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In the discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels

of discourse. Please post your initial response as early as possible and continue to
participate throughout the unit. You are required to post an initial response to the
question/issue presented in the Forum and then respond to at least 3 of your
classmates’ initial posts. You should also respond to anyone who has responded to

For this Unit, please consider and then post on the following:

What are the current challenges in managing people and how can HRM help managers
overcome these problems?

In every establishment, people play a vital role in ensuring the smooth and efficient
running of operations.Senyucel, Z. (2009). From the highest ranking individual to the
least person, all have a level of prowess that qualifies them for designated positions in
an establishment thus without people, there would simply be an isolated room filled
with gadgets, tangible items, appliances and furnitures that remain static or in a state of
inertia until a force is applied. Hence, the need for Human resources management.

Human resource management is a comprehensive course that focuses mainly on on

employees welfare, recruiting not just competent and deft workers but providing
training and coaching employees etc. It is relatively similar to developing routine habit.
From the point of inception, when a employee is hire for the position. Senyucel, Z.

The HR role is to identify, and examine the individual in question. To discover their
strengths and potential areas where they would fit in perfectly and also how to make
them become a cross functional part of the team. The HR provide a sense of training
and coaching to encourage and motive new talents. Because HR are visionary leaders,
they have a strong vision for the company and ensure that each talents is committed
and possess a dogged attitude towards achieving the set goal for the company.
Senyucel, Z. (2009)

HR also improves the quality of life of employees by bestowing rewards and acclaiming
staff in recognition of their hardwork and relentless effort. By investing in employee
development, employees are able to attain the culminating peak of their careers as well
as the intended goal of the company.Senyucel, Z. (2009)

Despite, HRM cumbersome benefits there are also challenges that are involved in
managing people which includes

1.Communication- It is said that communication doesnt involve just talking alone but
the ability for people to assimilate and offer insight which could be through verbal or
non verbal communication. A company comprises of diverse individuals with different
tenets, beliefs and level of understanding. Hence, when communicating, it is imperative
that managers refrain from using ambiguous words but rather use simple terms that
are easy to comprehend. Secondly information needs to be dispersed in a timely
manner to improve efficiency and productivity. In addition, managers need to examine
employees to discover which mode of communication is best suitable. (Perkbox, 2021)

2. Constant source of motivation- as individuals we require words of encouragements,

laurels or incentives to spur us to do better. However when we are constantly inundated
with work and no source of empowerment, employees begin to develop a disgruntled
attitude towards work and the management. This in turn can affect productivity and the
business. Managers can begin by providing a clear picture of what employee stand to
achieve from embarking on some tasks regardless of the fact that its may not be
related to their field. (Perkbox, 2021)

3. Confronting performance problems- A decline in an employee's performance has the

inclination of affecting business activities therefore it is the role of a manager to inquire
the reason for this sudden change. In psychology, it is termed attribution, the process of
understanding the possible cause of behaviours or events. (Cherry, 2022)There are
myriad reasons why a person performance might dwindle down dramatically. Thus, it is
the role of the manager to discuss with the individual. Listen with empathy and help
them evaluate underlying causes for this behaviour. Aside listening, the manager need
to analyse these reasons and take a stand point by ensuring that such matters are
properly tackled and address.(Perkbox, 2021)

4. Letting employees go- In addition to the alighted topic, managers have to make the
decision of letting employees go. Typically, employees who infringe the companies
rules and regulations frequently. In order to maintain a balance between law and order
in an establishment. It is important that manager lay off unduly employees who are not
willing to comply with the organizations set rules. To avoid such scenarios, managers
need to ensure that there are proper laws in place and that employees are properly
briefed of the consequences of breaking these laws.(Perkbox, 2021)

5. Managing conflicts- in every organization, there must be disagreement. A period were

people are in lockhorn with each other. However, not all conflict are detrimental but
when it becomes subjective as a result of communication barrier, relationships conflict,
insufficient management, perceived unfairness etc. It is crucial that managers handle
conflict appropriately as unresolved conflict can affect productivity, morale and even
performance. By addressing the possible cause of the issue with radically transparency
and also ensuring to remind both parties of the consequence of defaulting the set rules
of the establishment.

● Personally, if you were a Human Resource Manager, what’s the biggest strength
you would bring the role? What would your biggest challenge be?

I believe if I were the Human Resource Manager, my biggest strength would be

that i am someone who is easily approachable, and listen with empathy to the
uncontrollable sobs and barriage of complaints from other employees. Often
times, employees feel apologetic and embarrassed for sharing such private
information regarding work. However, from the other end I listen with shock and
try to assimilate their concerns. Providing possible ways in which certain
situations can be handled. Additionally, there are some problems that are greater
and requires the attention of the management. I try to outline their cogent needs
to the board of directors and also ensure that valuable feedback is provided. I
also understand that as a Human Resource personnel, I cannot be overly
sentimental neither bias but remain neutral as I also embody the needs of the
company as well.

On the other hand, my biggest challenge would be change, adopting to change

can be daunting and gruelling. In a fast pace working environment, change is
inevitable. The HR manager has to deal with recruiting new talent, and decipher
the best candidate suitable for the role. Also, organizational change and
economic uncertainties can also affect employees performance. For instance,
HR is incharge of suggesting policies to their employer about employee benefit,
compensations and payroll. When the company’s board of directors refuse to
comply with these terms, it leads to people resigning and often times,
replacement for such positions do not occur immediately which leads to a
process called attrition. Attrition is simply the process where employees resign
due to dissatisfaction from work and are not replace by new recruits but rather
other staff are required to perform these duties without additional pay.


Senyucel, Z. (2009). Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century. Bookboon.

Perkbox(2021). 10 management challenges and how to overcome them. Retrieved from

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