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COC 2 – Conduct Competency Assessment Demonstration (20 minutes)

Before the start of this assessment, I already checked the assessment venue and before
you arrived, I’ve already ensured if the supplies and materials are available, the tools
and equipment are in good condition, the assessment package are complete and if the
safety requirements to conduct the assessment are is ensured.
Good morning candidates, welcome to Provincial Training Center Samboan, Cebu for the
conduct of the national assessment.
My name is Jezrel D. Maneja, an accredited competency assessor for COOKERY NC II.
(Note! Please wear your ID as ASSESSOR)
So, please stand for the prayer. Our father. Amen. Please take your seats. I would like to
acknowledge the presence of our TESDA representative, Mr. Jun Villamor/Mrs. Arlene
Mascardo. Good morning, sir/mam!
Candidates! You don’t need to worry about HIS/HER presence. He/she is only here to
oversee the conduct of competency assessment if it is in accordance with the standards
and methodology of this qualification. He/she will not assess you.
May I have the assessment package please! Thank you.
Before I start, let me first check the attendance. Please present me your admission slip
once your name is called.
(Let them sign the attendance sheet and compare the signature of the attendance
1. Yen Dingal – kindly affix your signature
2. Angel Anguilar – kindly affix your signature
Angel, I observed that there is inconsistency in your signature. Can I see your valid ID?
(Angel muhatag sa ID adto ni Jezrel). Next time, make sure that your signature is
consistent/identical. Thank you.
This is also to inform you that this assessment is recorded and monitored by CCTV
Camera, this is to protect the confidentiality of the assessment and certification process.
I have here with me a consent form, to comply the Date Privacy Act Law or RA no.
10173, this is to protect all forms of information, be it private, personal, or sensitive
because later on I will collect information from you. I’d like you to read and affix your
Thank you very much.
I have here with me your accomplished application form and accomplished self –
assessment checklist , which means that you know and can perform all the
competencies enumerated in this qualification.
I would like to welcome you all for our assessment in COOKERY NC II. The purpose of
our assessment is to determine the level of your competency and if you are qualified
enough to be a Cook, Commins, Chef, and Food Handler. The qualification of Cookery
NC II must acquire Certificates of Competency in all the core units of the Qualification.
This qualification consists of 3 groups of competencies – basic, common, and core. So,
the core has 13 unit of competency but clustered into 3.
 Prepare and cook hot meals
 Prepare and cook cold meals
 Prepare sweets
Successful candidates shall be awarded Certificates of Competency (COC).
The different task to be performed for Cookery NC II are Prepare and Cook Hot meals,
prepare and cook cold meals, and prepare sweets.
My role as your assessor is to collect evidences through written Test, demonstration,
and oral questioning. To determine your knowledge and skills for Cookery NC II, the
assessment method to be used will be written test, demonstration, and oral
questioning. And I will use rating sheet to assess your performance.
Let me ask you first, why are you here? What is the purpose of taking this assessment?
Probably, some of you here are waiting for a promotion, or ranking perhaps! However,
the most important purpose is that only to determine your level of competence in this
qualification! Am I right?
For your personal needs, the lavatory is located at the end of the hallway, and you can
take your meal or snacks located near the lobby.
As for the DO’s and DON’T’s inside the assessment center. Please follow all the rules
and procedures. You are not allowed to leave the premises especially during the
assessment. If you have any questions, clarifications, and difficulties, feel free to ask
me, but once the assessment has started, please refrain from asking questions for it is
Also, please observe safety as you perform different tasks. If accidents occur, call my
attention immediately so we can provide you the first aid. The first aid is located at the
right side of the assessment center, so feel free to use when needed.
Is there anybody here who are taking under medications? High blood or diabetic? Or
any unhealthy condition so that I can have an allowable adjustment during assessment.
Anyone? None? Very good!
At the end of the assessment, you will receive CARS (Competency Assessment Result
Summary) either COMPETENT or NOT YET COMPETENT. If you receive competent, it
means that you met the standards of this qualification, you can claim your National
Certificate after 1 day from the assessment, bring passport size ID with white
background. The validity of the certificate is 5 years. Otherwise, if you receive NOT yet
competent, it means you didn’t able to meet the standards of this qualification, but
don’t worry you can apply for re-assessment anytime at your own convenience. In case
you are not satisfied with the results, you have the right to appeal. And, you can submit
your report of appeal to the TESDA provincial office addressed to the Director Floro T.
Ringca where the assessment center and the assessors are accredited.
With regards to the result of the assessment, we observe strict confidentiality. It’s only
me, the TESDA representative, and you will know the result. This is to ensure the
integrity of the assessment as well as my credibility as your assessor. Actually, my role
as assessor is just to collect evidences based on your performances as well as to
observe you during your demonstration, I will not interrupt you! I will take down notes
for my observations. Right after your demonstration, I will ask some questions, and
then after we will have your feedback.
Do you have any questions?
If there are no questions, let’s have a 5 minutes break first!
Times up!
Okay, let’s start, I’ll give you now your assigned numbers.
You will be candidate no. 1 Angel and candidate number 2, Yen.
Ok. I’m sure everyone is ready for the assessment, Are you ready?
The first part of our assessment is written examination. This is a multiple-choice type of
test with 30 items good for 30 minutes. This is your questionnaire and this is your
answer sheet. Do you have questions about the instructions? Do I need to translate it
to your won dialect? Your time starts now? Time is up.
So, next is demonstration, lets proceed to the assessment room. Please wear your PPE
and observe safety as you perform the tasks.
This time we will proceed to the demonstration, I would like you to read the candidates
guide, please read it carefully for 15 minutes. If you have questions or clarifications
don’t hesitate to ask me.
For the materials and procedures, you will be given 4 hours to perform the 3 clusters
which are, prepare and cook hot meals, prepare and cook cold meals, and prepare
sweets. You need to demonstrate the 3 clusters of the competencies in this
Angel, you may now go to workstation 1.
Yen, you may now go to workstation 2.
Do you have questions or clarifications? Do you want to translate to your own dialect? If
none, your time starts now.
Time’s up! You’re done.
Ok. Thank you very much. It is now the time for me to check your output and
feedbacking. Let’s start with candidate no. 1, please follow me to the orientation area.
Candidate no. 2, please wait in the waiting room. I’ll just call you later.
(Conduct oral questioning to candidate no. 1)
How are you, Ms. Angel? Let’s proceed to the oral questioning. Please sit down.
Here’s your question:
1. When preparing, why do we need to wash our hands?
- To prevent the transmission of dirt
2. When preparing sandwiches why do we need to buy all the
necessary ingredients given?
- It is necessary to buy all the necessary ingredients to achieve the
correct taste of the food.
3. How can we prevent kitchen fire while working in the premises?
- Implement rigorous cleaning schedule, maintain kitchen
equipment, and have a fire suppression system.
Thank you so much.
Please wait. I will check your prepare.
Based on your performance, you were able to demonstrate properly the task based on
the correct guidelines. I like the way how you creatively present your sandwich, and
your pleasant confidence is overflowing. You have answered the questions in oral
questioning confidently and you also got 28 out of 30 in your written exam.
Ms. Angel, based on the evidence I have gathered, I find you competent in performing
COOKERY NCII. I would like to congratulate you for a job well done. Please sign this
rating sheet and Competency Assessment Results Summary (CARS) for the issuance of
national certificate.
Just give me a moment, I’ll let the AC manager to sign this document.
Sir, please this. Thank you!
Here is your CARS. You can claim your certificate after 1 working day. Please bring 50
pesos and passport size ID picture with white background. Thank you and
congratulations. (Handshake)
Do you have any questions?
Before you leave, the TESDA representative will give you the performance evaluation
instrument. Answer it honestly. Thank you so much.

Kindly call Yen. Before you leave this room, please perform housekeeping.
How are you Ms. Yen?
It is now the time for me to give the oral questioning.
Here’s your question:
4. When preparing, why do we need to wash our hands?
- To prevent the transmission of dirt
5. When preparing sandwiches why do we need to buy all the
necessary ingredients given?
- It is necessary to buy all the necessary ingredients to achieve the
correct taste of the food.
6. How can we prevent kitchen fire while working in the premises?
- Implement rigorous cleaning schedule, maintain kitchen
equipment, and have a fire suppression system.
Thank you so much.
Ms. Yen, in your demonstration, you were able to prepare and cook hot meals and
prepare and cook cold meals. However, you weren’t able to prepare sweets which is
also important. You should practice managing your time wisely. Moreover, in your oral
questioning, you answer it correctly and in you written exam you got 18 out of 30
items, you didn’t pass the exam.
Ms. Yen. Based on the result of my observation during your assessment, I find you not
yet competent in preparing sweets as one of the cluster of the core units of COOKERY
NC II. But I find you competent in the 2 clusters which is prepare and cook hot meals
and prepare and cook cold meals.
Nothing to worry about, you can have yourself reassessed again at your convenience.
Next time, please practice more for the next assessment. All you have to do is to fill up
again the application form and prepare 3 pcs passport size ID and the assessment fee.
Please sign this rating sheet and Competency Assessment Results and Summary.
Just give me a moment. I’ll let the AC Manager sign these documents. Sir, please
sign. Thank you!
Okay here is your CAR. Please sign it as well. Do you have questions?
Before you leave, the TESDA representative will give you the performance evaluation
instrument. Fill out it honestly. Thank you so much. You may now go back to the
orientation area. Before you leave the venue, please perform housekeeping.
I’m done with the assessment. I will now sign the attendance sheet, the RWAC
(Registry of Workers Assessed and Certified) and CARS (Competency Assessment
Results Summary). I will give this to the TESDA representative.
Miss Rep, these are the assessment result and documents for today. Thank you.
Goodbye everyone.

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