English Grammar Practice 2 The Verb - Laura Anton

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i.-..:o : t'4A R P RAC-r lcE

ed itat de
Ara beLla Mcl ntyre-Brown

1,.,," l. PRESENT FORMS ..........................p. 4 Future Perfect Continuous ..............p. 111
Present Tense Simple ......p.4 Future Forms: round-up test...................................p. 116

Present Tense Continuous .................p. 11 V. MODAL VERBS .p. 1 18

Present Continuous for Future Can/Can't/Could/Couldn't .....................................p. 1 1 B
Arrangements ............... ...p. 16 Have tq Must, Should.................. ......p.124
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple ...............p. 21 May, Might, Must........... ......................p. 129
Present Forms: round-up test ...................................p. 2b Modat Verbs: round-up test ....................................p. 1 33
Past Simple Tense ...........p.27 lmperatives:round-up test.............. .p.141
Regular Verbs vs. lrregular Verbs.............................p. 32 Vll. LIKES, DISLIKES, W|SHES ...................p. 143
Past Tense Continuous ........................p.38 lnfinitives ,p.147
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous ......p. 43 -lNG Forms p. 150
Past Habits. Used to ................. .............p.49 Likes, Distikes, Wishes: round-up test.................p. 54 1

Past Forms: round-up test .............. .....p.52 Vlll. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ...........p. 57 1

lll. PERFECT FORMS................... ...p.b4 ConditionalSentences Type 1 ....."p.157

Present Perfect Simple ..p.S4 ConditionalSentences Type 2 ......p. 160
Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Simpte ..........p. 60 ConditionalSentences Type 3 ......p. 164
Present Perfect Simpte vs. past Simp1e.................p. 64 ConditionaI Sentences: round-up test............... .p. 167
Present Perfect Continuous ...............p.69 lX. REPORTED (ITNDIRECT) SPEECH 16e "....p.
Present Perfect Simpte vs. present perfect lndirect Questions.. .......p.177
Continuous ..:.................... ..................."...p.72 Reported (lndirect) Speech: round-up test......"p. 1 g1
Past Perfect Simpte ........p.74 X. PASSIVEVOICE p. 183
Past Perfect Continuous ................... ..p.92 Tense Changes.... ..........p. 193
Past Perfect Simpte vs. Past perfect Modat Verbs........... ........";......................p. 1g6
Continuous Passive Sentences with Two Objects..................p. XBg
Perfect Forms: rou nd-up test ....................................p. g 1 Passive Voice: round-up test...................................p. 1 gg

lV. FUTURE FORMS ......................p.e4 Xl. OUESTION TAGS ..................p. 1e1
i Future Simpte Tense (Wilt) ............ ........p. 94 Question Tags: round-up test....... ...p.1g7

Future for lntentions and predictions Xll. PHRASAL VERBS .......................................p. 1 eB

(BE GOING To)............... ...p.98 PrepositionalVerbs ......p.2O2
Future Simpte vs. BE GOTNG TO Future .............p. 103 Phrasal Verbs: round-up test...................................p. 20b
Future Perfect Tense ...p. 106 ANSWER KEY .......... p.207
I Pn'ea'e*t Tou*a' n

Presenl Tense Simple

U5E - to tatl< about facts that are atways true:
He likes English. I live in London. Children like sweets. CI

- to tail< about repeated actions or daity routines (with adverbs of frequency such Di
as often, never, sometimes, always, rarely, or time expressions):
I often read poems. They sometimes go to the cinemo. 2. b.
They read the newspaper in the morning. 5i
- to tatl< about generaI truths or laws of nature: a.
Summer days are long. Woter boils at 7oo degrees Celsius. b.
FORM To form the Present Simpte, we use the subject (the subject pronoun or noun) and c.
the main verb. We add "-s" to the third person singutar in the affirmative. ln the
interrogative and negative forms we use the auxitiary verb DO/DON'T with I you,
we and they and DOES/DOESN'T with he, she, it e.
Affirmative: l/you/we/you/they eat he/she/it eats
Negative: l/you/we/you/they don't eat he/she/it doesn't eat 5. Ct
lnterrogative: Do l/you/we/you/they eat? Does he/she/it eat? All

in the morning/afternoon/evening, every day/week/month/yeor, on Sundays, at noon, Cfu

at night, at the weekend, at weekends Au



1. Read the text about Stephen Curry, and fil,t in the btanl<s with the correct Present Simpl.e .:1{,!

tense of the verb TO BE(am, is, arelz Oi

My name 1)--jt--- Stephen Curry and I 2)------- twenty-eight. I 3)----- a professionat basl<etbatl" pLayer for t$'
The Colden State Warriors. I 4) ----- from Al<ron, Ohio. My parents 5) -____- both former athletes. My brother Att
Seth 6)---,-- atso a professionaI basl<etbal"l. pl"ayer and my sister SydetlT) ----- a volleybat[ player. They Cli
8) ---,---- both singte. I 9) ---____ married, and rny wife's name 10) ------- Ayesha. I have two gir[s, Riley and A,lt
Ryan. I 11) --- _- considered one of the greatest shooters of atl time. Cli

2. a. Complete the email using the correct form of the verb TO BE. 4" Lor
He[to, Marl<!

How 1) --9!-e---Vou? I 2) tired but happy. lt 3)-- -- - 3 p.m.and right now I 4) in the hammock.
My hotiday 5) --______- very exciting because I learn something new every day. Life in the summer camp
6) ------ Ol(. Mv two room mates, Francesca and Sophia, 7l -------- verv friendlv. Thev 8) ------- lta[ian and
thev 9) both 12 vears o[d. Francesca's oarents 10) orofessional batlet dancers.
The weather 11)*------- sunny and every day we visit new ptaces. Our campsite 12)________ very close to the
zoo where there 13) a lot of animals til<e tigers, tions, chimpanzees and so on. Do you l<now that a
goritta t4) ______the [argest ape in the worLd? lt 15)________ 1.7 m tatt.

What about you? 16) your summer job hard?



2. b. Fil,t in the btanks with the correct form of the verb TO BE (am, is, arelin the Present
Simple tense:
a. How ___.,______ you? f. How ol.d __________ they?
b. What time ___ ______ it? g. What Francesca's parents?
c. Where vou now? h. What the weather [il<e?
d. What your room mates [il<e? i. How tatL ____.,_____ a goritla?
e. What their nationality?

5. complete the conversation using the right forrn of the verb ro BE.
Albert He[[o. What 1)___________ your name?
Ctaudia: My name 2)__________- Ethan. 3)____-_-____ you from Spain?
Albert: No,I4)______ _. |5)________

Ctaudia:6)___________ this your first visit to Engl.and?

Albert Yes, it 7l______-____ Who 8)_____ your room mates? 9)___---_____ they Engtish
Simpte like you?
Claudia: No, they 1O)__________ They 1r)____ __ from portugat and they 12)_____-____
ptayer for twin sisters.
brother Atbert: I see. When13)____:__ the l<araol<e show? 74)_:_____ it tonight?
: They Claudia: No, it 15)___ ____. lt 16)__________ at 9:30 tomorrow night.
Ritey and Atbert l7)_-_:___ you ready for it?
Ctaudia: Yes, I 18)___
Atbert Bye, see you later.

4- Look at the fottowing table and ask questions to find out what these people have got.
a Swarowslci 5D fridge A homemade A toy soldier A wooden
crystaI duck magnets shell necklace carving
My sister and I X X
Ted X X
Italian and
Mark and Simone X X

a. Mv sister and I -----lqy-e-------a Swarowsl<i crvstal ducl<. We a tov sotdier or a wooden 7. Rr
carving. A
b. We ______ 3 D fridge magnets and a homemade shetl necl<tace.
c. Ted a Swarowsl<i crystal duck. He 3D fridge magnets or a toy soldier.
d. He atso ____ a homemade shetl necl<tace and a wooden carvinq.

e. Marl< and Simone --__3D fridge magnets. TheV _______ a Swarowsl<i crystal
ducl< or a homemade shett necl<tace.

f. Thev also a tov soldier and a wooden carvins.

5. Malre questions using have goilhas gotand the prompts below:

a. Teddy/hazeI brown eyes? Has Teddy got hazel brown eyes?

b. Anna/straight hair?

c. They/gtasses? E
d. Anna/a stomach ache?
e. Miriam/a runny nose? F.;
f. Maria and Ceorge/a beautiful house? ;
g. Your father/a motorbike?

6. FiLt in the tabte with the right form of the verbs:

l/youiwe/they he/she/it l/you/we/they he/she/it
ptay plays catch
want teach
sing mlx al
Iive kiss c.t
tike mrss tu
sta rt wish 3;I
eat touch LN
drink cry cnes LU
cook try iNr
write study
[isten worry Ah
5ee carry
think stay L"q
tie say Llfr
wash washes Ptay au
watch pay
match tay
or a wooden 7. Read the jol<es and fiLl in the blanl<s with the right form of the verbs in bracl<ets:
A. " --------- --Do*y-ou know (you/know) the ABC?" the teacher ___,__ (ask) one of the

toy sotdier. "Of course, I do." _______ (answer) the girL.

"Then tetl me, ptease, which letter ___- (So) after A?,,

ruski crystal 'Al"t the others," ____ (say) the girt.

B. How ____ (a snowman/tose)weight?
He __________ _ (wait) for the weather to get warmer.
C. What is the first thing a l<ing or queen (do) when he or she (come) to the throne?
They _______ ______ (sit) down!

D. How (you/catch) the Easter Bunny?

You _____________ (hide) in a bush and ______,_______ (act) [il<e a carrot.
E. What (Adam/say)on the day before Christmas?
Answer: lt ___________, _ (be) Christmas, Eve!
F. A husband ----- (read) an article to his wife about how many words women __ (use)
a day: 30,00O to a man's 15,OOO.

The wife ----- (repLy), "lt's because we have to repeat everything to men.,,
The husband then ----- (turn) to his wife and _________ (ask): "what?,,

8. Choose the right auxitiary: DO or DOES.

a. Where Ool6J*'e Sun set?
b. What [anguage do/does the Brazitians speal<?
c. Do/does it snow in the desert?
d. What temperature do/does water boiI at?
e. When does/do babies start to waU<?
f. What does/do Scotsmen wear as a traditional outfit?
g. What sport does/do Noval< Djokovic ptay?
h. Where do/does the British prime minister [ive?
i. What do/does frogs eat?
j. How fast does/do penguins swim?

9. Lool< at exercise 8 again, then fitl in the right form of the verbs to find the answers to
these questions:

1. The Sun _____s_e_ls______ in the East. _-il__ 6. No, it

2. lt_-______ at 1OO degrees CeLsius. ______ 7. They ______ tartan l<il"ts. ____-_
5. They ____* 13 l<itometres per hour. ____*_ 8. They ______ around the age of t. ____
4. He -----*- tennis. ______ 9. He _______ at 10 Downing Street. ______
5. They ______ Portuguese. ______ 10" They insects. __-___

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