GE 8 (Ethics)

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Clarence L.

Ethics: Module 8

a. ’’Never treat a person as means to an end.’’

To treat someone as an ‘’end’’ is to regard him or her as deserving of
respect and consideration, which in turn requires acknowledging and
approaching him or her as a rational, freely choosing agent and to treat someone
as a ‘’means’’ is to regard him or her from the standpoint of your own personal
desires, asking in which ways this person’s abilities and resources can be put to
the task of satisfying them.

Human being should be treated as ends and not as means. We must treat
each and every one as an end not as means. We must not use other person for
our own good and for your own sake or for your own personal needs, and we
must not treat/use them like a toy that we are just with them if we have
something needed to them, in short, we must not use them for our own personal
desires. Instead of treating them as a means, we must treat with all our respect
and as we treat our self, as we love ourself.

Treating human beings as ends is not all that difficult. It is

the way we give and take respect. the way we give importance
to our fellow beings, the way we appreciate their efforts. Even if
we do not perform any good deed, we can holdup the idea of
treating humans as ends just by avoiding any bad work or mis-
using them.

b. ” He /she who has lived justly by doing his/her obligation dutifully is the most
fitting for happiness.”
According to Kant, Happiness cannot be a motivation for the ethical
obligation of a man. Happiness is a gift. He/she who lived justly is worthy of the
gift of happiness. Therefore, need not be hard hearted in the pure preoccupation
of duty as obligatory. Duty can also be an expression of hope that he/she can
make himself/herself worthy of happiness. Duty can also be an expression of
love, that this love become the source of happiness to achieve unity. where the
love turns to happiness that make our life become meaningful.

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