Adina Night Escape

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Last night I went for a ride with a friend at the train station.

We left home at
around 6 pm and we shortly arrived at the station. We rode around for a
while then decided to get back home. That’s when we met with a couple of
people, a boy and a girl. We knew the girl from before. The boy had a flat
tire on his bike. The girl wanted to send the boy home to Sacel but he
refused because he was too scared to go alone. The girl asked us to go
with him to his district. We agreed to lead the boy to the bridge nearby. We
went and the girl went her way. We had to walk because the boy had the
flat tire and needed to hold his bike up on a wheel. Ok, so we went while
the sun was setting and we went to the curve with the bridge and left him
there and went our way. He told us he was ok but on the left side of the
road there was a Sheppard and his flock and he was screaming at us
because he thought we burnt something to scare his cows. Needless to say
it wasn’t us. One of the guys went in front of us and tried to deal with the
Sheppard who was drunk. He started screaming at us, so we ran fast and
far. The boy said he didn’t want to leave his bike there. We had left it by the
bridge. The Sheppard went to him and threatened to cut us in half and whip
us. The boy tried to reconcile the situation and the Sheppard left saying if
we passed there again he would really cut us. It was already dark and we
got really scared. We were far from home and didn’t have our phones with
us. We didn’t know what to do, we tried to stop cars to try and call an adult
to pick us up. If nobody would have stopped we needed to go far in the
district to find the security man who could have helped us. Someone
with a car from Alba was passing by and we ran really fast, screaming and
making signs by hand. The man in the car was old, he was driving with his
wife. He told us he couldn’t help and entered his car. I thought he wouldn’t
help us but he left his car holding the phone and my friend, Ana, got a
chance to call her mom and ask her to come, telling her we were scared
and we didn’t know what to do. Her mother came and we finally felt safe.
But we needed to take the boy home so Ana’s mom didn’t know what to do
with his bike. Ana’s mom called her husband to come with his pick up truck.
He was very fast and put our bikes in the truck. Ana’s mom took the boy
home. We told both adults what had happened and we arrived to our
village we were relieved and promised not to go to the train station again.
We arrived at a quarter to eight. It was frightening.
It was a very dangerous experience. When we got home, Razvan, our
friend said “we did it”.

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