2 μm
C1 and C2 are constants
λ is a function of wavelength
4. Based on the explanation from the graph below we can conclude that if things get hotter it will
get more energy, and for if temperature is constant it will looks like it goes through maximum,
also if the temperature get lower the peak value will moves to the right at longer wavelengths

5. Here is an equation of Displacement Law that we get from the video :

6. Here is an equation of Stefan Bolzman law that we get from the video :

From the attached picture above, we know that anything above absolute zero emits radiation no matter
how cold it is.
7. Below is how to finding how much energy is emitted between wavelengths of zero and a

Using table to get the data of F, F stands for fraction.

8. Below is graph and equation about band emission to find the fraction of the emissive power that
lies between two wavelengths.
9. The picture below is explain the process when radiation strikes the surface

Fisrt the radiation comes in, and then it will strikes the surface, that cause it called G. G is called the
irradiation/ the incoming radiation/ the incident radiation. Once it comes in to the surface, it can do
several things. it can be reflected. Reflected energy is ρG, ρ is reflectifity, Its values, it's dimensionless,
its values are between 0 and 1.

Some radiation can just go through the surface τG is transmitted, τ is called the transmissivity. It's
dimensionless. Its value can be between 0 and 1. some radiation can be absorb in the surface, αG.

And α is the dimensionless, abstractivity. Its value can be between 0 and 1.

10. Below is the equation of energy balance

G = αG + ρG + τG


when τ = 0, called Opaque surface, nothing gets through

11. The picture below explain the process of diffuse emitter

Diffuse emitter is a surface for which the intensity of emitted radiation is independent of direction.

It is a diffuse emitter : measured per unit area perpendicular to the direction, the energy is radiated
isotropically, independent of direction.

12. The picture below explain the process of diffuse reflector.

So, in comes the radiation beam G has no preferential direction. And the ρ G is a diffuse reflector

13. The picture below explain the process of Specular reflection

Specular reflection is a type of surface reflectance often described as a mirrorlike reflection of light from
the surface. In specular reflection, the incident light is reflected into a single outgoing direction.

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